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Red vs. Blue[]

Caboose was a Freelancer[]

Caboose was an AI agent, and he sided with Tex when she tried to find the Alpha. While Tex was searching for Alpha, Caboose was caught. Caboose had his memory wiped, which damaged his intellectual capacity. Note that in his early appearances, Caboose did not have his trademark voice impediment. It was only when Omega possessed him that he degenerated into an idiot. However, no other Omega possessee suffered an intelligence decrease. (ex. Doc) However, Agent Carolina went insane after getting two AI's. Since Caboose only would have had the memory of an AI, he would have only been damaged slightly. Caboose being a Freelancer would explain lots of things about BGC, such as why Caboose arrived in the gulch with a F.I.L.S.S. operated tank, why the Director would let Tex visit the gulch after Sidewinder, why F.I.L.S.S always referred to Caboose as "Mister Caboose", and not by his rank (although it is possible that Caboose has no rank) and why he could teleport when he was sneaking into Red base. Also, Caboose is possibly the biggest badass in the gulch, and he was the one to reactivate Chips. EDIT: more info to support my theory: an unnamed blue Freelancer appears in S9-E13-Planning the Heist (visible at 0:56)

  • To add on to the theory: Caboose is the mythical Agent Florida, once the Number 1 Freelancer. The Noodle Incident that caused Florida to get "de-stated" was partially Caboose's fault, and got him permanently banned from the leaderboards.
  • This probably won't help the theory, but just to point out, Caboose was technically the one who defeated Tex in season 8 (by activating the armor lockdown).

Red Vs Blue is Halo canon[]

I know there's no need for it to be, it would just be kind of neat for Bungie to include Rv B in the Halo canon. Looking at peoples arguments against this I've found a few major points, which I will list and dispel here:

1. Everyone is wearing Spartan armor. (A): Of course they are. The show is based around a giant training exercise for Freelancers. Freelancers are just another branch of the Spartan-II program. Wash mentions that there were a number of programs that the military was looking at as a "magic bullet". Whatever part of the Spartan program that John-117 was in just worked. The Freelancer program was just poorly planned, but it would explain why everyone has Spartan armor. What better way to train your troops then putting them up against individuals with similar equipment?

2. Nobody recognizes the Elites. (A): Wrong. Tex and Wyoming do. They attempt to exploit this at the end of The Blood Gulch Chronicles, but Andy blows them up. The others had probably never seen actual combat experience, as made clear in Revelation. Besides, Grif references Master Chief blowing up the whole Covenant Armada in the first episode.

3. It's too goofy. (A): I disagree, but I'll refute this point anyway. Yes, the first five seasons are goofy. But what starts out as a ridiculous show with excessive amounts of Deus Ex Machina to move the plot along becomes a large conspiracy that explains why the beginning was so silly. It was all simulation, and the organization running it had more important things to do than keep up an effective illusion. Plus, everything since the Blood Gulch Chronicles has been played fairly straight. The CHARACTERS are wacky, but the plot is compelling and serious. Plus, it would explain why, despite their apparent ineptitude, several of the characters are really quite good at killing. They were the bottom of their class in one of the Spartan programs, which still places them above regular soldiers.

In conclusion, here's the timeline:

  1. RVB Season 9 (Freelancer scenes)
  2. Halo: Combat Evolved
  3. RVB Season 1
  4. RVB Season 2
  5. Halo 2
  6. RVB Season 3
  7. RVB Season 4
  8. Halo 3/RVB Season 5 (simultaneous)
  9. RVB Reconstruction
  10. RVB Recreation
  11. RVB Revelation
  12. RVB Season 9 (Epsilon Unit scenes)

Halo 4's place on the list probably won't matter because it looks like Master Chief is doing his Lost In Space thing.

(This is the timeline that the below discussion was based on)

  1. Halo: Combat Evolved
  2. Freelancer Program started
  3. Halo 2
  4. Freelancers given training assignments, Church stationed on Sidewinder
  5. Halo 3
  6. All of RVB
    • I agree with your justifications but its more likely that the Freelancers were an attempt to produce a Spartan-like soldier without having to do all the modifications and training.
      • Huh. That makes pretty good sense. I don't know why I didn't think of that.
      • And for all its poor planning, the Freelancer project worked. Wash and Tex are formidable foes in combat--I'm pretty sure they could put up a decent fight to any Spartan they came across.
    • As for the time line, we know that Recreation is 15 months(1.25 years) after Halo 3 and that the end of Blood Gulch Chronicles is before Halo 3 because Tex and Wyoming are trying to end the war with Junior. Also, back in episode 1 Grif and Simmons talk about how Master Chief blew up the Covenant armada which happens after Halo:CE. My guess for the timeline is that seasons 1-5 happen sometime after Halo:CE and before Halo 3, with the rest of the series after Halo 3.
    • Makes sense with a few tweaks to the timeline, Project Feelancer had been active for quite some time prior to the start of the series, and some of the timing would be off, more likely Freelancer was established well before Halo 1, the current Blood Gulch crew gets assighned some time after 1, with the series itself taking place shortly before or even concurrently with the events of 2 and 3.
    • Also, the Grifball action figure mentions that the sport was invented in 2554. Granted, it's almost definitely non-canon, but I'm just throwing it out there.

The Meta is a genetically engineered human and Covenant hybrid.[]

  • Since Project Freelancer's goals were to seek mankind's survival in a hostile galaxy, the project experimented with various alien/human hybrids, on the notion that Covenant biology was better suited to hostile environments of varying gravity and biological viability. Also, it was to reap the various other benefits of the aliens, such as superior physical strength, and possibly aggression. There may even been plans to engineer sleeper agents that could blend in and infiltrate the Covenant ranks. It's notable that the Meta is larger than most of the cast, and doesn't speak like any of the other humans. The Meta is mostly human, but with enough alien in him to affect his mannerisms and physical build.
    • The biggest problem I see with this is that the Meta is actually Agent Maine, just insane and possessed by multiple A Is, and neither Wash nor Tex ever mentioned anything strange about Maine before he went crazy.
      • Lego Genetics perhaps? Maybe Maine's modification was to be implanted with Covenant DNA
    • An intereting point is that the Meta appears to be the collection of A Is not Maine himself, And the size difference may be explained by his armour as it is quite bulky compared to everyone elses. The Alien DNA can be supported through his mannerisms... the feral style Maine can adopt, the ability to stand up and fight after being shot in the neck. All these can point to come alien DNA. But there are other ways in which these things can be put in. Like (Even though the canonocity of the series is questionable) The Spartan III program with its painkilling affects. But he does seem very capable with that brute shot though... and the cast didn't mention weirdness because Maine was always weird and they accepted it and viewed it as unimportant when compared to everything else.

== The next season will cover what Tucker and Donut were doing between Blood Gulch and Relocated. == Besides tying up loose ends such as Donut's and Tucker's envolvement at the temple, it would let the events of the Recollection trilogy settle better in the minds of the viewers before any continuation of the series proper. Plus, it would give the Rooster Teeth crew time to plan for any future seasons set after Revelation.

== The entire cast are robots with some biological parts, placed in Blood Gulch to test the effectiveness of AIs. == "Ghosts" like Church and Tex (and for a short period of time, Sarge) are programs like O'Malley, with differing methods of possession.

  • This is how Sarge recovered from a headshot via CPR.
  • This is how Sarge can make Robots so easily, the schematics are already in his programming.
  • Also, cybernetics are no big deal; like when Sarge turned Grif Simmons into one. The biological parts were mostly cosmetic anyways.
  • Explains how Church in his "robot" body managed to gain weight from lack of exercise and be rendered sterile by Doc's multipurpose doodad.
  • Also how they can survive for months/years on Ketchup and Soy Sauce (too salty) instead of water.
  • More evidence, Delta in Reconstruction knew that Church would be able to read his message that he left behind in Caboose's head. Also, Washington wasn't shocked that Church was a ghost, he was just irritated that he wasn't told.
    • Of course, Tex came back as a ghost too.
      • The reaction of Washington makes perfect sense since he knew that Church was the Alpha. He explicitly says that Church is an AI and that ghosts don't exist.
        • Except when Sarge was caught in the "EMP" blast, he was perfectly fine. Instantly defusing any possibility that Sarge was an AI.
          • Maybe... but who's to say he didn't build most of the cast? I mean, Church and Tex are out, but everyone else...
            • Grif and Simmons were fine too, Tucker gave birth, Donut mentioned the Red Team's showers once in Season 5. All humans.

== During the time jump they only went a few years into the future. == Think about it, how else is it that pretty much nothing had really changed in the jump. It explains how Sheila wasn't all rusted up by the time they arrived and that the war was still going on. Also why would they have started their whole scheme to control the aliens hundreds of years later.

  • This explains how most of Tex's comrades are still alive and they're still cleaning up after the AI disaster.
  • As for Vic Junior, that's just Vic who happens to be lying to them. Considering all the bull he tells them normally it wouldn't be OOC for him to do so. This also explains how he would have had kids if he had a vasectomy.
    • Or, perhaps Vic Jr was an AI, as was implied in the "Thank You For Play The Rv B" ending of Episode 100
      • IIRC, it was pretty much said he was an AI, by both the Season 5 commentary and the episode where Simmons comes across the computer and interrupts Sarge's comm convo with Vic. Not to mention the words at the bottom of that computer, when made into an acronym, spell something familiar...
  • Also explains how the Red Zealot was still alive
    • To be fair, that one also could be perpetual respawning.
  • Tex briefly mentions that "They've been telling us a lot of lies toward the end of the main series.
  • In Reconstruction, during the black box recording of the freighter's final flight, Sheila comments that there's some disparities between her clock and the ship's.
    • That was because that ship belonged Sister, who experience her own time jump by going faster than the speed of light. Shiela however, went into the future the old fashioned way.
      • Then again, Sister is a collosal idiot...
      • Sister did not go faster than light, the problem is she went near the speed of light. Basically the trip seemed to not take long for her since she was traveling at relativistic speeds. Since we don't know how far she traveled it's entirely possible that a couple of days/weeks could be 2000 years for everyone else.
      • Sister didn't jump through time either. The ship as is crashed. It's implied that Wyoming's helmet malfunctioned and threw them forward in time. Note Caboose's "that's why the ship took a year to crash!"
  • Alternately, evidence points towards there being no ACTUAL timeskip, as we've got mounds of evidence that command was screwing with both teams through the whole series. Think--Sheila's clock and the ship's clock have differences, yes? That's because ONE IS UNALTERED--and it ISN'T Sheila. I find it to be a rather easy thought that Vic came in, rewrote Sheila's memory and allowed her to lead them to believe they were correct about the timeskip.
    • Again, confirmed in Revelation Chapter 17. It was Scenario 3.
    • Query: Then how the ****** did Church travel to the past if that was an ordinary bomb?
      • Wyoming.
      • Which explains how Gamma was there to meet him.
  • This appears to be confirmed with Episode 4 of Recreation.
  • When Donut explains to the head of Command that they went to the future, (but only had Sarge's lousy reasoning to back up the claim) the head simply stares before dismissing him, implying that never went to the future at all.
    • But if ther was no timeskip at all, not even a small one, how'd they all wind up in that random desert? If Gamma's teleportation did that, why'd he send them there of all places?
      • Sarge's time travel logic explains it. First they were surrounded by rocks and snow, then they were hit by a 10-megaton bomb, and then they were surrounded by rocks and sand, and therefore they went into the future. Replace "sent into the future" with "caused all the snow to melt" and there you go. If you don't buy that, maybe the bomb just knocked all of them out and they were transported somewhere else.

Caboose doesn't use his brain at all anymore.[]

This explains both his increasing stupidity, his brain's sarcastic depiction of sister despite Caboose properly knowing her in life, and his remembering Church despite the lack of his mental avatar. Caboose, upon Church's lack of existence in his brain, decided, instead of losing his best friend, decided to simply not think anymore. His brain is now forced to fend for itself with what little it can pick up from conversations.

  • Alternatively, there was so much collateral damage when Tex and Church had that firefight with O'Malley inside Caboose's head, his already low Intelligence score was bumped down to Ralph Wiggum status.
    • Supported by the fact that he temporarily forgets Church, whose avatar died in the battle.
    • It seems that in Reconstruction, he's clean his brain because of the time he's spent away from others and has a firmer grip on reality. His avatar no longer has delusions of grandeur.
      • Alternatively, this was the "real" Caboose, who was always in there, but only came out on this one occasion so he could make it clear to Church that yes, this message Delta left was serious and not part of Caboose's screwed-up child psyche.
      • Another theory is that Delta himself did some cleanup while he was in there. Being the Alpha's logic aspect and all, it's not hard to believe he might have found it difficult to deal with Caboose's mind as it was.

Tex was being sarcastic about her codename being Nevada, and her codename is really Texas.[]

Tex, being named Tex, saw the stupidity in the question when Tucker asked what state she was named after, and thusly gave the name of a random state, which happened to be Nevada. Her codename is, of course, Texas, since Delta and Wyoming refer to her as either Tex, or Alison, but never as Agent Nevada, in fact Delta says her name is Agent Texas.

  • Yeah I thought that was obvious...
  • Confirmed by a staff member carrying the Word of God (Sponsors-only link).
  • Indeed. The only reason that people ever bought it was because Tex delivered it completely straight-"faced". At the time, it seemed just goofy enough to have happened in the Blood Gulch Chronicles.

== Blood Gulch was just a place for the respective armies to send their most worthless soldiers, the ones they wanted to get rid of without resorting to either courts martial or outright murder. == It may be countermanded partially by the revelations of Reconstruction, but this was this troper's working theory since the first season of Rv B. When you consider how utterly useless pretty much every personality on the Red and Blue teams is, it's hard to imagine them all having been put in the same worthless, out-of-the-way place by anything other than a direct intent to remove them from play altogether.

  • Why countermanded? If anything it's strengthened by those events, after all what better place to put The Alpha than in a canyon full of incompetent idiots who couldn't possibly harm it?
  • More or less confirmed by Episode 17 of Revelation.

The Sidewinder incident never happened.[]

Church's time in Sidewinder mentioned in season one is actually a false memory, created to disguise the original attempt by a number of Freelancers to liberate the Alpha. The many deaths of one particular side, Tex and Omega's presence, Church being left alive, and Church's subsequent relocation shortly there after were, in reality, the results of the attempt to free the Alpha. After the attempt was repelled, Command altered the events greatly, changing them into an original posting gone horribly wrong, before hiding the Alpha away in Blood Gulch

  • But all the Sidewinder Blues are dead, they said so when they went back there in Season 3. Maybe the Sidewinder incident was the attempt to get to the Alpha? Or maybe just another one?
    • This is more or less confirmed in Revelation Chapter 17: Tex tells church that the Alpha was kept in an instillation in Avalanche, which is a remake of Sidewinder.

Church did not, in fact, wait a thousand years for Gamma to build a teleporter to Blood Gulch.[]

  • Gamma's trait is deceit. And if you were in a robot body, not feeling any of the usual physiological markers that let humans know time is passing, and standing around in a dull hallway with an AI telling you bad knock-knock jokes for a few weeks, and were told it had been a thousand years...well, who's to argue? Gary's just enough of an ass to do that, too.
    • This troper would like to dispute "just enough'. Gary is most definitely enough of an ass to do that.
  • Gamma may in fact have used his time manipulation to alter the flow of time. Or maybe, since he knew Church was in a robot body, they really did stay there for a millenium.
    • Probably, just because he's a jerk!

The event that led to the line "Man, poor Florida" was the episode "Dethgov" in Metalocalypse[]

In that episode, Nathan Explosion, Dethklok's singer, was elected governor of Florida. (Long story.) By the time he had left office, most of Florida was abandoned, due to a failing economy from inflation, general anarchy, and Hurricane Scrambles the Death Dealer. After all that, perhaps it was decided that Florida was a lost cause and abandoned, which is why Florida was no longer a state, and therefore, many years later, not used as a Freelancer codename.

  • I always thought it was a Star Trek: Enterprise reference. Like how the character named Tucker was the one that got pregnant. Maybe I'm too much of a Trek nerd...

Jason Penopolis grows up, obtains the nickname "Caboose," and joins the Blue Army.[]

  • Their personalities and voices are just too similar to ignore.

Red vs Blue Reconstruction


  • Went AWOL. The joke "Where are they now?" ending of the main series had Tucker ditching the army and flying to the alien homeworld on some mysterious errand, most likely related to Junior. As of Episode 6 of Reconstruction, Agent Washington has successfully "re-assembled the Blues," but the team now only consists of Church and Caboose. Hmmm...
    • This could be supported by a deleted scene from the last episode of BGC, where he tells Church he's going to try and find Junior.
    • Confirmed by Canon in Rv B "Recreation", episode 16.
      • Given that he mentions an ambassador status, the below scenario is more likely.
  • Got promoted. Alternatively, Command noticed Tucker's Crowning Moment of Awesome near the end of Blood Gulch Chronicles, and decided that this new affinity for combat, as well as his unexplained resistance to Wyoming's Temporal Distorter unit, should be put to better use in some special forces program.
    • This one seems confirmed by the radio transmission. Now the question is, what was he looking for?
      • Another consideration. Tucker was a Mole for command. His entire act makes him either, a BEL, or it's all a veil of obfuscating stupidity(or likely both, as suggested by his cameo in Reconstruction)
  • Alternatively, Sarge just killed him.
  • Is off getting some chocolate milk. Hey, that's what he said in the latest PSA.
  • The "under the sand" comment makes me think of archaeological excavations. Due to his experience with the aliens, I bet Tucker's been recruited into a team of scientists researching the history of the Covenant. The sand comment makes me think this is somehow related to the Sandtrap map (it can't be Sandbox, the map wasn't out at the time). My guess is Tucker was either talking about the temple on the map, or the crashed Covenant ship.
    • He's part of the Stargate Program! I knew it!
  • It seems that the UNSC has recruited him and (an apparently alive) Junior to act as Ambassadors to the Aliens. An ambassador with specialized combat training.

The Meta is trying to make an Alpha[]

Delta said that they would be better describe as "Fragments". The Meta, being a Freelancer, knew about Alpha and is gathering all the AIs; he'll combine them and then have an Alpha. I haven't got what he plans to do with it.

  • Given the behavior of the Meta's AI collection (creepy and not entirely rational), it may be a simple urge to "reunite" all the lost pieces or just become "complete."
    • know..."Reconstructed."
  • By Recreation, he just wants the AI to power his equipment and make him stronger. This may be the result of Motive Decay, but power may have been all he was ever after.
    • It could be simply put that Maine wants the equpipment to make him strongest, and the AI wanted to join with the others to be the alpha again. An agreement is made and several people and A Is die out of it.
  • Confirmed by Burnie during a user-interview. Maines AI sigma wanted to become the Alpha by reuniting all of the fragments.
    • Which... kinda makes sense in a weird way, I guess. Sigma is creativity, after all, so who better to try and put the Alpha back together?

Donut was kicked out of the Red Army for being gay.[]

After the Blood Gulch Chronicles, the Blood Gulch soldiers split up and went to more efficient outposts. Simmons stated "don't ask, don't tell," in season one, so apparently the army doesn't accept homosexuals in this version of the future. They did not accept Donut's flamboyant homosexuality anymore than Caboose's team killing or Grif and Simmons selling their team's ammo to the blues. So, as soon as it was discovered by the army that Donut was gay they kicked him out.

  • Alternatively, Donut has been promoted beyond Sarge's command because of his l33t grenade-tossing skillz.
  • It appears that Donut received a promotion in the same vein as Tucker, only it was based on his ability to appear anywhere, unexplained, rather than combat ability. He states that he's become an infiltration specialist in several deleted scenes, which appear to be canon. Insert Innuendo Here.

Sarge is Peppy Hare from Starfox.[]

He is an insane old man shouting useless advice with a Texan accent and his name has been hidden to the point of a lampshade hung during an alternate ending. Methinks someone from Nintendo has been taking money under the table from Bill Gates.

  • But Sarge kills people successfully. Not Grif, mind you...
    • Who says Peppy hasn't killed anyone? He participated in a war consisting of four paper airplanes against over 150 spacecraft per planet, including (but not limited to) Flying Saucers, Humongous Mecha, the Temple of Doom's Evil-er Twin, Nuclear Missiles, Imperial Star Destroyers, and THEIR OWN GOD-DAMNED SUN. Either Venom's forces really suck or the team is just that badass. And Grif is probably being kept alive so he can be harvested for spare organs... or is just the local punching bag.

Junior is going to become the template for Tucker's Kobolds[]

This has no basis except that it's a diminuitive creature associated with a guy named Tucker, but hell, this is WMG. So, he's gonna develop ingenious traps and snipe at PC races.

The Blood Gulch Outpost was the testing ground for a robot army[]

In episode 12, Washington is surprised that the red & blue teams were given robot kits. It seems that they were the only soldiers in the Red vs Blue simulation to get them. Wash later states that Blood Gulch was used as a testing ground by Command. It's possible that the canyon was being used to test the performance of robot soldiers, and that Wash and co may come up against the some as Reconstruction progresses. The project may be classified above Wash's clearance, which is why he doesn't know about it.

  • Or this was part of the experiments that the Director didn't tell the Chairman. The Red Vs. Blue scenarios were designed to "evolve" a totally new AI, continuously have randomized lesser AIs fight each other and weed out survival traits. The problem for the Director was that while the Blood Gulch AI certainly developed distinct traits, they weren't deemed usable; so they resorted to copies of Alpha instead.
    • Maybe not that much of a failure, given Church's immunity to possession, and Tucker's immunity to Time Stop.
      • Church's immunity was explained in Reconstrucion episode 16 He's Alpha.
      • In Recreation Tucker mentions that himself and Junior are used as diplomats between aliens and humans. When asked why, he says that "we're somewhere in between aliens and humans". His immunity to Time Stop is a result of this alien DNA.
        • He may have been speaking figuratively, referring to him and Junior representing a familial bond between two races. His sword is likely the source of his immunity.
          • Which only leads to another question: why would an alien artifact grant its bearer immunity to Freelancer abilities?
            • New theory: Some Freelancer enhancements may incorporate tech adapted from captured alien artifacts. Possibly confirmed by Season 9, awaiting the revelation of just what's in that sarcophagus with the alien symbols on it.
  • The robots were provided because Vic, Omega, Wyoming, and Command were acting as a collective Chessmaster, and knew that Church and Tex would both "die" and need knew bodies.

