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  • Crowning Moment of Funny: "Hoover, at any rate, knew how much trouble he and his party were in. His back door plea to controversial Democratic Party presidential nominee Huey Long to drop out of the race to avoid splitting the anti-communist vote was met with Long's explicit indifference to whether capitalism or socialism was the order of the day in the United States."
  • Magnificent Bastard: American Premier Foster has been hinted at as being one.
    • It's implied that Richard Nixon will be one as well; the term 'Nixon Gambit' is occasionally used in this context.
  • Mary Suetopia: Played with. Given the subject matter (a successful democratic socialist society), it might be expected, but the authors have included a level of detail about even the most mundane aspects of life that living in the UASR in the 21st century seems different enough to be almost alien. It helps that the authors and the discussion board commentators seem to be highly educated in social sciences. Still, it is a common accusation within the universe that the UASR and its allies are merely putting up a Straw Utopia facade, and are actually at their heart dystopian.