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Basic Trope: A reporter braves a dangerous situation in order to get the 'scoop'.
- Straight: The reporter braves a hurricane to report on the weather, on the orders of their superiors.
- Exaggerated: The reporter fights their way to the eye of the storm, fending off looters and bandits, in order to get the best angle. Any time they ask to be allowed out of the area, they are denied the option.
- Justified: The hurricane has a potentially deadly aspect to it that, left unchecked, could destroy an entire swathe of America. No-one will believe it, so the reporter has to get the information out himself.
- Inverted: While on a job in a war-torn area, the enemy's scouts endure great risks to file reports on what the reporter is doing - and the reporter puts their feet up in an allied base camp.
- Subverted: The reporter avoids reporting from dangerous situations at all costs.
- Double Subverted: The reporter avoids dangerous situations because they're not dangerous enough to be worth his time.
- Parodied: The reporter is a total coward (as in Subverted), but somehow keeps finding themselves sent to more and more horribly dangerous situations, becoming revered as a hero in the process.
- The reporter comments in the middle of very dangerous situations while blithely unaware of what's going on around them.
- Deconstructed: The reporter seeks out dangerous situations to report from due to a crippling sense of inadequacy, which they slowly overcome throughout the film. Realising this, he quits and takes down his corrupt news agency (which clearly doesn't value human life) in the process.
- Reconstructed: In overcoming his inadequacies, the reporter realises that he's performing a vital service to everyone.
- Zig Zagged: The reporter supposedly avoids dangerous situations because they're not worthy of his time, until a really, unarguably dangerous situation hits, at which point he's revealed as a Miles Gloriosus figure who is terrified of everything. Unimpressed, his co-workers force him into the situation as revenge, at which point he begins to discover hidden reserves of courage.
- Averted: There is nowhere dangerous to report from. Or, there is a dangerous situation, but there just isn't a reporter (shown) on-site.
- Enforced: A brave NBC News Reporter is written into the story, due to the story being broadcast on NBC.
- Lampshaded: A low-status reporter is chosen from amongst his fellow, 'more important' reporters, to go to the danger zone. He reacts with a resigned lack of surprise, and accepts his status as network Butt Monkey.
- Invoked: An editor is discussing a troublesome underling, and wonders aloud whether making them a war reporter might solve the problem.
- Exploited: The hero is stuck in the middle of a disaster. No worries, they stride confidently into the very middle of the disaster zone, and wait for a news helicopter or truck. Once it arrives, they either catch a lift out or hijack it, depending on the character/story.
- Defied: A news agency explicitly refuses to allow its reporters into any situation that could be risky. Possibly out of insurance concerns.
- Discussed: Some sceptical characters discuss how likely it would be a reporter would actually be in any danger, given the huge resources and back up of major news networks.
- Conversed: The characters have a conversation about the likely lifespan of anonymous reporters in disaster movies.
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