Battle Creek was a testing ground for a robot army[]

In episode 16, there are no such things as ghosts or the supernatural. Which means there probably isn't any such things as soldiers that die and come back to life at the sound of a magical trumpet. They're robots, who's sole purpose is to kill each other over and over to test fighting tactics. The trumpet is what reactivates them, it tells them to reboot. Also, all the robots are run by the AI Sigma. The Alpha is Church, and then we've met Gamma, Omega, Delta, and now Epsilon, but there was one that Washington mentioned that we haven't met yet, Sigma. Sigma represents creativity. What better way to test the creativity part than giving it a bunch of respawning minions and have them kill each other over and over to view different battle tactics.

  • Unless Tex is Sigma. She managed to build Andy, even if the creativity behind that is debatable.
    • Debatable? She built a bomb out of parts from a protocol robot and a vibrator! A bomb that can talk!
    • Good point. I guess she was just a bit... off target on the bomb's personality.
    • What do you mean off-target? Andy's explosive, artificial, and a dick...I feel dirty.
    • Revelation states Tex is an entity unto herself, a representation of Alison, the Director's long-dead love.
  • I like the theory, but the Sigma part can't be true--Sigma was in Maine, who is now the Meta.

Grif actually was responsible for the deaths of the Blues in his new place.[]

You know that Soldier Poison that Sarge couldn't get? Grif requisitioned it, spiked the ammo, then sold the ammo to the other team.

  • That actually makes a lot of sense. He has been stated to be "crafty" on several occasions, and this approach would certainly count, as well as allowing him to avoid actual combat.
  • Highly unlikely. When Sarge discovers the dead Blues, the Symbol of the Meta is carved into a nearby wall. Caboose, Grif and Simmons where relocated into the same location ("You where at Rats Nest too?"), Washington picked up Caboose earlier and the Meta was following Wash at that time. So, the Meta killed the Blues, the Reds just didn´t noticed.

Meta and Church are gonna throw down at the end of Reconstruction.[]

Church is the Alpha, who got all the aspects of his personalities ripped apart. The meta is gathering all the personalities, so he's becoming closer and closer to what Church once was. Church is gonna kill him, get the personalities, and become his old self. It should be interesting how this will affect him.

  • On the other hand, this is Church we're talking about, and the combined AIs should add up to a second Church. That probably adds up to more "Geeze, you had to deal with him for THAT LONG?" ****** sessions than out and out firefights.
  • Looked less like 'threw down' and more like 'all A.I. folded and merged with Alpha the second he hopped in.'
    • Word of God says that they all got wiped by the "Ehmp" anyway.

The Meta is Tex.[]

The Meta is said to be agent Maine, but who said Tex didn't simply possess him? Tex can exist without a body, so she must be an AI as well, presumably Sigma. She must be trying to gather all the AI to combine them and reform the Alpha. This could be to aid the Alpha, or it could be to rebel against the Alpha, since Sigma is the one for creativity, it/she could be trying to build a completely independent AI.

  • Considering that The Meta appears at the end of Recovery One, and has been acting since before/around York's death, this isn't very likely. If Tex had been The Meta for that long, she'd have taken Delta for herself already.
    • Confirmed: Tex has made her triumphant return as of Revelation episode 10.

Church will become Wash's AI.[]

Once he gathers a few more pieces of himself back together and/or accepts he's Alpha, some sort of situation will crop up where either his body is destroyed and he can't get a new one or they can only get one person in somewhere and both he and Washington will need to go there, so he'll need to use Wash's AI port.

  • Happened in the finale. Though Church still denies he's an A.I.
    • And then he got erased by the EMP, so says Word of God.

Wash was the original mental template for Alpha.[]

A.I. have to be an impression of someone's mind. Why not someone already in the Freelancer program? It could explain another angle of his hatred of the Director and the program.

  • Jossed by the finale. The Alpha was based on the Director, the original Leonard Church.

The Meta was the original mental template for Alpha.[]

Could explain the desire to recombine the Freelancer A.I. Maybe the Meta believed in the beginning that if it could gather and merge all the A.I. it could get its mind back. While unduly aggressive, it actually hasn't killed many people yet - it left Caboose alive and Wash as well when it could have easily killed both.

  • Hasn't killed that many? It slaughtered at least 3 bases.
    • Jossed by the final episode of Reconstruction: Turns out that the above WMG was correct.
      • The response to the above WMG was correct.

Caboose or Grif will kill the Meta[]

Caboose because, well, if all the fragments are collected it will be a second Church, like said above. Who is the utmost expert in killing Church? Caboose.

  • Grif only is a possibility because Caboose is too predictable. If Wash, Church and Caboose are unable to defeat the Meta, then it falls to the reds. Simmons is too competent, thus unlikely is to. Sarge could, but Grif killing the Meta will only hurt Sarge's mental stability. Thus Grif is the second possibility.
  • Or even better, Caboose possessing Grif kills Meta.
    • Which causes Wash's brain to shut down, due to the proof of the existence of ghosts. And Caboose being immortal, which would freak anyone out.
  • Confirmed, albeit with the assistance of Simmons, and with the setup by Sarge.

Church created an AI Tex using his own memories and Omega's and destroyed Cabooses mind in the process[]

Caboose was moderately smart before Omega, Church and Tex left his mind. Tex was found in Lopez, who fixed himself right after church left, and Tex is known for having affinity with fixing stuff. "Tex" did not know anything that Church didn't. This Tex was probably temporary. When they joined O'Malley in Caboose's head, iTex merged with the Caboose/Omega's mental image of Tex (Which would have been perfect) Thus, aChurch and iTex inadvertantly "took some of the furniture" when they left.

  • Jossed: The A.I. Tex was created alongside the Alpha, as a byproduct of The Director's memories.

Caboose was the original mental template for the A.I.s.[]

His Mind was removed in order to create Alpha. He was placed in Blood Gulch by the Creators of Alpha to reabsorb the A.I.s there.(probably more than one) When that didn't work they created the Meta to reabsorb all the AIs and return to Caboose. The Freelancers are opposing them because they want to keep the A.I.s.

  • Jossed - the Alpha is based on the mind of the Director of the Freelancer project.

The template for the Alpha was... Church[]

Church points out in 17 that he has memories of his childhood, the girl back home, ect. He also was in a human body at the beginning of the series. Normally, that would make the Alpha information a little unlikely. However, if Church was the holding place for an AI based off himself, not only would no-one notice on a brainscan, but his transition to "Ghost" would be nearly inperceptable to an observer, personalitywise.

  • Confirmed! Specifically Dr. Leonard Church was the original mind of the Alpha, AKA The Director.

Church is a perfect shot[]

The problem is that he's unconsciously affected by his programming as the Alpha. Every time he tries to kill someone, he unconsciously readjusts his aim so that he misses. Hence, he was unable to shoot the Freelancer guard at point blank range, but had no difficulty in shooting off Caboose's toe back in Season Two. The difference is in the intent; killing force is a no go, but a nonlethal injury is perfectly fine. Granted, Church did manage to kill Wyoming, but it didn't take. It's not completely implausible that Church unconsciously knew that Wyoming would survive, so his programming didn't interfere. He could be the greatest sniper in history, with Improbable Aiming Skills to put Tex to shame (see his ricochet shot on the Meta), but his programming simply won't let him kill anyone. This is presumably because the Freelancers don't want Church killing their assets. But regardless, this troper is of the opinion that given the nature of Reconstruction, Rooster Teeth couldn't possibly pass up the opportunity to deconstruct one of their longest running gags.

  • Alternatively, when Sarge made Church's body, Sarge used a Random Number Generator based on Dungeons and Dragons to determine his accuracy (whatever edition they use then). Sarge stacked the penalties on the Blue Bot for spite, but because a Natural 20 still automatically criticals (in that edition), he can unload a clip at point blank range and still miss every time, but still headshot Wyoming. Tex reprogrammed hers, or because the robot wasn't blue, Sarge didn't impose any penalties.
  • That doesn't quite make sense. When he was trying to Set Right What Once Went Wrong, he shot multiple times at the flying grenade, and missed. Considering hitting the grenade would actually *save* Tex's life, you'd think he'd hit it.
    • He missed a quite large rock and had to be helped in order to zoom in the sniper rifle. I think Church just sucks at shooting things. Or maybe he had swallowed his pride and wanted Tex to get a one up one him again by shooting a red. probably the former isn't it?
    • Unless of course, he subconsciously realized that if Tex didn't die, she wouldn't be free of O'Malley...
  • Then again, while Church is an AI, when the original Alpha was broken up into fragments, Church lost the bits of him that made him a good shot.
    • Or, because the Alpha is based off of the Dr. Leonard Church, who was never able to actually fight in the war, the Alpha isn't much of a fighter either, he's more of a leader.

Every member of the Blood Gulch Blue team is an AI.[]

Church has been established as the Alpha, but what about the others? what signs do we have for this? Tex: Also a "ghost", and some of the above suggestions bring up other things, such as her ability to build a talking bomb out of a protocol droid and a vibrator Tucker: Was able to somehow withstand Wyoming's time shifting powers, and has shown the ability to hear things from an extreme that he can come running to deliver a Bow-Chikka-Bow-Wow innuendo line. Caboose: So many! A complete idiot, but has the most elaborate mental world you'll ever find. His mental projections of people (The Yellow Church) are able to survive outside his mind on a certain level... Sheila: Is, and has always been known to be an AI Flowers: Came back to life after weeks/months (or possibly 800 years, depending on if the teams' time travel actually occured as suggested). Sure they said the alien did it, but who said the alien was telling the truth? As for the Reds, who knows? They show less AI-like super abilities (except maybe Sarge's constructing crap out of crap skills), so perhaps they were placed in the canyon so that anyone who got curious would think it was more of the normal training scenarios that the other red/blue team pairs have. And perhaps Command put the 4 most stupid/incompetent/apathetic members of Red in the canyon, in the hopes that they would never be able to recognize the Blues as AIs?

  • Jossed, at least for the Reds. An EMP went off that destroys AIs, but the Reds were unaffected.
    • Which is odd, since Simmons 2.0 is supposedly a cyborg. Whoops.
    • ...or maybe, that moment was thrown in there so that attentive viewers would realise that cyborgs are not affected, and thus maybe helmet-borne AIs wouldn't be either! *gives coveted Aluminum Hat Prize to above troper* Well-caught, sir!
  • Confirmed for Tex, however.
  • Church saw Sarge as a "ghost" in Blood Gulch Chronicles. Would that mean Sarge is too? Or are the rest of the team AIs?
    • Not necessarily, there's several different theories about that. Besides, the rest of the team can't be A.I. - Tucker got pregnant, Simmons is a cyborg, Grif used parts from Simmons, and Caboose has vital signs according to Wash.
    • Tex's explanation is probably that she's based on Doctor Leonard Church's girlfriend/wife, which would explain why she and Church got together, though Church's incompleteness spoiled the relationship.
      • Check out the shot of the Meta's AIs in episode 8 and 19. Check out the Steel colored Halo 2 armor AI. Look familiar?
    • The Red Team had one robot kit, the Blue Team had two. Word of God says the number of robots is important…
      • This could possibly mean a member of Red Team is an AI. I vote for Grif being the Alpha's apathy. After all, Church did describe Grif as being "similar to him," plus Grif seems to be able to survive terminal injuries, as evidenced by the mini-montage in Relocated Episode 3.
  • Jossed: See this compound image of a conversation between Burnie and another user.
  • Sarge being seen as a ghost is finally explained as a side effect of Armorlock/Recovery Mode being engaged.

Tex was always an AI.[]

The series finale revealed that the Alpha A.I. was derived from Dr. Leonard Church, who confessed painful memories of a lost loved one - Tex. When the Alpha was tortured to pieces to create Project Freelancer's A.I. stock, these memories naturally coalesced into a fragment that was a pretty good "echo" of the original Tex. The same techniques used to make the Alpha think he was the original Church were used to make this Tex-fragment think she was the original as well. After all, Wash mentioned how Tex was always the Director's favorite... The pairing with Omega? This is the Director, after all, so nostalgia was likely overridden by curiosity over what would happen when two A.I.s were put in the same shell.

  • Also, as a corollary to the above theory. Not only was Tex an AI, but the reason her "ghost" was missing when Church found her body was because the Meta had already got to her and absorbed her into the whole conglomerate. (Also, concerning the pairing with Omega: that might not have actually been something the Director decided. Omega itself showed a liking for her, continually using its "leap" ability to get back to her even when it had been reassigned.)
    • When the viewer sees the avatars of the A.I.s that the Meta has captured, one of them resembles Tex's "ghost" form.
  • What if Tex was an earlier A.I. All together. Flash-cloned from her dying original form by Dr. Church and kept in storage.
    • Confirmed. She was a byproduct of the AI program based of the Director's memories of a girl he loved who died.
      • She was not created earlier, however. She was a byproduct of the Alpha's creation. The Director's memories were just so strong they took their own form.

Church survived the EMP blast.[]

The EMP was said and shown to knock offline and erase all computer systems - but "ghost" Church seems to be a free-floating hologram rather than being stored in any kind of computer system, so it wouldn't affect him. Being in the process of possessing the Meta at the time might kill this theory, but since the AIs were so important to him, he might have upgraded his AI modules with some kind of EMP protection.

  • This makes a lot of sense. An A.I. in and of itself can't possibly be an electronic life form that needs computers to survive, or else he wouldn't be able to survive without a body (which has has done for long stretches of time before.) Even assuming he's the only one who can sustain himself like that he could easily merge the others into him and jump out of the Meta. Since A.I. are based on human brains, they're not likely to suffer any more damage than a human could providing they could sustain themselves - which he can. The EMP only knocks out electronics after all, and no one has ever said that the A.I. are electronic themselves, simply that they need electronics to live in...most of them anyway.
  • Given that there was a preview of the animated RvB series featuring Church, Grif, and Simmons at PAX, his survival, should the upcoming series be a true sequel, seems assured.
  • Jossed: Despite being seen in the Revelation trailer: Word of God confirms him as erased, along with the rest of the A.I., when the EMP went off.

Church will become the single most badass being in the entire RvB universe.[]

The Reconstruction finale showed the other AIs all merging into Church as he moved to possess the Meta. Much earlier, Washington had mentioned that those AIs are what allow the Freelancers to make effective use of their armour's special abilities in the first place. Thus, if Church could get a proper possession of the Meta, he could make just as much use of all the special abilities, which is one of the things that made the Meta so powerful in the first place. Add in the fact that the combination of that many AIs in one place would actually be a reintegration of Church's personality, rather than insanity-inducing as it was for the Meta, and that just makes him more dangerous.

    • In this troper's opinion, that already happened with "And a motherfucking ghost."
  • Jossed, unfortunately. The EMP saw to that.

The AI Sigma will be explored more thoroughly in a sequel series, and will have been used similarly to Alpha with at least one other AI split off from it.[]

That Washington made specific mention of Sigma when talking about how Alpha was broken up, rather than any of the other already-known AIs, suggests that it's somehow important and will be revisited. 'Creativity' is already a fairly broad label for a split-persona, and Sigma has the possibility of "lunate sigma" being used as a plot-point.

    • Perhaps the Sigma AI has been isolated and is used for devising stratagems or simulated combat scenarios?

The AI Psi will be revealed to possess Psychic Powers.[]

C'mon. What creator could possibly resist that kind of a pun?

Church IS a ghost. The Director is the Alpha[]

Isn't it a bit odd that Wash, when the computer node for the director comes up, acts like he's talking to the Director in person? And Church had a girl back home who WASN'T Tex. Could it be that Church is the ghost of the template for Alpha, which was used to direct the project as a precautionary measure?

  • Jossed.

Church's "original" body (the one that Caboose team-killed) was a Freelancer.[]

Every other AI was partnered with a Freelancer - Omega/Tex, Gamma/Wyoming, Delta/York and so on. Why should Alpha be any different? However, because of Alpha's natural possession ability and heavily-fractured personality, said Freelancer was shunted far into the back, with only Church in any real control. To fit with Alpha being the most important AI, this Freelancer's armour ability would have been among the most powerful. Unfortunately, since a consequence of this ability was a weakness to tank fire, we never got to see it in action.

  • And his codename? "Florida".
    • Unlikely, since the whole point of putting Church in Blood Gulch was to keep him away from Freelancers. Tex was only sent in because doing so fit into Commands Xanatos Roulette to win the war.

The "girl back home" Church mentioned didn't exist.[]

She was actually just a residual memory of the loved one the original Director lost. Because of the fragmented and limited nature of the memories, he doesn't remember her death.

  • Alternatively, he was just lying. I always thought he was referring to Tex though, because whether or not she cared about him (which she seemed to have) he certainly cared about her.
    • Wait, if Tex was the girl back home, how the heck could she be the wedge that prevented Church from marrying the girl back home?
    • The exact quote was "You uh, you remember that girl I told you about back home? Well, let's just say that Tex is the real reason why we never got married." Meaning that it was because of Tex that he and Tex never got married - which makes perfect sense.
      • "I never said I hated Tex. I just said that she was the reason we never got married."
      • It always seemed pretty obvious to me--he may have wanted to marry her, but can you see Tex agreeing to get married? Alternately, they didn't get married because she went off to become a Freelancer. Remember at this point he still hasn't revealed that Tex is female. Of course, from later events, we now know that there never was a "back home" for either Tex or Church...

The Red Vs Blue war was a training program for Freelancers.[]

Consider that every Freelancer we've seen is strange in some way. Wyoming was an Amoral ******, Wash obviously has some deep seated issues(That may or may not have predated the implantation of Epsilon, Maine apparently got it into his head to gather all the A.I.s together despite likely knowing the failure that was before. All The Freelancers, in one way or another, are all Bunny Ears Lawyers. They are quirky but also incredibly competent in one way or another. Now consider who the only two truly competent soldiers in Blood Gulch were, due to some hidden skill. Tucker was a crack shot with incredible eyesight and observational skills which he Claims were because of his never getting his hands on the sniper rifle. Donut has a great throwing arm and great endurance in foot travel. They were selected by Command and Project Freelancer for some purpose yet unknown, though we do know that Tucker was sent to look for something after his cameo in Reconstruction.

  • Sarge was likely meant to be recruited when he refused his relocation orders. His skill with machinery and robotics being obviously examples of his disproportionate abilities.
    • Well, it's technically true. Delta has referred to the Blood Gulch soldiers as Simulation Troopers. Even if they weren't necessarily recruiting, they were using them as target practise (or hey, maybe both! The ones that survive and thrive get inducted into the Freelancer program while the ones that don't... typically die in this live fire exercise).
      • Actually, the Blood Gulch Outposts were used to test new military hardware, hence the presence of the Robot Kits, the "Motorcycle", the Wraith and the freelancers dropping in all the time.

The Director is Epsilon.[]

At the end of Reconstruction 19 The Director says his mind is more full of memory than hope. Epsilon is memory. He would have all the memories of Leonard Church later on as well. We never see The Director. Epsilon could be transmitting his voice as The Director. It's possible something happened to the real Director and Epsilon was the only one who had the capability to take over due to having the memories. That would also explain why The Director is so set that he did nothing wrong in torturing Alpha since he was torturing himself - Epsilon IS Alpha, or his memories anyway, which means he did torture himself in a roundabout way. Other A.I. in universe aren't considered the same person as they are cloned off of, so why would Alpha be any different? To refer to Alpha as himself, The Director might be a shard of Alpha, i.e. the only one who had the memories of both the torture and the justification behind it. He also seemed to understand perfectly when Wash knew what was going on ("It was Epsilon, wasn't it.") almost as if he expected it. Plus why would Epsilon have the codes to activate the failsafe? Those wouldn't have been set until the A.I. were a confirmed danger, which was why Epsilon was removed from Wash. Why would Epsilon have the codes unless he had set them? Also, The Director wasn't bothered that he was going to be arrested because he knew The Chairman couldn't find him - because he's at Blue Base in Valhalla with Caboose about to be implanted into a body.

    • Jossed. The Director speaks directly (face-to-face) to Washington in Recreated. Naturally, we only see him from behind, but we can still see that there's a body.
      • But wait. That was the Chairman, not the Director.
      • But The Director himself tells the Chairman that if he sends his men to arrest him, "they won't find themselves a fight. They will only find an old man [...]" The fact that The Chairman tried to put him on trial suggests they were able to find him.

Epsilon is in Caboose[]

Caboose's erratic behaviour, sudden intelligence, and sudden...creepiness in Relocated, as well as the way he snuck up on Simmons and spied on the Reds is definitely not like him. Thus he could have implanted Epsilon into himself rather than into Tex's old body--as he has done something with Epsilon by the end of 'Reconstruction, but Tex's body is still uninhabited.

    • Not quite. Epsilon was still in the storage unit. Caboose was simply talking to him, possibly receiving instructions on what to do.

Church upon fusing with the Meta is Jesus[]

He is the Alpha and the Omega. (And several others as well, but that's beside the point.)

Tucker is part Alien now[]

Superhuman hearing and eyesight? Badass sniping skills without any prior experience with a sniper rifle? Take note that these things happened after Junior was born. Something tells me the Alien did more than just impregnate Tucker with a parasitic embryo.

  • More or less confirmed in Recreation. Tucker mentioned that he's "somewhere between Alien and Human".
    • I thought he was talking about himself and Junior.
      • Same here. It seemed that the pair of them represented a union between the two races.

The Church and and Tex seen in the Recreation Trailer are not the normal Tex and Church we know[]

In middle of the trailer for Recreation, a white Church is seen observing the reds, who then meets up with Tex to observe Caboose. It should be noted that neither of them act normally. Tex is very nice and caring toward Church, and while Church isn't exactly positive, his words lack their usual air of Caustic Snark. This has lead me to believe that neither of them is exactly as they were. My two leading theories are that either these are the "Ghosts" or some other preserved form of the Original Leonard Church and Tex (Who the AI ones we know were based off of), or that Church is the recombined "Alpha-Church", hence his much less sarcastic attitude, and the Tex we see is either her AI Ghost (No idea why she's so nice if this is the case) or some sort of "spun-off" AI from him, either from his recovered memories of Original Tex, or a simple construct he's made so he's not constantly by himself.

  • Less sarcastic? his first line in the trailer is a sarcastic "Oh great, I'm sure THIS will turn out well.", followed up by insults directed at the Reds, a fervent wish that he had died fighting something cool or "in a sorority blowjob massacre", and even more insults and sulky lamentations regarding Caboose. Him and Tex seem to be slightly nicer to each other, but this could easily just be character development... Especially since at the very end, they're still snarky with each other, with Church sarcatically thanking Tex for her lacklustre input, and Tex insisting he's the only one to blame (presumably because Dr. Church designed her AI in the first place).
  • Church is very sarcastic. It's just unusually focused on himself and just as unusually filled with a feeling of despair.
    • Which makes perfect sense if he's either depressed due to the discovery of his nature as an AI.
  • Since Word of God confirms Alpha as being deleted by the EMP, that entire aspect of the trailer is rendered non-canon.
    • Actually, it's shown that the Church that survives isn't actually church, but a copy of church that was so accurately remembered from epsilon that it is almost the same, and it is shown that the same happened with the other AI Fragments, as we see Epsilon-Delta taking control.

