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- A small but noticeable one occurs in Out of Mind:
Delta: York is now unconscious. Alarm--Target Alpha has reloaded! |
- At the end of Reconstruction. After spending six years fighting each other, it certainly is something to see the Red team actually expressing concern for Caboose and urging him to get to safety:
Sarge: Go, go, go! |
- In Episode 14 of Revelation, Tex desperately wants to find out who she is.
Church: I know who you are, you're my girlfriend. |
- Tex seems less than satisfied with that answer.
- Sarge's speech in Episode 18 of Revelation was equal parts this and CMOA.
- Church's actions in Revelation 20. Choosing to possibly trap himself forever to save Tex, and telling Caboose to be in charge of remembering him. Then it's shown he's waiting for Tex in a recreation of Blood Gulch.
"I mean hell, if you have to live the rest of your life in a memory, you might as well make it a good one." |
- Which is extra heartwarming if you note that through out all the trouble the reds and blues cause him, he still thinks that being with them is the best part of his life.
- What the BG Crew did for Wash in the last episode of Revelation - incredibly kind, considering that character's previous actions. Also, Doc's rescue attempt of same.
Washington: Why are you guys helping me? |
- When you remember that Church was Tucker's best friend and Wash's goal that entire season was to take his friend away again, it only makes it all the more heartwarming. Tucker has no reason to help Wash... but he does anyway.
- This exchange between Sarge, Grif, and Simmons always makes me smile.
Sarge: Come on, fellas, let's go home |
- In the Revelation finale, who does Church ask to remember him? Caboose, the guy that Church used to hate and who has a severely screwed up memory.
- In General, Church's entire monologue at the end of Episode 19 has become one of my personal favorite quotes, and is a perfect way to end the Recollection Trilogy, all while keeping in touch with the theme "Memory is the Key"
Church: "I'd like to say that I found her right away, that I just walked into the Epsilon Unit, and there she was, waiting for me. As you can probably guess, it didn't happen that way, but, I know she's in here somewhere, and I'll find her. We always seem to find each other, for better or for worse. I don't know why the Director did what he did. I don't know if he was trying to revive a memory from his past, or if he was just trying to get it out of his head. But I figured out something that the Director didn't. It took Alpha, Delta, and the rest to help piece it together for me, but what I've learned is that a great love is a lot like a good memory. When it's there, and you know it's there, but it's just out of your reach, it can be all that you think about. You can focus on it, and try to force it, but the more you do, the more you seem to push it away. But if you're patient, and you hold still, then maybe... Just maybe... It will come to you. I just need to make sure I'm somewhere she can find me. I think this place is a little different than it was before. See, out there, everything is based on the Alpha, but in here, I guess I'm the Alpha. And maybe this time through, things will be a little different for me as well. I guess I'll find out. |
- This is more a Rooster Teeth in general than specifically Red vs. Blue, but... it needed to be put here somewhere, and this is the best place I could think of for it to fit. Fans of the series all know who Geoff is. He's Grif's voice actor, and he's well-known for being hard-drinking, hard-smoking, hard-swearing, and having approximately seven million tattoos. Less well-known is that he's also married and has a young daughter who he loves very much. So when the recent Dead Island trailer came out with the little girl dying, everyone in the Roosterteeth office told him not to watch it. He got about fifteen seconds in before he had to stop watching.
- In Season 8, Episode 14, Tex needs to know who she is:
Church: I know who you are, you're my girlfriend. |
- Mind you, Tex is largely underwhelmed, but the fans loved it.
- The whole ending scene of Season 8 Episode 20. Of special note:
- Epsilon Church: If you have to live the rest of your life in a memory... you might as well make it a good one.
- This bit of dialogue between Washington and Caboose:
Washington: Why are you guys helping me? |
- Also a Continuity Nod, remember that everyone else Wash ever knew betrayed him. Now he betrayed someone who subsequently forgave him, and further offered him refuge and friendship with open arms instead of casting him aside.
- From Out of Mind: Delta knows that when a Freelancer dies, their equipment (including their AI) is destroyed to keep it from falling into enemy hands. Actually, this isn't true, but he has no way of knowing this. Despite that, he refuses Tex's offer to take him with her when York is dying, preferring to stay with York to the very end.
- "They say you're never completely dead if someone still remembers you."
- Oh, come on. This troper can't be the only one who liked Captain Flowers. He may have just been intended as another joke, but in a world full to the brim with nothing but endless jerkasses, idiots, or both, seeing such a genuinely nice guy was really refreshing. I actually felt sad when he died.
- ...Annnd back again from watching a couple more seasons. Note to self: characters, no matter how nice, may become revived and possessed by evil madmen. Still like his old, CE-era self though.
- Episode 10 of Season 9 shows the incident which took York's eye, what makes it heartwarming is Tex immediately attempts to help him when he's disoriented only to have her armor short out, so instead she shoots him with quick hardening paint to help protect him.
- I hope I'm not the only one who finds the scene in "The Sarcophagus" where York and Carolina are falling to their deaths side by side while soft music plays in the background to be romantic and heartwarming.
- Whoa, did Maine actually take a sniper's bullet for Carolina during the chase scene in 17? Awwwww
- She even expressed genuine concern for him! Aww, Carolina really does care about the other Freelancers!
- And at the end, the way York takes Carolina's hand to help her up after her "defeat" against Tex.
- Did anyone else think Tex and Church's conversation in episode seventeen was kinda "d'awww" worthy? Sure, they traded snark, as usual, but near the end of it the two were getting along really well.
- The end of Episode 19. If you don't "d'awww", you have no soul... or you just haven't watched from the beginning.
- Becomes one hell of a Tear Jerker when he forgets her from existence, seemingly comes to peace with himself and prepares to Face Death with Dignity. And then it turns out the world wasn't decaying, it was the real Blood Gulch Crew hacking the unit to free him! To put this in perspective, he technically killed Tex for nothing.
- The clip in the Season 9 folder showing a live action reenactment between two RvB community members in costume as Tucker and Sister, after which Tucker's actor removes his helmet, gets down on one knee and proposes to Sister's actress. (She accepts, obviously.)
- While the feeling isn't reciprocated on Church's part, that the real Blood Gulch Crew stormed a military base to free him speaks volumes. The teams have become True Companions, through thick and thin, and they'll never leave one of their own behind.
- After spending time on blue team, Wash has begun to make his way back to the attitude he had in Season 9. Considering all the horrible things that had happened to him between then and the present, it's truly amazing how Caboose was able to help heal his psyche.
- Just hearing Caboose's one line about "singing happy birthday to him" is ridiculously heartwarming.
- It's subtle, but Wash remarking how Carolina hasn't really changed since the old days is touching.