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Muscle Man and Starla are of the same species as Ganon.[]

I don't mean that they are Gerudo, such as those found in Ocarina of Time I'm referring to his more piggish depictions. The CD-i games come to mind, but most canon Ganons have distinct boar characteristics. Traits they share: green skin, IMMENSE physical power, piggy body types, incredibly destructive, clearly evil tendencies, affinity for the undead, the list goes on... IT ALL FITS!

  • Wrong. Muscle man's brother is shown to be a normal human being. His character deisgn is meant to imply substance abuse.

A video game where everyone from RS gets beaten up.[]


    • What the hell are you smoking? Really? I assume you're the same guy who posted that mushroom suggestion for the regular movie... Seriously, stop.

How about a game where the people from regular show beat a bunch of other people up? It could be a side scrolling Streets of Rage style Beat em' up! You could play as all the everyone who works at the park, each with their own strengths and weaknesses and it would support up to four players.

    • Mordecai would be like Axel, a balanced character with no significant strengths or weaknesses.
    • Rigby would be like Skate, a short Fragile Speedster who uses rapid fire attacks to make up for his lack of power.
    • Muscleman would form the equivalent of Adam, Heavy on power but slower than Mordecai.
    • High Five Ghost would be the Roo or Ash of the game, a Lethal Joke Character with terrible range and weak attacks but great speed and a near infinite combo attack.
    • Pops would be our Max equivalent, his age makes him the slowest character of the group but his really real wrestling would do the most damage.

The entire series is a shared hallucination between Benson and Mordecai, who are actually both human, drug-abusing, gas station clerks.[]

  • I basically think that at the beginning of every episode, Mordecai and Rigby do LSD, and halfway through the episode, it kicks in.

This theory starts with J.G. Quintel's short, 2 in the AM PM. I think everyone aware of both of these things thought of this already.

  • What I wanna know is, since it was at least an acid trip in that short, what did Benson really eat when he ate what he thought was a gumball, taken from himself?
    • I always assumed the gumball was just in his pocket or something.
  • I believe SEVERELY that, since they both saw themselves in a different form, "Benson" turning his gumball knob, and the cop taking his head off and riding it (smashing the door), everything actually happened. Could there have been actual acid (as in the melt-your-flesh-off variety) in the candy?
  • Alternatively, everyone on Regular Show are drug-addicted humans who would have appeared in 2 in the AM PM, including Skips, Muscle Man (see a WMG below), Margaret, and especially Rigby, to the point that he sometimes acts like a raccoon. But not Pops. He's the Naïve Man from Lolliland and is normally crazy.
  • Benson got promoted because he never took drugs again after 2 in the AM PM, which is why he has authority over Mordecai and Rigby and why he is uptight while they are chilled-out stoners. We see things from their point of view, which is why he is still a gumball machine.

The show takes place somewhere in the The Land Of Ooo.[]

Pops and Benson are originally from the Candy Kingdom, and Pops was formerly an ambassador for Princess Bubblegum's royal family.

  • He's from the Land of Lollipops, not the Candy Kingdom
    • Maybe the Land of Lollipops is a suburb of the Candy Kingdom?
      • Maybe the show actually takes place in the future Land of Ooo, and the Land of Lollipops was annexed from the Candy Kingdom at some point.
      • Or the REVERSE - The show actually takes place in the distant past, which eventually becomes The Land of Ooo. Benson and Pops are some of the first candy people, and the Land of Lollipops eventually grows into the full-fledged Candy Kingdom.
        • Supported by the existence of humans in RS.

Everything is a hallucination of Pops's.[]

Mordecai and Rigby are just a regular blue jay and raccoon. Benson is just a gumball machine. Skips is just a gorilla plushie or some such. In fact, it really would be a regular show... if Pops were anything resembling sane, that is.

  • "Jolly good show!"
    • One problem with this WMG: Pops is a lollipop, so if he's hallucinating, does that mean he's hallucinating he's a lollipop?
      • In the original short, Benson hallucinated that he was a gumball machine, while Mordecai hallucinated that he was a blue jay. So really, the fact that Pops is a lollipop isn't really a problem, it's actually more of a supporting fact.

This takes place in an alternate universe where everything that happens is actually just normal.[]

If they were able to see what Real Life was like, they'd probably assume our entire story was just a hallucination. Because everyone knows that every single show that merits a WMG on TVTropes has to be a hallucination of some kind.

All forms of bodily assault are legal in this world.[]

Rock paper scissors is an evil game, but playing punchies is perfectly acceptable. By that logic, beating up someone's grandmother should be totally fine.

  • Also, in the episode "Death Punchies," Rigby goes around death punching people (of death) with no consequences from the authorities.
    • Cause the authorities are going to stand up to someone with the Death Punch of Death. It doesn't just have death in it, it has it twice.

The Death Dump[]

Mordecai said that the dump could be used to escape a pit that is filling up with lava. Obviously, the death dump is when you shoot crap out of your anus with such force that it propels you 100 FEET IN THE AIR.