When he returns Church will not be as awesome as we think he'll be[]

This came to me a while back, but only in checking this page just now have I remembered. Above, we have a theory that church will become really badass. And yes, this could happen, but coupled with the Recreation trailer, I propose the opposite theory. Being Reintegrated, AI Church is now probably a whole mind again (Minus previous memories, since Epsilon is yet to be recovered), and probably still has the possession thing. However, the Freelancer's abilities all come from armor modifications, so just by being whole, Church has no access to Active Camo, Time Stops or any of those other abilities, since he has no body. One guesses that whatever happened to the Meta has recreated Church accurately enough to essentially pick up right where Alpha-Church left off.

The 'Recreation' in the new series title is actually 'Re-creation'[]

Meaning something will be recreated for a new war.

  • Most likely referring to Church's mind being recreated- either that, or it means both teams (Red and Blue) will be re-created when Tucker, Donut, Tex, and Church come back.

Wash's plan was not to destroy the other AI in the Meta, it was to steal them[]

We know Wash dislikes AI. However, the reason he never uses them is because if any of them noticed what is inside his head, he'd be killed for knowing too much. If all of the AI, or at least all of the ones that are good at killing people, were under his control, his life would be a lot easier. If Church and the Meta were pulled into Epsilon somehow, he would have an "inside man" to help him.

The alternate endings for Episode 100 as well as the April Fools stories were all stories that Caboose told Epsilon[]

Caboose couldn't remember those parts, so he just went ahead and made them up. The correct ending was extrapolated by Epsilon.

Vic is Alpha's tendency to be a dick.[]

Assuming Vic is an AI fragment, he represents his ability to be a general Jerkass without being violent and aggressive. Alternatively, he's his passive aggression while Omega is his active aggression.

  • Either that, or they just looked around command for the most dickish person they could find who wasn't doing anything important and put him in charge of screwing with a bunch of bickering idiots in a backwater canyon in the middle of nowhere, then said: "Have fun."

Sheila was one of the AI Fragments, but not Sigma.[]

Remember, she first introduced herself to Church as "Phyllis" before changing it to Sheila. She's actually Phi.

  • Revelation reveals that Sheila is a copy of a program called F.I.L.L.S, pronounced "Phyllis".

Tucker is actually a Freelancer.[]

When he has the chance to fight, Tucker proves to be as tough as freelancer characters such as Tex and Wash, if not more so. And seeing as he was the only person in Blood Gulch to realise Church was an AI, including Church himself, that probably makes him smartest by default. He just seems too competent to be a regular Blood Gulch soldier.

  • Nope, it's a result of his alien DNA, revealed in Recreation. As for the sword, it's a Halo: Combat Evolved-era sword. In that game, they would disintegrate as soon as the wielder was killed. The sword was "bonded" to Tucker because he was the first to activate it.
  • When did they say that he had alien DNA? "Between aliens and humans" can just refer to the fact that he has that sword and has given birth to an alien. Besides, aliens are mostly just on par with humans.
  • And while he is a cut above his fellow "Simulation Troopers", and probably better than most marines, Tex and Meta still have him outclassed in every way. Given Wash's performance against Tex, he's probably better than Tucker, too.

Tucker's abilities are the result of the sword.[]

The sword is a religious artifact with abilities beyond simply being a weapon. While it has only definitely shown the ability to work as a key, it granted immunity to temporal manipulation makes more sense than alien DNA, especially since the aliens have never shown that ability themselves. Additionally, having a weapon that can kill or dismember with a single hit makes you much more of a threat in close combat, regardless of skill.

Church will remember what happened in Blood Gulch and Reconstruction, but he'll remember Caboose's version of events.[]

Epsilon is Alpha's memory, but Epsilon wasn't around during most of the first six seasons. Epsilon only heard Caboose's version of events, which are likely to be completely inaccurate. Epsilon will fill in Church's memory so he remembers what happened to him as the Alpha, but Church will only remember what Epsilon remembers/heard.

  • Confirmed in Recreation ep. 15.
    • Epsilon Church also said he felt his old memories (as Alpha Church) would eventually come back, suggesting that the two (or more) fragment AI haven't properly reintegrated.
    • It seems that by the end of the series, Epsilon has sorted out Caboose's version of events from what actually happened.

The AI are all connected through Epsilon, and Epsilon merely broadcasts them.[]

You cannot copy an AI, and this is stressed multiple times. However, they managed to fracture one, and it resulted in the Freelancer AI. Since the fractures are still all part of the same AI, they must still have a connection to each other. Wash apparently knows everything about the Freelancer project. This can be attributed to his memory, but also he could have perceived through the other AI. When Epsilon "Killed himself" this was merely another split-off from the original. Fast-forward to Church and Tex. Both have had their bodies blown to pieces and yet somehow their programs weren't even remotely compromised. They could have been broadcasting from their bodies, but I don't think that sounds feasible. If Epsilon was their basis, then that would allow them to survive the explosions entirely undamaged. Next, let's look at the library, when Church was having flashbacks imposed by Epsilon. This is the largest piece of evidence, since they are connected somehow. Finally, Washington wanted to stop the Meta, and probably didn't want to kill Church. If the EMP disrupted Epsilon's signal, then all of the AI that had split would default back to him.

  • The Library scene can be explained by Epsilon being, not just the Alpha's memories, but the personification of memory as an abstract concept. Thus, he can freely absorb and share memories.

Church and Tex are both trapped inside the Meta.[]

  • If we assume that Tex is an A.I, she was collected by the Meta when it acquired Omega and Gamma. Church then fused with it at the end of Reconstruction. However the Meta's personality is not gone and it and Church are currently fighting for control of the body. When we see Church and Tex in the Recreation prolouge, we're seeing things sort of from Church's perspective. Solid body, but with Mark VI armour, not the Meta's. Church heads for Blue base, knowing Tex's body is there, hoping to use it for Tex, encounters Donut and then the Meta's personality takes over. In the last episode of Recreation, Church will regain control (maybe only briefly) just before the Meta kills Donut, Lopez and Simmons.
    • Word of God has confirmed all A.I. present at Freelancer HQ as erased by the EMP, ruling this out.

There are now two Churches[]

One is still inside the Meta, One is inside the laser-face bot.]]

  • Jossed: See response to above WMG.

The Meta will do a Heel Face Turn[]

He currently has Church, the Alpha, in his mind (Assuming the above is true). There's no reason for him to be killing anybody, unless he doesn't know. Church will accept he is the Alpha (as he still currently believes he is "a motherfucking ghost"), and convince the Meta that it doesn't need to kill anymore to find him. Presumably (read: hopefully) the Meta will then kill Washington.

CT is the freelancer Conneticut[]

CT is a shortened form of Conneticut, and lot's of freelancers have probably gone rogue after Church and Wash trashed command.

    • More or less confirmed by Washington in episode 8 of Revelations.
    • Confirmed: She is called Conneticut by the director in episode 13 of Season 9

One of the AI is Leonard's accent.[]

The real Leonard Church had a very distinct drawl, but none of the AI did. As the Alpha broke down and became less coherent, it decided that its accent was a liability. One of the Freelancers felt very cheated.

  • This is the best WMG ever. Of all time.
  • Sarge anyone?
    • I think it's been pretty conclusively stated that Sarge isn't an A.I.
  • We never did learn what Theta could do....
  • Kinda Jossed in that we actually encounter the original Alpha unit in S9 Ep. 13, and he doesn't have the accent. Although it's not stated if that was before or after the procedures began...

Washington is only pretending to work with the Meta[]

Kind of obvious, but he tells the Chairman that he needs equipment including invisibility and overshields. Chairman says he can point Wash in the right direction. As we've seen, the Meta has both. Wash shoots Donut and Lopez to trick the Meta into thinking he on it's side. Wash will then kill the Meta while it's guard is down, take all the equipment it stole from the freelancers and use Wyomming's time manipulation device to travel back and prevent his past self from killing the Reds.

  • Except that Meta already responded to Wash's commands, meaning he knew they were supposed to be working together. The Chairman probably meant that they had Maine in holding, but they had been unable to remove the components from him. Especially since the whole conversation was revealed to be a flashback.

Wash has his own agenda, separate from Command's and possibly involving finding or piecing together the Alpha.[]

Just because he made a really badass statement doesn't mean he meant it. He was trying to get out of prison, and we know perfectly well he's pulled off similar deceptions in the past. Whatever he's up to now, he's still keeping his real motivations a secret.

  • It's possible, even, that he has found the way out that he mentioned...but that it's not the way out Command is offering. Double meanings, mistrust of authority, and hidden Xanatos Gambits are all established parts of his character.

Director Leonard Church is, in fact, pre-time skip Church. Alpha Church and post-time skip Tex are the AI he created.[]

Director Leonard Church says, in the epilogue of Reconstruction, that he lost someone very important to him early in life. Keep in mind that the Director is quite old, and he could be speaking of himself losing Tex as a young man. Granted, there are some huge holes in this flaw (didn't Church die first? Wouldn't that indicate he's been the Alpha since then?), but some can be explained away (he never got the chance to serve in battle? Please, you can't actually call what they did in Blood Gulch battle.).

  • Since the WMG about there being no Timeskip is essentially confirmed, this is impossible.

The "Chairman" is actually a UNSC officer who is the Big Good of the series, and the only Reasonable Authority Figure in the series.[]

First time he shows up, he's sending a polite note to the Director, whom he's obviously very suspicious of, but still plans to find out what's going on by the book. Only towards the end, when the Director's excuses for evading his questions grow more cryptic, does the Chairman finally decide to get a warrant and search the building. Then, in Recreation, he offers Wash, a possibly unstable criminal, an offer to get out of jail in exchange for assistance. This Troper thinks that at the end of Resolutions, the Chairman will send in backup for the squad, arrest Wash and put him in an asylum, and probably let the Reds and Blues go free.

  • While I agree on the Chairman being one of the few (if not the only) sympathetic authorities, especially for his reaction once he discovered about the origin of the Freelancer A.I, sending an unstable criminal with a record of killing guards who happen to stand around in the wrong place, confirmed psychical problems and a need for Revenge that would make Mafia back of slowly, is not what I´d call a Big Good.
  • What I meant was he's the highest ranked officer who's basically on the side of the Blood Gulch crew. But about sending Wash in; he probably doesn't know about the Epsilon "incident" (considering he knew almost nothing about what Freelancer did to it's personel) and has no clue Wash killed Donut.

Caboose is now a Genius Ditz[]

When Delta spend a bit time is Cabooses Mind in Reconstruction, he made a few adjustments and repaired some of the damage that happened during the Omega-Arc. Note how "Agent Washingtub" is a pretty close, yet very naive, version of the orginial. The 'Genius' part is knowledge of advanced technology, thats why Caboose could wire Epsilon with the monitor. Problem is that he still has no knowledge of basic technology, leading to explosions and random fire during his experiements in Valhalla.

  • Alternatively, Epsilon was actually guiding Caboose through the process.

Sister is the Sigma AI[]

If only because Sister would make a good portmanteau name (Sigma + Dexter). Of course, this leads to the dubious assumption that Grif is her freelancer. However, this could also explain why she, as a fragment of the original Church, shows up as Yellow Church in Caboose's mind and why Grif doesn't think that Lopez could've killed her. And, um, trying to overdose on aspirin could be considered creative...?

  • You're forgetting Doc's examination scenes of Sister. The reactions of Sarge and Simmons at the surveillance screens pretty strongly suggest that the term software is a little more literal than just data. "Squeezing these puppies into the armor could be a little difficult."

The whole RVB: Recollections saga is a story being told by Caboose, and when Resolutions ends, they will reveal it and the cast will say how ridiculous it is[]

Not much evidence, just that it would explain the Cerebus Syndrome.

Church really is a ghost now[]

The Recreation trailer shows Church in a slightly unusal form. White armour, as we've come to associate with his ghost/A.I form, only it's no longer transparent. Plus in the trailer, keeps moping about being dead. Despite Wash saying there's no such thing as ghosts, Burnie Burns himself once said the trouble with characters who lie is that the audience still believes what they say. Church is now a true ghost. Solid, but presumably unable to be seen by anyone still alive.

  • Since he was never really alive, and the Director has still yet to die, this seems unlikely. And it couldn't have been Alpha-Church, since he's been confirmed as erased by the EMP.

Donut is obviously going to survive[]

How do I know this? Simple. In Halo Reach, you get jetpacks. Now, assuming RvBgoes to to be filmed in Reach, do you honestly think they'll pass up an opportunity to show Donut with a jetpack?

Donut is/has the Sigma AI.[]

Think about it. Sigma is the Alpha's creativity. How many hours of possible redecorating ideas do you think the reds had to sit through back in Blood Gulch? One to many if onscreen reactions told us anything. Now, Donut was a normal soldier, albeit a bit dimwitted, when he first arrived in Blood Gulch. After getting Tex's grenade to the head, he was airlifted out to receive medical assistance. After he returned in his new lightish-red armor, he obviously changed. This Troper's theory is that Donut was possibly put into something similar to a coma, or simply received enough injury to not fully function on his own. So, seeing no alternative without messing up some part of their overly-complicated plan, Command simply decided to install one of the failed, but still functional and relatively harmless, AI to keep him alive. It's possible that the Alpha's creative side had enough of an 'imagination' to not believe it was a fragment at all, instead nearly becoming one with Donut's mentality, while also keeping it from reacting to Donut being possessed by Church or O' Mally.

  • This could also be the reason he was separated from the other Reds during Reconstruction.
  • Unlikely, since no recovery beacon triggered when Wash shot him.
  • Jossed by Word of God - Sigma was the A.I. assigned to the Meta

Caboose is using Obfuscating Stupidity[]

Just two bits I picked up on in Recreation; he incorrectly says Donut's names several times, but also says them correctly. Also, when talking about putting Sarge in a good mood, Caboose suggests that Donut kill "the orange one", yet apparently told Epsilon that Grif was yellow. Whenever Church goes on a journey inside Caboose's mind, he meets up with screwed up images of the rest of the cast; yet this doesn't happen in anyone else's.

My theory is that Caboose has been playing everyone for fools since the series began. When he screws up, acts stupid, he's simply reinforcing his cover. However, as shown when trying to convince Donut to kill Grif, he is perfectly capable of getting things right if it can further his goals. Those mental constructs aren't what he really thinks; they're all just a decoy to keep anyone who goes into his mind from finding out his true purpose. Why would, sweet, naive, Michael J Caboose do all of this? He isn't really Caboose.

He claims he mistook the recruitment office for a college; he stole his initials, MJC, from Modesto Junior College; a community college in California. This was a Keyser Soze-style plan to trick people. So, with those initials, it would imply he's from California. And who take their names from states? That's right, Caboose is actually the freelancer Agent California. Think about it, why hasn't RT ever introduced a freelancer from the largest state in the US? There's no reason, unless he's been there since the beginning. Watching, waiting.

As we know, freelancers tend to have some measure of special abilities; and Caboose is unusually strong. Also, how could someone who's so consitently awful stay on the military payroll? His employer is willing to tolerate the crap he pulls in order to keep his cover as an imbecile. I assume his master plan will unfurl as Revelation continues...

    • California is the third largest state. Alaska is the largest. The reason the freelancer with the most screentime is Texas (the second-largest state, incidentally) is probably because the series is made by people living in Austin.
      • Sorry, I messed up; I meant most populous state.

Grif is actually very intelligent and a capable soilder who hides behind a mask to fool everyone into underestimating him who will, when the times right defeat the blues and the Meta and win the war in a blaze of pwnage[]

  • Well, he did at least defeat the Meta, or at least dealt the final blow (with Simmons' help).
  • Seems possable, but it's more likely that instead of trying to deliberatly fool people about it, he just really is that lazy, but when given an actual reason to put forth his best efforts he does tend to be one of the most compotent people in the series.

Sarge is actually a caring and understanding leader, who's secretly trying to make Grif into a better soldier and future leader by giving him an example of what a leader should not do.[]

Doc is actually not a medic, but an assassin trying to kill off the Red and Blue teams by treating their wounds badly. The fact that they still live is because he's every bit as incompetant an assassin as he is in his cover identity as a medic.[]

Donut actually gets all the ladies, however, he had lost a bet with a colleague which forces him to act in a setereotypical manner when he's at work.[]

Lopez is another AI split from the Alpha.[]

His true name is never really given, Sarge just gave him one. Without speech abilities, he was unable to clarify his name, so the name Lopez just kinda stuck, as opposed to whatever Greek letter he was supposed to be named after. He has the Alpha's technical expertise.

  • Didn't Lopez himself refer to that name multiple times during the series, starting from the activation of the speech unit?
  • The idea that Sarge would have access to an A.I. when the only ones active were bonded to Freelancer Agents is highly unlikely.

Valhalla is/was the testing ground for the A.I Beta[]

Blood Gulch has been referred to as Blood Gulch Outpost number 1 by the Reds, Blood Gulch Outpost Alpha by the Blues and Blood Gulch Outpost 1A by Wash (and presumably the rest of Project Freelancer. And which A.I was sent there? Alpha. Valhalla meanwhile, is referred to as Outpost 17B. If A stands for Alpha, what does B stand for? Beta.

  • Maybe Tex is Beta..?
    • If she was given that designation at any point, it wasn't as an A.I. fragment: She is stated in Chapter 19 of Revelation to be her own entity.
  • A Lso worth noting is that Rat's Nest, another Freelancer Outpost, didn't get a letter, it was only called Outpost 28, indicating that it was not a testing site for an A.I.

Omega's level of control is inversely proportional to the level of aggression of the host.[]

When Doc, a True Pacifist, got infected, the Omega AI was able to almost completely take over, only allowing Doc a few breif moments of consciousness. When the Omega AI is inside Tex, the most aggressive soldier, it does almost nothing. She seems to be have the exact same personality with or without it (though that may be because she's an AI like Church). Captain Flowers, another pacifist, lost total control as well. When it was inside Caboose though, it didn't seem to have much control. Caboose was only a little more aggressive and psychotic, he didn't lose control.

Church is in total control of the Meta now.[]

At the end of Reconstruction, we saw Chruch, the Alpha, go into the Meta, where most of the other AI were stored. This recontructed (hence the title) the Alpha, making him whole again. This would change Church quite a bit, since he's closer to the doctor that created him. He also likely retained the ability to possess, hence why Maine's greed and psychotic aggression hasn't resurfaced. This explains why he's so calmly working with Washington.

Everything the Meta has done are things Church would do, and the way Church would act. He's only fought Reds, nothing out of the ordinary for Church, especially since he missed every shot. Except for punching Doc, but Doc shot first. Also, he's far less aggressive than usual. He seemed hesitant to fight Donut, and only did so when Donut's back was turned. He could've killed Donut any time he wanted to, but he didn't, instead chased Simmons, who is one of the few people that's a threat. He actually seemed to be trying to talk, but for some reason the Meta can't. Washington is the one who's been overly aggressive.

The Meta seems mean, but all he's trying to do is get back Epsilon, and thus the rest of Church's memories so he can be completely full. Also note the way he just chased Epsilon-Church around, he didn't even try to shoot him.

"Master Chick" of Haloid is actually Tex.[]

Montyoum is working for Rooster Teeth now.

Sarges behavior is caused by the bullet still stuck in his brain.[]

This is the cause of Sarges "Sargeism". In the beginning Sarge was partly sane and more competent, until Caboose sniped him. Grif may have revived Sarge, but nothing was said that he removed any bullet that probably is still inside his brain. As the series progressed the bullet just kept sinking deeper in his lobes, until Sarge is as we know him today.

  • That would also explain why his accent suddenly changed in season three, the bullet reached the Cerebral Cortex.

The latest series, Revelation, will lead up to a Church vs Church battle.[]

Many ways this can happen, but there are at least two Churches on the board right now. Leonard Church, Director. Epislon Church, A.I. If you count the teaser trailer you have Church, Ghost Thingy. Technically, with episode 6 we see Delta is still around in some form. So that leaves Church, Alpha. Being even more liberal in assigning Churchdom, we have the original Epsilon Unit that is remaining on the ground and still active. Church, E.U. So there are four plausible Churchs, up to five as of ep 6 if you push it, and knowing how hot blooded he can be.....

  • For ultimate Fun, let the battle happen in cabooses head, so Mental-Avatar Church can join.
  • The week after I wrote that? An army of freaking Churchs, with or without AI/Minds, were revealed. Booya. This is now so certain that it won't happen just to be ironic.
    • Those bodies are back ups.
  • The teaser is non-canon, and the E.U. isn't actually active anymore.

All the Freelancers are women.[]

Okay, so CT had a masculine voice and turned out to be a woman with a voice filter. Tex had a masculine voice and turned out to be a woman with a voice filter. It's not likely, but possible (hey, this is what the W in WMG is for) that this is true of the other Freelancers, but some (most?) of them just got tired of correcting everybody. Yeah, even the twin brother and sister team dammit. Even Wyoming, whose name is either really Regina or had really fucked up parents...which isn't impossible. The masculine pronoun probably became a running joke or a term of endearment.

    • Actually, Wyoming's name is Reginald.
    • An AI, Alpha's fragments, teamed up with Freelancers. Tex is the Alpha of Freelancers. If not all, most Freelancers are female the same way most AI are male. Trying to mimic/copy Tex.
    • Disproven. In the new trailer, we see York's face, and he's definitely male. Though he could be the only exception...
    • Further Disproven with North Dakota's face being revealed.
      • Obvious solution: York and North Dakota are transvestites.

C.T. was an AI. He is either a fragment or a copy of Tex.[]

Basing this mostly on similarities. Both C.T and Tex were revealed to be women after they had been introduced and both had voice filters before that. Both were pretty tough freelancers (at least, it is very possible C.T was a freelancer, since C.T. is an abbreviation for Connecticut and Wash knew him) both more serious and straight men compared to the Blood Gulch crew. And C.T was trying to find Epsilon, another AI, even though he might not have known it was an AI. C.T. was another AI based off the Director's old 'loved one.' and he sent C.T. there to acquire Epsilon.

  • C.T. is confirmed as being a Freelancer by Wash. Whether she was one of the "State" agents, or just one of the project's higher lackeys is unknown, however.
  • Well Wash found C.T. by following a recovery beacon in her armor, something only freelancers have been shown to have, and he did have to specifcily remind The Meta that C.T. was never implanted with an A.I. meaning that there would have been a reason for the Meta to assume otherwise.

