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  • The Chris Carter Effect: Many plot knots and riddles of first, second and third books are still unresolved or explained very poorly (such as Suza-Muza's mystery).
  • Crazy Awesome: Alva has, among other things, formed a squadron of kamikaze mountain goats to blow up the gates of an impregnable mountain fortress.
  • Ending Fatigue: The main problem of the series.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel:
    • Whenever the Revenants appear, especially Scilla and her Hellish Horse.
    • The destruction of Nador. Holy motherbleeping cow. Reading the last part of Poison is like watching the scariest Disaster Movie ever made.
  • Mary Tzu: Roque Alva is shown as a bearer of extraordinary tactical skills, but closer view on his victories shows that the main reason of his military power is the spirit of sudden stupidity that possesses all the enemy commanders in Alva's presence.
    • Also, he enjoys employing military tactics that haven't been invented in his timeline yet, such as high-mobility mortar teams and kamikaze suicide bombers.