Here's a joke I made: (A guy is testing a rocket and another is watching.) "10... 9... 8..." (guy outside sees an alternate ending to Death Punchies where the Death Dump is used) "Woo-eee, wouldja look at-" (rumbling, rocket takes off and crashes into the outside guy)

Coffee is a Pokemon[]

He only says his name, his friend is a Japanese man who is also the only person who understands him, and at one point he uses Mud Shot on Mordechai and Rigby.

  • I don't think that was mud...
  • "Ekansssss!" "Coffeeee!"

Regular Show takes place in the Scott Pilgrim universe[]

A universe where out of the ordinary things occur pretty much daily and no one seems to bat an eye at it until someone is in danger. It just so happens that Canada has a higher human population than America in this universe.

Skips works at the golf course as a cover[]

He is really a supernatural/paranormal fighter and possibly slayer. His immortality from the cosmic babies grants him a way to keep monsters at bay for life. Pops either knows this and keeps it secret or maybe was his partner and gladly helps keep his secret by acting like a loon 24/7. Benson, Mordecai and Rigby are purposely kept from this (though maybe Benson knows more than shown) for what Skips thinks is their own good (though that really backfires obviously).

The end of "Meat Your Maker" never really happened.[]

Seems almost a bit too obvious, but, since Mordecai comes back to life out of nowhere, and the end of the episode is even weirder than usual, I have to say that maybe Mordecai and Rigby really did freeze to death while trapped in the cooler, and the ending was Rigby's mind's way of making everything right before leaving the world forever.

  • Original idea came from this.
    • Actually, it didn't. Either it's coincidence, or the author of that fic got their plot idea from here, because I never read that fic before posting this WMG.
  • Even if it were confirmed, it wouldn't matter because...

"Regular" stands for "consistent".[]

Which means "It's anything but" means the plot is never consistent with itself. So even if anyone died, it wouldn't matter because they would be alive in the next episode anyway.

The show is set in Wonderland.[]

Where else would all this surreal, borderline-trippy stuff occur? Talking food appeared in Through the Looking Glass so it's not much of a stretch to imagine talking gumball machines and talking hot dogs in a latter day Wonderland. Mordecai is a descendant of one of the birds from the Caucus Race, Pops is a descendant of the Mad Hatter and Rigby is a descendant of the Cheshire Cat (weirder things have happened in both franchises). Also, both have included a personification of Time.

  • Okay, so Wonderland is in Victorian times, then fast forward to Regular Show in modern day, then huge nuclear/apocolyptic war, then Adventure Time somewhere in the future? Makes sense, actually...

Pops isn't actually an employee.[]

It might be a bit of stretch, but in "Just Set Up The Chairs", the employees are all grouped around as Benson gives them orders, but Pops isn't there, and when he does appear, isn't given a job to do, despite Benson's statement that there was "A lot to do" that day due to a birthday party being held there later that afternoon. Then, in Death Punchies, you can quite clearly see that there are pictures of Pops absolutely everywhere inside the house, implying that he's either the owner or a benefactor of some sort.

    • The official Regular Show web site implies that Pops owns the park, but because he's out of touch with the outside world, he relies on Benson to run the park for him.
    • All but confirmed by the end of "Rigby's Body" with Mordecai stating that Pops, and only Pops, got free snacks from the snack bar. If he were a regular employee, this would be some serious favoritism that you would think would have been opposed by Mordecai and/or Rigby rather than just accepted. Furthermore, if he were on the same level as Benson, then it would only make sense for Mordecai to have stated that only Pops and Benson got free snacks, which would have made perfect sense in context, as Benson wasn't even in this episode and it would still have been left up to Pops to initiate the misunderstanding and Benson being mentioned as also having this privelege wouldn't have changed things at all, but this is never stated. No, it's said to be limited to Pops, making the idea that Pops is the owner indirectly confirmed via Fridge Brilliance.
    • According to the episode Dizzy, Pops doesn't own the park...yet. The park is owned by his father, so that means Pops will eventually inherit it. (Unless he has some siblings we don't know about.)
      • Either he or his father said Pops was his only son, at least.
      • That would explain Pops' childishness. He's probably lived a sheltered life, never having to work for anything, so he isn't jaded like almost everyone else.
    • What about the episode where Pops threatens to fire Benson if he doesn't stop yelling at Mordecai and Rigby? That right there is irrefutable proof that Pops is at least higher up on the ladder than Benson.
    • In the spanish language, the pronoun you is not neutral as in english. If you use tu means familiarity (a coworker) while if you use usted means subordination (like an employee to his employer). In the Spanish dub, Benson talks to Pops with usted, fitting to Benson’s proper personality and his relationship with Pops. Everyone else talks to Benson with tu, meaning true familiarity (fitting to Skips or Muscle Man) or simply lack of respect (fitting to Mordecai and Rigby’s characters).

The Show takes place in the same world as Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends[]

Mordecai and Rigby are actually two imaginary friends who were left on the doorstep of the Home after their creators were checked into rehab. However, they quickly chafed under Herriman's autocratic regime and left to pursue their fortune. Instead, they found the park. Likewise, Margaret, Benson, Skips, Pops, and Coffee are imaginary friends as well; and they were imagined by Mordecai's sister, the gas station attendant from 2 in the AM PM, Peter Jackson, J.G. Quintel, and The Japanese Translator, respectively.

