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  • Big Lipped Alligator Moment: Episode 15. Church and Sarge meet in the afterworld, a monochrome version of Blood Gulch.
    • Retconned after 7 years: "Revelation" shows that he was just in a recovery mode activated when soldiers are incapacitated.
    • Episode 28.5, "The Last Episode Ever". It first aired on April Fools Day.
  • Epileptic Trees: And some are coming true.
  • Family-Unfriendly Aesop: After a hundred episodes Church takes a moment to reflect on how he's learned that it's wrong to hate people based on arbitrary political or military delineations. Instead you should strive to "despise people on a personal level."
    • While not a great moral, it still rings true to an extent, in that one should not mindlessly hate because they were told to.

 Church: You should hate someone because they're an asshole, or a pervert, or snob, or they're lazy, or arrogant or an idiot or know-it-all. Those are reasons to dislike somebody. You don't hate a person because someone told you to. You have to learn to despise people on a personal level. Not because they're Red, or because they're Blue, but because you know them, and you see them every single day, and you can't stand them because they're a complete and total fucking douchebag.

  • Fan Dumb: A good majority of the fandom assumed Tex's Freelancer codename was Agent Nevada, due to her responding to Tucker that it was. Word of God is that this response was sarcastic. Tex is Agent Texas.
    • To be fair, Tex really offered no evidence to the contrary, and only in retrospect does she sound sarcastic.
      • And even in retrospect, YMMV on how sarcastic it sounds. There's no indication in tone of voice that she's being sarcastic.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Church's attempted Pre-Mortem One-Liner, after the reveal at the end of Reconstruction, considering he's partnered with Tex to take down O'Malley.

  Church: I've got half a mind to kill you, and the other half agrees!

  • Moral Event Horizon: Sarge crossed this line in the season 5 finale. Granted, he's technically saving the day, but his tone implies that he actually does what he does out of spite and anti-blue sentiment rather than a desire to thwart Omega's plan. In fact, he might not even be aware that there was an evil plot for him to thwart.
    • In one of the alternate endings (see "Fight! Fight!"), Church and Tucker certainly think so.
      • Though that ending also has Sarge being a dick and really rubbing the whole thing in to a degree he never did in the other endings.
    • Sarge more than makes up for it in the finale of "Revelation"
  • Never Live It Down: Caboose really only killed Church once with a tank (and that was due to it malfunctioning because of Church). He sort of killed Church while the latter was possessing Sarge, but as a ghost form, he couldn't be killed, and Sarge got better. Yet, they won't stop giving Caboose crap about killing his own men, to the point where it became Flanderized in "Reconstruction".
    • It comes up often enough that Command has a keyboard shortcut for it...

  Caboose: "Ctrl+F+U."

    • It's unknown how long Caboose was at Rat's Nest, but Jones Jo-ehn-ess seemed pretty scared of being in a room alone with him, and the C.O. saw fit to tie him up in the brig.
    • To be fair though, if some really did kill someone malfunctioning tank or not, you would tend to jump on that sort of thing
  • Tearjerker: York’s death.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Church and Grif. Sure their jerks, but they have to put up with so much crap and abuse it’s hard to see why they haven’t snapped.
  • Robo Ship:

 Doc: Everyone! I have something to say! Tucker and I are in love, and we're leaving!

Tucker: That's right! We're getting married and there's not a damn thing you can do about it! Not even you French-Speaking Lopez!

Lopez: [Mister Tucker, you promised your love to me.]
