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For a very serious work about World War III, Red Storm Rising has a few darkly humorous moments.

  • The surreal, almost Monty Python-esque moment when the downed American flier aboard his life raft is "taken prisoner" by a downed Russian flier - who quickly rescinds his claim when he learns that the American is the one with the akula repellent.

  Chapayev: (while awaiting rescue with Commander Davis) Aren't we two sorry sons of bitches.

  • The wonderful description of Alekseyev commandeering the troop train in Moscow. He arrives abruptly, screams at the divisional commander, who goes off to scream at his regimental commanders, who go off to scream at their battalion commanders, and all the way down the line for ten minutes until the screaming was done at the squad level. Only then does the division finally get moving. Armies, huh...
  • The "attitude check" for the control tower crew at Keflavik Air Force Base, Iceland:

 First Lieutenant Michael Edwards: Let's have an attitude check!

Tower crew: I hate this fucking place!

Edawrds: Let's have a positive attitude check!

Tower crew: I positively hate this fucking place!

Edwards: Let's have a negative attitude check!

Tower crew: I don't like this fucking place!

Edwards: Let's have a short attitude check!

Tower crew: Fuckit!

  • Going into the 'backwoods' of Iceland, the Marines following Edwards decide to push this 'wimpy weather man' to the limits of his endurance, then they found out what he did as a hobby.

 Sgt Smith: You mean I've been trying to walk a damned runner into the ground?

Edwards: You have walked a marathoner into the friggn' ground.