  • might work, if having a hallucination works as "imagining", because Benson technically is the gas station attendant from 2 in the AM PM, just in hallucination form. Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends was never really clear on what "imagining" entails, and since Mac truly believed he created Cheese while dreaming, accidental imaginary friends aren't exactly out of the question, so creating one via hallucination doesn't really seem too far-fetched by FHFIF standards.

Rather than a previous troper's theory on what the Death Dump is, the Death Dump is actually where you start having to go #3 REALLY BAD but then you constipate yourself and your body LITERALLY EXPLODES WITH CRAP.[]

It's kinda like the Regular Show version of Seppuku.

    • ... Ew.
    • How is that preferable to dying in lava?!
    • And why would Mordecai offer that to Rigby as an option? If Mordecai didn't know what the Death Dump was, that'd be acceptable, but it was clear he had the picture and showed it to Rigby. There is no way, no way in HELL Mordecai thought seppuku with shit exploding out of you was a valid option to get out of a pit of lava.
  • The sentries disagree.

The entire series takes place in 2005.[]

When the characters are walking through the labyrinth of doors in Prank Callers, the door to the present comes right after 2004. 2005 was also the year JG Quintel turned 23, the same age as Mordecai and Rigby. In Ello Guv'nor, the movie store clerk is dressed as King Kong. Guess what year that came out?

Mordecai and Rigby had become a gay couple in the future, in Mordecai and The Rigbys[]

Their future selves seemed to be much closer than the present ones, we all know that bandmates getting very "close" is something that often occurs, and the answer to Mordecai asking if he gets to date Margaret wraps it up : "I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise".

  • No. Just, no. They're obviously too much like bros to even be considered a couple. That, and Mordecai is RAGINGLY heterosexual.
  • Homosexuality can stay dormant in a person's system for any amount of time. Regular show likes to really surprise it's viewers so why not?
    • Because they've shown no interest in pandering to shippers, that's why.

Benson, and likely Gumball Machine people in general, are homunculi.[]

Think of them as Pinocchio-like creatures, brought to life by some sort of alchemist or wizard. Though cut from the final product, the storyboard of "Mordecai and the Rigbys" revealed there are other Gumball Machine people besides Benson, and he even dated a female one for some time. This could apply to any other kind of anthropomorphic objects in the show too.

The series will end with a "Regular Movie"[]

And it will be about Mordecai trying to ask Margaret out but various random things get in his way, and it will end with Margaret agreeing to go out with Mordecai.

  • I disagree. It will be a three-part Mario parody.
    • Part One: a mushroom comes to World 12 to help Rigby impress Margaret (which makes Moredcai madder by the second) and ultimately succeeds, when Margaret asks Rigby to see a movie with her. But when they start walking away, they get kidnapped by Heartless (Shadows, really.) Our mushroom (named Jerry) barely avoids capture, but a friendly Shadow teleports to Jerry's location and says "our friend is kidnapped."
    • Part Two: Jerry and the friendly Shadow (revealed to be Jerry's friend's pet) go through a large montage up to W12-Fortress, where Jerry meets a boss. The two engage into a battle of the death, and Video Game Law states that the player will win. Jerry won, duh. Meanwhile, in 12-Castle, Rigby, Margaret, and a mushroom with a blue hat are staring at a cloaked figure with a familiar voice... until he takes off his cloak hood and Rigby yells "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" (If you have a sense of irony, YOU'D KNOW WHO IT IS.) Benson, Skips, and Pops are trying to find a way out of the castle and back home, but Shadows with armor have them guarded.
    • Final Part: Worlds 12-4 to 12-7 are played until Jerry reaches the castle. He runs up to the boss door and fights a Giant Mecha and destroys it, only to have Moredcai fall out and battle Jerry. The battle ends QUICKLY. VERY QUICKLY. JERRY HAS A LASER KATANA. Afterward, Benson, Rigby, Pops, Skips, and Margaret decide to befriend Jerry and build a statue in his honor for saving them. Moredcai asks forgiveness, and, following Little Big Planet rules, they decide to. The ending shows all seven of them watching a movie and the blue-hatted mushroom reuniting with his pet.
    • Or we could always go with the classic option with just a simple musical and the hero's getting the girl.
    • Well, less musical, more hero getting the girl.
  • I think the show will end in a similar manned that Ed, Edd, and Eddy ended. There will be a movie, however it will entail Mordicai and Rigby finding real jobs and leaving the park. Mordicai will probably become an artist of some kind and Rigby will probably get his G.R.E. and will go into the work force as a plumber or a police officer (that'd be ironic yet fitting). I think it would have to show them moving on and growing up. They would probably part ways as well. Kinda sad but fitting. They may also show Mordicai and Margret getting married and having a family. Same with Rigby and Eileen. Either way this hopefully won't happen anytime soon.
    • Actually, Benton Conner said that Mordecai is never gonna marry.
      • Besides, Margaret is implied to be a slut, I doubt she'd settle down with Mordecai.

Pops has sepia vision.[]

This is due to his old age, and is a legitimate explanation other than Rule of Funny as to why he thinks his taxi is brownish.

