In "Free Cake" Rigby says something along the lines of "did you go to medical school in the last five minutes?" exactly five minutes into the episode.
Also, during the commercial for Fist Pump in Caffeinated Concert Tickets, the announcer mentions that Fist Pump's demographic is people within the age range of eleven to fifteen. However, the end of the episode shows the concert to be completely full of adults, with absolutely no adolescents in sight. Regular Show itself has a similar scenario - it's on Cartoon Network, which is primarily a kids' network. However, the more mature level of humor and content (like Fist Pump's declaration of having been in jail and rehab) causes it to primarily be viewed by an older audience. It's all a Lampshade Hanging on Regular Show's own demographics!
Also, eleven to fifteen year olds is the show's own demographic, which adds to the brilliance.
You can also think of it this way - during the entire episode, the characters comment on how this is a band that "was cool back when they were younger". The entire crowd at the concert are probably all the old fans, since they're outdated and aren't attracting any new ones.
For Pops' horror story in the Halloween episode, it was pretty flimsy and flat for a "scary story". Then I realized that Pops probably gets scared by horror movies pretty easily and only catches them in glimpses. And when the evil doll said "Mark on your face", it could have been easily "Carve your face" so Pops wouldn't be scared of his own story.
In "Do Me A Solid", Mordecai and Rigby get into a sort of war based on favors. Eventually, under the threat of the world ending, Mordecai is forced to do one last embarrassing task of Rigby's in front of everyone. This task involves squatting down and making sounds similar to an airplane backing out of a runway. It's pretty obvious what that signifies. The brilliance? MORDECAI WAS DOING RIGBY A SOLID.
Using The Beach Boys' "I Get Around" in "Skips Vs. Technology". Considering that most of the music the show licenses is from the 80's, The Beach Boys (who were most active in the 60's) could be considered outdated for this show, just as Skips considered himself outdated in the episode.
In "Video Game Wizard", Skips is shown to be really good at video games despite him rarely playing it. Why is that despite him having trouble using a computer? Because in "Fist of Justice", the controls of to the "Fist of Justice" are similar to a game controller and he has to use them every 157 years to fight The Guardians of Eternal Youth's evil brother, Klordbane.
My Mom shows Muscle Man, who Mordecai considers just a Fat Idiot, supervising Mordecai and Rigby. He does an excellent job of that: shows them how they can slack at the job as long as they have won Benson’s trust and really accomplish the missions he assigns. Also that Benson, as the boss, deserves to be informed about what his employees are they doing every time. Muscleman even broke traffic laws because he knows the cop is his friend. He asked the guy at the greenhouse to carry the tree (because it’s his job and he knows how to do it right) and even treats Mordecai for the videogames. The thing that makes Muscleman borders Magnificent Bastard is that his “joke” is a Batman Gambit: If Mordecai would not have used his Pitying Perversion with the “My Mom” jokes, he and Rigby really would have enjoyed Muscleman “supervision”. So, if like Muscleman, you can be a Slacker immature guy but if you could not get respect from your coworkers, at least you could get revenge.
Muscle Man’s plan to get revenge on Rigby and Mordecai in My Mom and See you there both involve a Batman Gambit: If Rigby and Mordecai would not treated Muscle Man with Pity Perversion or accepted Muscle Man’s decision to not invite them to HFG’s party, they would not get humiliated so badly… and Muscle Man would have get a great time anyway. He spent considerable resources, but he would have won in any scenario… a true Magnificent Bastard ?
Sure, Mordecai got a do over from Father Time after killing Rigby in "It's Time", but just the fact that the memory of violently killing the person he cares about the most will remain with him for all his life is just... sad. And even worse is that Rigby will never know that his best friend killed him in an Alternate Universe.
And if that's not enough of a kick in the stomach, thanks to "House Rules", he's trapped with the knowledge that Rigby may die an unavoidable early death...Sweet Dreams, Mordecai.
Everybody remembers Susan right? Of course you do. Remember her ability to morph her subordinates into her? Well, it's quite possible that the normal looking Susan was somebody else entirely, and that she uses these "clones" to transform as many people as possible so that she may devour most of them, send one (Or maybe even a group.) to get a different job, rinse and repeat.
It didn't make much sense that there were starving dogs in the park in "Death Punchies" after Rigby takes over. Then you realize that Rigby probably killed their owners.
This troper was rewatching "Do Me A Solid" recently and believes he knows what disgusting act Rigby had Mordecai do for the final solid. The noises Mordecai makes are the same ones you'd hear from a fire truck. Take a moment to think about what only a guy can do that a fire truck can also do ...
Rigby obsessing over cakes, which he should be allergic to.
After "The Power", there is now a gigantic rampaging monster roaming the surface of the Moon... wait until NASA comes across that!
Rigby getting egged seemed pretty light compared to what happened to the rest of the in his Halloween story, until 'Eggcellant' when we find out that Rigby is allergic to eggs. To Rigby, it is really a pretty harsh death.
In "Peeps" Peeps seems to spontaneously generate extra eyes, which doesn't seem like much until you realize he's playing to take everyone eyes. Where do you think he got those other eyes?
An inconsistency on the writer's part: In "Skips vs. Technology", it is shown that Skips is rather inept when it comes to computers, with no clue whatsoever on how a mouse works, let alone with using computer programs. However, in an earlier episode, ("Over the Top"), when Skips learns about the PlayCo Arm-Boy, he is clearly using the Internet just fine. Considering that the show is rather consistent with minor bits in the series (see "setting up the chairs"), it's surprising that this was missed.