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  • Crack is Cheaper: When compared to its competition: In a world of $4 booster packs, Redakai cards cost $6. $13 starter decks elsewhere, $19 for Redakai. Their most expensive product (The "Championship Tin", $30) is required to play the game.
  • Designated Heroes: Team Stax. They can hurl fire around forests, trigger avalanches, throw rocks at random people and string someone to a Pterodactyl by their ankle and still be treated like good guys.
  • Draco in Leather Pants: See Ensemble Darkhorse below
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: The Imperiaz: Their backstory is sympathetic, so they got many fans before their actual first appearance in the actual show, where they get treated like dirt not worthy of sympathy. Hasn't stopped them from getting it, though, and many fans are mad at the writers for not portraying them more sympathetically.
  • Family-Unfriendly Aesop: In episode seven, Team Stax deal with the "villain" of the day, an otherwise helpless paleontologist who had knocked them off a cliff while trying to capture a newly revived Pterodactyl, by stringing him by his ankles to said Pterodactyl letting it fly off with him. Ummmm...
  • The Scrappy: Mookie