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New York City Road Crossing

Wait, "no monthly fee"?

“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.”

That dull, brown (sometimes pretty!) place you visit when you're not traversing time and space, slaying vampires, dressing like a flying mammal to fight a clown, learning wizardry, stopping terrorists, saving the world or destroying it, saving the galaxy, dissing the Korean War from the rear, riffing at awful movies, going boldly where no one has gone before, fighting monsters all over the country while driving a cool muscle car, or participating in some other horrendously addictive activity.

Best known for being the sole work in a completely different medium of its own, called "Reality". Surprisingly good graphics for a legacy system. For a work that appears to have taken a damned long time to develop before release to the general public, it ought to be good.

Supposedly contains the Daystar, that terrible orb that burns you and gives you cancer. Sometimes considered an inaccurate reflection of the true world of fiction. Recommended as part of a balanced diet. Beware of characters who end up here.

Also the name of a webcomic whose actual connection to real life varies. "Varies" having the meaning here of including Time Travel and Humongous Mecha.

Some claim it's Better Than It Sounds.

A not-infrequent source of accounts of Muse Abuse, in-universe or otherwise.

Holds the world record for the longest-running series of all time. It is unlikely to be cancelled anytime soon[1] , even though it has been critically panned and ratings continue to fall.

See also: Truth in Television. Do not confuse with similar Realism.

Note: Be sure to read the No Real Life Examples, Please page to make sure the trope examples you add aren't listed there, as those tropes are devoid of Real Life examples for various different reasons. The list isn't exactly small, so there's a high chance that your future contribution is subject to a revert.

Real Life Provides Examples of:[]

  1. There have been some fakeouts in recent years, but we won't know if it's coming soon until the time comes...