  • Actually, it could always be due to being run over by Mordecai and Rigby. And considering how long ago that happened, it would make a lot of sense.

RS is set in an alternate version of 2010[]

Benton Connor said on his formspring that the show takes place somewhere between 1993-1998, which is impossible due to the technology. So I think RS is set in 2010, but society is the same as the 90's in the sense that stuff like Jersey Shore and Justin Bieber never existed

    • So that's why they play Genesis and watch Youtube?
    • ...Can I live there?

Muscle Man is an Ork.[]

He just devotes his time to annoying people rather than Crush! Kill! Destroy!.

  • Or maybe he's a troll by species?

Everyone in the city is a Reploid.[]

Rather, everyone in the main cast were failed Mega Man X prototypes that Dr. Light shipped to a island on the video game planet without their memory of who they were. (Before you say it was Jossed in "Don," reploids grow like real humans.)

    • Mordecai and Rigby, must be an Expy of X and Zero, then.
    • Jossed in "Don."

Margaret's Non-Mammal Mammaries are actually literal "lady pecs".[]

Given that she's a bird, albeit a Funny Animal one which doesn't seem able to fly, they may be flight muscles, which in birds are proportionally huge.

  • Or maybe she keeps an 80's cell phone in her shirt. Those lady pecs? They're actually tumors.

The series coexists with the world of Chick Tracts[]

Rigby is a lucid dreamer.[]

In both of the dream sequences we've seen from Rigby's point of view, he seems to have a surprising amount of control in his dreams. Aside from the nightmare aspects that pop up, he's aware of his actions and can change things.

Benson used to be in a band.[]

At the end of the episode "This Is My Jam", Benson was cut off before he could explain how he knew how to play the drums. If he had he been able to continue, he would have explained how he used to be in a band, referencing a scene that was cut from the episode "Mordecai and the Rigbys". There's a good chance the cut scene will appear in a later episode, and possibly be expanded upon.

Muscle Man is on/ has been on steroids and/or other drugs.[]

He's so flabby because that's a common occurrence after steroid usage. His green skin and rough voice are an exaggeration of the negative effects of drugs on the body.

  • Steroids do cause breast growth in men.

Rigby has a combination Bipolar disorder and mild Asperger's Syndrome.[]

Socially, Rigby is a little odd and immature (not nearly as bad as Pops, though) and he has a nasty temper and impulse control. Both aspies and people with bipolar are known to have fiery tempers. And who knows? Rigby may have some kind of secret obsession with something.

  • He seems rather obsessed with Strong Johns.

Regular Show takes place in the same universe as Aqua Teen Hunger Force[]

The park itself is the one that the leprechauns in season one called home. The park has the same sort of Weirdness Magnet that exists over in the Aqua Teen's neighborhood.

The climax of 'Jinx' was inspired by Rigby's VA mispronouncing "Ybgir" in 'Dizzy'.[]

  • Or by the "Bloody Mary" legend.

Margaret is a male-to-female Transsexual.[]

Only male cardinals have red feathers - the females are light brown. Her "lady pecs" are either implants or, as theorised above, vestigial flight muscles. This is why she only dates humans; they don't know enough about bird anatomy to know the difference, especially if she also has a cloaca (most Real Life birds lack penises). She may or may not assume that Mordecai knows, and if she does she may or may not be right.

Rigby isn't asexual or gay like everyone seems to think.[]

He's just extremely immature, and his disinterest in romance in general is an aspect of that.

    • Almost correct. He's not gay or uninterested in romance; Word of God states he has high expectations and expects supermodels like Scarlet Johanson. Also, Mordecai is (just about) Rigby's only true friend, he's concerned about him for a reason.
    • Yeah, he did show a fleeting but enthusiastic interest in a girl when they were picking out people to invite to a party.
    • Who thinks Rigby's gay in the first place?
    • .....You don't go into the RS fandom much, do you?

Skips was human once.[]

Watch the "Free Cake" episode. He is Simon Kipner - Godfather of the Soul Patch

  • um ya do know that Mordecai and Rigby find that in the garbage and cross out words with a marker when they give it to him as a present
    • He's probably referring to the fact that, in addition to Simon Kipner's name being an extremely suspicious lengthening of "Skips", the man seems to look a bit like Skips. And that Skips has eternal youth, so who knows how his body would change.

Cthulhu will eventually show up.[]

With all the weird, supernatural monsters in this series, how could they overlook this one? Plus, this show is probably one that would be able to get away with a completely literal example of Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?!

  • Knowing the show, it'd either be a Lawyer-Friendly Cameo, or he turns out to be a hipster. In contrast to that stick-in-the-mud Yog-Sothoth, of course.
    • Cthulhu is in the public domain, they can use him if they want to without copyrights being a problem.

The Radar was bribed.[]

I DARE YOU to give a better explanation.

  • Adventure time already took care of the radar.
  • The creators got in a rock, paper, scissor match with the radar and tied long enough to summon the monster from the pilot, which ate the radar.

