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  • Actor Allusion:
    • Sun Shangxiang dressing as a guy while watching a ball game... with martial arts...
    • Zhao Wei would again dress as a man while playing the titular character Hua Mulan.
    • There's a possible jab at Lin Chiling's career in modelling, when Zhou Yu drinks her tea and praises it to her face, like he was in a commercial.
      • Speaking of whom, Zhou Yu interrupts Zhang Fei's calligraphy practice in order to analyze his handwriting. This was actually a plot point when Tony Leung starred in Hero.
  • Dueling Movies: With another Three Kingdoms movie, subtitled Resurrection of the Dragon, set several chapters later and starring Andy Lau as Zhao Yun.
  • What Could Have Been: Ken Watanabe (of The Last Samurai fame) was originally selected to potray Cao Cao, but Chinese audiences were too vocal in protesting having a Japanese actor portray a known Chinese historical figure. John Woo wanted to avoid Unfortunate Implications, so went with Zhang Fengyi. Also, Chow Yun-Fat would've been playing Zhou Yu, and was earlier considered to portray Liu Bei, but pulled out following a dispute with the producer for not having enough time to prepare for the script. In fact, Tony Leung was Woo's first choice to play Zhuge Liang, but he turned it down; Leung came back onto the set as Zhou Yu, due to the urgency in being unable to cast Chow.