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Zodd: I'm going to take a wild guess and assume that you two have a Naruto/Sasuke best friend/eternal rival thing going on.

Guts: Uh...that's great. Are you going somewhere with this?

Zodd: Do you remember a little thing called "Valley of the End"?

Guts: So you're saying that Griffith and I are going to have a falling out, and Griffith is going to turn into a winged, lipstick monster. That seems a little farfetched.


Garcie!Bass: Why do I think this is basically perfect matching? One's idealistic and loves justice, the other just loves to snark.

Raidou: ... Wow. You are right, Bass. It's an extraordinarily fitting thing.

Garcie!Bass: The only thing to complete it is if [Garcie] and Luca were originally rivals.

Garcie: Heh, yeah. Wait, does Luca's Incarnate count?

Raidou: Garcie was technically created by an evil mad scientist, much like Luca. And Garcie originally opposed a version of Luca.

Plenair: So you are saying that in a way, they were originally rivals?

Raidou: In a way.

Garcie!Bass: Good point.

Luca!Mega Man: I... Think so.
We Are Our Avatars

If Leafpool is like water, calm, deep running, reflecting the stars, then Squirrelflight is fire. She has energy to scorch every tree in the forest, and a tongue that could leave scars in beech bark.


Luke Cage: You should be usin' that magic fist of yours to crack heads, not focus your feng shui.

Iron Fist: Focusing my chi. Maybe if you were open to focusing your own energy, you wouldn't be so angry all the time. It's not healthy, Luke.
The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, "To Steal an Ant-Man"