In the episode "Go Viral" everyone in that internet video universe died.[]

The way everyone got sent to that universe does look dangerous, even deadly. Pops probably got hurled into space and suffocated, the wedgie ninja probably got punched so hard he dies, and we all know how "Road Hog" died and so on. Rigby also saved his life and Mordecai's life by turning on the camera, The reason why Mordecai and Rigby went to that universe is because Rigby tried to make back up footage(another dumb internet video), if Rigby didn't turn on his camera they would of just went up in space and died. Everyone who escaped that internet hell came back to life.

Pops had autism.[]

Whether he was born with it or it was inflicted to him because of that past injury he has it.

  • Jossed. Autism is not like the flu where you can just catch it.

Mordecai and Rigby are the same person.[]

Maybe they are actually humans, however the reason why they took the form of two creatures that look nothing alike so the truth wouldn't be so obvious. I don't know what this person's real name is but this person is probably a socially akward lonely everyman.So instead of kissing someone else's damn to make a friend, or worse yet making a super lame friend this man did something "regular" as you might say,whether it was something supernatural or sciency, to separate himself into two entities. So now that man is now a set of best friends each possessing similar and opposite qualities. The real reason why they get along no matter what is because they are the same person, In Jinx when Mordecai got mad at Rigby he wasn't really mad at him but at his self because of the stupid thing he did, and in "Over the top" Mordecai didn't grieve over(but still was p'ed) off at Rigby's death because he didn't lose a companion but some of his own personality.This person must of did it at a supposed early age, because Rigby dropped out of high school while this person's more superior side(Mordecai) decided to stick it out and get his diploma.

When I stated earlier that his different sides taken the form of animals, what I meant to state is if this person's yin yang took their human form they would of looked to alike, and something would be a little fishy.

  • Wait a minute my theory might be obsolete. Because weren't Mordecai best friends ever since they were six, maybe my theory is false or they separated at a super young age.

Mordecai & Rigby are on so many drugs that, counter the other drugs they appear as normal as any stoner[]

When the truth is they are on at least 2 milligrams of every conceivable drug.
And 3 tablets of every inconceivable one.

  • Mordecai and Rigby on drugs?

Every main character in this show are parodies of American stereotypes.[]

Let's see Mordecai is your somewhat nerdy goody two shoes.

Rigby is your typical mischievous immature slacker.

Margaret is that girl that one guy drools over.

Benson is your average adequately over-demanding boss(or at least that's how he's made out). But he is still a good authority figure evidenced by him never abusing his power despite him having the chance to, unlike some authority.

Pops is the ditzy naive person who lightens the mood somewhat(can't deal with all that tension) sometimes.

To be continued

  • Mordecai is A goody two shoes?
  • The episode with the audit, is one where Benson-bone specifically said,

"YOU BE NICE TO YOUR BROTHER OR YOU'RE FIRED. That sounds like abuse of power to me.

  • Yeah I have to agree with that, maybe Benson does abuse his power time to time. You can't fire anyone unless they broken a specific work rule and that's not one of them
  • Mordecai is a super good person as I stated earlier but Rigby is always getting him to do bad or mostly stupid things, the signature thing Rigby get's Mordecai to do is slack off. Do you think Mordecai is lazy?

Picking up from hours earlier.

Skips is a wise old man or sage (because he is immortal) young sage at that because he doesn't look like he should be in a retirement home like all other sages.

Muscle Man is your annoying loudmouth fat dude who thinks his weight is power and not excess fat.

High Five Ghost is that "other guy's" best friend.

Eileen is the girl that likes the boy that doesn't give a crap about her, better this way rather than the other way around don't you think guys (dudes)?

Rigby suffers from kleptomania.[]

He doesn't still frequently like most kleptos probably because he doesn't get that many opportunities to steal. Maybe because he's chillin' with his bro(Mordecai).

  • Think of all the times Rigby stole.

The Death Kwon Do master actually isn't a martial arts master but he is really a sorcerer.[]

He can teach his techniques way easier than a real fighting master can teach his techniques. Fighting techniques or spells anyone? I don't think his students don't even have to train that hard for fighting unlike most fighting schools. Didn't anyone else find it odd how you can just steal pages out of his book and learn them? Just like a spellbook. He has to physically discipline his students depending on what move they need to see if there worthy of controlling such power, whether to make sure the move wouldn't hurt them or to make sure the power wouldn't go to their head. When his spells(alleged fighting moves) got stolen he wasn't pissed off that someone stole his junk, Because he really didn't seem all that angry. He was worried that the power would be misused, a perfect example of this is Rigby gruesomely misusing that one fighting move(Death punch of death). He's a expert sorcerer so I think writing replacing that page in his book with a new copy won't be a big deal. It's him that makes him the master of Death kwon do not the book, it's just a index to his greatness. I'm pretty sure if he and not someone else can make that spellbook he can do it again.

  • Possibly he operates on D&D logic. and he is a sorcerer and a warrior.
    Lower level sorcerer though, that's why he can only do learning spells.

The Death Kwon do master and Muscle Man are played by the same person.[]

Because they have the same voices, duh.

  • Confirmed.

This show has the potential of SpongeBob SquarePants.[]

When it started it showed extreme promise just like Spongebob did, I believe if J.G Quintel kept working on it, it could be on air for more then a decade and stay fresh just like Spongebob.

