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The G-Virus was meant to heal people/experiments with eye damage and regeneration backfiring[]

Just look at most of the G-Virus creatures.Notice they have an eye as a weak spot normally.Umbrella probably wanted the virus to regenerate damage to the eyes or other body parts.But the regeneration went berserk and the subject regenerating turned into....what ever they are now.

K-Mart from the movies is actually Ashley[]

First off, they're equally useless and end up as the damsel in distress more often than not. That'd also explain why she'd rather go by K-Mart since she doesn't want people to know her true identity as the president's daughter. Though that's pretty pointless by now, it's probably a habit that has stuck to her. If anything, she could be using the alias to show that she's equal to them and doesn't want to be treated as the pampered daughter of a powerful man.

  • Jossed The Resident evil movie series and the video game series have absolutely nothing to do with each other canoncially. K-Mart is just K-Mart.

Wesker's sunglasses are more than Cool Shades.[]

In another series I read, the main character has a pair of special sunglasses designed to make up for his lost eyesight. Aside from that, they also have a program that can analyze the data of whatever guns and weapons his enemies are using. In addition to that, someone can even look up information on things via the internet, and send him the data in the midst of battle. They can also give him a possible trajectory of the bullets based on the data it's analyzed. My theory is that as of Resident Evil 5 (specifically as of the Spencer mansion incident), Wesker's sunglasses do the same thing: pop up information on his HUD during battle and show pathways of bullets. That's the only way I can make sense of how he can dodge fire from automatic weapons and not get hit; I get that he has super human reflexes and all that, but still. The time it would take for him to look at someone's gun, guess how they're going to fire it, and dodge would still be long enough that he should get hit every now and then. Especially when you have some people who just fire blindly. But if he has someone on Mission Control feeding him info via his glasses, then he can avoid all that and just focus on dodging the attacks and in turn kicking the shit out of people. It would also explain why he ALWAYS HAS THEM ON regardless unless someone actually forces them off his face. Granted, anything before maybe RE 4 and RE5 is mostly Rule of Cool still.

  • No, they're just to cover up his ominously repelling luminous crimson eyes.
  • They're to hide his eyes. They are kind of the first clue as to his identity, after all.

HUNK is really Albert Wesker[]

  • Or, he's one of the many Wesker Clones.
    • Or, he's just a badass dude. An epilogue in Nemesis shows what his real face looks like.

Ada was Ingrid Hunnigan[]

  • You lose contact with Hunnigan shortly before meeting Ada for the first time. Ada's initially wearing sunglasses, but destroys them as a handy distraction. The next time you see Hunnigan, after the credits, she's not wearing her glasses.
    • Yes, Ada is in D.C. then teleports to Notspain. She also changes her entire genetic code.
    • Jossed apparently.

The U.S. Government knew what Umbrella was doing.[]

There's no way Umbrella could have done all that they did without The Government being at LEAST suspicious, if not out right knowing what Umbrella was doing.

  • Another theory this troper has is that The U.S. Government was buying some of Umbrella's B.O.W.s.
  • It could be possible that the government was investigating Umbrella long before the Raccoon City disaster.
    • See Ada below.
  • According to Resident Evil: Degeneration, they indeed knew.
    • Even before that, when you check the S.T.A.R.S. office in Resident Evil 2, the fax machine spits out a report from the FBI describing their investigations into Umbrella and Irons.
      • Well, that fax was a direct response for Chris's request for an investigation. There's no indication they were looking into Umbrella or Irons before the Mansion Incident.
  • I vaguely remember reading something about Birkin being assassinated because he was planning to sell the G-virus directly to the government and reap the profit himself rather than letting Umbrella have a cut. Then, they got pissed.
  • This has pretty much been confirmed by RE5.

Why did the U.S. government attack Umbrella's factory on October 1st?[]

Did they want to destroy the T-Virus, or did they want it for themselves? As a corollary, how did they manage to get the rail cannon into the factory's power room?

