Rescuing Dara is a Pokemon fan fiction webcomic based off of the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series. The comic follows Chivai, a Snivy who, when her best friend Dara is kidnapped, decides to chase down the kidnapper and rescue Dara. In doing so, she discovers that there's more to the kidnapping than she first thought, and ends up teamed up with a new friend to stop a kidnapping epidemic.
- Action Girl / Badass Adorable: Chivai.
Dara: Chivai is one of the best - no, the best explorer in town. And I'm counting the adults. |
- Art Shift: The art starts noticeably improving after page 25 or so.
- Asleep for Days: Dara under the effects of Sleep Seeds.
- Bag of Kidnapping: See that brown, Dara-sized bag the kidnapper is carrying when Chivai first sees him? Yup, it's this trope.
- Cat Up a Tree: But it's not a cat, it's a Teddiursa.
Chivai: ...Seriously? |
- Chromatic Arrangement: Chivai is green, Dara is red, Zilch is blue.
- Damsel in Distress: Dara.
- Fantasy World Map / Left Justified Fantasy Map: Here.
- Gameplay and Story Segregation: Unlike in the games, Pokemon can use their attacks for more practical use, such as Chivai using Vine Whip to climb a tree.
- Hated Hometown: Zilch does NOT want to go to Arroya.
- Heel Face Turn: Zilch.
- Luminescent Blush: Zilch has this on page 18.
- Mage Tower: Almost all the Aura-using Lucarios, the closest thing to magicians in the Rescuing Dara universe, live in Aura Temple.
- Nebulous Evil Organisation: Lucarios for Lucarios isn't really an "advocacy group."
- Planimal: Snivys and their evolutions are these.
- Power Limiter: Chivais' Everstone prevents her from evolving, which would make her an even more powerful fighter than she already is.
- Psychic Powers: Pokemon able to use Aura can do telepathy, telekinesis, make blue fire, and use energy attacks.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Averted, with the hero Chivai and both the heroic and villainous Lucarios all having red eyes.
- Sudden Anatomy: Dara only has arms when she's using them, which seems to be a trait of her species, as seen in this sprite animation from the games here.
- Tagalong Kid: Dara has to come along with the team for their plan to work, and she does help sometimes, but she still is this trope.
- Title Drop:
Chivai: So you're saying I shouldn't rescue Dara? |
- The Hero: Chivai.
- Three Amigos: Chivai is The Hero and a girl, Dara is the female friend, and Zilch is the male friend.
- Wall of Text: Page 35 comes to mind.
- With a Friend and a Stranger: Chivai is The Hero, Dara is the friend, and Zilch is the stranger.