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The Farseer Trilogy:[]

  • Alternate Character Interpretation:
  • Complete Monster: Regal, in spades. Thinks nothing of murdering his own teenage nephew with his bare hands, partly to cover his tracks and partly because he just hates him; enjoys torturing people and having them tortured, including his own subordinates; kills his own father and tries to kill his own brother (several times); is incredibly self-centred with delusions of grandeur; villifies his heroic brother and sister-in-law as incompetents and traitors (respectively); sacrifices half the kingdom to Chaotic Evil pirates because he only cares about being king of the other half...yeah, he's kind of a dick. His only chance of redemption turns out to be Brainwashing for the Greater Good, and that still doesn't save him from some well-deserved Laser-Guided Karma
  • The Scrappy: Starling is presented as a strong, independent, Ethical Slut, Betty and Veronica counterpart to Molly. She comes off like an arrogant Jerkass.
  • Tear Jerker - First book ends on one, second book ends on one, THE ENTIRE THIRD BOOK IS ONE.
  • The Woobie - Fitz's life kinda sucks. A lot.
    • Iron Woobie - He broods over it quite a bit, but doesn't let it slow him down.

The Liveship Traders:[]

  • Moral Event Horizon - Kennit seems to divide the fanbase. According to some, he never really crosses the line, on account of being a Complete Monster. According to others, he stays on the very edge for quite some time, but then he rapes Althea and blows all his chances of redemption.
  • The Woobie - Poor Wintrow. And Vivacia. And plenty others, even if Wintrow and Vivacia take the cake.

The Tawny Man:[]

The Rain Wilds Chronicles:[]

  • Hollywood Homely: Alise, with her red hair and freckled complexion, seems to be this.
  • The Woobie: Relpda in Dragon Haven's first part.