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Rblack 4493

She, she, she so excited!

A 14-year-old female pop singer who gained memetic status for her single "Friday".

Warning To Tropers: Rebecca Black is a polarizing artist, so try to refrain from a Justifying Edit or a Take That.

Rebecca Black provides examples of:[]

"I decided not to give the haters the satisfaction that they got me so bad I gave up."
Rebecca Black, on turning down ARK's offering to take her video down.
  • Who Writes This Crap?: In one video, Rebecca Black pokes fun at the fact that there is a 13-year-old driving a car in the "Friday" music video.
    • Several other parodies have touched upon this too, usually resulting in Black's car crashing violently or being driven off a cliff. See "Brock's Dub", the most popular of these. Black Comedy, indeed...