  • According to RE:ORC it was a base of operations that needed to be shut down. They were after the G-virus though, but apparently they just wanted it for "evidence" (Or so they say). As far as the rail cannon goes, it was dropped in by helicopter.

Why did the government order a bombing run on Raccoon City?[]

The issue here isn't how the government knows about the outbreak; that's obvious. The issue is what they know that made them decide upon sterilization of the area, as opposed to sending in the CDC. This is a B-movie type game, yeah, but it could be an interesting plot point. Conspiracies abound...

  • Resident Evil 5 clears this up. They ordered a bombing run because they'd gotten nervous with what Umbrella was pulling; the President felt he could blame the company for what happened and keep the heat off himself in the process.
    • Another more pragmatic reason. By the time of the nuke strike, nearly everyone in the city was probably already dead. Not a lot of reason to risk a lot of soldiers fighting zombies and B.O.W.'s in close combat for no reason when you could just incinerate the city.

Billy knows more than what he told Rebecca[]

What happened to Billy Coen in Africa (interestingly enough, people think the protagonist in RE5 is Billy, though clearly it's Chris, now having seen the new trailer), and what did it have to do with the mother virus? (I initially thought that Billy's exclamation in the factory was simply an RE2-style plot dodge; it's assumed that the player knows what a given virus is by now, if only from files, so the character does too. However, Billy says "mother virus," and no file in RE0 mentions that. They're all about the Progenitor.)

  • Could possibly tie in with Billy's time in Africa. Why else would the US government get involved in a crapsack country's little civil war? (Be honest, seriously.)
    • Honest? OIL.
      • That's if they are in, oh, Nigeria. We only know they are in Africa. There are so many ways to get rich in Africa, for all we know, they could be in there for the tusks, damn it.
        • If there are loads of ways to get rich in Africa, THEN WHY THE HELL IS EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY DIRT-POOR RIGHT NOW?!?
        • Because of the people getting rich off of taking their resources. Dur-hey.

Ada Wong...[]

... is clearly a government double (triple?) agent, Possibly working for the C.I.A. (Or some other government agency. Likely as far back as pre-RE 1, but she's clearly playing them while working for another group(s).

  • leader of a third organization.
  • a Time Lord. It had to be done! - Tofu
  • an agent for The Patriots, as well as all of the above.
    • the fact that she wasn't present with Wesker during his final misson in RE5 only makes it obvious. Or she jumped ship at the right time.
  • Ada has been in deep cover for so long she probably lost her own identity. In fact, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis hints at this. More or less Becoming the Mask.
  • Resident Evil 5 hints at a biohazard incident in "the Orient" that Chris and Jill handled in the early days of the BSAA (but still pre-RE 4). Given a name like Ada Wong, dollars to doughnuts says that she was probably involved in that as well.

Sir Ozwell E. Spencer is likely still alive[]

No game in the franchise implicitly states that he's dead.

  • He's still alive by RE5. He was seen in one of the latest trailers.
    • He was still alive by RE5. Then Wesker punched a hole through him, and he wasn't anymore. Of course, he'd hardly be the first person in the series to come back from the dead, so he could still be a villain in future installments.
      • Ooh, maybe he pulled the Wesker trick on Wesker, and when we see him next, he will have red eyes.

The T-Virus can affect things positively...[]

This is why eating hallway plants restores your health.

  • Which is obviously why umbrella was interested in it in the first place.
    • Actually no, Umbrella itself was a front for Spencer, Marcus, and Ashford's BOW research.
  • Perhaps the Herbs are in someway connected to those Progenitor flowers seen in 5? They said they were trying to home-grow them but failed to make the real flowers; maybe these are just the diluted prototypes.
    • The novels hinted at this, with Umbrella scared of the potential lost revenue from actually healing people, but saw its value as a military project.

