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Republic: The Revolution is a computer game produced by Elixir Studios - better known for developing Evil Genius - published in 2003. It takes place in the small nation of Novistrana, a Ruritania that has just gained independence from the Soviet Union. You play as a political mastermind... whose family was assassinated by the KGB... and unfortunatly, the man who was resposible for those murders is currently "president for life" of Novistrana and beyond the reach of the legal system.

Thus, the player's job is to set up a party and gather enough support to launch a revolution. Of course, you're not the only one with an agenda - opposing him are several other groups, including other political parties, churches and even criminal organizations. In order to overcome the opposition and overthrow the president, you'll have to persuade others to work with you and support your campaign. Of course, they're trying the same...

The game's politcal spectrum has three dimensions: Money, Force and Influence. Different ideologies draw (or repulse) different voting groups and can make recruiting certain people easier (or harder). The military is more likely to support a person with an interest in force, while the church can be hard to persuade to join the cause unless you share their belief in the power of influence. Corporate salesmen care for nothing but cold hard cash.

Tropes used in Republic: The Revolution include: