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  • The Chest Burster in RE 2, which evolves into something resembling a Xenomorph.
  • Wesker's Matrix style moves, and Terminator sunglasses with flashing red eyes.
  • With his glasses off, his orange cat eyes, a reference to Michael Jackson's Thriller.
  • Alexia's flammable blood attacks, an ode to Carrie.
  • Alexia's second mutation is reminiscent of the breeding form of the Queen from Aliens.
  • The cargo elevator escape in Resident Evil Zero is a shout out to the escape sequence at the end of Aliens.
  • Osmund Saddler looks and talks like Emperor Palpatine.
  • Dr. Salvador resembles both Leatherface, and Jason when he wore a burlap sack mask.
  • Resident Evil 4: The Broken Butterfly is a gun that "will make anyone's day".
    • It shares ammo with a scoped semi-auto pistol called the Killer7, which is the exact same pistol KAEDE uses in that game.
    • Another gun is named Matilda. Furthering that, the hardest difficulty in the game is "Professional".