...but it does cause some delusions[]

This is why characters think typewriter rolls are so important and that crates have magical teleporting powers. And that splitting up all the time is so awesome.

Umbrella never toppled.[]

By RE4, Umbrella has since ceased to exist, who's only remembered for setting of one of the worst tragedies and genocides in human history. If this is so, then why are First-aid sprays so readily available? Someone is obviously making more, because even medicine deteriorates over time. It can't be that The Merchant simply obtained a surplus, because they would have been useless by the time Leon, his best customer, came to the area. Umbrella either still exists as an underground company, or is owned by some mother company. Either way, Umbrella could technically go about its research, so long as no one ever found out about them AGAIN.

  • Uh... This troper can go to any drug store and get First Aid Spray. It's not some miracle drug made by Umbrella. It doesn't actually heal wounds, of course, but neither do herbs or medkits.
  • The end of RE: Umbrella Chronicles pretty much states that Umbrella is now more of a terrorist organization under the control of Wesker.
    • Confirmed in RE5. While not using the Umbrella name so much (this troper is unsure if Tricell is Wesker's company or an unrelated, but interested, party), they use its resources and former research to sell BOWs on the black market.

The merchant in RE4 is a Ganado of the Chaotic Good type[]

There's some evidence to this idea. His skin seems to have the same complexion as a Ganado villager, at night his eyes glow like a Plaga-carrying Ganado, and he seems to have a thing for violence (He can't be carrying all them guns just to look pretty), what with him selling guns to Leon. But rather than trying to use all of this weaponry to blast a hole in Leon, if not supply the Ganados with enough weaponry to put the UBCS to shame, he seems to sell them to Leon for varying prices. Not only that, but he gladly accepts any treasure from Leon for cash. It could be some sort of glitch in the Ganado possession programming which rendered the merchant(s?) not exactly evil, since he doesn't try to kill Leon, but not exactly good either, since he chuckles evilly when Leon buys off of him. The Ganados seem to pay him no mind, since he's still alive wherever Leon goes.

  • He could also be British and not Spanish. I mean, come on, how many Spaniards speak like Cockneys?
  • He could also be a member of a family of identical siblings. Either that, or he gets around.
    • You can kill the merchant. He reappears at the next area without commentary.
      • Then there is a lab dedicatied to cloning him. Or he's a time lord. Take your pick.
        • In Normal Mode only. Kill him in Professional, he stays dead and you stay fucked for the rest of the game due to not being able to get better gear.
  • He's just that greedy. When given a choice between hero profiteering and hero chomping, he picked profiteering.
    • In that case...
  • In Marvel Zombies, Doctor Doom takes longer to be properly zombified on account of his large ego and pride. Maybe the Merchant(s?) REALLY liked making money prior infection...?
  • Maybe they are under Saddler's control! Or were, anyway. The Merchants get infected with Las Plagas, get sent to America where people love guns and begin selling them for pesos. Violence skyrockets, and Osmund makes a good chunk of change from the proceeds, brings his "religion" to America and the masses terrified of the bandits using insanely affordable guns seek shelter in his cult. America, mind controlled, proceeds to take over the rest of the world! But then he abandoned it and went with the less convoluted plan of kidnapping the President's Daughter and having her re-rescued once she was infected to infect the highest rungs of the American government. He forgot the Merchants were still around and they just keep fulfilling their primary mission with Leon, rather than the American Public.
    • However, he can sells you a type of gun that can insta-kill Plagas, and only Plagas. He seems to be immune to it.

The Merchant is the real Big Bad of the entire series[]

...and he makes his profit by selling any random stranger ridiculous guns at a high price, using any other guns left over to blow the sucker away while they're not looking, loot the guns back and sell them to the next traveler, keeping both guns and money. Rinse and repeat. Leon is just too smart for that, which is exactly why the Merchant chuckles evilly when Leon buys things off of him; he considers Leon a Worthy Opponent of some sort. But his Master Plan to take over the world involves taking this de facto currency and bringing it into circulation, and in some massive You Fail Economics Forever moment, throws the entire world (or at least Spain)'s economy into chaos.

