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- In the UK, Mars had a popular advert for Milky Way that involved an (anthropomorphised) blue car racing a red car. A year or two later they revamped their campaign by remaking the same advert...but now with blue and red spaceships racing IN SPACE!
Fan Works[]
- Dark Secrets is a Lifetime Movie of the Week IN THE POTTERVERSE! The Last War is even more so.
- Starhorse is horses...IN SPACE!
- Elemental Goddess is an Off-Model Sailor Moon {{[[[Where the Hell Is Springfield?]] somewhere}}-]!
- Decks Fall Everyone Dies is Moulin Rouge!...WITH CARD GAMES! In Jamerica!
- Pokémon Crossing is Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire...WITH TALKING ANIMALS!
- Demons & Wizards is Iced Earth WITH HANSI KÜRSCH ON VOCALS!
- The Chronicle of the Black Sword is The Elric Saga AS A Rock Opera!
- The music video for Amerika by Rammstein has the band playing... ON THE MOON.
- They Might Be Giants' The Ballad of Davy Crockett in Space, for obvious reasons.
- Also, there's "She Was a Hotel Detective (In the Future)", also for obvious reasons.
- Tanz der Vampire is The Fearless Vampire Killers AS A ROCK OPERA!
- Dance of the Vampire is Tanz Der Vampire IN ENGLISH AND PLAYED FOR Camp!
- The Threepenny Opera is The Beggars Opera IN GERMAN AND Darker and Edgier!
- Star One is an Arjen Anthony Lucassen Rock Opera project IN SPACE!
- Whispered is Children of Bodom IN Feudal Japan!
- Psychedelic Rock: Rock music ON DRUGS!
- Little Big Town is Fleetwood Mac WITH COUNTRY INSTRUMENTATION!
- Alabama is the Eagles WITH COUNTRY INSTRUMENTATION! (The same could also be said of almost any 1980s county band, such as Restless Heart or Exile.)
- Muse really is Queen IN SPACE!
- Klymaxx is The Runaways AS AN R&B BAND!
- The video to A1's cover of A-ha's "Take on Me" is set IN CYBERSPACE!
Myths & Religion[]
- Recycling is common for many religions and traditions. So much that tracking the origins is difficult.
- Adult Swim is Nick at Nite ON CARTOON NETWORK! Oh, and NOT SAFE FOR KIDS!
- Baby TV is Nick Jr. IN THE UK!
- The Hub is Nickelodeon WITH HASBRO CHARACTERS!
- Space Channel is Sy Fy IN CANADA!
- Teletoon is Cartoon Network IN CANADA!
Pro Wrestling[]
- The Nexus is the New World Order AS BITTER ROOKIES! IN WWE!
- Degeneration X is the New World Order WITH THE OTHER CLIQUE MEMBERS! IN THE WWF!
- Immortal is the New World Order IN TNA]! AGAIN!
- The Attitude Era is the WWF FOR ADULTS!
- Evolution is The Four Horsemen WITH TRIPLE H!
- Fortune is The Four Horsemen IN TNA!
Puppet Shows[]
- The Muppet Show has Pigs IN SPACE! Say it properly: PIGS! IN! SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!
- Orson Welles's radio production of Julius Caesar IN A POLICE STATE! catapulted him to national fame.
- The Green Hornet and Kato are The Lone Ranger and Tonto IN THE CITY! WITH A COOL CAR!
- The short-lived action figure series K9 Corps recycles the concept of the similarly short-lived Road Rovers... ONLY Darker and Edgier!
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figures have series IN SPACE! AND PLAYING SPORTS! AND AS SUPERHEROES! AND SCUBA DIVING! AND AS CLOWNS!? ETC.!
Web Animation[]
- Parodied in Homestar Runner with Limozeen: But they're in space! which, as you can guess, was about a Fake Band adventuring around space in their tour bus/space ship. It was cancelled during the airing of its pilot episode.
Strong Sad: But why are they in space? There's no reason for them to be in space! |
- Bonus Stage started being set "But They're In Space" at the end of episode 50 and on.
Web Comics[]
- Stage-Select subcomic Here is a Question discussed this for one strip, suggesting the phenomenon of this trope in the 1960's was due to the excitement of the space race. Then the money grubbing author decides to hop on the bandwagon and reformatted the comic into - you guessed it - Here is a Question IN SPACE! A mild Rage Against the Author later, the comic returned to normal.
- Idiots in Space is Ctrl+Alt+Del IN SPACE!
- Ctrl+Alt+Del itself is Penny Arcade WITH A GIRL! AND (eventually)
CONTINUITYCerebus Syndrome! - See also Two Gamers on a Couch.
- VG Cats is Ctrl+Alt+Del WITH SOCIOPATH CATS!
- And given that the in-comic title of Idiots in Space is Ethan Mac Manus: Space Archaeologist, that's almost definitely Indiana Jones IN SPACE!
- Ctrl+Alt+Del itself is Penny Arcade WITH A GIRL! AND (eventually)
- Venus Ascending is Venus Envy IN SPACE!
- Arthur, King of Time and Space is Exactly What It Says on the Tin!
- Sluggy Freelance features "Stick Figures IN SPAAAACE!"
