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Funny moments on Regular Show:

Season 1[]

101 — The Power[]

102 — Just Set Up The Chairs[]

    • In that same episode, Rigby throws a rock at the destroyer of worlds. It passes through him, and he gets pissed.

 Rigby: Uh-oh.

    • The destroyer of worlds chases Mordecai and Rigby at starts shooting lasers at them.

 Mordecai and Rigby: AHHHHHHHHHH!


103 — Caffeinated Concert Tickets[]

  • This exchange of conversation:

 Rigby: Going to this concert could be the greatest moment of my life.

Mordecai: Whooa, sounds like your life sucks.



104 — Death Punchies[]

  • In "Death Punchies", the montage of Rigby losing to everyone (even Pops) at Punchies. Especially the part with Skips, where it cuts to a helicopter taking Rigby's body away. WEE-OOH WEE-OOH WEE-OOH

105 — Free Cake[]

  • The entire "Free cake! Free cake!" "No cake, no cake..." sequence in Free Cake is pretty hilarious, but the whole "disappointed" version of Mordecai and Rigby's usual "happy dance" just really takes the cake.
  • This exchange at Skips' surprise party:

 Benson: Kill the lights, it's almost 8 p.m.!

(Unzipping sound)

Muscle Man: Skips is going to be so surprised when he sees us totally naked!

Benson: It's not that kind of party, Muscle Man.

Muscle Man: Awwww....Don't turn on the lights!


106 — Meat Your Maker[]


107 — Grilled Cheese Deluxe[]

  • "This better not be the ostrich thing with the balls again".
  • --> Rigby: "All you're good at is being a big piece of sh-"

  Mordecai: (punch)


109 — Prank Callers[]

  • Pops in this episode was freaking funny:

 Pops: Oh and boys be careful, I think those phones cause brain tumors! *Pops turns around and his head starts pulsing*

Pops: (gets hit by Mordecai's car) Ha ha ha ha!


110 — Don[]


 Muscle Man: I know someone who can help!

Benson: If you say "your mom", you're fired!


Muscle Man: MY MOM!

Benson: GET OUT!

Muscle Man: It was worth it!


111 — Rigby's Body[]

  • Rigby screaming in intense pain after he goes back into his just-run-over body in "Rigby's Body".
    • In the same episode, Rigby curled up on the floor, suffering from intense stomach pains after a huge junk-food binge.


        • -->Rigby Ooh! Ooh! Ow! No, wait, (body) don't go!
    • Rigby's rapid-fire "Hmm-hmm"-ing immediately before said binge.
    • "Mordecai, Rigby, stop! We can ALL be turds!"

112 — Mordecai and the Rigbys[]

  • From "Mordecai and the Rigbys":

 Present!Rigby: Hey, in the future, do we get that thing we've always wanted?

Future!Rigby: Oh, we've got it.

[Lifts his sleeve up to reveal a shark tattoo on his armpit, which he opens and closes]

    • Also Benson's reaction to their performance in the episode. "HOLY CRAP!"

Season 2[]

201 — Ello Gov'nor[]

  • "Ello govNAH!!"
    • That whole episode is one big CMOF.
    • Your Mileage May Vary on that one, much of it is also Nightmare Fuel.
    • Either way, the entire "LOOK AT IT! LOOK AT IT! ... Look ah-tit, yer guhna louhk ah-tit...louhk at-tit yew..." sequence was hilarious.
      • He really should have used the Death Punch if he still remembers it.
    • Rigby beating up the british taxi and then picking up a tree and hitting the taxi with it.
      • And then he learns that the taxi is a man in a costume. "Oh..."

202 — It's Time[]

  • "You're just jealous that I made Margaret laugh when all you do is sit there going 'UH. UH. UH.'"
    • The Time Pony.
  • After beating the video game:

  Rigby: (tongue-kisses Margaret) Uh, oh, yeah! Uhh, uhh, oh yeah...oh...


203 — Appreciation Day[]

  • "Appreciation Day"

 Muscleman (regarding a year): That's almost, like 400 days!

    • What really brings it home is the look on Mordecai and Rigby's faces after hearing the utter stupidity of his statement.

204 — Dizzy[]

  • Iacedrom and Ybgir (a realistic bluejay and raccoon that Pops meets in a hallucination).
    • The best part is JG Quintel trying to do a funny accent.
      • "WOULHD YOU LIHKE SUM ICHE CREEEEM?" to be precise.
    • Pops' speech from the end of that episode.
  • This one from "Dizzy":

 Benson: Muscle Man, have you seen Pops at all today?