It was Washington's fault that Epsilon almost killed himself[]

Washington didn't treat Epsilon like a person and ignored his AI's traumatic experiences. He never took seriously all the signs that pointed to Epsilon being depressed and even goaded him into killing himself. When Epsilon finally attempted to commit suicide and was removed from Washington's head, Washington immediately felt guilty afterward and at that point on, decided to take down the Director himself. This explains Epsilon's reaction upon seeing Washington in Revelations.

Captain Butch Flowers used to be in the Special Forces[]

Tucker asked Tex if she used to be in the Special Forces. This suggests that black armor is not exclusive to Freelancers. We also see plenty of Freelancers with other colours of armor. Flowers' teal armor, now Tucker's armor, used to be black. When he quit the special forces, he used an ineffective method to change this special forces armor to teal. Alternatively, most armor have some method of protection against turning black when going through the teleporter and black armor were excluded cause... they're already black. This is why Tucker's teal armor keeps turning black every time he goes through the teleporter.

    • Jossed by Episode 10 of Revelations. The black stuff can quite literally be punched off, and appears to be some kind of dust or soot. It's more like that its caused by some sort of chemical reaction between the teleporter and some specific ingredient in the teal colouring of Tucker's armour.
      • It's still possible that originally black armor were not treated for dust/soot resistance due to redundancy or because teleporters were still in the experimental stage, so only non-special forces armor were treated (freelancer armor may still be treated due to the experiments being conducted by Project Freelancer). Instead, they were treated for a different type of material that grants them special qualities that Tucker has yet to activate.

Shiela is just messing with Caboose's head[]

At the very beginning of Episode 10 of Revelations, Shiela calls for security against Tex, but when Caboose asks her to intervene and save the Reds, she claims that she can't compromise the simulation. However, she makes it clear that she knows that Tex is part of the "simulation" and, being the AI system for the entire facility, would know that there shouldn't even be any sort of simulation currently happening. She can intervene if she wants to, she just likes confusing Caboose.

  • Alternatively, the Reds are the security breach, having opened up the one thing they shouldnt have.
    • Well they did litterally shoot there way in through the front door.

Alpha is inside the Epsilon storage unit[]

When Epsilon asks Caboose if they need the storage unit to put him in a body, Caboose says no and Epsilon decides to leave it where it is. But the camera lingers on it and if you listen carefully, it still makes the sound it made when Epsilon was inside. Last time we saw Alpha, he was outside blue base at Valhalla, planning to "get started". My bet is that he tried to merge with Epsilon by going inside the storage unit, but something went wrong. When Caboose put Epsilon in the monitor body, Alpha was somehow trapped in the storage unit. And now, Meta and Wash are about to find it.

  • Jossed. Alpha was erased by the EMP.

the series will end with a blue in recon beating down the meta[]

and not just any blue. epsilon church and caboose. caboose has already proven to be the strongest physically, and epsilon church is still an AI. so, my theory is this: the series finale will have the meta beating down everyone(reds,blues,tex,and wash) and the body epsilon church is using will land next to caboose, and in a last ditch effort to save everyone, epsilon church will jump into caboose's armor. and it is obvious caboose's armor is special, as he was not affected by the armor lockdown. so, when epsilon jumps into caboose, his armor gets a MASSIVE upgrade, and transforms into recon. they then proceed to turn a curb stomp battle into something indefinetely more epic. epsilon proceeds to jump into the metas busted up armor, and all the AI fragments(who were still there, and unaffected by the EMP) fuse back together into the full alpha ai, who gets his body back. and of course, grif gets re-promoted, and sarge gets demoted. and tex and church get back together. and caboose keeps recon.

  • ...What?
  • Written and edited by Michael Caboose.

Omega is alive and well and inside Agent Washington[]

This would explain Washington's sudden transition between Reconstruction and Revelations from pragmatic but honorable soldier to kill-happy blood knight. If you contrast Wash's behavior in Recovery One and Reconstruction (showing remarkable patience towards the Blood Gulch crew despite their zany antics, sparing South's life the first time they met despite orders to kill her, etc.) with how he acts in Revelations (with violencing being the first and only solution to any problem, and threatening and yelling at everyone he meets), it seems he's gotten a massive boost in Rage consistent with possession by Omega. Doc even remarks in episode 11 about how Revelations Washington is so incredibly angry all the time.

Omega's been shown to be able to survive outside a host body for a limited period of time as a free-floating "radio signal"; perhaps he realized the Meta was about to get fried, bailed just before Church took possession of Meta, rode out the EMP in signal form, then repossessed the only host left standing in the immediate area... Washington.

Alternatively, Omega was never acquired by the Meta in the first place, and everyone only assumed that he had been. Somehow, he's found his way inside Washington over the course of the series' events.

  • Personally, I think Washington just snapped. The whole reason he was so patient was because he wanted to take down the Chairman, and didn't want anything to interfere with that. So he put aside his personal feelings long enough to do what he could. Unfortunately, the EMP took out all the evidence save Epsilon, and Caboose never turned over Epsilon. He's basically got several years worth of pathos pent up, and its flooding out.
  • Given that Alpha was erased by the EMP, it is unlikely that Omega's signal form could survive it.

Sarge actually is Grifs father[]

The reveal will be very akward on both sides.

  • That is the most awesome wmg ever. even better than one of the AI's being the alpha's accent.
    • Jossed. When Church possessed Sarge and got him killed, Sarge said he wanted to live and let Grif know that he was his son. Church asked really, and Sarge replied "Naw, I just wanted to mess with him one last time."
      • Thats what this WMG was based on. Both of them are oblivious.

Donut will return, but not as we know him[]

Extended death hasn't really been shown to do... anything to someone's mental state, if Captain Flowers is anything to go by. Couple with the fact that Lopez has survived far worse than a single bullet wound, so he was presumably playing dead. He should have some idea of how to combat the Meta (unless I missed something where the Meta and Wash ground his body to bits, or something). He now has free rein of the entire base, including the Reds' holographic simulation facility. He can design anything he feels like, and with some knowledge of Project Freelancer, Donut's brain, and the sense not to drive his allies completely insane, he could potentially redesign his suit into a dual-AI setup more capable than the Meta.

  • Lopez also mentioned having made copies of himself, just in case.

Ghosts are real, and the Director knew this[]

Church's original body presumably escaped (or 'escaped') from the Director's 'personal project'. Regardless of whether the rest of this is correct, the army of Church-bodies indicates that the Director intended for more than to see himself take the chances he never had. He apparently knew that, whatever Church was, he'd outlive his body and require another. Now, consider that the Director that we've seen is, as noted above, I believe, a giant version of Epsilon-Church's bowling-ball form, broadly speaking. The switcheroo to hide the Alpha was far more insane and ridiculous than Wash considered: the Director we've seen is the Alpha, inhabiting the mechanism that the Director set up as his interaction with the world, while the original Director died, and his ghost gained entrance to the bunker. Intentionally, or not, the ghost repressed his memories, reverting himself to the soldier Church. This is why Omega did nothing at all when it possessed him: its function was completely redundant. The fragmented personalities would behave differently, because that's sort of how that works, but Church is complete.

Some of the Freelancers were fitted with experimental fully artificial AI that didn't get Greek letter designations. It didn't work out.[]

Checking the numbers, there were 49 Freelancers, and 23 AI. Maximal shuffling gets no more than 25 Freelancers actually outfitted the way Tex/Church first described them. This is hardly a high enough proportion to make sweeping pronouncements. As such, they could have gotten even more desperate to outfit the suits, and tried to install... I don't know, extremely advanced ELIZA descendants. Which is so scary for me to contemplate that I will stop. Now.

  • It has been confirmed that not all Freelancers were implanted with A.I.s
  • actually, this troper believed that there may have only been 48 freelancers. I believe that one of the freelancers was named viginia(presumably, if agent virginia is male, he will be using a diffrent name, as virginia is a girl's name) and agent virginia's ai was, instead of being a part of the alpha, actually a copy of agent virginia. it makes sense in my mind at least. and, persumably, the ai will be called west. or some variation.

Church and the Director are the same person in a Stable Time Loop.[]

We already know that Church has been in a Stable Time Loop repeatedly. The Director referring to the woman that he lost is when Church thought Andy had blown up Tex (or refers to some future problem with Tex). This also explains why Washington says that "Tex is... confusing. The Director and Councellor always worked so closely with her, she was, like... their favourite." The reason for this is that while Director Church lost her at some point, being thrown back in time to start the freelancer program meant that he could "have" her again.

  • Unlikely. Wash and Tex have known the Director since before Church entered the time loop.

Revelation will end with the characters being relocated back to Blood Gulch[]

Now that it's been confirmed that Blood Gulch is being remade for Halo Reach (and Valhalla's been pretty torn up in Revelation), once the Reds and Blues are all reunited, they'll be sent back to their old bases and season nine will be the start of The Blood Gulch Chronicles 2.0.

  • Pretty much confirmed. Just before Reach they did some promotional vids for it, featuring them packing up in Valhalla and moving to Hemorrhage, a remake of Blood Gulch and Coagulation. And all the Blues are there. Including Church.
  • Confirmed, From a Certain Point of View: While the majority of the cast presumably returns to Valhalla, Epsilon-Church goes into the capture unit to find Tex, and remains there in a memory construct that happens to take the form of Hemorrhage, replaying the events of Blood Gulch Chronicles, with some differences, while he waits for Tex to come back to him.

The Tex and Church who appeared in the Recreation trailer are from the future[]

Remember in the trailer how Church accuses the Reds of being responsible for his death twice? While they may be indirectly responsible for the first death, they haven't done anything to him since least not yet. Not to mention Burnie claims Alpha really was wiped out at the end of Reconstruction. So now we have Tex and some version of Church in Revelation now, something is going to happen near the end involving a confrontation with the Meta. Church will retrive the Meta's time manipulation device and he and Tex will travel back to the start of Recreation for some reason or other in order to fix whatever goes wrong.

Sarge is the Director.[]

He became a simulation soldier in order to keep a close eye on the Alpha, but became a Red because Blue Team already had a CO and he needed to maintain his cover. Later on, during Reconstruction, it became a way of avoiding arrest. He purposefully exaggerates his accent and tendency for mad science in order to maintain the disguise.

== Most, if not all of the soldiers in this series are clones or artificial humans. Some may even have alien genes in them. == It has been noted many times that the BG group show various AI like traits, so what if command simply cloned all the soldiers and used various dumb AI to test how massed produced soldiers would function on the battlefield long term. The robot bodies could just be the spare bodies that dead soldiers could enter on will. Flowers could have been in shut down mode as the AI could have a function where if they are in danger of host death or full death they could either evade or shut off (Recovery Mode). The alien could have just woken him back up (Elites have shown knowledge on how to fix AI before). I think command was trying to find a way to mass produce not only soldiers but reproducible workers for both sides. Tucker and Junior were the inter species part of that test and it has been noted that some soldiers have had relationships (Church and Tex) and obviously have body parts so... There could also be various humans also mixed in, but I like the theme that the Director was taking dead soldiers and giving them a new life. Sarge was also mentioned as having a fear of heights from being an ODST, he could have died in a crash and "woke up" being told he lived.

== Tucker is at least part black, but looks like some other ethic race. == Unless those were one timed jokes (They don't seem that way) I see no way nobody would not notice he's black without a helmet on. Its just a pet peeve of mine as most of the community ignores how out of place that would be for Church to be confused about that if it was obvious, plus I think mixed races are under represented and need a mascot. Still I think it makes sense as it is the future.

  • And when exactly have any of them taken their helmet off?
  • When they're off screen. Less sarcastically, since most of them eat at some point, that's when they would take their helmets or face plates off.

== C.T is actually Tex == So it's been revelaed that C.T was actually a woman, presumably using a voice filter. Who else used a voice filter to masquerade as a man? Tex. And the Tex who's shown up recently seems like she may not be the Tex we know (she refers to Tucker as "the one with the sword", impying she has no memory of him. This could be a copy or back up of the the real Tex. Also, the sponsored enidng of chapter thirteen shows the camera panning down on the ground in the desert where C.T was buried, indicating that C.T isn't dead, just in recovery mode.

  • Tex stated back in season 4 that she didn't remember their names half the time anyway. And C.T. has since been dug up by Wash and Meta, distinctly dead, and recognized as a former freelancer.
  • Also, real Tex or not, she hadn't seen any of them for over a year by that point. It's perfectly conceivable that a name slipped her.

Shila is Sigma, Phyllis is Phi, & they're copies of each other[]

  • Except that you can't copy an A.I., and F.I.L.S.S. has been taking care of the off-site storage since before the Alpha's creation.

== If any AI survived the EMP, it was Gamma ==Gamma's trait has been confirmed as deceit, so it's plainly obvious that he lied about being built by the alien race. So then how was it that he ended up in the past, before Project Freelancer went into full swing? He could easily get there using the Time Distortion unit, and would have to in order to create a Stable Time Loop, but since the EMP's gone off, that can't really happen, unless Gamma survived somehow. He most likely did survive, and a future episode will show him returning to the past and becoming the computer known as Gary

Tucker and Sarge were transferred to Project Freelancer's simulations not because they were incompetent but because they were so annoying[]

  • Both of them have legitimate skills (Sarge is good with robotics and when finally persuaded to fight Tucker can be legitimately to people not named Tex) but despite his skills Sarge is pretty much out of his gourd and Tucker probably just offended the wrong woman so they were transferred to the Red and Blue teams.

The Meta is going to turn on Wash very soon.[]

  • It seems the only reason the Meta is following Wash's orders is because it needs him to get its hands on an A.I. Once it does, it'll no longer have any reason to listen to Wash, who's likely to suffer a bad case of You Have Outlived Your Usefulness and Evil Is Not a Toy.
    • Pretty much the summary of what happens around the middle of Revelations Chapter 19 and the consequences. Prior to which was the Meta stabbing the Recovery Unit into Tex's body, before using her AI fragment to power up his camoflauge.

Caboose is Washington! More specifically, as part of the Stable Time Loop, during the Series Finale Wash will suffer serious head trauma, and be sent back in time by the Meta's time distortion power going haywire (which also turns his armor blue, just like the teleporters turn Tucker's armor black).[]

  • Intelligence aside, as the series points out Washington and Caboose have "quite a lot in common"; they're both rampant team-killers, and both have a few screws loose because an A.I. went to town inside their heads. Washington even becomes disturbed when Caboose points out the similarities between them. It would be a rather amusing Ironic Punishment if Washington's fate is that he becomes Caboose. This would also finally explain how Caboose happens to have Freelancer-level superhuman strength and (when sufficiently motivated) killing ability.
    • It should be noted that Wash never displays superhuman strength.
  • OR: Caboose is his long lost brother, which would be particularly poetic since Caboose was worried Washington would tell him his (supposedly non-existant)brother is dead.

The Blood Gulch Robots used by Church and Tex for bodies are at least partially organic.[]

  • Church gains weight in a robot body, no one noticed anything odd about Church's body before it was blown up, etc. The setting is very obviously in the future (AI, Aliens, Super Weapons, Energy Weapons, etc.) so who knows how robotics advanced in the future? It could be that the robotics are inside a fleshy sack designed to act like human flesh, and the only mechanical parts and wires are inside the bodies, like bones and a nervous system. Church always had one of these, even before arriving in the canyon.

Tex is another fragment of the Alpha[]

  • Specifically compassion/love or something. She isn't a real person, just The Directors (a.k.a Alpha's) impression of the woman he loved, Alison. The reason she was paired with Omega was because she was too kind, she's bitchier now because Omega was absorbed into her to try and recreate the Alpha ... Not a good description is it?
    • Possible, considering how she was absorbed into the Recovery Unit in Revelations Chapter 19 by the Meta, before he uses it to power up his camoflauge.
  • Jossed: Epsilon-Church refers to her as a byproduct of the Alpha's creation, meaning that she wasn't split from him.

Washington's Armor upgrade is Hayabusa Armor[]

  • He just needs Epislon to use it...
  • A more likely candidate is the communication hacking device used by the Meta in Reconstruction: It fits in with Wash's less than stellar (for a Freelancer) battle skills (at most, he is the seventh best fighter, behind Tex, Maine, and four agents Maine killed, "all with higher battle ratings than Wash"), he is an excellent tracker, and skilled in subterfuge.
    • Just because they had higher battle ratings than Wash doesn't mean he's a worse fighter than them at the point of Reconstruction. It's clear in Revelation that he's greatly increased his combat prowess since training, likely in secret given he was planning to take down the entire project in due time.

Caboose is a failed Freelancer experiment. All the personalities living in his head are actually A.I. fragments.[]

  • It's mentioned that Project Freelancer engaged in increasing deranged experiments on its operatives over the course of its history, including putting multiple A.I.s inside the head of a single operative (the result of which was to eventually drive them insane). That sounds a lot like Caboose. Ghosts aren't real; imaginary personalities living inside someone's head are also pretty "far out" as well. Also, Church never runs into anything remotely similar whenever he goes inside anyone else's head. What if all those people living inside Caboose's head aren't imaginary people, but rather A.I. fragments that based their personalities on the people who've made the greatest impression on Caboose's life, like Epsilon based himself on Church? It seems important that Caboose, alone out of the entire Blood Gulch crew, was never hit by the EMP. Him being a failed Freelancer driven insane by multiple A.I. would explain his super-strength and escalating insanity (remember he started to get pretty dumb rather fast even before O'Malley got inside him). As for why the Meta didn't take all his other A.I. when he took Delta, perhaps Meta only though that Caboose had 1 A.I., and didn't bother looking for any more.

caboose secretly stole the epsilon unit[]

  • and next season, they will spend the first few episodes with some slapstick comedy about how they try to get tex and church out. then, the reds will supply NEW robot bodies for them. because why the hell not?
    • Because it would kind of take away the epicness of the end of Revelation. Church revealing he may enjoy being stuck with the Blood Gulch crew forever won't mean as much if he actually gets out in a few days. And his sort of Heroic Sacrifice in trapping himself in order to find Tex would be invalidated by what, from his perspective, be a Dues Ex Machina. They should definitely get out of their eventually, and somehow have everybody wind up back at Blood Gulch (including FILIS/Sheila, Donut and Lopez. But not yet. We need to savour the Reconstruction Trilogy. We need to feel it's darkness fading away before slowly returning to Red Vs Blue Classic. At least half a season before both teams get depressed about how much they miss Church and Tex, and a few episodes after that before any hint that they're coming back comes up. Rooster Teeth know what they're doing, and I suspect they know how they're going to do all this.

Wash intentionally didn't kill Donut.[]

  • His skill implies he could have killed him if he intended to, so why didn't he? His specific reference in Episode 3 seems to imply he was hiding something. What probably happened is he didn't kill Donut, but pretended to in order to convince Simmons he was serious. He brought in Doc under the pretense of having him check out the Meta, when in actuality he was using Doc's incompetence(Well, any Red or Blue army medic's incompetence) to convince Simmons Donut was dead. After all, why else would he need Doc? As for Lopez, he was probably watching the Reds, and realizing Lopez would survive, shot to kill.
    • That actually makes a lot of sense. Perhaps it'll come up in the next season when Donut eventually returns.
    • Original poster here, just a little addition. In episode 19, Wash says to the Meta they don't need to kill Tex. If that isn't proof that he wants to avoid killing innocents, I don't know what is.

The next season of Red Vs. Blue will take place in the Epsilon storage/capture unit.[]

  • Yes, it takes place in Blood Gulch. But there may be a reason it looks different, other than because of the new engine used. So it takes place in Blood Gulch...but in a different Blood Gulch. After all, the Reds and Blues have no reason to go back to Blood Gulch after getting transferred to Valhalla already, and it'd be a bit jarring to go back to Blood Gulch when the UNSC hardly has reason to relocate them all over again. It's all Epsilon's memories of Blood Gulch while in the storage/capture unit. This way, all the characters that should be dead or thought dead (Sister, Wyoming, Meta, Donut, Lopez, etc.) can be brought back in a reasonable fashion, as can Sarge's hate of the Blues, because he let that go last season, and Status Quo Is God. If this is true, it will most likely return to the original comedy series of the Blood Gulch Chronicles, with a less serious tone...because it will be the memories of those times. Then again, the series losing the Cerebus Syndrome seems unlikely, and I'm sure Rooster Teeth wouldn't [[spoiler: just do an exact repeat of the Blood Gulch Chronicles with Halo:Reach's engine. Because the next season may be constructed by Epsilon and Alpha's memories, things will become muddled and out-of-order; for instance, when a Freelancer is called maybe another one will arrive in place of Tex, a Freelancer Church knew, like Washington or Wyoming. If Church and Tex DO meet, the season may be about them trying to get out of the storage/capture unit.
  • Confirmed.]]

There will be a miniseries following the original Blood Gulch Crew and Wash.[]

  • Partially in response to the above WMG this troper thinks that the next series will follow Epsilon-Church's memories. Still, it seems a shame to simply forget the others, so the next will presumably be about the new teams. Multiple theories for what happens will be: The Reds find Donut alive and well, and he rejoins them, as well as Lopez being brought back, but without memories of the last episode of Recreation. The Blues will adjust to not having Church (And having Wash as a "replacement" Church, with Wash contemplating his ruined life, and how he finally has true friends. This is mostly because the guys at Roosterteeth wouldn't let the fans lose their favorite old characters only for them to be replaced by Church's memories. Also, maybe the guys will be forced to flee from Valhalla and go undercover on a Reach map, using new armor as disguises.
    • Can't it be both? Part of the miniseries could focus on Epsilon!Church and his search for Tex, and the other part could focus on the original BG crew and Wash, with both plots eventually merging together. Personally, this is what This Troper likes to think.

Some of the AI will get stuck in Team Fortress 2[]

  • Because field testing AI doesn't seem to be working, what's to stop the Director, the Chairman or whoever the next big bad is by locking all the AI that weren't killed by the EMP in a virtual simulator designed to test adaptability to new environments and versatility with weapons. The Reds and the Blus will have to jump into the matrix to save them. Grif switches teams temporarily to go as a spy then stab Sarge in the back.

The Red Team and Blue Team are not Losers[]

  • To be more specific, the crew from Blood Gulch are all actually competent or potentially competent. Allow me explain.
    • Church: He is fairly straightforward. As Alpha, he needed to be put somewhere nobody could find him, so Command placed him in Blood Gulch, a backwater outpost built in imitation of a location from the first halo encountered by Master Chief.
    • Sarge: In one of the early chapters of Recreation, Sarge mentioned that he had once been in a division where they dropped into combat from orbit. In other words, Sarge was a motherfucking ODST — essentially the pinnacle of Badass Normal in Halo canon. So why was he assigned to a simulation outpost? I can think of a few possible reasons for this: 1) He was put there to keep an eye on Alpha/Church. 2) He was booted from the ODST because he was past his prime and would only slow his teammates down. 3) Because of PTSD from some incident which caused him to develop acrophobia, making him useless as an Orbital Drop Shock-Trooper. 4) Because he caused a nasty political incident with his... uh, blunt... method of dealing with problems.
      • Another highly likely scenario is Sarge was a victim of The Peter Principle. It is undeniable he is quite skilled when it comes to fighting, however it is also undeniable he is truly horrendous at leading troops. He worked his way up in rank as an ODST, but when he was finally promoted to a point where he had to exercise leadership skills, they found out just how bad he was at it, but becuase of his record up to then, they couldn't just demote him, so instead they sent him to a post where he would feel importent, yet wouldn't actually endanger real troops.
    • Tucker: Either his womanizing caused "problems" (most likely involving sexual harassment lawsuits) or his talent for annoying those with whom he works prevented him from working well with others, resulting in him being sent into the simulation program. After the original series, once he had learned... more or less... how to work as a team-player, he even got assigned to a Recovery Squad — a real division of the UNSC military.
      • Better than Recovery, he and Junior are now ambassadors, essentially meaning he's become public relations between the humans and aliens.
    • Donut: Was probably put in the simulation program simply because he was a completely green recruit with no real combat experience. Like Tucker, he too was apparently reassigned to the Sand Trap. Possibly in affiliation with a more legitimate division.
      • He claims that he's become an infiltration specialist, due to his skill at showing up in enemy territory without being noticed.
    • Simmons: Only assigned to Blood Gulch and the simulation squads because he does poorly on timed tests.
    • Caboose: Strong as an ox and actually somewhat competent when he joined Blue Team, though he was still fairly dumb even then. Likely sent to Blood Gulch for similar reasons as Donut.
    • Grif: An all around competent, cunning soldier except for his laziness. Probably put in the simulation program because of a (real or perceived) lack of respect for his superior officers.
  • I totally agree. They're not incompetent, it's just that their personality flaws and...other flaws get in their way.
    • I would disagree and say they are incompetent, but they have a sizable fraction of a truly exceptional soldier that when put together make them extremely dangerous. I argue against Grif being competent and cunning, but he's got legitimate skills as a motorist.
      • His fluctuating competance actually ties into his laziness: Being smart requires expending effort.
      • And as a pilot. He can fly a Pelican and a Hornet with no training whatsoever (okay, so he crashed the Pelican, but still!), and he's been driving the Warthog since day one. It suits him perfectly: whenever he's driving something, he's also sitting down!
      • he crashed the pelican, when he was AIMING FOR THE META. he was specifically aiming to crash it into the meta.

Omega is in love with Sheila, not Caboose.[]

  • Before Omega took over his armor, Caboose was both slightly more intelligent and had no romantic feelings towards the tank. Afterwards he's markedly less intelligent and thinks Sheila is his true love. And at the start of Season 3, when he's stuck with Sarge on Battle Creek, he claims that "O'Malley taught me how to be mean." Maybe he taught him some other stuff, too.
    • Seems unlikely, given Caboose's reaction to Sarge blowing up Shelia in the Pelican the first time, it's clear he felt something for her before Tex even showed up.

Grif kept the Brute Shot[]

  • During the finale, Grif managed to snatch the Meta's Brute Shot, contributing to the Meta's downfall and preventing himself from falling to his death. He had the Brute Shot on his back right before the Meta dragged him off the cliff and he used it to save himself. He was not shown with the Brute Shot during the debriefing, but he might still get it back during the next season. The Brute Shot is either still stuck to the side of the cliff or the UNFC retrieved it for evidence. If the latter, they might give it back to Grif.
    • Doubtful. The latest videos have them moving to Halo: Reach and the Brute Shot isn't an available weapon. The Concussion Rifle is basically the same thing, but visually they're very different.
      • Those videos were done to plug Reach, and are likely non-canon.
        • Are you kidding? The end of the last season showed Church in the Reach engine. Besides, Burnie's already confirmed the next season's going to be set in Forge World (specifically Blood Gulch) with Reach.
          • Guys, no need to argue. This is all really very simple. The next season will probably be Epsilon reliving events in the capture unit, before Grif got the Brute Shot, using Reach. If a new Halo game is released that has that weapon in it, Grif will keep it. If it doesn't, then Grif won't.

AI don't "die," they merely return to the Alpha, or, failing that, Epsilon.[]

When they are unable to find a host (like the Blues tried to do to Omega in Season 2) or are hit with an EMP, AI don't get erased. They return to the Alpha. If the Alpha is "killed," it joins with Epsilon. If has already combined with Epsilon, or Epsilon is otherwise unavailable, Alpha combines with one of the other AIs. The only reasoning for this is Epsilon Church regaining Delta and Alpha!Church's memories. How could he suddenly start gaining memories he never experienced, unless he was connected to Delta and Alpha? Thus, as Epsilon is going through Alpha's memories within the Epsilon Unit, he'll get to the point where Wash says the famous "You are the Alpha" line. Only, it will take on a different meaning. Somewhere along the way, Memory!Wash will figure out that he's just a memory. He will also figure out that Epsilon couldn't possibly have Alpha's memories unless they somehow came in contact. He will then conclude that Epsilon and Alpha reunified. Thus, he will tell Epsilon that he is the Alpha.

    • But it's been stated in-series that the Alpha Church and Delta in Epsilon were both just memories from the torture process, meeting Church, and Caboose's stories.
      • Yes, but that's just what everyone thinks. You can't have a reveal if everyone in-series already knows what exactly is going on.
    • Well there is a simpler explanation for how Epsilon seems to have memories from Alpha!Church that it shouldn't, when Alpha!Church first comes near the Epsilon AI he gets strange flashes in his head, memories givin off by Epsilon. This could have been a two way street, with Epsilon also absorbing some of the newer memories from Alpha!Church, then using them to create Epsilon!Church.

The Reds and Blues are rejected Spartans.[]

  • Think about it. They all wear the MJOLNIR armour, which only Spartans can use. They can survive extreme amounts of trauma, and are capable of incredible feats in combat. It's possible they're all SPARTAN-IIIs that, for whatever reason, weren't suitable for front-line duty. Like all S-IIIs they were considered disposable cannon fodder, so they were placed in simulations where they would continually fight each other. The risk of death was low (but still possible), and it was hoped that over time they would evolve to the point where they were suitable for service against the Covenant. Then Project Freelancer came along...

Caboose was aware that Blood Gulch was a Freelancer testing ground all along.[]

In episode 14, during the infiltration of Red base, he tells Tucker:"I am having so much fun. It's like we're real soldiers." Mind you, this is before Caboose's complete Flanderization into a total retard. Why would he say anything like that? Simple: He knew the Red vs Blue battles weren't a real war, he just signed up because he thought it might be fun. To him, it might've just been a game of paintball with live ammunition. It certainly would explain his carefree attitude towards all the carnage constantly going on around him.

  • ...Which would make him the smartest one

Church never went to the past.[]

This is an extension of the No Time Skip theory. If the explosion didn't cause a temporal rift, then there's no real reason for Church to have been sent 2000 years into the past. In fact, the only confirmation Church gets that he is in the past is Gary, whose main character trait is being a liar. This, however, leaves the question of where Church was for a large portion of Season 3 as well as his misadventures trying to alter the events in Blood Gulch. The explanation lies in Chapter 16 of Revelation, when Tex and Epsilon-Church are talking about her attempting to liberate the Alpha. Tex mentions that the Director had assigned several A.I. to assist in the torture of Alpha, specifically naming Omega and Gamma, and that they created scenarios where the Alpha would fail and hurt those he cared about: the EXACT same situation Church found himself in when he tried to alter the timeline. So the theory goes that after the bomb exploded, Wyoming was ordered to move a badly damaged Church to a secure facility for repairs to ensure the Alpha's safety, the closest facility being the temple where Wyoming had stored Gamma. While Church's body was under repairs, Gamma began to pick up his old past time of mental torture by presenting Church with a scenario based on his memories of Blood Gulch, only this time everything bad that happened was all Church's fault. Gamma continued these scenarios until a combination of Church's acceptance of failure and the imminent threat of the bomb required Gamma to release him. In short, Church didn't learn a bitter lesson in accepting reality for what it is, he ended up falling for Gary's biggest and most devious lie.

  • That...makes so much sense.
  •, that actually does make a lot of sense!
  • I'd agree with it, too - in hindsight, it makes a lot of sense - if not for a few things: By Church calling Vic, lying that he was Captain Flowers, and saying that "make sure nobody learns that I called you," this would later cause Vic to put the hit on Tucker when he thinks Tucker knows too much about the Reds and Blues. That's all in support of the above theory, except that in Revelation, after everyone finds out that the war was a sham, nobody in the higher ups care. Nobody tries to kill Sarge, Simmons, Grif, Tucker or Caboose for learning about this. And the higher ups do know that the Blood Gulch Crew know, as evidenced through the latter's conversation with the soldier at the end of Revelation. Second, Yellow Church. The mere fact that we see the Yellow Church being sent back to Sidewinder, him seeing all of the Churches, and cursing shows that Church did indeed try and fail to defuse his own bomb multiple times, and kept going back to Sidewinder after each failure. And Gamma couldn't have influenced Yellow Church, because he was locked behind a firewall at the time. Church might not have gone and extensively caused the largest Stable Time Loop of all time, but there is evidence to show that it wasn't all just a simulation.
      • I disagree with your first point. I thought that the conversation at the end of Revelation actually shows that the higher ups don't know that the Blood Gulch Crew knows. The soldier calls the bases "training bases," referencing how the bases serve as training grounds for Freelancers. To this, Sarge replies "We just call them bases," pretending that he doesn't know the bases are used for training purposes. Then the soldier says "Hmph, I bet," in a I-know-something-you-don't-know way. As for your second point, perhaps Yellow Church was transported into the same simulation. On a related note, the theory actually solves another plot hole. At first, it seemed that Church was the cause of the whole "Red and Blue are the same" situation. However, later we find out that they were part of the same program even before then. However, if this was all a lie of Gary's, then Church did not cause it, and things make sense.
      • I should clarify the first point: I always thought that what caused Vic to put the hit out on Tucker was that he learned Red and Blue were the same from Vic, who only seemed to know that Red and Blue were the same from Church calling as Flowers (this goes in hand with the theory that Vic is an A.I. programmed to be Mission Control, and not know that the war is a sham.) Vic seemed to put the hit out on Tucker because he believed that Tucker had stumbled upon something that was, as Church put it, "top secret, so you can't let anybody know that I gave you these instructions, okay?" By Tucker accidentally finding out, Vic might have thought something along the liens of "okay, this Private Tucker dude knows something that's supposed to be top secret, and I can't have anyone learning that top secret stuff, so he needs to get killed," leading to him calling Wyoming, and so on. If all of that stemmed from Church saying that his call to Vic was top secret, then it does kind of contradict the above theory. As for Yellow Church being transported to that simulation, I'm not entirely certain how a temporal distorter could do such a thing, unless that mechanical defect that we heard as Yellow Church was looking at the Wyoming corpse was something completely different.

There is a rival weapon to the Great Weapon...[]

...the Gravity Hammer. Its wielder will engage in an epic battle with Tucker or Junior.

This is the story of the Yellow Church:[]

After Church explained everything, and found that Caboose was the only one that knew what was going on, he realized on his next attempt that if he possessed Caboose, he might be able to defuse the bomb more efficiently. He possessed Caboose, but since the mental version of Caboose still didn't remember him (since his version of Church was killed) he couldn't do anything, and was probably trapped in there from the bomb going off. He remained "suppressed" throughout the events of seasons 3 and 4, and while he was trapped, he started to accept that Caboose's versions of everyone were the real thing. When Caboose finally met Sister, Church became that mental version, before Caboose could "create" one. The moment this happened, Caboose probably told him what he was, and since he was accepting everything that was in Caboose's mind, he accepted that as well. From there, he stayed in Caboose's mind until the events of Episode 100, where he finally went back to Sidewinder. And that thing he was trying to ask Church? Probably something along the lines of "what happened to everyone since the bomb went off?"

The Frelancer program was designed to test the armor not the Agents.[]

The program uses armor that looks remarkably like the Mjolinir armor. Also, the simulation troopers take a lot of damage throughout the series. The main difference between the agents and normal troops is the armor enhancements and the AI that run them. You know, the kind of thing you could give to anyone.

  • More likely it's both, yes they are testing the armor, weapons, AI's, etc. to find ones that are easy to replicate and effective. While at the same time training the Freelancers as much as they can so they have an elite crew fully prepared and fully trained in those new techs once they go into standard use. This also works well with another WMG about how each training base was set up for one specific type of testing, with Blood Gulch specifically set for equipment testing. Hence why they got all the high tech stuff that Wash was surprised to find was sent to them, Sheila, the teleporters, all the robot kits, the warthog etc...

The armor for the Simulation Troops always includes an inexpensive version of York's healing unit[]

Which is why they can survive and recover from so many things grievous injuries with no real medical attention. Additionally, this is why Command doesn't bother to send a more competent medic around.

The person Agent Texas was based on, the love of Dr. Leonard Church, was female Noble Six, from Halo: Reach.[]

A theory that, I admit, ripped off after seeing a livejournal roleplaying account of an AU that put Noble Six as the original Allison Texas. And yet, that made a lot of sense, and despite the fact Rooster Teeth decided to remove their original marketing image of Revelation (A decision I could not disagree any more with — I always loved the tragic feeling of unavoidable defeat of that poster), it makes for fun fanon to merge both Red vs. Blue and Halo with the bloodiest battle humanity waged in the history of their war against the Covenant.

That Agent Texas and Noble Six were badasses goes unquestioned. Halsey described Noble Six as more of an hyper-lethal vector than a soldier -perhaps only below the only other Spartan with that rating-, and we've seen Tex mow down hordes of enemies alone. And yet, despite being the most deadly soldiers of the UNSC, they were not able to avert their final fates — Defeat, and death.

I can only theorize: B312 lost her parents like the rest of the SPARTAN-III, but certainly remained saner than them all, to be able to function with a deadly efficiency, perfect control of her emotions, but enough humanity to have compassion. At a point in her career, perhaps she met the original Leonard Church at some point in one colony, who was applying for the UNSC Armed Forces, and they fell in love.

Still, even though Church was rejected, and unable to join, he did his damnest to prove himself of use to the UNSC by becoming a Doctor, and helping Tex as much as he could with armor and AI technology he could be able to develop. Despite having become of a lot of use, he could not forgive himself for standing in bunkers doing research, while Noble Six fought in distant worlds against the Insurrection and against the Covenant. Even less after he got to know about the Fall of Reach... having received the final footage of his loved one from an ONI Agent that recovered the last records of her helmet.

The trauma of having seen the final footage from Noble Six, of her fighting waves after waves of Grunts and Elites, with her helmet cracking, and being ultimately slaughtered by Zealots bent on revenge, played a massive part in what made the fragment of Agent Texas. Then, knowing the Covenant would find Earth soon, Project FREELANCER created the Alpha AI just after the Fall of Reach; They tortured it to separation, and Texas was reincarnated... but, with flaws that the Doctor could only remember of her after her death, including the most tragic one that marked the death of the original Allison: The inevitability of failure.

Tex was destined to be defeated in her battle against the Meta and Washington. It was inevitable that her last stand would repeat the events of the death of the original Allison, back at Reach. From the moment she challenged the pair of Freelancers, to the moment the Meta impaled the storage unit into her, Agent Texas was destined to fail in a bitterly ironic mirroring of events. All the Director could remember was Allison's helmet cracked in the middle... and Texas lost in the very same way.

  • oh my god, that is awesome.
  • Jossed there is only a male noble 6 and it is Caboose. :P

The next season will be a Prequel for the Freelancers[]

Burnie has said many times that the origins of characters such as C.T., York, and the Meta are all things he wants to expand on at some point in the series, and it would be keeping in theme with Reach if their backstories were filmed using the Reach engine. We have no idea what direction he can take the plot forward at this point, so perhaps he'll take the plot backward instead.

  • Confirmed
    • Mostly, except Word of God says that none of the 'past' scenes will be done with the Reach engine but will all be 100% CGI, while all the scenes taking place in a separate 'future' storyline will be all done with the game engine.

The Director himself had a Dissociative Disorder[]

In this case, a mild one. Instead of several alternate personas, he only had one: Allison, born out of the memory of the woman he loved and his inability to cope with her death. This would explain why Tex was created alongside the Alpha and not from it like the other A Is, and explain what the Director meant by 'getting her out of his head'.

Alpha!Church escaped the EMP in the Epsilon unit[]

In Revelation, Church's flashbacks are to the holding facility that Tex tried to bust him out from. However, Alpha had only been moved there after the all the AI fragments had been harvested, including Epsilon. So it can't just be Epsilon, as he wasn't there. Also, during Revelation, Church acts much like he normally would, albeit without his memories. Considering what Wash said about Epsilon during Reconstrution, it went crazy due to all the bad memories, so wouldn't Epsilon do something similar?

Here is a scenario: During the attack on Freelancer HQ, right when Church possesses the Meta, he begins to reintegrate with the AI fragments and realizes the truth of what he is (probably from Delta). Suffering a major Oh Crap realization, he formulates a plan to escape the EMP (remember, all this would be happening in microseconds of real time). So, he activates the Meta's time-distortion unit to slow down time to a near-standstill (so slow that even the Meta wouldn't realize what was happening). He then runs out of the base to where Caboose is driving away with the Epsilon unit, downloads himself and the other AI fragments into it, while leaving one, probably one that he doesn't like (such as Gamma or Omega) to take the Meta back to where he was, ensuring that he has disappeared completely. However, the integration of all the AI fragments left him confused and memoryless while he tried to sort everything out, hence why he didn't remember anything after Caboose revived him.

The Meta is a zombie.[]

Think about it...just THINK about it!

There really were only 49 Freelancers...[]

But Florida wasn't the one missing. Delta mentions that Agent Carolina was outfitted with two A Is, so we can possibly assume this means the people in charge simply counted him/her as both North and South. Probably somewhat obvious, but nothing's been said about it here yet, so...

  • Or Florida is still the one missing AND Carolina counts as both North and South. Remember, the series takes place in the future. The 49th one could be Agent D.C., Agent Puerto Rico, etc.

The whole thing was in Church's head the whole time[]

The torture the Alpha went through was so horrific that the remaining fragments retreated into its own subconscious. However, even there it can't escape the memory, and is forced to relive it all over again. Each time becoming more and more fragmented and retreating further from the real world. This is based mostly off of Church's line in the epilogue: "Out there, everything's based off of the Alpha."

    • At the end of season 8, Church enters the A.I. Unit to find Tex. He created a world inside the A.I. Unit out of his memories to do so. However, this means that We could have been viewing the show from his memories all along. This puts the whole continuity of RVB into question, as if we are, we're seeing things from the way that Church Perceived them and not the way they truly are, calling into question how much of the series is true, as Chruch could easily be an Unreliable Narrator. Caboose, for isntance, may have gotten stupider over the series compared to his original appearance because Church has had to deal with his stupidity so many times, he thinks of and therefore remembers Caboose as stupid, to an increasing degree throught the series. This meaning Caboose could have actually been a normal, averagely intelligent being (Which he was, until he unwittingly called Tex a slut, which, coincidentally, was the begining of his slip downwards into insanity)
      • And also, If he goes into the A.I. Unit at the end, and he created everything from memory, then at the end of his memories, wouldn't he go back into the A.1. Unit, therefore statritng the whole process again in a matter similar to an stable time loop? Which raises another question: If this were true, how long has this been going on for?
      • This can also be used to explain why the show is always viewed from the blue perspective, and why Church is the only sane man in the series. Since he is creating everything out of memory, it's fair to assume that everyone around him is an exaggeration of their actual personality.
      • This might also explain how survive gunshot wounds, blunt-force trauma, falls etc that would have killed an average person: they're exaggerations of what really happened. Church witnessed it so many times it grew in his mind.
        • One should note that Church himself has noticed that things are "different" this time around, meaning that if it IS a loop, it may not repeat the same way, especially since Epsilon-Church seems aware of the Memory-Recreation.
      • Which is also a great tie in to the alt. ending for the original series where church wakes up and we find that the events in the series were a dream.
  • Partly-Jossed by Word of God. Burnie explicitly said that the Blood Gulch Chronicles were the "original loop." He did say, however, that the events of Recollection are up for interpretation.

There are 2-3 "loops" that Church had to go through before Revelation, all of them ending with Tex inside the memory unit.[]

  • Based off the Word of God quoted above, this means that the Halo/Halo 2 engine is the "Original loop". There have been exactly 3 games since then in the Halo franchise that Rv B would use - Halo 3, ODST, and Reach. So, why wouldn't the loops, being based more and more off Church's memories, become more and more detailed and more and more over-the-top awesome as he went deeper. The main "difference" is that, in the Halo 2 loop and the Halo 3 loop, Alpha!Church went into the memory unit after tex, not Epsilon!Church. Because a full AI tried to go in, or Alpha!Church made some mistake that Epsilon!Church wouldn't, both his and Tex's memories of those events were wiped. This is why Epsilon!Church noticed that "I think this place is a little different than it was before."
    • But that leaves a couple problems as well: How would Alpha survive the "Ehmp" at the end of Reconstruction? What series of events would justify both Tex and Church going into the memory unit not once, but 3 times? Also, there is a little problem with the exact number of engines Rooster Teeth used from Reconstruction-Revelation, as A) I don't remember the exact number and B) that has a direct bearing on the number of "loops" Church has gone through.

Andy will return and become Grif's AI partner[]

Grif probably still has that armor enhancement that gives him super speed, however, he's going to need an AI to make the necessary calculations to make it run properly. Enter Andy who can serve this role and in addition, allow Grif to understand what Lopez is saying at the same time. Grif (and Andy?) then start taking credit for all of Lopez's ideas and/or start putting words in Lopez's mouth. :p

The Red Zealot is an AI[]

Specifically, the Alpha's dedication to religion. He was placed in a robot body in Battle Creek to see how an AI would react to being in a battle situation without a partner. Eventually he became so obsessed with the flag that it became the object of his worship.

