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Who says a cartoon can't have heartwarming moments? Especially a cartoon as bizarre as Regular Show?

  • From the hot dogs episode: "See, I told you I could fix this."
    • It's somewhat of an inverted moment of heartwarming, because it comes right after Rigby successfully puts the blame on Benson for something he didn't do.
  • "Dude, of course you can be Player 1."
  • Rigby's apology to Mordecai in "The Unicorns Have Got To Go", complete with big, sorrowful eyes. Mordecai forgiving him probably counts as well.
  • Skips thanking Mordecai and Rigby for throwing him a birthday party, because no one had ever thrown him one before.
  • Benson's reaction to Don hugging him - at first looking startled and caught off-guard before returning the hug with the most heartwarming smile of all time.
  • From the "Don" episode: Mordecai telling Rigby that Rigby's like a brother to him, and that he still sticks with him even when annoyed by him... then Rigby finally caving in and giving Don some "sugar".
  • Benson has several, particularly in "Mordecai and the Rigbys" when he goes to see their performance simply to watch them fail. However after Mordecai and Rigby were getting booed on the stage for admitting to lip synching (albeit accidentally), Benson manages to get the audience cheering by immediately applauding for them instead. For the first time, he shows that he's not simply a Grumpy Bear who yells at them, but actually a Not So Stoic who's simply Not So Above It All.
    • Or maybe he just thought the whole Future Mordecai and Rigby disappearing thing was part of the special effects and that it was impressive.
      • That was cynical (but funny!). I prefer to think that Benson didn’t go to see them fail, but with a little hope (very little) they could have Hidden Depths. When Mordecai and Rigby rejected the chance to be rich and famous by cheating, Benson was really proud of them taking responsibility for first time!
  • Rigby thanking Mordecai for helping him get over his fear in "Ello Guvnnor".
  • From the episode "Appreciation Day." Benson is handing out plaques to everyone and saying what they did to deserve their appreciation. He hands one to Pops, and says, "Pops- for helping a baby bird back into its nest." The scene wasn't shown, but the thought of sweet ol' Pops lovingly placing a baby bird back into its next is ridiculously adorable and heartwarming.
  • Mordecai finally letting Rigby win at punchies in "Death Punchies," complete with a heartwarming scene where they soar out of the magma pit together.
  • Leon pushing Benson out of the car so he can perform the Heroic Sacrifice himself.
  • Muscle Man confessing to Starla at the end of "Muscle Woman"... Until they kissed.
  • Really, any time the Five-Man Band come together to accomplish something. Sure, they don't get along a good chunk of the time, but when they do, it's both a Heartwarming Moment and a Moment of Awesome. The best examples are in "Rage Against the Television", where the group performs a Misfit Mobilization Moment to help Mordecai and Rigby, and "This Is My Jam", where the others come to help defeat the physical manifestation of an Ear Worm, without even being asked.
    • Though to be fair, Mordecai and Rigby weren't the only ones that were plagued by the Ear Worm, they all were. Still counts that they'd help, though.
  • At the end of the episode "It's Time", when Mordecai is sent back time after accidentally killing Rigby, he seems very happy to see him alive again
  • Skips putting his soul on the line to win Rigby's soul back from Death and apologizing to him for killing him (well as much as The Stoic can)
  • "Hey, Rigby? Do me a solid and come to the arcade with me."
    • It was Rigby's solid that nailed it down for This Troper. After being a total douche through his solid-abuse, he does the honorable thing and keeps his word by destroying the tape with no regrets.
  • "Really Real Wrestling": Pops apologizes to Benson and says that Mordecai and Rigby aren't to blame.
  • A combination of awesome and heartwarming: in "A Bunch of Baby Ducks", Mordecai and Rigby team up with a mother duck to go rescue her babies from a creepy old man.
    • "Hey, Mordecai and Rigby. Thanks... for being the coolest losers we know!"
  • "Thank you, papa... thank you."
  • Pretty much everything with Mordecai in "Skunked" while he's trying to cure Rigby from being a Wereskunk. This was really one of those episodes that shows the same thing Mordecai said in "Don", that he cares about Rigby like his brother.
  • Skips returning to bowl even though Death was holding a secret over his head that he felt could have ruined him, after looking through the scrapbook. Skips even referred to the guys as his friends and made it clear he'd never turn his back on them.
  • The entire rapping contest episode definately qualifies as this.
  • The end of "Benson Be Gone" has Benson order Mordecai and Rigby to get back to work. They instead go play video games. Benson watches them leave from his rear view mirror and smiles in content. Given the hell he had to go through to save them from the workaholic demoness Susan, he not only understands their own feel of down time once in a while, but also is glad for things to return to normal.
  • In the camping episode, the part where Margaret and Mordecai were lying on the hood of her car and talking was just so great. Their dialogue was unbelievably natural. It's one of those moments when you just want to track down the person who wrote the episode and give them a big ole hug.
    • Rigby actually being nice to Eileen for once (and her happiness at that fact) was pretty sweet, too.
  • The Reveal of what Mordecai and Rigby had been trying to print all day in "Skips VS Technology". A thank you note to Skips, for all his hard work around the park.
  • Margaret's reaction to hearing Mordecai's butt dial: "So you'd better call me, okay?"
  • In "Eggcellent", the fact that Even when Mordecai felt that Rigby may never recover, he still kept his promise and went though all the trouble to get Rigby that hat.
    • In a way, while also mostly a Tear Jerker , Mordecai punching Benson in the face for the crap he said. Rigby may have screwed up, and for a stupid reason, but Mordecai is NOT going to take shit from Benson on saying things like that about his best friend.
    • The entire Five-Man Band helping Mordecai so he can win said hat. Also, both the scene where Benson admits that claiming it was Mordecai's fault this happened was a really stupid thing to say and the later one where Mordecai tells Benson he didn't mean it when he said nobody likes him, and that even though Benson can be a jerk, he's also a good person, and that Mordecai really does consider him a friend. Seriously, this episode was heartwarming incarnate. Seems like there's one of these per season, 'Don' and 'It's Time' being the last two.
  • Mordecai handing over entire stack of money he had been saving up for a date with Margaret when it becomes clear Rigby needed it to save his own life.
  • In a fridge heartwarming way, Pops getting a spare cake for the surprise birthday for Skips waaay back in season 1 when you watch the episode "Skips Vs Technology"'s opening montage of Skips being at the park when Pops' was just a kid.
  • Both Mordecai and Rigby realizing that they really screwed things up when Benson has a complete emotional breakdown upon believing he's going to lose his job in "Broken Cart". And then putting their lives on the line to keep that from happening.
  • In "Gut Model": HFG telling Muscle Man that he would be miserable without him and he is his best friend.