Muscle Man: Yeah, and you know who else has seen Pops today?

Benson: (dryly) Who, your mom?

Muscle Man: I wasn't gonna say that! Why does everyone always think I'm gonna say "my mom"?


206 — My Mom[]

  • A couple from "My Mom":

 Rigby: Dude! Benson will blow a fuse if he knows we were slacking off!

Muscle Man: You know who else would blow a fuse if she finds out we were slacking off?

Mordecai: We don't have time for this!

Muscle Man: You know who else doesn't have time for this?

Mordecai & Rigby: Uhh!

Muscle Man: You know who else says "uhh"? (beat) MY MOM! (High-fives High-Five Ghost)

    • Then later on, Muscle Man asks the two if they know who taught High-Five Ghost his mechanical skills:

 Muscle Man: You know who taught him? My Uncle John. He's a mechanic[…]You know who taught him? MY MOM!

    • "Pull your panties out of your ass, bro!"
      • Muscle Man in general is an amazing source of funny moments.

 Rigby: You know who else hates Muscle Man?


207 — High Score[]

  • Mordecai:(monotonous tone) DUUUUUDE. Why ya crying, duuuuuude.
    • Another one from High Score is when Mordecai kicks GBF between the legs.



208 — Rage Against the TV[]

  • Muscle Man getting hit in the face by his own tits in Rage Against the TV.
    • The commercial for TV Store Warehouse.

 "T Vs are trash to us and so are you!!!"


209 — Party Pete[]

  • Mordecai and Rigby's rap from "Party Pete"

 M+R: We gonna par-tay!

Mordecai: Got some chips, got some dip.

Rigby: Some call me CHEAP, bit of a free-loader, but I bought CUPS for that old-school soda!

Mordecai: I don't mean to BRAG, I don't mean to BOAST, but I got hummus for these MINI-TOASTS!


Mordecai: HUMMUS!


Benson (off screen): Why are you guys yelling hummus?!

    • The ending of Party Pete. Oh man. Mordecai, Rigby, Pops, Skips, and some centaurs help clean up the mess from the party...just before Benson arrives. Once Benson inspects the house, he commends M&R for not throwing a party and says he wants to do something nice for them? What's the reward? Why, the vintage Radicola M&R gave to Party Pete, of course. The Un-Reveal of Benson's reaction to the missing cola makes it all the more priceless.

210 — Brain Eraser[]


 Rigby: So, see anything you like?

Mordecai: NOOOOOooooo...

Rigby: You mean (Pops') junk mail?


211 — Benson Be Gone[]

  • The episode Benson Be Gone in which Benson gets fired is priceless. More specifically? He copies Mordecai and Rigby's over-drawn "OOOOOOOOOOOOH!!"
    • Susan demoniacally floating out of the house screaming after Benson gets everyone to slack off. Oh yeah, and her head was spun around.
  • Mordecai accidentally driving Mr. Maellard's limo into the house. The second floor of the house.
    • Then backing out of it...

212 — But I Have a Receipt[]

    • The whole scene that unravels after they realize that they just stabbed the Comics Shop owner in the chest with a yardstick is priceless.
    • That whole episode is hilarious.

213 — This Is My Jam[]

  • After Rigby thinks he's got "Summertime Lovin', Lovin' in the Summer(time)" out of his head:

 Rigby: Mordecai! Mordecai! I don't have that song stuck in my head anymore!

Modecai: Oh, that's great, dude. Now we never have to listen to that dumb song ever agai- (Sees the Ghost Tape Dancing) ....What the heck is that?

    • Rigby: "I don't know what I looking at".
    • Also, the montage of trying to get the song out of Rigby's head. First, he sticks his head in a toilet. Next, Mordecai tries to use loud objects like a pencil sharpener and a blender. Finally, Muscle Man is hitting Rigby on the head with a broom.

 Rigby: Man! None of this is working! The song's still stuck in my head!

Muscle Man: You have a song stuck in your head?

      • That entire episode was hilarious. Another highlight is when the ghost tape appears, and in every scene, it's boogying down with a new dance move!
  • Skips in "This is My Jam". Just... everything he does. For example:

 Skips: (in response to Mordecai and Rigby asking him how he knew about their idea) I know everything, remember?