    • LEON'S too smart compared to his previous victims? Mr. Leon 'Your right hand comes off?' Kennedy? What the hell kind of travelers was he managing to trick?

The Merchant had a Control Type Las Plagas in him.[]

This explains why enemies do not find him, cause he just uses the control Plagas to Jedi Mind Trick them into seeing nothing. Were he to give orders to the Ganados, then the other controllers such as Saddler and Salvador would notice that their minions were going off track. However, since Leon Kennedy killed all the controllers in Spain, The Merchant is free to use the remaining Ganados as he sees fit.

Whatever experiments Wesker may be conducting as of now may have the potential to revive the dead[]

After all, he did hint at the end of Code Veronica that Steve might come back from the dead. He and Birkin might have been working on it since Day 1, owing to Wesker's survival of RE1's Mansion Incident despite being gutted by a Tyrant, so it wouldn't be a fair stretch to say his experiments may have led to Ada's survival of RE2 and may lead to the potential return of Steve.

Leon became aware that Ada was Not Quite Dead before the events of RE4[]

Think about it. When they meet in Salazar's castle for the first time, Leon says "So it is true. You are working for Wesker" rather than expressing surprise at seeing her alive despite seeing her die. Noting that one works for Wesker isn't a natural response to meeting for the first time someone you believed (and saw) died. There are many theories to this. For example, the Leon A scenario could be canon and a bit of Leon hoped and thought that Ada could still be alive. Or the both of them could have communicated offscreen, with Ada sending Leon a message that she was alive and in Wesker's payroll. Perhaps the denial overrode acceptance and won out in the end, since in RE2's Leon B scenario, what appears to be Ada throws a Rocket Launcher to Leon to help destroy the Mr X-type Tyrant. Or in fact, canonically, Ada NEVER did die in the first place, but Leon and Ada split up during the laboratory segment and they didn't meet again til RE4.

  • Well, he apparently learned lots of interesting stuff when he became a secret agent, such as Wesker's importance after Umbrella's fall.
  • Perhaps given the plotline of Resident Evil and Wesker's role in particular, it could be a justified default assumption that anyone who "died" and then suddenly returned without warning is probably working for Wesker, Umbrella, or is taking notes from their "examples".

Many canon characters are traitors...[]

Stay with me, please. One of the many, many reasons for the outbreaks in and around Raccoon City are to test how humans survive in these kinds of survival situations. Maybe Umbrella/the government has access to crapsack/horror dimensions. Maybe they are just interested in tactics. Either way, many of the characters are being carefully monitored to see how they fight against the monsters... and their partners are in on it. All this is to explain why everyone keeps encouraging everyone else to 'split up for now'. Shake trees, shake!

  • Barry Burton is our only hope.
  • I can live with that, Barry is awesome enough to kick Wesker's ass, kill every zombie, and crush every Las Plagas into a Jill Sandwich.

Mike from RE4 was a Transformer.[]

Come on, it's so obvious! We never see him leave the chopper. When you actually get a good look at the chopper, there's no one inside. It also explains why Leon is so upset. You see, Leon was excited because he was going to get some help from an alien super-robot, but Saddler killed Mike before he was actually helpful! Leon didn't really care about saving Ashley after that, he was just trying to get revenge on Saddler for destroying his robot friend. In addition, Mike was supposed to give Leon the name of a good bar, but he was destroyed before he could. No one comes between Leon and his alcohol.

Umbrella managers have (had) no idea what the hell they were doing[]

No... uh... I didn't fail to contain the zombie outbreak and get my men slaughtered because I'm an incompetent moron, I... uh... I sabotaged them to get 'combat data'. Yeah, that's the ticket.

