- Alas, Poor Scrappy: Freddy Lounds is a (intentionally) completely unlikable character, but he certainly didn't deserve to be set on fire by Dolarhyde.
- The recording of Lounds forced to deliver Dollarhyde's message is the point where the investigators realize that they've been underestimating their unsub. Tooth Fairy? Who's that?
Lounds: I have had a great privilege. I have seen with... wonder and awe the strength of the Great Red Dragon. He has helped me to understand his splendor... and now I want to serve him. He knows you made me lie, Will Graham. Because I was forced to lie... he will be more merciful to me than to you. |
- Broken Base: Manhunter (1986) vs Red Dragon (2002); which is better?
- Complete Monster: Surprisingly averted. Not only does Francis Dolarhyde recieve a very sympathetic backstory, thanks to Reba's influence in his life, he winds up coming into conflict with his evil side ("the Dragon") and showing pain and regret for the two horrible massacres he's committed, and even winds up not going through with his planned third one.
- Hannibal was originally supposed to be a Complete Monster, and this was indeed how he was first described by Will Graham in Red Dragon for want of a "proper" diagnosis. He comes off as more of a Magnificent Bastard here. His later Villain Decay is one of the problems people have with Hannibal Rising.
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel
- Magnificent Bastard: If anyone can be considered one, it's Lecter.
- Mind Game Ship
- Narm Charm: "Ride with me. For my pleasure." Helped by Ralph Fiennes accent.
- Seinfeld Is Unfunny: Some modern readers have decried Dolarhyde, a vicious psychopath who does the most horrible things possible to the most undeserving people possible but has a traumatic childhood that makes him sympathetic, as a cliche. Clearly they're unaware of how groundbreaking this was at the time.
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: In the original book of Red Dragon, Hannibal Lecter is a One-Scene Wonder who appears for about seven pages. Good pages, but still. The VHS/DVD release for the first film now advertises it as "the beginning of Hannibal Lecter's legacy" and the poster for the second film is mostly a giant picture of his head.
- Squick: What Dolarhyde does with his victims.
- The Woobie: Reba McClane, particularly as played by Emily Watson.
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Francis Dolarhyde.