One of the main characters on the show, probably Muscle Man is an alcoholic.[]

Let's see he exhibit traits of your typical alcoholic. Grumpiness, overweight, shamelessness, bloodshot eyes and any other alcoholic characteristics.

The Radar told the writers to tone it down a bit.[]

Is it just me, or do the jokes just not seem as edgy as they were in the first season?

  • I have to agree, they also took all of the very subtle profanity too.

This is the most inappropriate children's show on T.V. right now.[]

I dare you to name a worse show. Hmm. I wonder how many people might say The Amazing World of Gumball because of the occasional nudity?

Eileen is a nickname[]

Her full name is Eleanor.

Despite the possibility of the Radar telling the show to tone it done, the R word might be used later in the series.[]

I don't see why not. The only reason it hasn't been used earlier is because it hasn't been thought of. This show uses a lot of appropriate enough things and this is definetly one of them. It's more appropriate then piss. I remember in that cartoon network movie with the goth girl and the haunted book on CN a girl used the R-word.

The scene in "Brain Eraser" where Margaret thinks Mordecai is hot because he ignored her was foreshadowing for a future/latefuture important movie or plot point.[]

In that episode it tells us the viewer what kind of guy Margaret is attracted to. In a future episode if Mordecai adopts a "bad boy" persona or looses interest in Margaret or at least appear like it in Brain eraser his chances with Magaret will shoot up significantly.

In "Jinx", J.G Quintel originally intended to use the real "Bloody Mary".[]

But the Radars told him not to, because despite it being really awesome it's still a childrens show and shouldn't be introducing childhood terrors like that. The idea was too good to discard however and J.G Quintel decided to do something heavy brainstorming and recycle his obsolete idea instead.

This show was created to compensate for how lame The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack was.[]

Isn't it kind of odd how Flapjack just went off the air all of the sudden. Most shows end it with a movie or at least a series finale like Chowder but it just went off air, just like most other unsuccesfull series. Flapjack really didn't have much of a plot anyway, and that Candy Island nonsense is just bogus. So the creator decided to up the ante significantly and came up with Regular Show.

  • Flapjack ended because the creator, Thurop Van Orman, had gone off to teach a college class. The episode "Fish Out Of Water" was the series finale. J.G. Quintel worked on the show as a writer/creative director.

Some characters on this show harbor a deadly sin(s) that plays an important role in the show.[]

  • Mordecai=Envy- Jealous of all of Margaret's boyfriends.
  • Margaret=Lust- Whore who dates many guys
  • Benson=Wrath- Highly irrataible, threatens Mordecai and Rigby quite frequently
  • Rigby=Sloth- Very lazy individual, hates doing anything productive
  • Muscle Man=Gluttony- Very overweight and likes to eat a whole lot.
  • Rigby=Greed- Likes to steal.
  • Muscle Man=Pride- Apparently overestimates himself, he thinks all the repulsive gross things he does is so great and fails to see how everyone else is disgusted by it.

Additionally everyone is supposed to be similar to South Park characters as well.[]

Mordecai- Stan Marsh

Rigby- Kyle Brofloski (immoral negative inverse version)

Benson- Mr. Garrison

Pops- Butters

Muscle Man- Eric Cartman

High Five Ghost- Kenny McCormick (except instead of keep dying HFG stays dead 24/7)

Margaret- Wendy Testaburger

Skips- Chef

Pops was stupid before he recieved brain damage.[]

In the short "The Naive Man from Lolliland" Pops didn't seem too sharp in there either. We all know that takes place before Regular Show, if that short is non-canon however this theory is obsolete.

  • In "Prank Callers", he gotten brain damage after Mordecai and Rigby ran him over.

HFG has his own species.[]

Mostly supported by the episode "See You There". His family are ghost. I mean if High Five Ghost wasn't natrually a ghost what was he before he died. Maybe he is a spector instead of some ghost that walks the Earth. HFG might night be any supernatural entity, he could be an extraterrestrial. I mean his family are ghost.

  • He IS a ghost, but the only reason he didn't crossover into the afterlife or ascended to Heaven is because he is linked to Muscle Man. As shown in Muscle Man's story in "Terror Tales of the Park", after Muscle Man died, HFG ascended up to Heaven with him.

Rigby practices Obfuscating Stupidity.[]

This is so obvious it shouldn't even be here but it is anyway. Even though Rigby is depicted to be stupid immature and even irresponsible at times, he can be intelligent when ever he needs to or better yet any time he wants too. Rigby feels like it's best to surpress all of his intelligence so everyone won't expect much out of him, also so he won't have that much responsibility evidenced by Mordecai & Rigby not having as much harder jobs as everyone as shown in the episode "Just set up the chairs" and "Muscle Woman". Instead of trying to impress the boss he tries to dissapoint Benson so he won't expect much out of him. Rigby is shown to have the ability to work hard, however as shown in "Stick Hockey" and in "Caffienated coffee tickets". So is it stupidity or is it really apparent lazyness/surpressed ability.

Mordecai and every other anthromorphic species on this show possess some human DNA.[]

They are half human, having one human parent and one non human parent. If some of the characters on this show have parents who are of the same species, then the characters on this show must of descended from human ancestor's. Margaret is the only animal in the series who is shown to date or at least have any interest in a human being, therefore proving that it's possible for humans in this show to mate out of their own species. As for Benson, it's pretty disgusting to know that a human had the nerve to have sex with an inamimate object and create a breathing offspring.