  • It's those 'herbs' they're always using to heal.
    • Drug use would explain why Wesker, even before T-Virus, wore sunglasses all the time. At night, inside, inside at night...
    • And it would probably explain their business plan.
    • In my mind, there is no other reason why anyone would think making a virus that turns you into a man-eating vagina after impregnating your daughter and giving you over 9000 eyes would be a reasonable idea, let alone the thing you view as the pinnacle of your life's work.
    • What cinched it for me was Code Veronica. At one point, Umbrella's upper management thought it was spiffing to have a sociopathic 12-year-old as the head of a research project. William Birkin basically gets insulted because of how ridiculous this is and this is a man who spent his entire life creating a virus that turns a man into what I can only describe as a hlphrph. I don't care how smart she was, she was TWELVE YEARS OLD.

Jack Krauser didn't use Las Plagas[]

He was just so incredibly manly he decided to mutate.

  • "I think I'll grow a crazy mutant arm today. Oh, and while I'm at it, I think I'll rip my shirt off and see Leon's reaction!"
  • The Darkside Chronicles seem to suggest that Krauser was given something by Wesker after his arm was damaged. Afterall, why would Saddler give Jack a Plagas?
    • Because Saddler didn't trust him, yet preferred for such a physically capable individual to be under the complete control of his own master Plagas.
  • Then why does the Plagas Remover Laser work on him

Las Plagas are Eldritch Abominations.[]

Of all the various viruses and Applied Phlebotinum in the series, it's generally Las Plagas or their derivatives that actually cause the most insanely rapid mutations, often seemingly creating new mass from nothing. Las Plagas also were "sealed away" beneath the Salazar castle for centuries or more, and have a cult devoted to their worship. Anyone else smell Lovecraftian abomination?

  • This troper has been saying that the Plagas are aliens for a while now.
  • This troper goes even further and says that the Progenitor Virus and all its derivatives are mircoscopic Eldritch Abominations. Hell, Marcus turns into a The Worm That Walks after his death to show up in Resident Evil 0. This troper would also go to suggest that Albert Wesker is now an avatar for Nyarlthotep, but cannot decide if this detracts from his favorite villain or adds to him.
  • Yeah, well, they look like pretty shitty abominations if you ask me.

The plants that grow around Raccoon City are wild, addictive hallucinogens[]

Eating hallway plants revitalizes you, right? But they also cause mass hallucinations. And the plants have been growing there for centuries. This explains why pretty much everyone in power in Raccoon City and Umbrella are more crazed then a starving cat dropped into a gerbil habitat. Not only that, the T-Virus was -created- from the healing plants. The plants restore life, the T-Virus gives flesh-craving life to the dead. Seriously, this is more then just epileptic trees, this makes loads of sense.

  • Jossed by RE5. Though ironically, the "Stairway to the Sun" flowers operate almost exactly like you described.

Wesker is still alive.[]

They Never Found the Body after dropping him inside the volcano, and the rockets seemed to have shot just past him, exploding behind him. Not to mention that it seemed like the lava was little more than a hot bath to Wesker, and he's already survived certain, confirmed death once before. If anything, the ending to RE5 is even more ambiguous as to whether or not he was actually killed.

  • Alternatively, Wesker is dead. For some, it's an expected outcome that the guy who has been behind everything pretty much since the beginning is still alive, but it's no big hit to the series for the guy to be gone. The setting of the game has a perfect, built-in reason for more crazy monster hijinks without a mastermind: Just about any psycho with a chip on his shoulder can now search through his own Zombie n' Stuff catalog and buy some horrible monster from the black market. Also, in the Resident Evil verse, some horrible new monster creating pathogen is lurking in every other cave or small, out of the way village.
  • Tofu: This one's been Jossed. Word of God said he's dead and gone. (has a little party)
  • Alternatively, Wesker did die at the end of Resident Evil 5, but that was just a clone of the real Wesker. Why else would he constantly need PG67A/W to keep himself from mutating? Because he's a clone of Wesker, and therefore unstable. The real Wesker is still sitting in his comfortable satellite TV room drinking champagne.