- Last Res0rt is The Running Man... WITH FURRIES!
- By the same author Rework The Dead is a Zombie Apocalypse... WITH FURRIES!
- Starslip is an art museum strip IN SPACE, and its characters know it. They drink "space grog," try not to get "behind space-schedule," and shout "GOOD SPACE HEAVENS!" when surprised.
- This Dinosaur Comics page has T-Rex become SPACE REX! In SPACE!!!
- Daisy Owl is Achewood FOR KIDS!
- Ozy and Millie is Calvin and Hobbes... WITH FURRIES!
- Fabuland Housewives is Desperate Housewives WITH LEGO Funny Animal CHARACTERS!
- Cleopatra in Spaaace! is also Exactly What It Says on the Tin!
- DM of the Rings is Lord of the Rings... AS AN RPG!
- Darths and Droids is Star Wars... AS AN RPG!
- Or DM of the Rings...WITH STAR WARS!
- According to protagonist Doug, One Small Step is Knight Rider IN SPACE!
- Order of the Stick is This Very Wiki AS A FANTASY WEBCOMIC.
Web Original[]
- Ad Astra Per Aspera is best described as 1984 IN SPACE!
- Survival of the Fittest is Battle Royale... WITH TERRORISTS! IN AMERICA!
- The first episode of Flash Tub's "Jefferson Brothers" on Something Awful is "In Space". Lampshaded in its Easter Egg.
- Bum Reviews is The Nostalgia Critic but with A CRAZY OPTIMISTIC HOMELESS PERSON!
- The Nostalgia Chick is the Nostalgia Critic... WITH BOOBS SO IT'S OKAY FOR HER TO REVIEW CHICK FLICKS!
- Film Brain is the Nostalgia Critic IN ENGLAND!
- That Dude in the Suede is the Nostalgia Critic IN NEW ZEALAND! AND ONLY REVIEWS ANIME!
- The fastest way to describe Imperium Nova is probably A Song of Ice and Fire... IN SPACE! Referring things as being IN SPACE! is also a running joke among the playerbase.
- The News Team Assemble started with the comedic "We're So Gangsta Rap." They then returned with "Space Rap," possibly meant as a Lampshade Hanging.
- A popular epithet for 4chan's paranormal board /x/, particularly since its saturation by /b/'s userbase around late 2008, is "/b/ with ghosts".
- Marble Hornets is The Blair Witch Project, On YouTube, with Slender Man!
- Le Joueur Du Grenier is The Angry Video Game Nerd, only french.
- A spoofed running gag in a lot of Roger Van Der Weide movies.
- By their own admission, EPICMEALTIME is Jackass IN THE KITCHEN!
- The Randomverse is Seinfeld and/or Cheers [1] WITH SUPERHEROES!
Real Life[]
- Any form of space travel, really. HUMANS IN SPACE!
- The new Informatics Forum of the University of Edinburgh has, above the main entrance, in big friendly letters: "The University of Edinburgh IN SPACE!"
- Many universities has three semesters of calculus, where Calculus III is Calculus I and II IN 3D SPACE!
- After learning about vectors on a plane comes vectors IN SPACE!
- Similarly, multi-variable calculus is calculus, IN 3-D SPACE!!
- The United States started out roughly as the United Kingdom AS A REPUBLIC IN AMERICA!
- Australia started out roughly as the United Kingdom WITH SAND!
- Hubble is a telescope... but IN SPACE!
- And it's repaired by space shuttles, which are airplanes IN SPACE!
- Tang is orange juice that only became popular after astronauts drank it IN SPACE!
- New Orleans's French Quarter is Paris IN AMERICA!
- And Quebec is a dual-language (English and French) France... IN CANADA!
- Head on out to Chicoutimi or Rimouski or Rivière-du-Loup and see how "dual-language" it is.
- Alternately, Quebec is (in the words of a francophobic wag on a trip to Montreal in winter) "the Louisiana of Siberia."
- And Quebec is a dual-language (English and French) France... IN CANADA!
- The Mateba Grifone is the Mateba Unica 6 AS A CARBINE!
- Explosions IN SPACE!
- Zero-G Spot is, as the Laconic page says, sex IN SPACE!
- The Wikipedia equivalent, "Sex in space", is about EXACTLY WHAT IT SAYS ON THE TIN!
- This article/video describes the light show made when you explode an H-Bomb. IN SPACE!
- Byzantium is The Roman Empire IN THE EAST!
- The OCR Physics A level in England. A levels have two sections; AS and A2. When asked what was covered in A2, this troper's teacher replied "It's basically AS module one IN SPACE."
- This sort of premise has been seen in venture capital investing, in which it becomes shorthand to describe some new idea as "X for Y" where X is some preexisting thing and Y is some new demographic. (For example, "Groupons for Moms.") Venture capitalist Ethan Kurzweil has written an article decrying this tendency as lazy and possibly detrimental to creativity.
- St. Vladimir was King Manasseh IN RUSSIA!
- C++ was originally called (and originally was) C....WITH CLASSES!
- Solar power has failed to take off on a large scale, but experts want to try again IN SPACE!
- Space weather. It's weather. IN SPACE! Except it's actually life-threatening radiation. IN SPACE!
- ↑ Depending on the episode