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  • Luigi upon being offered decaffeinated coffee: "I will shoot you in the FACE!"
  • Luigi again: "I will find a hole and fuck it!" combined with him doing pelvic thrusts into his hands (with his thumbs and forefingers in the shape of a vagina) and a "sproing!" sound effect in the background.
  • And again. "What's this, rat piss?!" STAB STAB STAB. In fact, Luigi, Pavi, Amber and Mag all act like children during the scene. Mag seems less concerned with the fact that Luigi is stabbing the attendant to death and more with the embarrassment of the thing, and Amber acts like some smug, slightly-older brat who, for once, has the high ground. And then Rotti turns up.
    • "But he/she-!" As they immediately point at each other...
  • Grave-Robber's reaction to ending up in a pile of corpses; "Jackpot!"
  • The Repo Man has a unique way of silencing his victims.
  • The reactions of both Luigi and Pavi in this clip.
    • And when Rotti tries to convince Shilo to kill Nathan, they start strangling each other.
  • All of "Thankless Job", if you've got a certain sense of humor.
  • "You're real?" "...Duh."
  • Grave-Robber's number, "The 21st Century Cure," particularly the moment when he screams out "GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVES!" and is immediately discovered. A very clever fourth wall joke.
  • When Nathan calls Shilo after she meets Blind Mag while he's out on a repossession, and the victim cries out.

 Shilo You're patients need you. *victim cries out in pain* Dad, who's that?

Nathan Oh that? One of my patient, he's sick. *Neck Snap*

Shilo Will he live?

Nathan It's looking grim.