  • Alternate theory: He's a Freelancer paired with the AI of Alpha's religiousness, but his AI's obsession with the flag took over his mind. Or he is an AI who was paired with a Freelancer in the past. Either way: Zeta + Luther or just Zeta + Lot.
    • Come to think of it, I like this theory better than my original one. Of course that sort of makes me wonder. What about Alpha's actual religious beliefs? Maybe that was Chi. Perhaps it's a fragment that split off of Epsilon because of the torment that it was putting Wash through? And then it managed to stay after Episilon was removed. Although it's a bit of a stretch, Walter+Chi maybe?
      • Keep in mind at the start of Season Two, you can see Church and Tex's graves outside Blue Base. While it's never stated who is in which, one is Jewish and the other is Christian.
        • Yeah, I know. But this WMG is based on the idea that Alpha's religious beliefs and his dedication to those beliefs are separate A Is. So once the dedication breaks off, it has no beliefs to go with and therefore begins worshiping the flag. As for Chi breaking off from Epsilon during its time in Wash, that really didn't have much base to it.

The Meta is Albert Wesker.[]

Think about it; he keeps coming back when he should be dead, and Wash's comment about feeding Doc to him... makes sense.

Every damned thing Caboose ever said will end up being at least half right[]

Based merely on the whole Church actually being a robot thing, but how badass would this be? For example, the line "Time is not made out of is made out of circles!" will come up.

  • Holy already came up! Epsilon has gone to the beginning of the Blood Gulch Chronicles (well, kinda), effectively making time go a "circle" because he has gone back to where the series started. You know, in this context, Caboose's line actually seems kind of wise. As for the "gay" part of the "gay robot" gag: it's a bit of a stretch, but Tex was split off of Alpha, so they could technically be considered the same "gender."

The Blood Gulch Crew will become the "Tucker's Kobolds" of Freelancer training[]

By the start of season nine, several teams of Freelancers would've already been sent to Blood Gulch to use the Red and Blue teams there for target practice. However, the Freelancers will severely underestimate the 'cannon fodder' and as a result, be sent home with their tails between their legs. Tucker has already proven to be a significant threat against the dig team led by Freelancer C.T. and Washington's... well... Washington. Grif, Sarge, and Simmons proved capable of good teamwork during the fight against the Meta. Blood Gulch will have earned a reputation on the same level as Tomb of Horrors and attract the attention of high-ranking Freelancers wishing to seek a challenge. At the start of the next major plot arc, a whole team of powerful Freelancers will be sent into Blood Gulch to deal with the Red and Blue teams there, kicking off a chain of awesome fights. :p

Everything in Red vs Blue happened before.[]

At some point early in Season 8, Delta is communicating with Caboose and the others.

"We are concerned that [Epsilon] might start the cycle again."

This was a shrug and 'meh' but then... after SEEING the finale, specifically the scene with Epsilon Church, I started thinking. "Epsilon just made a new reality. He's reliving the whole series."

Then it hit. Fridge Brilliance.

Why is Epsilon basically just a copy of Church as we know him from Blood Gulch Chronicles? Why does he fall back into everything? Because Church never died. The entire series, every single bit, is all virtual. It's all in his head. There are COUNTLESS layers of memory.

Further Brilliance: After so many repetitions, Church can no longer remember what anyone looked like. He doesn't remember exactly what happened. So, the 'script' is what really happened, and the improv that happens is just

  • Jossed by Word of God. Burnie says that the series we've been watching thus far has been the original loop.
    • Well, semi-Jossed. He says that all of Blood Gulch Chronicles actually happened. Whether or not the Recollections Trilogy and anything after it are a simulation or not is a different question.

Grif is actually genuinely cunning and brave.[]

"GRIF!!! BRAVE!!!! yeah right what the hell are you smoking you dork!, he's a lazy coward who only think's about himself." Is what I here you say, but consider this, during the final battle in Revelations Grif run's RIGHT at The Meta, even if he's screaming in terror he doesn't hesitate one bit and is even one of the first to start attacking the Meta but that's not the best part. The true Crowning Moment of Awesome comes when Grif LEAPS ONTO THE META'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just to steal his Brute Shot away. Remember now that Grif is absolutely TERRIFIED of The Meta and would (correctly) consider such an action to be suicide, and yet he does it anyway, but this isn't just a demonstration of his Hidden Depths of courage it is also proof of his cunning. Heres proof: now if you watch the part of the fight between Meta entering melee combat and Grif stealing his Brute shot you realise that it Was the Meta's Brute shot that was giving him such an advantage at that point. He used it to take out Simmon's and Tucker and to stop both Sarge and Tucker's attacks, Grif realises this within seconds and, without hesitation places himself in incredible danger in an act that is almost self sacrificing(he doesn't actually die from it but there was a 92% chance tha he would have) just to deprive the enemy of his primary weapon and defense, and give his friend's a chance to win, for this very reason this Troper now bestows upon Grif the title of: Magnificent Bastard

Also in Chapter four of Revelation's when he hears of Simmon's and Doc's capture, his first reaction is "We have to help them!" note that this was his INSTINCTUAL reaction concern for his friend despiter knowing full well just how dangerous Wash and The Meta are.

So I ask you does any of this sound like a Lazy coward to you?

O'malley wasn't the only one infecting people at Valhalla[]

O'Malley infects people and tries to take over the world, sure, but driving people crazy or killing them for no reason doesn't seem to be his style at all. So the description of what happened at Valhalla at the beginning of season 6 didn't make sense. Until you remember that Tex was there as well, and she also can Body Surf! (and possibly Gamma as well) The fighting wasn't just caused by O'Malley driving people crazy, it was Tex and Omega possessing people and fighting each other!

Maybe this seems obvious to other people, but I never quite put it all together until recently.

  • This makes sense, since her body might've been damaged in the crash, so she went on as ghost/hologram form. She held back for Blood Gulch squad for Church's sake, but she doesn't know or care about these new red/blue guys, so she let them have it. And then she/they decided to possess the Meta, and it all went downhill from there.

The events after BGC never happened.[]

They're simply all in Washington's head. He's still suffering from his case of Cranial Insanistosis thanks to Epsilon, and is, in reality locked away in a padded cell spending his days fantasizing about taking the Director down and getting revenge. Meanwhile, Project Freelancer trods on uninterrupted and undeterred. Agent Maine never became Meta, and he and Agent South are Recoveries One and Two respectively. They're also tracking Omega and Tex, who are still flying around after the launch from Blood Gulch trying to rule the universe.

South killed North on orders from Project Freelancer.[]

At the end of Recovery One South calls command and makes a comment about Wash reacting just the way the profile of him said he would. The ensuing conversation from then tells us that command was in on the whole thing to get data on the Meta. What's to stop us from thinking command set it up by ordering South to let her and North get tracked by him, and then let North die?

  • Alternatively, North and South were tracking Meta as well and got cornered, but South being Recovery Two still had orders that if the shit hits the fan she needed to see what happened.

Omega was drawn to Tex because they share an origin.[]

Many agents state that, despite the fact that Omega can Body Surf, it preferred Tex. That's because they're both byproducts of the Alpha. The peices have a natural tendency to gravitate towards each other.

Grif (both Dexter and Sister) are the offspring of a freelancer[]

It explains why they're both nigh unkillable. Also, Dexter Grif is more intelligent than most give him credit for (Church is the only one who sees it, as shown in season 5). I'm gonna guess his father, since his mother was stated to be a bearded woman at a circus. Or maybe that specific freelancer retired/ran away and joined the circus. Enough time has passed, I think, because human Church seen in the video looks pretty young, whereas in the present, he's described as an old man, so freelancer had to be going on for quite some time.

The Red and Blue Zealots were literal simulation troopers.[]

As in, they were soldiers in robot bodies going through simulated battles. Also, they're one of the very few red and blue armies that are well aware of the true nature of the war.

  • Or possibly even just straight up robots, an attempt to create fully robotic troops that were suited to combat, but were easy to mass produce and didn't need a full feldged AI to funsction right.
    • This fits in quite well with my above "Red Zealot is an AI" theory. They're all controlled by the same AI, thus explaining why most of them aren't exactly right in the head.

Tucker works for the UNSC now instead of Blue army[]

Not only did he have an alien child, but he knows the whole thing is a sham, and command knows that he knows. This also explains how he knew about Church. Command straight up told him what Church was, since he's no longer part of blue army. It also explains why Wash didn't track him down, Wash was to track down the Blues, and Tucker isn't a Blue anymore. He got to keep his teal armor for sentimental purposes. He's not quite a freelancer, but he's not a simulation trooper anymore either.

  • So did Donut, somehow, since he was able to send help for Tucker. No other reason why a red would send help for a blue.

Caboose is also an AI like Church[]

Note that Caboose's mind is the one only shown to be explored by Tex and Church. Notice, even on season five, when Tex is trying to hunt down Omega, but waits until it is inside Caboose to jump into his head. She had ample time to jump into Simmons's head, but chose not to. Maybe because Simmons has a real mind that an AI can't hack into, while Caboose has a computer mainframe that an AI can explore. Speaking of his mind, he as unique personalities inside his head that can be extracted. Such as when Church brought yellow Church out. Since the series has done in the wizard, and there are no such thing as ghosts, then there likely aren't figments of an idiot's imagination capable of becoming real. Yellow Church is a fragment AI from Caboose. Also note his affinity for machines (especially Sheila).

Since the Chairman stated that there was only one AI, then that logically means that Caboose is another fragment of Church. Likely based on the human Church's best friend. Or he could be the Alpha's self esteem. In either case, it also explains why the personalities are so warped; if Caboose is a fragment, then those things are fragments of fragments.

Alternatively, Caboose is an actual copy of the Alpha. Washington says they can't copy it, though he could've been wrong. Since the series is loosely based on the Halo canon, it is possible to copy an AI, it's just difficult and not recommended because the copy is imperfect and prone to flaws. This explains why Caboose is so stupid, he's an imperfect copy of Church that's malfunctioning.

  • That would make so much sense.

Yellow Church actually is a past version of Church[]

When Church was trying to avert the season three bomb, we see yellow Church. Fast forward to season five, and it's implied that Yellow Church was actually Caboose's mental image of Sister. However, if you look at the group closely, you see can make out a Ghost Church. No real clear reason why one Church would be without a body. Also, the last Church states that he remembers being Yellow Church. Well, that would be impossible if that really were just a figment of Caboose's imagination.

I think that one of the copies of Church decided to help out Caboose's mind. Caboose still had no memory of Church, and he doesn't seem to gain it back until the future. One of the Church's went into ghost/hologram mode and jumped into Caboose's head, and took over as Church's memory. Church stayed in there, maybe because he felt he had no other out of all that. Since Caboose's mind was damaged from having one copy of Church destroyed, Omega forcefully ejected, Caboose is unable to create new memories of people. So, when Caboose finally meets Sister, Church paints himself yellow and takes over as the memory for Sister. Church's work as Church was done, and Caboose had a recreated copy of Church that hides when newcomers come into his head, like the real Church, since it doesn't want to die again. Note that Caboose is no longer obsessed with being Church's best friend (Caboose's mind accepts it when Church says he is, but Caboose never brought it up). This is because the copy that Church made in Caboose's mind knew it wasn't his best friend, and felt that the obsession was wrong. He was however, still very mad that Caboose killed him. Caboose's Flanderization as being a team killer didn't really begin until Halo 2.

Anyways, back on Yellow Church. Well, Church made himself yellow, since he saw that Caboose wasn't forming a new memory. Alternatively, Church was just trying to give Caboose an accurate depiction, making sure he didn't distort her memory horribly, but instead just confused poor Caboose even further (Caboose saw Church painted yellow, and hence why he thinks Sister is related to Church, not Grif. And the story of where Sister's ship came from just wasn't throug.) Or Church got aggravated and shot her, so he had to make a new one so Caboose would know her. Anyway, Yellow Church followed Cobalt Church outside and got thrown into the past by a malfunctioning Wyoming. Thus creating a Stable Time Loop. Yellow Church just went with the flow, and eventually became the Church that makes it. This means that Church has a couple year boost on all the other characters. However, he doesn't have perfect precognition, since those years were spent in Caboose's head of all places.

This also explains why Sister's memory is so cynical. None of the other memories act like that, and none of them are aware of their own silliness. It's cynical, because it's Church trying to Caboose to understand. Also, spending two years in a place like Caboose's mind just has to wear down your patience.

And when I said Caboose can't create memories of new people, Delta fixed that when he went in there. Delta seemed to patch up Caboose's mind a lot, since Caboose seems smarter in general ever since Delta's been there. Hence why Caboose has a memory of Washington, since this memory would be the memory that forms while Delta was directly in Caboose's mind, it's also why it's the most accurate memory that Caboose has. As noted, Delta also seemed to make Caboose's own self image mellow out. He probably would've fixed the other memories, but Delta never met the reds or Tucker (Meta has already kidnapped him by the time the reds show up), so Delta has no way of knowing whether or not those memories were accurate. For all Delta knew, the red seargeant really didn have a pirate accent, Griff was yellow, and Donut was female.

Season 9 theories[]

I have several theories on what we can expect in season 9 Now, I know that a lot of fans are looking forward to seeing Tex without her helmet, but I don’t think that will happen, due to the simple fact that Tex is an A.I inside a robot body and thus her helmet IS her head. now a small observation: we all know now that Maine and Washington were once friends, but in Reconstruction, when Wash founds out that his former friend is a deranged inhuman monster, his first thought (after the initial shock) is “Where is the Meta so I can kill it”. Now that is one coldly practical person, but I think this coldness, and the fact that Wash always referred to his former friend as “Meta” rather than “Maine” was a coping stategy, much like crime scene investigators will refer to a dead person as “the body” or “the corpse” rather than calling the person by name and driving home the fact that a life is gone, and same with Wash he used his coldness as a coping stategy rather than be overwhelmed by the horror of what had happened to his friend.

Now these are the three plot points I predict we will see in Project Freelancer. 1. Because of a quote from agent Washington: “At the end of the war, things didn’t look good for humans, and there were dozens of projects all trying to come up with the magic bullet to win, Project Freelancer was one.” I believe we will see several battles between the Covenant and the Freelancers

2. Maine’s descent into madness: First a little history: In my theory, Maine was always a perfectionist, he came from an aristocratic background and joined the military because he saw it as a personal test to his own courage and skill, when he is inhabilitated in the most humiliating way possible this is an enormous and unbearable blow to his pride and Maine slowly slips deeper into madness as he becomes desperate for more power, believing that it will help him to regain his lost pride, a mindset encouraged by Sigma (I predict Sigma and Maine’s relationship to be reminiscent of that between Alma Wade and Paxton Fettel). But in the end, Maine realises that his original drive to regain his lost pride has deteriorated into an uncontrollable hunger for power.

3. Washington and Epsilon: First, as I mentioned before in a previous post which you probably didn’t read (you bastards! ;-D) I believe that Wash and Epsilon were once friends, due to another quote from Agent Washington:

“No, just the same old feelings, you know; that I had another person living inside my head and I got to experience first hand as their mind unravelled while mixed with my own.” The main word in that quote is “person”, Agent Washington saw Epsilon as another person going insane, rather than just a rogue computer program that malfunctioned, and I believe that he was genuinely saddened by what had happened to Epsilon. Now this is my theory of Agent Washington’s history: Basically Agent Washington joined the army and- Well Duh! (fuckstick).... ANYWAY. Agent Washington joined the army and got extremely high scores, especially in ranged combat, his marksmanship skills were off the charts, however Washington had one critical flaw: Following orders. Washington couldn’t stand what he saw as the “mindlessness” of his peers, they were all just “Yes sir! No sir! Three bags full sir!” He hated the fact that they had no initiative and simply did as they were told. And so Wash would often disobey orders and follow his own plans, and despite the frequent success of these plans Washinton would have been court marshalled had his creativity and initiative not caught the eye of the director of Project freelancer, who offered Washinton the chance to escape the court marshal by joining Project Freelancer. Washing ton excepted The Director’s offer and for the first time in his life, found himself among equals. He appreciated York’s laidback nature and Identified quickly with Agent Maine’s perfectionist style, which was lucky because Agent Maine and Washington were soon assigned to the same team due to their complementary styles, Washington is a backline shooter and strategist, his ranged combat skills are EXCELLENT but his melee combat skills are- well not CRAPPY but they definitely need improvement, if you noticed during the battle against Tex he was making big swinging arcs, which are quite obvious and leave yourself wide open to a counter attack, something that Tex exploits quite easily. Maine on the other hand is a cunning and opportunistic frontline combatant, and this combination proved to be devastatingly effective, until they were beaten by simulation troopers (but then even the best laid plans often fall prey to bad luck). Of course their were some people he didn’t get along with, for example he was VERY wary of Tex, but then again everyone was. And he hated Wyoming due to the latter’s arrogant and posh nature. Then came the thing with the AI’s. Now wash extremely hesitant about that for the simple fact that having someone inside your head for the rest of your life, no respite would be incredibly annoying, especially someone like Delta. I imagine that Delta was one of the first A.I’s and due to its docile nature was often used as the “example” A.I.

“Okay York, could you please step up for a minute and demonstrate exactly what an A.I is like, Delta.”

And so Washington naturally assumed that all the A.I were going to be like Delta. Not that he had a problem with Delta, it was just the thought of having another “Yes sir! No sir! Three bags full sir!” type person living inside his head forever. “Someone. Please. Kill me!!” But to Washington’s surprise the A.I they assigned him: Epsilon, was nothing like what Agent Washington had expected. Rather than being a docile butler type servant, Epsilon had a sarcastic irreverent nature that Washington liked immediately and the two quickly became friends, however, as we all know, things went horribly wrong. Now I don’t think Rooster teeth will show Epsilon’s decent into madness as simply some random flashes of images. No no no no no. They’re smarter than that, I think they will actually be more subtle, in fact the first signs could actually be quite funny like “WTF” but then it goes from funny to..


To ....



Something is very, very wrong here!! And then becomes just outright horrific. So this will be a very dark story, because Washington will be watching his closest friend descend into madness and be unable to help him, and what makes it even worse is that Washington knows EXACTLY what is tormenting Epsilon as he is experiencing it himself. As he said he had to experience it FIRST HAND, and thus is also dragged into the depths of insanity.

4. The Alpha/Tex story Now this story will be just as dark as the Washington/Epsilon story if not darker, however it will be dark in a different way, you see the Agent Maine story will be morbidly fascinating, the Washington/Epsilon story will be outright horrifying, but the Alpha/Tex story will be heartbreakingly tragic, and of course- because Monty Oum will be there- FUCKING EPIC!!!!!

....Ahem. Sore throat there.

....Wait. How the hell did I get a sore throat from typing? And for that matter, why am I typing word-for-word everything that comes into my head. Oh fuck it ANYWAY. Now I believe that the Washington/Epsilon story will focus more on Epsilon’s descent into madness, rather than the actual visions themselves. But in the Alpha/Tex story we will finally be able to see these horrible images ourselves, now not only will they be absolutely horrible images, genuinely horrible. but they will also give us some insight into The Directors mind. Now let me tell you about my theory of the Director’s history. Now a lot of people believe The Director to be out and out just some sociopathic asshole, but I don’t think he is, for the simple fact that Church IS the Director, at the end of the day they are the same person, so for The Director to be a Complete Monster, that would mean Church is one to, but we all know he’s not, so there’s gotta be more to it than that. So looking deeper I looked at a quote from the Director himself during his final log

“Someone extremely dear to me was lost very early in my life, my mind has always plagued me with the question, if the choice had been placed in my hand, could I have saved her? The memory of her has haunted me my entire life, and more so in these past few years than I could ever have imagined”

And another quote from the actor who plays the Director: John Marshall Reed (now I know the actor doesn’t have the final say in his character, but I still believe the actors opinion is very important)

“I basically see the Director as sought of a “disgruntled cowboy” you know he’d always wanted to “Go out on the range” and “Shoot his guns” and never really got the chance to do that, and so he’s living out his fantasies through his Freelancers.”

So combining those two observations and quotes I came up with my history of Dr Leonard Church: Now the story begins when Church was about nineteen years old. He was a very, very, VERY intelligent person and for years now he had dreamed of joining the army, and now that he had applied to enlist he felt that that dream was finally going to become a reality. On another front his relationship with his fiancée Allison was closer than ever before, they were soul mates. And when he found out that Allison was also joining the army he was overjoyed: Now they could be in the army together, however his dream was shattered when Tex was accepted into the army and Church wasn’t. Church was overcome with jealousy and in his fury lashed out at Allison leading to a savage fight between them that ended with Allison breaking up with him and leaving to join the army regardless, and of course, we all know what happened.

Allison died in the line of duty.

The horror of this loss shattered the Directors mind. Allison had been everything to him and losing her along with his dream to join the army proved to much for his sanity to handle and he went mad from grief, he was committed to a mental asylum after he experienced a nervous breakdown but was declared sane after four years.... at least the psychologists THOUGHT he was sane, but although on the surface he seemed normal and even found enormous success from his Freelancer Project. the psychological scars had gone far deeper than the mind. Because he had lost everything he held dear The Director no longer had any interest in life and became stuck in the past thus his Freelancers, rather than being human beings with their own hopes and dreams simply became puppets to act out the play of the directors fantasies. Also his loss of Allison and his failure to join the army collided in the directors mind so that he believed that his failure to join the army was responsible for Allison’s death and thus became insanely intolerant of any failure in any form. Leading to his “Do what ever it takes to win” outlook, for if everyone had done anything possible to win the war, then maybe she wouldn’t have died. Now let me get to Alpha. Now the Director created Alpha for two reasons, one was practical, but the other was because the Director believed that creating Alpha might finally be the chance to rid himself of these horrible memories. When Alpha is created the Director after a few experiments, begins his torture of Alpha, now we all thought (that includes me) that the Directors torture of Alpha was simply an act of sociopathic callousness, but I now believe that the Director actually saw Alpha as his weaker self, the part of him whose failure had led to Allisons death. And thus the Directors torture of Alpha was the Directors way, in his mind to punish himself for failing to save Allison. He tortured Alpha with horrible Images of Allison suffering and dying. And that’s what I was talking about before, because we will be seeing these images and these images come from the nightmares of the Director himself we will finally be able to see just how fucked up the Directors mind truly is. But then there’s also the story of Tex. As we all know Tex is a by product of Alphas creation, because Allison was such a prominent part of the Directors memories when his mind was copied, Allison came back. Now this is another reason why I believe Allisons death to have been a traumatic event in the Directors life, mainly due to this quote:

“She died in her real life and that’s all the Director could ever remember of her!”

OKAY now there’s a little bit of a mix up there you see for the Directors memories of Allison to be able to recreate her they would have to be EXTRAORDINARILY strong. He would have to remember every, little, detail about her which means they would have to have been incredibly close, and yet the only thing the Director can remember about her is that she died!? To me that screams “Repressed memory” and leads me to believe that the loss of Allison was unimaginably traumatic.