Agent HUNK is one of the missing Wesker children.[]

And in the next game, we will finally get to see his face, and it will look like Wesker's.

  • Jossed. We've already seen his face in one of the RE3 Epilogue files. He's just an ordinary blond guy.
  • Except the Wesker children aren't related. They were a bunch of children whose parents were intellectuals of all nationalities. The kids were kidnapped, given the surname Wesker (after an Umbrella researcher), and indoctrinated by Umbrella.
    • Oddly enough, when this troper saw HUNK's face, his first thought "HOLY FUCKING SHIT IT'S WESKER'S BROTHER!".

The 'Complete Global Saturation' meme is going to get Rule 34'd.[]

Let me not elaborate on just how it will happen.

    • You might be interested in this video.

Wesker wants to Take Over the World[]

Wesker has something that lets him become super-fast, super-strong, and super-tough, and whose only distinguishing feature can be concealed by a pair of sunglasses or coloured contact lenses. It also evidently requires no more than a few weeks of incubation. However, he's eager to get his hands on the Veronica virus, which requires 15 years of cryogenic incubation to not turn the host into a feral monster.

He also goes to considerable efforts to get his hands on the Plagas. The Veronica virus and the Plagas have one thing in common - the queen unit can control all the others in some way (Plagas by ultrasonic signals, Alexia by... something). Most likely, Wesker wants to get his hands on both of these in order to infect everybody with some sort of hybrid, over which he will have complete control and thus become ruler of the world.

Wesker and Birkin just pretended to be rivals in order to prevent Marcus from getting suspicious and/or paranoid about them.[]

One of the diaries in Resi 0 notes that the two are very competitive, yet they seem to be perfectly willing to cooperate in containing the T-virus outbreak during the game itself, and Birkin's letter to Wesker at the end of REmake is pretty friendly. Since they apparently also cooperated on Marcus's assassination, it's apparent they intended to usurp his position from the beginning, and pretended to be rivals to prevent the idea from ever entering his mind.

  • I don't think they ever had to. The diary just said that Marcus wanted them to be rivals and that the Assistant Director (or whoever the fuck that was) should try to get on that shit, but it never said anything about it actually working. I mean, they might be competitive, but considering that Wesker didn't snap Birkin in half at some point, it was probably more of a friendly rivalry than anything else.

The Merchant stole a shipment of weapons intended for Saddler.[]

Given the size and advanced technology of Saddler's facility, it's a bit suspicious that he has to rely on medieval weapons with the exception of a small number of chainsaws, miniguns, rocket launchers, and cattle prods. Ganados are clearly intelligent enough to operate modern firearms, and there's no way that what he was up to wouldn't come to the attention of the government. When the Spanish army comes to investigate, he wants some weapons.

The Merchant, on the other hand, has a massive stockpile of big guns and the devices to upgrade them. It's likely that Saddler obtained the weapons from some sort of black-market dealer, but the Merchant stole it during the delivery, intending to sell it either to Saddler or a terrorist organization such as ETA or the IRA at a profit. However, the deal went sour; luckily for the Merchant, there just happened to be an American government agent with a lot of treasure in the area.

The Merchant is Ganados v 1.0[]

When Las Plagas was first being experimented with, the first version made its victims invincible and free-willed. But clearly, the fact they were infected with a virus that did no favors for their complexion didn't go over too well with many of the victims, and they attacked. That's why there's a machine that removes Las Plagas, so the suckers could be killed. The Merchant was a camper from England who escaped after Saddler killed his beloved wife, Leslie, so he decided to assist anyone who came through by selling them stolen guns. He also used to work for Saddler, and thus knows many shortcuts to beat you to wherever it is you're going. He's invincible, so you can't kill him, and he planted the typewriters, and stole your dashed-off apocalypse log, later publishing them as a successful novel.