Skips skips so much because he perfomed the spirit dance so many times in his life.[]

It's very likely that Skips has been alive for a lot of years, and he performed the spirit dance once all those years until up to that free cake episode. I don't know much about Skips pact with the guardians of youth but I do know they are real funny about skips not doing the spirit dance correctly,meaning that if he messed up on it he was screwed. So practice makes perfect right, so to avoid messing up on his up and coming spirit dance ritual which requires a ton of skipping by the way, Skips practices on his spirit dance routine non-stop. He became so used to his spirit dance skip that it became the way he walked. His walk might look a little "funny" but at least it was fail proof came time to do the spirit dance on his birthday. The spirit dance is so natrual to Skips that he doesn't even have to try, hence him not caring about missing his birthday to do the spirit dance, or maybe because he couldn't tell anyone about the pact.

Rephrasing the previous statement about this being the most innappropriate children's cartoon, this is the most radar dodging cartoon to of ever existed.[]

Everything on this show is just appropriate enough to not be dissaproved by the radars. The profanity on here might be pretty darn weak but it has profanity. In fact most of the funny moments on this show were a tad bit obscene.

  • Eh, not really. Animaniacs was probably the master of slipping jokes in. Regular Show has somewhat edgy content, yeah, but it's not hidden. The show is simply aimed at a slightly older audience.
  • But the thing is, their "edgyness" is way more open than any other cartoon. Such as they actually show someone taking a piss(The power) even if they didn't show their genitals, what other show has something as edgy as that.

HFG is really a physical manifestation of someone who is stoned out of their mind.[]

Hence "High" five ghost. In reality he is so stoned that he is walking on air, literally. He's transparency and all other ghostly characteristics are signs that he is out of touch with reality.

The Wizard from the Halloween special KILLED the Censors[]

The reason they seemingly get so much past the censors is because they're all dead, killed by the wizard! And he killed them because they weren't going to allow the Halloween episode air, which made him mad. And when he's mad, people die.

Mordecai's chances with Margaret (and maybe Eileen's with Rigby) will rise to the status of a serious Will They or Won't They? rather than a simple, one-sided crush by Mordecai (or Eileen).[]

Not saying they'll get together, mind you. I'm just saying that there'll be more episodes like "Camping Can Be Cool" where the crushes are both treated like relationships that could happen, rather than just a source of humor, like in "Do Me a Solid."

It's possible that Rigby does have a crush on Eileen. If you watch the Halloween episode where Rigby tells the story about him turning into a house, the scene where everybody is inside House Rigby, there's a quick scene of Skips looking at a picture by the fireplace, it's a picture of Eileen. The reason he acts like a jerk to her is....well he IS Rigby.

    • Possibly confirmed in the ending of "Butt Dial".

Benson was a "Well Done, Son" Guy as a kid.[]

In the same fashion as Toomy from The Langoliers, Benson also had a father that didn't appreciate his son getting The "B" Grade. Toomy flipped out at others for that, and Benson probably flips out at Mordecai and Rigby for being lazy because of that reason.

Death isn't a huge deal in this world.[]

In most episodes, someone gets killed and no one seems to worry about the consequences of that death. Just look at the Unicorns. Benson blew them up and didn't really think "oh my god I murdered someone." Same with Starla killing that news reporter and no one seeming to think to much of it. Possibly the biggest indicator of this lack of concern for life was in the episode "Skunked" Mordicae and Rigby kill the were skunk and after wards are excited over the fact that they got a bingo and don't have to keep picking up road kill. Granted it was hilarious but still. When Benson was talking about how he wasted his life playing stick hockey, that was the only thing he seemed to regret. Not the loss of his protegee Dave. Even when Rigby was killed by Skips, everyone was sad but not to the degree that you would think they'd be. Plus they all new Rigby very well so it makes sense that they would react stronger.

  • OF COURSE, they react if their loved ones die! How do you explain the tear in Benson's eye about Dave?! It seems Benson didn't want to tell Mordecai and Rigby, about Dave, because he didn't wanna upset them, NOT because "he didn't care". In "Over the Top, how do you know Mordecai didn't react more far once he left the hospital?? And Benton Conner said OF COURSE Mordecai reacted strongly to Rigby's death. In "Eggcellent" he reacted strongly when Rigby lost consciousness, but he was holding off to tears cause he was busy doing his promise to Rigby. When he felt he couldn't do it, THEN he was ready to give in to TEARS in the middle of the episode before the others came for help. The fact that Mordecai learned from "House Rules" that his best friend may die young doesn't make things more "calm" for him either!"

"High Five Ghost" isn't really HFG's real name.[]

What parent would actually name there kid that? "Muscle Man" wasn't a real name so why would high five "ghost" be one? Five's brother calls him that but his grandpa doesn't call HFG that, because it isn't his real name.

Rigby hired the Wizard to tell the story for him[]

Why? So he could create a Jump Scare to scare the crap out of everyone to ensure that he's the best story-teller.