So Allison is revived as Tex but the Director’s logical and cynical mind refuse to believe that this is truly Allison returned to him, no this must be some cruel trick sent by fate to torture him, in fact he should probably torture this A.I to harvest fragments from her as well, he’ll do it right now.........well maybe later..........or.......No he just couldn’t hurt her, he couldn’t bring himself to torture Allison. And yet, he still feared getting close to her again, fearful of what might happen, but he couldn’t stay away from her and even became furious with the Counsellor when the latter referred to Tex as a by product. Now at this point Tex was just a personality, she didn’t actually have any memories, so the Director created some false memories for her and a robot body and signed her up in the freelancer project. He didn’t tell her that she was the shadow of his dead girlfriend for in his mind that would be a horrible thing, to know that you’re just a COPY of someone no, he couldn’t do it, he couldn’t be that cruel, not to Allison.....Not to her. However, there was something that the director didn’t predict.

Tex met Alpha. Now because (unbeknownst to the two of them) Tex was literally a part of Alpha’s mind and because they were both copies of Allison and The Director respectively that great love ends up being mirrored with Alpha and Tex, they begin meeting more frequently and soon formed a strong friendship, albeit a bickering, snarky friendship, but a surprisingly close one when you read between the lines. And of course they end up becoming closer and closer to the point of falling in love. But of course, due to being so close to Alpha (I Imagine that Tex and Alpha had already started their relationship a few months before the Director began his torture of Alpha) Tex realised there was something extremely wrong with her boyfriend and when one day he disappeared completely, Tex became desperate in her attempts to find him. Her answer finally comes from an unexpected source: Omega From Omega’s memories, coupled with her own painstaking research Tex finally uncovers the truth about Alpha’s torture, and she is horrified. With Omega’s reluctant help, she convinces the other A.I and their Freelancers to try and break the Alpha out. They almost succeed to, but just when they are about to free Alpha.

Omega betrays them.

You see when they finally break into the “Experimentation Chamber” Omega finally get’s to see EXACTLY what they are doing to Alpha (all he had were memories of pain, suffering and hate) and he LOVES it!!!!!! You see because Omega is born from pure hatred he is incredibly sadistic and decides that Alpha’s torture could be an excellent form of entertainment and thus turns on the Freelancers, infecting them and causing them to massacre each other, he even rips Gamma out of Wyoming’s head a long with a piece of the British Freelancers mind and then permanently infects both Gamma and Wyoming with a piece of himself turning Wyoming from an arrogant posh prick, into an arrogant posh SADISTIC prick. Remember Delta saying, “ May I remind you what happened when Program Gamma removed itself from Agent Wyoming.”

Ironically, this event is what leads Wyoming into becoming Project Freelancer’s most trusted soldier.

So Tex is arrested and placed into a maximum security facility, while Alpha is removed to that frozen base we saw in Revelations were they continue to torture him. Knowing this Tex somehow manages to break out of the prison, laying waste to the guards as she does, remember Tex saying to church,

“the last time I was in a place like this, I was trying to get OUT as fast as I could”

Her reason for trying to escape was to try and save Alpha. Now this will be a very interesting look at Tex, because on one hand, we will be seeing a much more tender, caring side to her, but on the other hand, she will be more badass than ever before, for the simple fact that she truly has someone to fight FOR, rather than fighting for fun, money, duty, or survival. And show she breaks into the frozen facility manages to get into the room where they are holding Alpha.........

And she’s too late.

The torture had become so severe, Alpha had had to rip his memories out of his head, he was now barely more than an empty shell. And so Tex surrenders, why fight, she’d already failed. Then the Director walks in.

You know what, she thinks, fuck surrendering, I may have failed to save Alpha but I swear if it is the last thing I fucking do I am going. To. Rip. This. Monster. APART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. And she flies into a grief spawned rage and begins to slaughter everyone around her making this final stand into both a heartbreaking Tearjerker and also a Crowning Moment Of Awesome. But of course Tex is finally subdued and knocked unconscious. Now the Director knows he should delete her, but he just can’t do it, despite everything, he just can’t bring himself to kill Allison, so instead crafts some new false memories for her and Church, which explains why the back stories we heard in Blood Gulch Chronicles, as well as a memory of a meeting between church and Tex which we saw in Out of Mind part 2 don’t match up with what was revealed in the Recollections trilogy.

And that’s my theories, NOW BRING ON SEASON 9!!! :-)

They codenamed David "Washington" because that was his last name to begin with.[]

It was one less new name to remember.

    • It does explain why he's called "Washington" while in prison.

In Revelations 20, Sarge knew Grif had survived the fall.[]

He either guessed or saw that Grif was hanging on, but stalled and acted like he was glad Grif was dead, just to mess with him or make fun of him. It seems a bit too cold-hearted if Sarge was ACTUALLY happy about Grif's supposed death, especially after all they've been through.

  • I always read Sarge's reaction as more of not wanting to see Grif's body, but yeah, Sarge was definitely not happy about Grif's death.

We'll see one last bit of Halo 3 machinima at the end of season 9 to see the real Blood Gulch crew...[]

Arrested for harboring the fugitive Washington, lying to the Recovery team, and the loss of two AI units. This will serve as the lead in to the next season.

  • Jossed. Actually, CONFIRMED! I just didn't want to spoil it for people who haven't seen it yet.

Omega will return in season nine.[]

If Church is reliving his memories, then logically at some point Omega will return. After all, when Tex entered Blood Gulch, Omega was along for the ride. The problem? Unlike the projections of the Reds and Blues, this Omega will be sentient. Remember last season when Epsilon-Delta explained all the "memories" of the fragments were living together within Epsilon itself? On that conjecture, Epsilon can remember the Alpha, and thus become a reincarnation of the Church we know and love.

There is a side effect. If the "Alpha" technically exists yet again through Epsilon, doesn't that mean that all the other AI - including Omega and the original Tex - are lying about somewhere deep within the AI's subconscious? Somewhere in Church's "afterlife," the other AI are lurking, maybe as ghosts of their former selves. Maybe this explains the inconsistencies in this reality, such as why Donut is suddenly the take-charge leader of the Reds. Maybe halfway in the story, this Troper believes the other AI (at least Gamma and Omega, like old times) will wrestle with Church for control of reality.

Alternatively, perhaps combined with the theory right below...

If The Director is the Big Bad for the Freelancer side of the story in season nine...[]

Tex might be the "main antagonist" of Church's story. What if the inconsistencies are caused by Tex's current emotional state? Last we saw her, she died a horrific, violent, traumatizing death at the hands of The Meta. Who's to say that "death" didn't take its toll on her psyche when she was uploaded into the Epsilon Unit? Her state of mind might be unravelling Church's reality at the seams.

Perhaps the Director will be the Big Bad of Church's story too.[]

It's a stretch, and part wishful thinking, but wouldn't it be nice to see Church encounter a "memory" of the Director? They could have a Battle in the Center of the Mind.

North and South Dakota are Doc's siblings.[]

It will be revealed that the Dakota twins' last name is Du Fresne. The colour of their armour is actually a Foreshadowing of this.

meatspace-Grif slacks because he was promised aliens, even though he was drafted.[]

This is primarily trying to reconcile the plot hole mentioned in Series Continuity Error - namely, that Word Of Burnie says that Grif was the Army's "sole draftee" but he mentions in the first episode that "[he] signed on to fight some aliens." Well, what if the only reason he didn't dodge the draft was because he thought he'd fight some aliens? And when they dumped him in Blood Gulch (remember that the Freelancer Initiative cherry-picked underperforming soldiers for combat simulations) he decided to become a slacker to spite his superiors.

Caboose's playing that states game is predicting what Freelancers show up.[]

CT showing up takes care of Connecticut. All we need now is for Agent Massachusetts to show up.

The Blue Freelancer in Season 9 Episode 3 is Carolina, but before she got 2 A Is.[]

She either only still has one, or none. It makes sense that at that point, none of the Freelancers have A Is yet. The Director is looking at a list of them and sending them into simulation situations, to see which ones should be implanted. Carolina is at the top of the list because she's the best.

The Blue Freelancer is C.T.[]

Search your feelings. You know it to be true...

  • Jossed

4-7-Niner or Carolina is Tex[]

Or at least her body...

  • Confirmed
    • How exactly is it confirmed that either Carolina or 479 is Tex?
      • I believe that poster had swapped the "or" and the "is" in the theory around.
        • Nope. I typed what I meant: either Carolina or 479 will provide Tex with a human body... assuming she isn't a robot from the start... hmmm.
        • Still not confirmed, either way. Unless I missed something?
        • York said that no one was able to be like Tex and omega, but in season 9, the number one freelancer is C Arolina, however, this is just an observation, who knows, see Text is Tex and Carolina is Carolina to read a theory,if you want

South stole North's armor in Recovery 1.[]

So far in Season 9, South is the one with lighter colored armor and North is the one with dark purple armor. However, in Recovery 1, we see that it's South who has the dark purple, while North's dead body is in the lighter purple. We've also seen that North uses his dome shield in Season 9, while in Recovery 1, South claims her enhancement is the dome shield. Theory One: she swipes North's armor off his dead body before Wash arrives. Theory Two: for some reason they switched armor beforehand, she used his dome shield to fend off the Meta, leaving North defenseless and "in a position to be killed."

Caroline will receive Tex as an AI[]

It's stated that Caroline receives two AI. What body is the only body we know of that has had two AI? Season one Tex. There's the AI Tex, and the AI Omega. Also, Delta mentions that Caroline didn't function very long with two AI in her. So, I'm guessing Caroline's mind basically shut down and let Tex and Omega fight it out inside her head. By the time we see her in season one, she's so screwed up that she's effectively dead inside. And now she's dead on the outside thanks to Donut. Ghosts don't exist, and Caroline wasn't an AI, so she's gone forever.

Carolina is Carolina and Tex is Tex, and neither are related to each other.[]

Evidence to support this theory: When Tex mentions York in Episode 93, Church asks about Carolina. How would Church know both Carolina and Tex if they inhabited the same body? If Church was given false memories, why would they go out of there way to put Carolina in the flashbacks? If Tex received Carolina's old body once she had a nervous breakdown, where was she before that, given that Carolina got two A Is and Tex would have been the second AI created, after Church? Furthermore, Carolina and Tex have completely different fighting styles, and Wash knew Tex as an agent, not an AI within Carolina, which Wash would have brought up when Church and Delta talked about Tex and Carolina in Reconstruction.

  • Plus you'd think York would have a stronger reaction to Tex when she asks him for help if Tex took over anything of Carolina's, since IIRC that same line by Church implies York and Carolina were partners in some sense of the term (or otherwise spent a notable amount of time together).
  • However, what if York didnt know about Tex being Carolina? Im a supporter of Agent Carolina is Tex so, let me give a theory: Agent Carolina was York partner (i did not knew this, so lets see...) and Lover/Friend/Relative/Girlfriend/Favorite of the director also. The director create alpha, and split it in 2 (lets say ommega and gamma) and then put them inside Carolina, and then Carolina lost it and died. After that, ommega and gamma informed that to alpha, and alpha star to split again, creating the Tex AI. And call her Allison (there is now non canon, but remember a song from season one about tex?, it was stated that her name was beth, but after the omalley incident, her name was changed to allison). And the only ones who know about this are the director and the A Is that were inside Carolina. This is, of curse, a theory, im not taking into account the fact that, supposedly, at the same time the alpha was created, tex AI was also created. in my theory, alpha created tex after know that because of him, Carolina died.
    • FWIW, the dialogue I was referring to:

 Tex: (talking about the events of "Out of Mind") I thought I tracked him back to O'Malley. But, by the time York and I got there-

Church: York- your old freelancer buddy? Was Carolina with him?

    • That was fast!!! xd2 theories: 1.- Church could see Tex and Carolina as 2 different beings (sound kinda... weird...are you a fan of 07xpansion?xd) 2.- Church forgot about Tex and Carolina being the same person, he forgot about both being A Is, Alpha could been trying make himself happy, forgeting about Carolina death, and make epsilon remember it instead.
    • The Meta also has Carolina's armor enhancement (camouflage), which is different than Tex's (invisibility). Furthermore, Tex was created off of someone the director loved and lost, not someone the alpha loved and lost.
    • The alpha and the director are kinda the same, if the director love someone and lost, the alpha also love her and lost her, to confirm or deny this theory, i think we must wait until somo AI like delta or epsilon appear.

The Director's list of agents isn't based on their battle ratings.[]

This is a pretty minor theory, but whatever. It mostly derives from the observation that, despite having a lower rating than both South and Wyoming (if the nubers next to the agents' names are indeed battle ratings), York is still in second place.

  • It's very clear that the list doesn't simply focus on battle ratings. South Dakota's rank down was a result of carelessness and insubordination and Wash has stayed on the board the entire season because he gets results and follows the rules, despite his disagreement with the Director.

This troper honestly hasn't got a clue just what the list would actually be based on, otherwise, but food for thought, I suppose.

The AI fragments were named in the order they were assigned to freelancers, not the order in which they broke away from the Alpha.[]

Again, kind of a minor theory, but it would explain away some of the nitpicky AI name-related problems, like Epsilon being named after the fifth greek letter despite being the last fragment. Plus, Word Of God states that not all the AI survived the fragmenting process, or were used for other experiments. It's likely they didn't want to go through the trouble of naming the AI until they knew they were stable enough for field use.

The real Donut is in the Epsilon unit somehow[]

Think about it. The Red team is exactly how Donut might want them to be. Sarge being nice and not yelling, Grif being hard working and obsessed with cleaning while Donut himself is giving orders. And yet he seems awfully secretive about his diary. Maybe Donut's mind has somehow gotten into the unit before Church did and now he's in control of events.

  • Or, perhaps someone who didn't know the red team as well as they knew blue team got in there before Church did. Someone who would think that Donut was somewhat admirable. Maybe someone who took a Grenade to the face from halfway across the Gultch, thrown by Donut, and afterwards saw Donut as the most competent of the team.

Alpha Church went to a real afterlife.[]

Hitching a ride in Washington's AI slot implying that he no longer really believed he was a ghost, his last words make very little sense. However, it is possible that upon being wiped out by the emp, that statement became true. However, real ghosts are not capable of influencing the physical world, so he's still gone.

Tucker's promotion was a fluke.[]

They were looking for someone to try and negotiate with the aliens, but everyone was too scared to. Then, shortly after their new infiltration specialist arrived, Tucker mistakenly believed his services were needed to punctuate the inherent innuendo. When he realized it was Donut, he was ashamed and attempted to leave. However, noticing Junior, they decided that he might make a good ambassador, and offered him a new position[1].

How I Think Season 9 Will End.[]

Alright, so I think that what happened (or will happen) was Maine was probably one of the last to join. He climbs to 7th while CT is lagging behind. Then, Maine continues his rise while South falls, and then Tex shows up as a byproduct of the Alpha. Tex and Maine jump up to second and third, while North, York and Wyoming fall, and Wash falls out of the top 6. Carolina, Tex, Maine, Wyoming, York, and North are given A Is, and this runs pretty smoothly...for a while. Carolina is given a second AI because the director is unsure of those below the top group. However, she soon goes crazy...falling down and giving Wash the #6 slot.

Wash gets Epsilon put into his head, and Epsilon goes nuts. The Director decides to remove "dangerous AI" to stop this from happening; he pretends to do it with everyone else, but only does it to Tex and Omega. They escape, and she gathers some Freelancers to help save the Alpha: Tex, Maine, CT and York go to the base where Alpha is kept...until Omega decides he has a different agenda. Omega takes control of Tex, and shoots York through the eye. However, because of the healing unit, York, Maine and CT manage to escape when Freelancer agents arrive at the facility.

Tex is put into cold storage while a clone Tex is used as an agent, with a clone Alpha (a back-up in case the real Alpha lost too many fragments to function) sent to Blood Gulch for safe keeping . Omega soon arrives, through the radio, in clone Tex's head, and she heads off to Blood Gulch when they radio for help. Wyoming is sent by the Director to make sure that Tex doesn't figure out what happened. York is left to his own devices, CT sets up her own mercenary operation, and Maine is left to his own devices, where he soon plots with Sigma to re-unite the Alpha. This leaves North and South as the only PF agents not occupied (while allowing South to grow more jealous of North, who is the only Agent with an AI and the top agent), so the Director allows Wash back into the fold, where he becomes Recovery One.

And as to why York was shot before the trailer, think of the trailer as like the Recreation Trailer, more about setting the tone than actually being true.

    • I have to agree with the York thing. In my opinion, the trailer was true to an extent, like the Meta's being shot in the throat, but moreover I think it was meant to set the mood.
    • I somewhat agree on the York thing as well, but you've got a big problem with your theory--where does the clone Alpha come from? It's a rather significant plot point that A Is can't be copied and that Project Freelancer ever only had one full AI. They couldn't just have one hiding somewhere. If they had the capability to make multiple A Is secretly, they undoubtedly would've done that rather than all the experimentation with Alpha.

Season 9 is the beginning of a new linked trilogy similar to The Recollection.[]

There's just too much to show in a 19 episode span. We still need to learn more about C.T., Maine, Carolina, pre-Epsilon incident Washington, York, Wyoming, and Tex. About a third of the way in, we've seen a single mission that the Dakotas and Carolina undertook, and a scene between Wash and C.T., all of this coming before Tex has shown up or any AI have been shown. I believe Season 9 will focus primarily on characterizing the Freelancers we've seen or heard of up to this point, showing several missions they embark on. I do think that Tex will show up in the season eventually, as the trailer showed her fighting alongside York and South, but the AI implantation won't begin until Season 10.

Washington will be the Freelancer that shows up in the Epsilon Unit[]

Caboose said that command was sending someone to help Blue Team "recover". Recovery One. The word is fairly out of place, so it's pretty obvious that it's Washington we're going to see. Epsilon-Church will no doubt be incredibly angry.

The Freelancer sent to Blue Base in the Epsilon unit won't be Tex.[]

It will be a different freelancer. If it is Tex, she will be completely different. Anyway, Church will have to unite the teams and use his reality-warping powers to go on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge with both teams.

The apparently human body that Church inhabits at the beginning of Rv B (and that Epsilon-Church is inhabiting in the Season 9 Simulation) is, in fact, a brain-dead clone of Dr. Church.[]

Thus, the damaged duplicate of Dr. Church's mind inhabited a damaged duplicate Dr. Church's body. Most likely, the clone was artificially aged to whatever age AI Church believed himself to be, and the AI may have inhabited cybernetic implants in clone church's (non-independently functioning) brain, rather than his helmet like what is usual, so that AI Church wouldn't realize that he was, in fact, an AI as soon as he tried to remove his armor.

  • This makes sense, given flash cloning is a very real thing in the Halo universe.

The base commander from episode 3 will return.[]

I mean, yeah, the base blew up, but when he was knocked over, it was shown that he fell onto a ledge. Plus, he had special armor and somewhat of a personality, so I feel it would be likely he be a (non-threatening) recurring opponent.

Sarge fought and defeated Agent Maine/the Meta before.[]

  • In one of the first season episodes, Sarge was about to mutter something about seeing "Special Ops" in his days in Sidewi-GEEKAGERGER. Hinting, he had seen freelancers before, and survived.
  • In the teaser trailer for Season 9 (a section that was seemingly cut from what was shown at the Con), Washington mentions that the Meta was shot in the throat, then thrown off a cliff. Additionally, in the Revelations Grand Finale, Washington gives Sarge the Warthog's hook and tells him that "he'd know what to do". Was it an idea they shared, or something they did before?
  • The Meta is arrogant. As powerful as he is, his biggest flaw is that he underestimates his enemies (especially simulation troopers), which came to bite him in the ass in the finale. For him, Sarge would have been either just an idiot to kill, or actually harbored enough of a grudge to calmly throw the shotgun away and strangle him... And he didn't learn from his mistakes.

Everything will be solved when Church realises that he must let Allison go.[]

  • He is just mae her suffer when he met her, or when he re-create her, and he will be trap in a loop for ever, until he realise that he must let Allison R.I.P
    • Semi-confirmed. While it doesn't solve everything, Church, believing that the memory unit is failing an his world is ending, realizes that forgetting Tex is the only way to solve the problem with her, choosing to forget her.

Omega never joined the Meta.[]

  • He is busy biding his time and finding a better host body, or massacred the soldiers to draw attention. As Church shows the ability to possess people, he waited till Walter was discovered, then possessed one of the soldiers in a similar manner and escaped elsewhere. There's NO way he'd let Meta take over him.
    • Or two theories if he did- he abandoned ship and possessed a soldier fighting the Meta in Episode 17 of Reconstruction, then fled before the EMP went off. Or his memories are stored in Epsilon-Church and waiting to be released.
    • Eh, my problem with this is that you could make the same argument for Tex, if not an even better one. My guess is they fought each other until they were exhausted, and that's why the Meta was able to get both of them at once. Alternately, when Omega found out what Sigma was trying to do (put the Alpha back together and/or go find the Alpha), he joined them willingly. Delta didn't seem to complain too much when he was grabbed from Sigma, after all. Not sure what Tex thought about it, though.

Elbow grease actually exists.[]

It's joint lubricant for the internal connections of the armor, colloquially called "elbow grease" because it's most commonly used in the elbows (the legs/knees/ankles are more resistant to locking up because they have more pressure put on them, having both stronger muscles in the legs than arms and more weight behind the pressure, and fingers are a different, more delicate and maneuverable mechanism that requires either a finer liquid oil or no refills of lubricant at all). I would liken Donut's stupidity in his choice to believe in headlight fluid to someone being told to go catch a snipe and a whooping dodo and realizing that snipes don't exist.

Tex is based on Carolina[]

The Director was in love with Carolina, and when the Alpha was made his feelings for her were formed into the Tex AI.

  • It's heavily implied that Tex was created after Allison died. IIRC, Wash said that Allison "came back" in the form of Tex.
  • Well, maybe she was dead for him, maybe carolina an york were dating, and for the director, is like carolina (allison) is now away from him, like if she were dead... or something
  • Tex has already encountered numerous people that knew both her and Carolina. If you go back into Rv B, Tex even mentions Carolina, so she also knew her. The Director isn't being metaphorical when he says Allison died, she's dead and even goes on to talk about it in a fair amount of death compared to most Noodle Incidents.

The AI are already being tested in Season 9's flashback portions.[]

Wash mentioned to North something about insurrection and bizarre radio transmissions. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

The big metal wall behind Red Base will be opened up/destroyed at some point.[]

  • Seems like a waste to put the characters in a massive map like Forge World and not have them explore it. Maybe the characters will find some way to open the wall, or, considering the place represents Epsilon's memories, perhaps it's a little more existential and the wall is a literal mental block in Church's memory.

The Tex we're seeing now isn't the real one.[]

  • This Tex is a simulated version like the Reds and Blues, besides Church. The real one will show up later, using the same body type as the other characters.

