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A 14-year-old female pop singer who gained memetic status for her single "Friday".
Warning To Tropers: Rebecca Black is a polarizing artist, so try to refrain from a Justifying Edit or a Take That.
Rebecca Black provides examples of:[]
- Artistic License Music: In "My Moment", there are a bass player and guitarist visible. Neither instrument is heard in the song.
- Ascended Extra: The girl in pink/friend on the right has a song out too
- Biting the Hand Humor: Rebecca Black has made numerous videos making fun of "Friday" and seems to be trying to make up for her participation in it.
- Then again, she put it back on her Youtube channel. On a Friday.
- The Cameo: In Katy Perry's Last Friday Night As Herself in a brown wig.
- Celebrity Resemblance: To Lea Michele.
- Cute but Cacophonic: When Autotune is involved.
- Determinator: As detailed in the quote under Turn the Other Cheek.
- Hidden Depths: Her reasons for recording an acoustic version of "Friday".
- Humble Beginnings: In the span of two months, she went from Vanity Publishing Justin Bieber cash-in to wealthy songstress with a very distinct persona.
- Little Miss Snarker: Girl's got a quick wit, as seen in her behind the scene videos.
- One-Hit Wonder: Neither My Moment nor Person of Interest got as much attention as Friday did. Both songs were forgotten quickly.
- No-Hit Wonder: Not even "Friday" cracked the top 100 in most played songs in America the week it was released to radio.
- Playing Gertrude: She's just fourteen, but the song Friday implies that she and her friends are of driving age. Lampshaded by Black herself - see Who Writes This Crap?.
- Self-Deprecation: The rap remix was actually created by Ark Music Group themselves!
- Rebecca herself made fun of her song in a series of videos for Friday Or Die as part of their "Black Friday April Fools gag.
- Signature Song: "Friday".
- Spoiled Sweet: Her parents have gone on record saying that they dropped thousands on a whim for ARK Music Factory's production of Friday. Regardless of the connotations that might bring, Rebecca seems like a very sweet and intelligent girl.
- Stealth Parody: "Prom Night", an autotuned, low-production-valued song with similarly repetitive lyrics and similar ill-fitting rap, was passed off as a Rebecca Black song for a while.
- Take That: Her new song My Moment.
- Turn the Other Cheek: Rebecca and her friend (the girl in pink) seem to be really classy about being the laughingstock of the Internet. She and her friend have been taking the comments in stride and seem to be really level-headed.
"I decided not to give the haters the satisfaction that they got me so bad I gave up."
—Rebecca Black, on turning down ARK's offering to take her video down.
- Who Writes This Crap?: In one video, Rebecca Black pokes fun at the fact that there is a 13-year-old driving a car in the "Friday" music video.
- Several other parodies have touched upon this too, usually resulting in Black's car crashing violently or being driven off a cliff. See "Brock's Dub", the most popular of these. Black Comedy, indeed...