In White Rain, it is Sasuke who is the Red Oni to Naruto's Blue, strangely enough. Their relationships also have the same distinction.
Winter War gives us Ikkaku and Nanao, the co-leaders of the Hueco Mundo mission. Ikkaku is a Hot-BloodedBlood Knight with a newly acquired habit of giving nicknames and a physical fighter with no aptitude for kidou. Nanao is a serious, methodical, control obsessive Badass Bookworm and kidou specialist who so far has avoided hand-to-hand combat.
In Scooby-Doo! Green, Yellow, and Red and Wicked, All Over, there's also an infamous Weatherly sisters named Ingrid and Andrea Weatherly. They even have default crimson red and ultramarine blue outfits respectively.
In Green Arrow: The Daughter of Irene Weatherly has the titular main anti-villainess Irene Weatherly being the loud, hotheaded red who'll jump into battle without a thought, especially if they've made her daughter Sabrina McInnis cry. Her brother-in-law Bradley "Brad" McInnis (Sabrina McInnis's paternal uncle) is the calm, rational blue who tends to think through his actions before acting on them. Not only do their battle auras match their personalities, it also reflects in their combat styles with Irene tends to punch and smash her enemies, while Brad uses shuriken-like projectiles.