The guy in the shades in episode 13 is a robot.[]

He looks way too cool to be human.

The mysterious person in Blue is another pilot.[]

S/he's standing next to 479 and doesn't seem to play an active part in team A or B. So... probably a pilot. With grenades.

The mysterious person in Blue is Private Jimmy.[]

Based on two things. One, that he wears the right coloured armour, if not in the same style. And two, it was implied in Revelation that the Sidewinder incident was actually Tex attempting to rescue the Alpha. Private Jimmy was there to protect the Alpha, and didn't make it. (A goofy theory, perhaps, but this is WMG.)

  • You sir, are a genius.

The "sarcophagus" contains a person.[]

The name suggests a coffin or container for somebody. Maybe it's a human, or a robot prototype.

  • It could just be a code name. Depending on how big it actually is, it could hold an item possibly the sword Tucker will grab in season 3.
  • It was made in a cryogenics facility, though. It's organic.

The "Sarcophagus" is the building.[]

The building is marked with the symbol, and the Sarcophagus can be any size.

The man that Reds met in Sandtrap wasn't really C.T. at all.[]

Rather, she was leading the original expedition.

  • But if some guy had taken her armor, and was posing as the leader of the expedition, then why did he call himself C.T.? If anyone came looking and knew that C.T. Was leading the original expedition, then wouldn't they know that C.T. was in fact a woman? I mean, sure it's possible that she used a voice modifier to pose as a man, but it doesn't make sense for this new guy to steal her name.

The freelancer are fighting against UNSC soldiers[]

The director want to test his freelancers and the AI's but couldnt afford to get them killed by the covenant and then that those aliens use the data and the AI's against the earth, so he is testing all his work with UNSC personal, and the mission That Carolina friends are doing, well, all the missions, is to collect UNSC info that he needed to either improve his research or to get info about the war.... guess why Washington will be pissed when epsilon get inside his head...

There will be a new project freelancer[]

And the new freelancers will be: NEW York, NEW Mexico, and Florida.

The "insurrectionists" are actually early simulation troopers.[]

The whole mission is another training program. They seem quite incompetent and a little crazy, as well as using UNSC uniforms and equipment.

The grenade that exploded near York didn't blind him[]

I have two main reasons that I believe this.

  • In Out of Mind: Part IV York said "Omega and Allison were always the best. Nobody could compete with them, not me, not Wyoming, not anybody. Trying to beat them when I should have given up is how I got hurt in the first place." Two things that stand out are 'Omega' and 'Trying to beat them when I should have given up.' So far Omega hasn't appeared as far as we know, and when the grenade blew up near him he was trying yo protect Tex from Wyoming and Maine who were using live ammunition, not competing with her.
  • In episode 13 he was able to join the rest of the Freelancers for their mission despite being wounded in the last episode involving project Freelancer. Beyond getting out of a hospital extremely quickly for being blinded he showed no problems with his eyesight.
    • This also makes sense when you remember that in Out of Mind, York mentions that Delta compensated for his limited vision in fights, and we actually get to see some of that when he fights Wyoming. In the sarcophagus mission, he obviously is not limited to that degree at all (considering that at this point, he doesn't have Delta yet).

Sarcophagus Content:[]

A) It contains state-of-the-art AI technology. Possibly the technology that'll be used to torture the Alpha into fragments.

B) As one troper already posited, Tucker's sword.

C) Perhaps the badass Elite warrior from seasons three and four?

D) The Spartan Laser?

Maine's actions in the sarcophagus mission will get him on the list[]

I'll bet anything that the list of Freelancers is rating them for A.I implantation. As we know, South didn't get an A.I, but Maine did. So after saving York and Carolina, he'll take South's place on the list, coming out just ahead of Washington (remember in Recovery One, South said she was in the implant group just behind Wash).

  • Maine is already ranked higher than South. During the mission briefing in part 13, if you look at the ranking board you can see he's currently third on the list. For the record, at that time it's currently Carolina, Wyoming, Maine, North Dakota, Washington, York. The Director probably moved him up after the fight with Tex. Still, they might move him up further after the sarcophagus mission.

The Director is a Manipulative Bastard, and Wash will suffer for it[]

CT's suspicions will get to Wash, and he'll start acting out and slightly against orders trying to uncover the truth. When the final score tally is made, the Director makes an "exception" with Washington to throw him off suspicion by "rewarding" him with Epsilon expecting him to be unable to handle it and likely go insane.

  • The Director predicting that Epsilon would go insane is actually very possible. During the Recovery One mini-series, Washington asked South if she still had her A.I. She responded by reminding him that she was in the implantantion group behind him. After Epsilon went crazy, no one else got an A.I. However, during Reconstruction, Delta told Church that North and South were part of an experiment where one agent got an A.I. and the other didn't. So... the Director never intended to give South an A.I. at all, suggesting that he knew there wouldn't be another implantation process after Epsilon. >_>

The Sarcophagus contains a body for Church[]

It says "Bjorndal Cryogenics" on the side. Cryogenics, huh?

  • Following on this, said body is a clone of the Director.

The bomb the Reds make for Sarge's plan will be Andy[]

  • Confirmed! And Jossed. Technically the bomb was made by Tex.
    • Well, the original Andy was also made by Tex, also from an unused robot kit.

The Shark Man/Inserrectionist flamethrower dude is a rogue Freelancer.[]

Because come on, only a Freelancer would have armor that awesome.

  • I think all the insurrectionists are rogue Freelancers. We see them able to fight on par with Carolina and Maine, even getting the best of Maine during the chase sequence.
    • ALL the Insurrectionists? Maybe a ton of the leaders, but there seems like there are just too many of them, considering that there are only 50 or so Freelancers, going strictly off the name principles.

The Sarcophagus contains Alien Time manipulation Technology[]

First of all, the Sarcophagus is found in a room filled with covenant technology, so it would be logical to assume that it contained some sort of alien tech.

Secondly, we've already established that Agent Wyoming is a sucky soldier, yet he gets the best gear, while everyone else gets camo and sheilds.Tex didn't know that Wyoming had time looping gear when they fought, which means he must have gotten it after she went rogue. The only reason he had time manipulation technology in his armor was because he was the last Freelancer, or one of the last few Freelancers,still loyal to the director. Without it he wouldn't stand a chance against anyone.

Thirdly, if the director had direct access to time travel, he wouldn't give it to one of his Freelancers to go off and fight some simulation soldiers, he would use it for himself. If Director Church's engineers knew how to bend time, he would have gone back to save Allison. But it wasn't human scientist that discovered how to alter the temporal plain, it was the aliens. Wether it's the covenant or the forerunners, they figured out some way to bend time, and even managed to make the device small enough to fit inside a helmet. That's why the director hasn't used it yet, becuase his human scientists have yet to understand how it works, they only know how to use it.

Finally, the biggest clue to Wyoming's time travel armor being alien tech is the fact that the sword and it's holder are immune to it's effects. The only reason Tucker found the sword, the only reason Wyoming was sent to kill him, the only reason anyone is in Bloodgultch at all is to test the effects of the time travel device in proximity to the sword. Tex knew they were up to something, but she didn't know it included the sword. in the next season, if they're not still doing prequel episodes, they'll be focusing on Tucker, Junior, and Tucker's big long sword. Bowchickawowow.

York bailed out from Project Freelancer because of what happened to Carolina.[]

It's implied that York and Carolina actually lived together for a while, some time before she died and after she went insane from having two AI's. It seems likely that he left the Project to be with her. There's an awful lot of Ship Tease for those two, after all.

Carolina is the descendant of Peter Parker and Mary Jane.[]

She gets the red hair from MJ, and her awesome swinging-between-buildings skills from Spiderman.

  • Good theory. Also, she didn't go insane from 2 AI's. It was actually something far worse.

Agent Carolina doesn't need to worry about Agent Texas taking her number one spot on the list.[]

Because Tex is already Number Zero.

    • Jossed. As of episode nineteen, Tex is now number one and Carolina is number two.

The Sarcophagus contains an Engineer.[]

The markings on the Sarcophagus resemble the symbols of the engineers from Halo 3: ODST. Observe. Also, Engineers are shown to have some abilities related to AI, such as when one combines its knowledge with the Superintendent in ODST. Perhaps the Director needed an Engineer to torture and fragment Alpha.

The simulation Reds were different becuase they're based off Tex's memories, not Church's[]

They seam to be getting out of the simulation any episode now, so this troper might as well throw this out there. Tex was the first to get into the capture unit, therefore everything is based on her memories, not Espilon-Church's, or at least a mixture of the two. Donut is so bossy becuase the only intereaction she ever had with him was that time he nailed her with a plasma grenade.

Tex and Church will escape the capture unit at the end of Season 9[]

We'll get at least one more episode to wrap up the Freelancer story, presumably ending after Tex's attack on Sidewinder, before they escape the capture unit by way of Caboose somehow opening it up long enough for them to get out.

My theory on Sister[]

Grif says she once fell under the ice when they went skating. When they pulled her out 3 hours later, she was not only alive but pregnant. My theory: She survived under the ice because she found an air bubble or a chink in the ice. They found out she was pregnant because she was already pregnant. As for how she survived the cold, a certain Season 5 conversation comes to mind:


 Doc: Sorry my hands are so cold.

Sister: That's ok. Sorry my body's so hot.


  • So what is your theory, exactly? That she has an abnormal body tempurature? There have been instantces where normal children have fallen under ice for half an hour, and managed to stay alive because their bodies froze before they could drown. It's a common phenomenon. Also, the pregnant part was a crack at her being a whore.
    • Methinks that the OP meant this as a joke.

Epsilon-Tex is not really gone.[]

She will come back, if only so we can see Tex and Carolina catfight.

  • It's possible. They never did find her body at the crash site in Valhalla. And what Epsilon-Church and Caboose found was just a spare body that Epsilon uploaded repressed memories of Tex into.
    • That's Alpha-Tex, not Epsilon-Tex. Regardless, I think it's entirely possible one of them could still be alive. Alpha-Tex was supposed to have been captured by the Meta and destroyed in the EMP (Burnie said it in an interview/podcast, I believe), but Epsilon-Tex probably was just "folded" back into Epsilon. His memories of her are obviously still there, they just... you know, aren't a separate person any more. So I think it's entirely possible for her to come back. And she'd better, if only because it would be hilarious and awesome to see her and Carolina fight.
    • It's also possible that Epsilon-Tex isn't really gone. She may have just walked away to respect Church's wishes and is still stuck in the capture unit.

Based on the above...[]

The simulated Blood Gulch is still active, and will manifest to the real BGG in season 10.

  • That hologram room that the Reds just happen to have underneath their Valhalla base? I can see it happening.

The earthquakes are NOT the end of the world?[]

Judging from everything that's going on the earthquakes have two possible explanations.

1. A team managed to crack into the unit, and in fact that's what has been causing all this mayhem with the earthquakes. Someone's trying to interfere with the simulation, and Church is keeping it together as long as he can until he manages to win over Tex. The earthquakes weren't the 'end of the world', but a signal to hurry up.

2. The unit is failing, and this is the last time we may ever hear from Church and Tex. (Barring an Epsilon unit to the Epsilon unit?)

  • Confirmed, of course, by the season 9 finale. Option 1 turns out to be correct.

Carolina isn't as crazy as we think[]

She's just as angry as Wash and Tex are with the Director. Church is understandably freaked to see Carolina considering what he learned from Delta in Reconstruction. But she's recovered enough to be like Wash and Tex: basically sane and reasonable, but with a serious hair-trigger.

Carolina is trying to bring York back to "life" using Epsilon[]

Epsilon was able to fabricate Sarge, Simmons, Grif, Tex, Tucker, Caboose and Donut. Epsilon also has memories of Delta, so it's not too much of a stretch to think that he has memories of York. Carolina wants to bring York back on her quest for vengeance against the Director. She will commit the same sin that Church, Alpha and Epsilon did on their quest for Tex.

Carolina will end up fighting Tex in Season 10.[]

...when Tex leads the mission to free Alpha. Carolina will still be on the Director's side at that point, and she will be ordered to stop Tex and the others, leading to the most awesome fight yet in Rv B.

  • Semi-Jossed. Carolina wants the Director dead as well, as is revealed in the last minutes of Season 9, which doesn't entirely remove the theory, just that it won't happen for the reasons you guessed. I'd say Carolina and Tex will reignite some old hostilities that we saw in Season 9. That, or just Rule of Cool.
  • Not Jossed. The OP is talking about the all CGI freelancer segment of Season 9, which technically already happened and is therefor unaffected by what happens to Epsilon-Church, therefor the fight can still occur when Tex goes to retrieve the Alpha.

Washington is a redhead.[]

North is blond, York is a brunet, so our lovable Wash is a redhead.

  • Descriptions for Wash are that he has brown hair which is graying significantly due to the stress put on him by Epsilon.
    • Are you talking about fanart? Because I'm not sure he even has official facial features.

Alpha-Church is still alive.[]

Remember those other Churches?

  • Alternatively, that scenario was what split Alpha-Church into his various pieces.
    • Nope. Delta was made before that.

SPOILERS - Epsilon Church won't suck half as bad with his combat skills in the future.[]

All Alpha's martial competancy had been filtered into Tex since she first separated from him, he sucked because she was made of awesome. Now that Epsilon has let her go and ended the cycle he has re-intigrated some missing aspects of himself. Of course he won't be anywhere near what she became just more balanced.

All the freelancers are orphans.[]

Like the Spartan III's, except not so young. Both Wash and Carolina have mentioned that the Director has "given us everything." It might mean that they didn't have families to begin with and the Director "rescued" them from whatever situation they were in before. Which might also explain why some of them are so loyal to the Director, even competing for his favor like kids trying to become the favorite child.

  • Why not just spartan II Is who were poached from the program before their suicide mission?
    • With the exception of Maine, aren't they all too... small? I mean, the director is taller than Wash in full armor. And they don't have the excuse of being young kids either, like Gamma company, cuz we see their (adult) faces. I guess a better theory is that they were "wash-out" spartan II's, who didn't grow as much as the others and got recruited into Freelancer. (But unfortunately, Burnie did say they weren't Spartans."

The blue Freelancer is not a Freelancer at all.[]

That is Church/Alpha, the first body he was put in after fragmentation.

  • Back in Out of Mind, we actually saw Church in standard blue armor. True, this was Mark V/VI/whatever armor, but that's only because ODST armor didn't exist back then. If it had, it's entirely possible Rooster Teeth would have used it.
  • RT says the blue Freelancer will have a bigger role in Season 10. Seeing as the AI have yet to be truly introduced, I think it's safe to say the Alpha will also have a large role in Season 10. Coincidence? I think not.
    • But don't we see both Blue and Alpha in the same scene, in the Preparing for the Heist episode? We first see Director talking to Alpha, and then we see Blue standing with the others around the table.
      • Technically, we don't see Alpha. We just hear his voice, which I guess could be coming from Blue.
      • It's entirely possible that he wasn't a Freelancer - just a guard or other soldier who happens to be chosen as the Alpha's later host.

Carolina is a Spartan III[]

  • The seemingly superhuman freelance was only surpassed by Tex, who uses a robotic body that doesn't have the limits of even an augmented human body.

The Freelancers, before the mass-implementation of equipment and AIs, are approximately as "strong" as ODSTs.[]

The Insurrection's Elite Mooks notably wear ODST BDUs and are mentioned to be ex-UNSC. The assumption can then be made that they are former ODSTs. They match the Freelancers more or less blow-for-blow in combat, which allows an estimation for where the Freelancers' combat strength lies. Tex, given her robot body, may represent the in-series strength of a Spartan.

The Director was seeking to make the strongest Freelancer, not a Freelancer team.[]

This is why it's called Project Freelancer in the singular form, and why the Director praises Wyoming and Maine. It isn't about avoiding casualties; it's about the strongest surviving.

Caboose is a Technopath with an affinity for A Is.[]

He has a massive crush on Sheila and they seem to get along fairly well. he has a massive... something on Church despite Church's abrasive personality, that results in Epsilon liking him best. Omega ends up possessing him first, and he seems to deal with Delta fine. Tex seems to like him (well, as much as Tex likes anybody). And he's something of a Genius Ditz with electronics, especially with the Epsilon unit.

The Mother of Invention houses the best of the best Freelancers, while the others are in placement at other areas, presumably other planets.[]

Presumably, Tucker's comment in Season 3 about how "there's fifty of you", or forty nine (or possibly even less, considering Carolina apparently represents both Carolinas), still holds true, as Word of God has not yet contradicted it. Season 9 has only shown nine (or ten, depending on who the blue soldier is) Freelancers. These nine, six of them being ranked, are being observed more clearly and more hands-on by the Director, either because they are the very best of the Freelancers, or because they have been deemed more suitable for AI experimentation for one reason or another (Tex's reason being obvious). Meanwhile, the other Freelancers are off serving in other areas, fighting either the Insurrection or the Covenant. This would be an easy and believable way to justify the lack of almost forty more Freelancers in the group.

Doc was a Freelancer.[]

I couldn't find this anywhere, and i'm guessing mostly off name. We have yet to see Agent D.C., but remember, this is the future. Perhaps the abbreviation has changed... to Doc (District Of Columbia). This doesn't seem to far out, if you use it in conjecture with the (way) above theory about North and South being related to Doc. He wasn't especially good at what he did, but there's always the chance that his behavior was the result of an AI. It would seem sort of poetic, considering his involvement with Washington, who could be seen as sharing his name (Washington DC), and Wash not bringing it up simply because there are a ton of Freelancers, and he can't be expected to remember every last one, especially assuming that not all of them were working in the same area as the Freelancers seen in Season 9. You heard it here first!

    • Except he is introduced to us as Medical Officer Du Frense, Doc is a nickname he receives at Blood Gulch because it is easier to remember.

The Director is the Illusive Man[]

They're both mysterious, older men with (presumably) vision problems who live on a spaceship, are responsible for freaky torture experiments and various other operations of questionable legality/morality, and are responsible for the creation of an AI. It's obvious!

Epsilon-Sigma will appear in Season 10.[]

There's so much hype over Sigma, as well as the fact that they got Elijah Wood to voice him, yet he died back in Reconstruction. If the writers want him to truly be a major character in both the present and past storylines, they should resurrect him through Epsilon's memory (like they did with Tex).

The Sarcophagus contains the original human Allison.[]

Possibly even in suspended animation somehow.

The Director is Gendo Ikari.[]

Because the resemblance is uncanny.

The splitting of Alpha was doomed from the start[]

There couldn't be any benefit to taking an AI and splitting it in at least 24 pieces. The Director only wanted to hurt himself for his problems.

The Sarcophagus will play an important part in Season 10[]

But not necessarily in the Freelancer back story. Rather, the Reds, Blues and Carolina will have to find it and open it in the present time to aid in their killing of the Director. This could lead to an episode in which we see Carolina open the Sarcophagus for the first time in the past and subsequently flash forward to see her opening it again in the present, finally revealing what's inside.

All the Project Freelancer Agents are Spartan 3s acquired before their planned suicide mission[]

Every freelancer has shown to be capable of near superhuman feats without armor enhancements. Also, despite being some of the best soldiers in the UNSC, they have somewhat severe personality disorders one might see in a former child soldier. Washington also made a comment to CT about how the Director gave them everything. This might call back to how any recruit to the Spartan program had to cut all ties with their previous lives and were basically property of the UNSC. In addition, all of them having such impressive skills would be because they were noticeably impressive in training and were poached from the program, much like Noble Team. The odds that North and South would both be such effective soldiers is unlikely, unless their synergy was what made them stand out during training. Project Freelancer may not have even been the ones to poach all them, instead acquiring them after they did work in other organisations.

  • I'm pretty sure that's Jossed, because Burnie said specifically that "these guys are not Spartans" in the commentary for Season 9.
  • He might just be talking about the almighty Spartan I Is, like Master Chief. Spartan II Is were genetically altered to impressive effects, but they were nowhere near the power of the I Is.

Flashback!Carolina knows, or at least has suspicions of Tex's true nature[]

In episode 11 of season 9, watch the medical teams that rush in to the training floor after York's accident. Several guys in white (presumably medics) run to York, Maine, and Wyoming, and three guys in black (mechanics?) run to Texas. Later, as the guys in black help Tex limp out of the room, Carolina watches them go and mutters "Interesting..." Either she's talking about Tex herself (after all, this is the first time any of the Freelancers have met her) or she picked up on the fact that Tex didn't get normal medics like the other three.

In season 10, Church will end up taking over Wash's body at some point[]

This might be fueled by his jealousy of having been replaced. It will cause Washington to subsequently freak out, because the last time he had Epsilon in his head, it was having a horrific breakdown.

  • I really really really want to see this. Double bonus points if they show it vs. Epsilon's original breakdown in the flashback sections.

Doc is the Insurrectionist medic[]

In that shot of all the insurrectionists from season 9 there's one that looks like he has a pill symbol on his chest plate indicating medic. Doc that that symbol on during season 2 or 3, i believe. Also because why the hell not, it would explain why we haven't seen the insurrectionist medic yet.

Flowers is the Mysterious Blue Guy[]

Because Burnie at one point said Flowers was around during Project freelancer, this would be the perfect place for him.

  • That actually makes perfect sense. It always seemed a bit weird to me that the Project Freelancer would go to such great lengths to recover, store, and guard the AI fragments, but when they needed to hide Alpha they just sent him off to some obscure simulation base with bare minimum security. If Flowers was a Freelancer, it might have been his job to protect and look after Alpha (and, possibly, make sure he didn't remember any of what the Director did to him) while he was in Blood Gulch.

Meta is not dead[]

We haven't seen the body for one. And defeating is not the same as killing. He'll be back in Season 10.

  • This troper is sure that as soon as we hear that music again, she will outright pee her pants.

Epsilon will face off with the Director and Counselor.[]

Given Carolina's current goals, I can easily see this happening. Maybe not face-to-face (although that would be FLIPPIN' AWESOME), but at least over the intercom like they did with Wash at the end of Reconstruction.

The pairs of chit-chatting mooks we keep seeing are really the same two guys over and over.[]

Their base gets blown up, so they get transferred to another location, which gets blown up, so they get transferred to another location ... No real evidence for this except for dialogue similarities (namely, the epithet "assface") and Rule of Funny.

Carolina's still working for the Director[]

She's not out to kill him at all. Her plan is to deliver Episilon to him so he can continue his AI experiments.

  • And Wash will get backstabbed in the process. Again.

The insurrectionists are freelancers[]

They're being told that they're freelancers and that the freelancers we know are insurrectionists.

  • The insurrectionist slacker in season 10 episode 1 seemed to think Project Freelancer was "the bad guys", which would make this guess interesting, but unlikely.
  1. bow chikka bow wow