Mordecai and Rigby: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Skips: Just kidding. I was on the can and I heard your plan.

Mordecai and Rigby: Ew.


214 — Muscle Woman[]

  • In "Muscle Woman", Mordecai and Rigby worked all day on the rock garden...and walked on it. Also, Starla's back with all the tattoos of boys she dated.
    • "That guy who thinks he's a knight got out again and made a fortress out of mattresses down by the creek, get him out of there."
  • The slow motion running of Muscle Man and Starla...with both their Gag Boobs flapping in the wind.

216 — Jinx[]

  • Benson unleashing his rage in "Jinx".
    • After Summoning the monster, it goes on a rampage on patrons of the park. Among them is a rather dedicated jogger. After being attacked by the monster, the man gets up, turns into a monster himself, gets ready to find and kill Rigby.....then goes right back to his jogging routine.
    • Also Rigby attempting to jinx Mordecai and then succeeding
      • Leading up to Rigby being unable to cause Mordecai any harm with his punches, Mordecai states that its sad that Rigby will never be able to enjoy this game since he's too weak to punch anyone for breaking the jinx, and after a second of glaring, Rigby just pokes Mordecai in the eye instead.

218 — Do Me A Solid[]

  • Mordecai's 10th solid. It's mind blowing. Mordecai must do this solid so no one dies. He squats down on the floor, and randomly makes truck noises. Everyone else gives this noise/look of disapproval/disgust. If you didn't laugh at that, Margaret just has this...LOOK that seals the deal. And then Rigby, the little shitter that's been putting Mordecai through hell, gives the best shit eating grin, then pulls out a camera. If you saw it when it premiered, your sides would've hurt.
    • Oh, and Rigby saying Mordecai will "Mordi-cry himself to sleep tonight". That was amusing.
    • Though considering how Mordecai treated Rigby in the Jinx episode, this was definitely some hilarious Laser-Guided Karma.
    • Eileen was just hilarious in that episode.

 "Hey Rigby, look at me! I just laid sea turtle eggs, and now I'm gonna swim out to sea! Although many of my hatchlings won't live to adulthood."


219 — Grave Sights[]

  • In Grave Sights, Mordecai assuring Benson that the scary movie night will be a success:

 Mordecai and Rigby: (singing) Because we know everything about scary movies, and you know nothing about scary movies, we'll save the park with our knowledge of scary movies--

Benson: Stop singing or YOU'RE FIRED!

Mordecai and Rigby: (stop singing) --with our knowledge of scary movies. (short Beat)

Mordecai: We'll go get the movie.


22- — Really Real Wrestling[]

  • "For tickets, call yo momma and cry 'cause they're SOLD OUT!!"

221 — Over The Top[]

222 — The Night Owl[]

  • "Do you love cars so much that if they were a beautiful women you'd try to get to second base with them?"
  • The scene in the Night Owl episode where Muscle Man pretends to kill Mordecai and High Five Ghost floated up made this troper burst out laughing.

223 — A Bunch Of Baby Ducks[]

  • From "A Bunch of Baby Ducks" the baby ducks bitch slapping/karate chopping a dog and snake to death.
    • Also, the ducks imitating the "Ooooh"s and "Hm"s that Mordecai and Rigby have as catchphrases.

224 — More Smarter[]

  • In "More Smarter", when Mordecai and Rigby's verbal abuse of each other is literally taking physical form and assaulting the other... and then Mordecai still falls back on calling out Rigby's lack of a high school diploma as his proof of higher intelligence.
    • Also in "More Smarter", the emphasis on the words while Mordecai and Rigby are arguing. Among them, "butt cheeks".
    • "Quarum he! Fitio morionis!"
    • "And if you don't stop goofing off, and clean up this grafitti, NOW, I'M GONNA TEAR YOU LIMB FROM LIMB!"
    • Muscle Man calling the bizarre unintelligible gibberish that Mordecai and Rigby were speaking 'Spanish or something'

227 — Skunked[]

  • "Dude, bingo!"
    • "Bingo?"
      • "OOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!"

228 — Karaoke Video[]

  • Pops singing "Footloose" at karaoke night. Mandatory karaoke night.

Season 3[]

301 — Stick Hockey[]


 Mordecai: Don't worry, Benson, we respect you. Oh, wait--now I'm taking the respect I said you could have and I'm throwing it away!

Mordecai and Rigby: OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!


306 — Camping Can Be Cool[]

  • Mordecai's response to Margaret saying guys are jerks. His expression right after is amazing.

308 — Cool Bikes[]

  • The entire plot of the episode. Mordecai and Rigby get arrested by intergalactic police and are sentenced to death for being too cool.
  • This exchange:

 Rigby: And then you'll be all like "WHOAAAA" and then we'll be all like "IN YO FACE!"

Benson: And then I'll be all like GET BACK TO WORK!!!

  • "Hey, quit murmuring excitedly!"
  • Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost, wearing sunglasses and holding drinks while riding with two girls in their golf cart, said this:

 (Seeing Mordecai and Rigby on their bikes)

Girl: Muscle Man. What are those things?

Muscle Man: Those are losers, baby. You don't want nothing to do with those.


311 — Crusin'[]

  • When Mordecai and Rigby are trying to get dates, just to get away from them, a woman runs, jumps on a car, launches from said car, and grabs onto a helicopter, Speed Highway style.

312 — Under the Hood[]

  • After being forced to admit to painting graffiti in the park, a man with a spray can nozzle for a head goes into a rant about how he's "showing the truth" and Benson deadpans, "I'm calling the cops." Spray can nozzle head tries to escape through a portal made by spray paint from his head, but gets stuck while Benson casually dials the police.

313 — Weekend at Benson's[]

  • Mordecai, Rigby, and Benson's epic Mushroom Samba after they drink the "Mississippi Queen", which appropriately has the song of the same name playing.
  • Benson falling out of the golf cart.

314 — Fortune Cookie[]

315 — Think Positive[]

316 — Skips vs. Technology[]

  • The computer staff getting frustrated with Skip's inability to use a computer.

317 — Butt Dial[]

318 — Eggscellent[]

  • Rigby convincing Mordecai into going to the restaurant with him by screaming random crazy words.
  • During the training montage, when Mordecai chokes on the omelet and Benson pats his back to make him accidentally spit it out on Muscle Man's face which makes him run away screaming again.
  • The fight between the park staff and the restaurant staff which includes Benson slapping the restaurant waiter with a pizza and Skip pouring soup down one of the staff's shirt and then punching his gut which sends the soup flying back up to his face.

319 — Gut Model[]

320 — Video Game Wizards[]

  • Rigby's mixed tape.
    • On the night before the tournament, Rigby holding a boombox over his head playing his tape outside the hotel they're staying at in a reference to Say Anything.
  • Skip purposely breaking his hand and displays his mangled hand in a calm matter to the referee to prove that he could not continuing playing.
  • When Rigby uses the Maximum Glove for the first time and the results did not go as expected.

 Rigby: Dude. This controller blows.


321 — Big Winner[]

322 — The Best Burger in the World[]

323 — Replaced[]

  • Mordecai and Rigby waking up late because Rigby accidentally set the alarm to the wrong time.

 Mordecai: Dude, come on! We got to clean this place up. We were supposed to meet Benson at the paddle boats two hours ago!

Rigby: But I set an alarm!

Mordecai: Yeah, but for 6 P.M, instead of 6 A.M, you idiot!

Rigby: (pouty) Aw, man! Pizza King not happy! (throws crown to the ground)


324 — Trash Boat[]

  • The fact that Rigby changed his name to "Trash Boat".
  • Some guy in the courtroom wanting to change his name, "Butt Cheeks", back to Chad.
  • Anytime "The Urge" starts screaming.
  • The ending where several rock stars, each with a different Instrument of Murder, travel back in time to kill the rock star that stole their fame in the future, which results in a large battle. The battle ends when a maraca grenade kills them all and destroys the courthouse.

325 — Fists of Justice[]

  • "We know you're home, Skips! Pick up the phone, Skips!"

326 — Yes Dude Yes[]

327 — Busted Cart[]

  • Benson getting pulled over and being forced to do a DUI test after a mishap involving a bottled water and napkins.
    • Later on, when Mordecai, Rigby, & Benson were dancing to music in the car, they get pulled over again by the same cop but he decides to dance along with them.

38 — Dead at Eight[]

  • Muscle Man's water slide accident.
  • Mordecai looking through Death's refrigerator to look for food for Thomas.
  • How Thomas finally falls to sleep. A glass chandelier drops on him and knocks him out cold.
    • Mordecai and Rigby reaction to it.

 Mordecai: Dude. We're so dead.

Rigby: He could be alright.

