A Shoot'Em Up released on Steam on February 24 of 2012. Has a lot of unlockable modes. Needs a Better Description.
Tropes found in Really Big Sky Include:
- Bullet Hell: The Laser Boss and Hell mode.
- Easy Mode Mockery: You can't upload your score in Peaceful? Mode.
- More Dakka: Several of the upgrades you can buy for Classic and Remix mode increase your firepower.
- Nintendo Hard: The whole game, but especially Nightmare and Hell mode.
- One-Hit-Point Wonder: You, of course, but this can be subverted by buying the Radioshield upgrade in Classic mode or selecting it as a perk in most of the other modes.
- Randomly Generated Levels
- Stuff Blowing Up
- This Is a Drill: Part of what sets this game apart from other Shoot 'Em Ups is that you can drill through asteroids and the like.