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While the Resident Evil series has plenty of Narm, there are intentionally funny moments too.


Mainstream Series[]


Chris: "We got to the ROOT of the problem!"
Rebecca: *dead silence*

  • Resident Evil 2:
    • A moment where Leon catches up to Femme Fatale Ada Wong, and attempts to make conversation. Keep in mind Leon is wearing a blue police uniform with insignia everywhere and the giant letters R.P.D. emblazoned on his back.

Leon: "Ada, I don't think I've introduced myself yet. My name's Leon; I'm with the RPD."
Ada: *shrugs as if to say "Uhm...okay, thanks for sharing"*

    • Another funny moment is in the N64 version of the game. Rebecca has a report about Billy Coen being dead, but she mispells his name 'Koen.'
  • Resident Evil Code: Veronica:
    • Pretty much hidden scenes in where if Steve goes back to Claire during his scene she dials the snark Up to Eleven.

"Do you want me to take care of this for you, little boy?"


Carlos: I know, you want to ask me out. All the foxy ladies love my accent. It drives them crazy.

    • And:

Carlos: Just so you know, I'm not into the whole pain is pleasure thing.

  • Barry Burton's alternate costume for Mercenaries 3D. It's Chris's warrior outfit, recolored to be red, white, and blue.
  • Resident Evil Gaiden:
    • While it is... well, not a good game, and is ignored by the rest of the series, it does contain one golden moment of hilarity (hopefully intentional), when Leon is confronted by a bunch of Umbrella guards with MP5s.

Guards: "Get back! This is your only warning! Do not approach the submarine!"
Leon: "What are you going to do...shoot me?"

Guards: "Open fire!"
Leon: *dives for cover, desperately trying to shoot back* *Then, after the sub leaves...* "I can't believe they opened fire!"

  • Resident Evil 4:
    • Leon's first meeting with Luis as he shows the Spaniard a picture of Ashley.

Luis: "Let me guess. She's the President's daughter?"
Leon: "That's too good for a guess. How'd you know?"
Luis: *ominous voice* "Psychic Powers."
Leon: *looks like he might actually be considering it*

Luis: "Naah, I'm just kidding."

      • A moment of unintended hilarity can happen with Luis if you're wearing Leon's first alternate costume:

Luis: You a cop? (looks at Leon wearing his Raccoon Police Department outfit)
Luis: Nah, you don't look the type.

    • The exchange between Leon and Salazar after the former surviving the fall into a trapdoor the latter activated:

Salazar: I've sent my right hand to dispose of you.
Leon: Your right hand comes off?

    • Made even better when you realize that, given all the weird shit Leon has seen, that is a perfectly valid question.
    • Leon's cathartic response on Salazar's rants where he pins his hand against the wall with a thrown knife, which of course a neat move to shut the Smug Snake up. Bonus points for him had enough of his **** as much as player.
      • The remake got a similar situation just prior to boss fight:
Ramón: Such a fool Mr. Kennedy, to be bestowed with Lord Saddler's grace and yet fail to —
Leon': (gives an exaggerated eye roll as he indignantly reaches his gun) You talk to much (shoots Salazar at the chest twice).
Ramón: AAH!!! you... VULGAR, UTTERLY UNCIVILISED — (receives a headshot) mongrel...
—Salazar before his final boss fight in Resident Evil 4 remake.
    • Leon testing a throne chair belonged to Saddler (or Salazar in the remake). His response below indicated that even he was impressed by how comfortable it is as a resting spot:

There's no time for resting.

    • Jump off a ladder (don't catch Ashley) and aim at her, or perform a suplex and land under Ashely, and she'll call you a pervert and cover up her skirt.
      • Made even better when Leon dies under her, she'll be calling pervert when it fades into "You died" screen.
    • In the island military base, there's an oven containing a Ganado. Most first-time players won't know what to do (and take double-damage if the fan-nicknamed "Oven Man" grabs them), but those expecting should step back immediately as soon as Oven Man bursts through. He dies of his own burns shortly.
  • Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles:
    • The game gives us this exchange between Leon and Krauser, stuck in a huge, flooding room with zombies, infected piranha and Hunter Gammas:

Krauser: "It's dark, it's wet, there's monsters..."
Leon: "Turnin' out to be one hell of a day, huh?"
Krauser: "At least I got you here backin' me up, though, huh boyscout?"
Leon: "You're not gonna ask me to hold your hand, are you?"
Krauser: "If only your aim was as good as your jokes."


Canonical Spin-offs[]


Leon: "There's one thing I need to tell you guys:"
(Dramatic Pause)

Leon: "My paycheck... is way too good."

Angela: (Blank Stare)

Leon: "Really. Damn. Good."

    • There's also this gem.

Leon: Angela.
Angela turns around to face him
Leon: (blubbering) Don't leave me! I'm scared.
Angela:...You're pathetic. (Leaves)
Leon: (still blubbering) Angela...wait...

  • Resident Evil: Damnation:
    • While struggling to move past a partially jammed door, JD lamented that he shouldn't eat too much junk food. He's not chubby per se but, he is indeed need to keep an eye on his fat intake.
  • Resident Evil: Death Island:
    • Leon lamenting the damage Maria done to his bike when she failed his rescue attempt on Dr. Antonio Taylor.