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  • Defictionalization: Now you too can be a member of Mordecai and the Ribgys!
  • Development Gag: Its most likely, Major plot throughout Season 7 and likely (also final season) Season 8 by starting episode "The Dome Experiment Special" seems mostly revisited and retool the original set up of show (Who so happen all Scientists [instead Zookeepers] are Human and Majority or Whole Park employee's just happens are Non-human with possibly Mitch due questioning his humanity" [in same episode that scientists and some fans in real life still thinking Mitch's appearance are seems more/less human-like], And their even quote from Main Antagonist calling them "Specimen" in Climax are soundly indeed similar to one of original set up idea that Humans are likely civilized animals/specimens)
  • Hey, It's That Voice!:
  • The Other Darrin: High Five Ghost was voiced by Jeff Bennett in two episodes, but his other voiced appearances all have Quintel as his voice actor.
    • Mordecai's first French actor (Gerald Rinaldi) died in March 2012, so he was replaced by Emmanuel Dekoninck.
  • Talking to Himself: J.G. Quintel voices both Mordecai and High-Five Ghost, and Sam Marin voices Benson, Pops and Muscle Man. Both they and Mark Hamill (Skips) voice several background characters as well.
  • What Could Have Been
    • For "Do Me a Solid", instead of destroying the tape, Rigby originally kept it.
    • Margaret was originally not going to wear any clothes like Mordecai, but was changed for obvious reasons.
    • Quintel originally intended for the set-up of the show to be about Mordecai and Rigby working at a zoo full of humans and was very set on it. The higher-ups decided against it for possible reason that if they add background African-american or Native American characters in Zoo rooms and you know rest, and Quintel thinks it's actually better that they did. Put however.
    • In "Mordecai and the Rigbys", there was supposed to be a scene where Mordecai and Rigby ask Benson why there were instruments in the garage. Benson has a flashback when he used to be a hippie where his ex-girlfriend, Veronica, who is also a gumball machine, leaves him for a business man.
    • In "Skips Strikes", Skip was originally suppose to have a different secret. Which was him being friends with the Magic Elements.