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  • The reason that Director Leonard Church used to play favorites with Tex is because she was based off his deceased girlfriend.
  • Episode 20, Season 9:

  Epsilon!Church: I forget you.

  • At the end of Revelation, after everything that's happened, Church entrusts to Caboose the duty of remembering him when he's gone.
    • Right before that, when Church asks Caboose to stab him with the recovery unit, effectively killing him.

 Epsilon: Caboose, here, pick [the rapidly failing capture unit] up.

Caboose: I can't, Church.

Epsilon: Yes you can. You do this all the time.

Caboose: (crying) Yeah, I don't want to.

  • Caboose: "Church, are you there?... Church?"
  • Going back to the Blood Gulch Chronicles, Captain Flowers is an all around Nice Guy and A Father to His Men. Church tries saving him from a heart attack, only to inadvertently cause his death. It's a rather sad moment, despite the silliness of the situation.
  • The fact that when Church was being saved from the memory unit, he thought that it was the end of the world, and essentially killed Tex for nothing.