What Mordecai's 10th solid was...[]

He has to squat down and masturbate. And he has to make truck noises while stroking it as it grows hard. And he has to say "honk honk" the moment he ejaculated. I mean, come on! Everyone else thought the same thing. Look at the other characters' disgusted looks on their faces.

  • That idea wouldn't have come from here, would it,The Legendary Geoff? Hey, if not, I'm sorry for sending you to the crudiest rendition of a Regular Show edit or parody since Mad.
  • Wow that makes sense. Most people thought Mordecai just took a crap, maybe because he squated down as if he was going to do so. Let's just remember there are a number of positions you can be in while maturbating. It was kind of strange how Mordecai didn't show any hesitataion or at least any shame before doing his "solid", as if he didn't mind doing it; maybe because he sort of would of enjoyed doing the solid. We know Mordecai isn't the kind of guy who would do something embarrassing and think nothing of it. Masturbating isn't as shameful as taking a crap in front of everyone, in some cases it might be kind of cool if you have a sweet enough package (NOT trying to sound homo or anything). Margaret subconsiously thought it was kind of cool seing a guys private like that but didn't want to show it for already known reasons. Mordecai and Rigby are super cool friends and with that being stated it's possible that Rigby wasn't just trying to flat out ruin Mordecai with that last solid, he might of thought it Margaret would want to see Mordecai's junk.
    • That puts the scene in a whole different light.
  • ERROR DETECTED WITH YOUR LOGIC. There is one huge factual error with your statement that josses it. (Cue dramatic sounds.) Birds lack penises. You hath failed biology.

The events in "Rigby's Body" is the alternate resolution swithed to canon to what really happened.[]

In reality he died, by eating himself to death. The creators couldn't have Rigby actually die in such an unexpected and bland way so they decided to add a little twist to the story and came up with an whole entire story plot with just an idea. As for the weight lifter he in reality died, but possibly because of more than just weight lifting, steroid use sounds more plausible than "if you keep pumping iron(all by itself) your body's going to quit on you(die in reality".

HFG, Pops, and Skips will eventually get paired with someone.[]

Am I the only one who hopes this happens ?

  • Apparently so.
  • On Deviantart, though, there are like hundreds.
  • Yes, but do the creator's of the show feel mutual?

Mordecai and Rigby have hearing aids[]

After the end of "Think Positive" (Where they lost their hearing), Benson buys Mordecai and Rigby hearing aids (it was HIS fault that they lost their hearing, you know), and they shove it deep in their ears so no one can see them.

The creator's of the show have been slacking off since season 3 .[]

Is it just me? Or do the new episode seem a little bland compared to the old ones. Maybe it's because since everyone's finally hooked on the show the creator's feel like they have to compensate a little less maybe?

  • No, it's not just you. They're just... horrible, with a few good moments sprinkled through the seasons.

Benson is the father of Princess Bubblegum[]

This is mostly on the basis that Benson is a gumball machine and that PB is made of gum. Plus this WMG is inspired by this fanfic which was inspired by This drawing.

This show and Adventure Time share both a universe and a time period.[]

The city (or possibly 'kingdom') the Regular Show cast live in is designated for those who wish to keep things the same as they were prior to the Great Mushroom War, and is the 'Regular Kingdom', the citizens called 'Regular people', etc. None of the seemingly human characters are actually human - they're all either part animal (like Eileen, who, excluding the tail, looks mostly normal but is actually half mole) or have some kind of powers that make them abnormal (like Susan, who seemed ordinary but could turn people into clones of her and go all One-Winged Angel when pissed.) Most of the characters try their best not to act like the animals they've been fused with or use their new powers, but that's not how it is in other kingdoms, hence why Gary, the babies, Death, and others all have no qualms about using their powers. It makes people of the Regular Kingdom uncomfortable, though, hence why the bowling alley guy got mad at the usage of such powers. However, it's impossible to keep the Regular People completely away from the other kingdoms who've embraced the post-Mushroom War changes, so while they react to it with fear and aversion, they aren't quite as surprised as you'd expect people who've never been exposed to such things to be.

The reason Benson hates slackers is...[]

As we've seen in "Benson Be Gone", he's under pretty strict monitoring, given that he's pretty much the owner's second-in-command. Because of this, he can't get away with slacking off like Mordecai and Rigby, in addition to the simple fact that their slacking off makes Benson's job a lot harder. He yells at them more to dish out his anger at his boss on them.

  • possibly confirmed with "Broken Cart"

In the "Night Owl" episode the past Mordecai, Rigby, Muscle Man and High-Five Ghost murdered there future selves after the episode ended.[]

This wasn't show because the creator's couldn't get a big piece of crap like that past the Radar. Fearing for their lives and not understanding the concept of what their future selves said the past/present gang took that practical joke as a death threat and murdered their future selves before even asking them any questions.

Margaret's boyfriend addiction will be brought up in-universe[]

Someone (Likely Mordecai, less likely but possibly Rigby or Eileen) will call her out on it. For an explanation, Margaret will be revealed to have a Freudian Excuse or be given a Cerebus Retcon of her actions, possibly that she needs to feel loved at all costs. It would make her alot more tolerable imo.