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  • Right from the start, Reconstruction demonstrates it's darker tone with an intensely creepy scene. A shellshocked soldiers recount of O'malley's Mind Rape and slaughter of an entire outpost of simulation troopers. Needless to say, it's chilling to hear a previously comedic villain described in such a brutal and serious manner.
    • Which actually brings up a good source of Fridge Horror. While it was Played for Laughs during Blood Gulch Chronicles, O'Malley's infections would be terrifying if they happened in Real Life. Imagine it, your hanging out with your friend Frank, chatting aimlessly, messing around. All of a sudden, Frank starts laughing like a maniac and screaming about how he's going to split open everyones' skulls and drink the blood that flows out. At first your thinking "What kind of drugs are you on mate?". But then Frank grab's you by the throat and starts smashing your head into the ground. Bob sees what's happening and rushes over to help you. The two of you somehow manage to subdue Frank and tie him up. At this point Frank relaxes and you breath a sigh of relief, thinking the crisis is over. Then Bob begins to laugh...
    • That's not even getting into what it must be like for the person being possessed. While it was Played for Laughs, it's been well established in Canon that O'malley's hosts are sometimes fully aware when he's possessing them. Which means you could be forced to watch while your own hands are used to brutally murder everyone you care about.
    • Another bit of Fridge Horror, the last thing you see of the survivor is him being taken away by some of the Director's men. Then you remember the Director reporting that there were no survivors at Valhalla and... Oh my God.
  • The Meta is an incredibly menacing villain. A merciless psychopath with the intelligence and efficiency of an elite assassin, and the ruthlessness and brutality of a wild animal. If it wants you dead it will hunt you to the ends of the earth. It will slaughter thousands to get to you and their nothing you can do stop it, not even shoving an energy sword through it's chest will kill it. And The Meta is smart. It's not some raving monster charging towards you, it is a ruthless and intelligent predator that will hunt you until the day you die.
    • Not to mention the way it talks, those soft growls and that blank mask like helmet really drives home The Meta's inhumanity.
  • When the Meta captures Delta, his other Artificial Intelligences (at that point including Sigma, Gamma, and Omega) greet him more or less in unison.
  • The story of how the A.Is where created The Alpha (AKA Church) was tortured until it went insane and started developing split personalities.
  • We find out that Tex's damaged visor in Revelation's initial poster isn't from a headshot wound... it's because the Meta jammed the proboscis on the Recovery Unit straight through her face. The way she twitches as he's digging it into her skull doesn't help either.
  • During the fight in Episode 10 of Season 9 Wyoming and Maine replace their paint rounds with live ammunition and try to kill Tex. Just the way they start walking and firing so casually is terrifying.
  • The Director's and Counselor's conversation with a still out-of-it Delta. Very deliberate and very well-executed nightmare fuel for anybody who's seen the earlier seasons.
  • " We are The Meta. And we will find you. Very soon."