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A Game Mod for Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars, Red Alter takes place in an Alternate Timeline where World War Two ended differently and resulted in a Cold War with a much higher technological level than Real Life. There are three factions to play: The Alliance, basicly the equivalent of the NATO, the Soviet Union Red Army and a sinister, as of yet unrevealed faction. As of now, it can be described as a Darker and Edgier version of the later Red Alert games, or staying faithful to the Grimdark setting that is the original Red Alert.

The mod is as of yet unreleased, but ingame shots, ingame videos and a lot of concept art can be seen at its Mod DB page here.

The Alliance[]

Soviet Union[]

Unknown Third Faction[]

  • The Un-Reveal: As of yet, it is unknown who they are and what they want.