The Merchant is "That Dog."[]

The merchant is a shapeshifting entity, roaming the forests of Notspain, and assisting those in need. For fighting against the Plagas, he was eventually caught and imprisoned by a bear trap, in wolf form, at the beginning of the game. Along comes a friendly American, who proceeds to free him. As repayment, the Merchant conjures up a bunch of weaponry and assists said agent in his mission against the Plagas. He also assists Ada, for her helping Leon. *He was the chicken in Ada's introductory scene.*

Krauser will appear in the Darkside Chronicles.[]

Because dammit, he sure as hell acted like he and Leon had some backstory together in Raccoon City.

  • Confirmed.

HUNK will be a main character in the next Resident Evil game[]

It'll start with him and his team going on a mission and will end with only him alive, just like all his other missions. After all, "The Death cannot die".

Tofu will be the next Big Bad[]

Zombie meat-by products anybody?

  • Tofu: My secret is revealed! DX Back to the Evil Overlord List.

Wesker is either or has been a Player, the Composer, or a Reaper.[]

Obligatory link to home series Wesker's more or less omnipotent, right? So here's what I think: he played a Game after getting speared by the Tyrant and managed to win, but made his first choice to come back as a Reaper. That means everyone in RE is dead, and Wesker's been trying to get them erased. Chris in this case would be the Composer — except he's not a jerk and wants Players to come back. So Wesker absolutely hates him for that reason; he doesn't want Players to survive. This explains why he's obsessed by RE5 — he wants the role of Composer.

Another theory is he was just a Player and came back after, no modification.

FINALLY, he could also have during his game became Composer. This explains how he knows everything- - it's all a Game and he's the one behind it. Ada Wong is his Conductor. And since Oswell E. Spencer masterminded Wesker, that makes him the Producer. Chris and the others are innocent Players. He took an extra entry fee — he took their memories (crafting new ones to replace them) and their common sense ("We're in a zombie infested mansion! Let's split up, gang!") and hence, he's just playing an overly long and drawn-out Game because he has nothing else to do aside from dominating the world, but with Chris there, he can't, thus keeping it interesting.

Leon's strength as shown in RE4 comes from the Plaga in his bloodstream, until it is removed.[]

He spends the whole, from very early on in the game, infected with a Plaga parasite. It explains how, after waking up from being passed out and tied up to Luis, he can kick the guy with the ax with enough strength to fly into the wall, breaking the ganado's neck in the process. It also explains how he can injure a ganado so severely with a kick, while a handgun does less damage.

    • He doesn't kick the Ganado backward into the wall. The Ganado comes at him, Leon plants one foot in the Ganado's stomach, and vaults the Ganado over his head and into the wall. It's a modified tomo nage, not superstrength.
    • That would explain why he's so pissy the next time he shows up in Degeneration. He's upset that he can't suplex people hard enough to make their heads explode anymore.
    • Two problems with that theory:
      • First, he was just as strong before the parasite was injected, and suffered no loss of strength when it was removed.
      • Second, Leon's physical abilities were even more impressive in Degeneration. His Parkour run across the collapsing lab was more difficult than anything he pulled off in Resevil 4.
    • Yeah, and the reason he was cranky in Degeneration was likely do to having to face the T and G-Viruses again. The Las Plagas never did much of anything, cuz you know, they're small time. Zombies and shit caused all kinds of problems in Raccoon City.

Members of S.T.A.R.S are deliberately screened for T-Virus resistance[]

While they may become zombified after dying, the T-Virus itself doesn't actively kill them, it only activates itself upon their death. The only exception being Jill, who got a super sized Nemesis-dose of the T-Virus, and still managed to hold out for quite a while before Carlos can cook up a antidote.

  • As a matter of fact, Word of God says that Jill is straight up immune to the T-Virus.
    • She was vaccinated against it in RE3, yes.
  • In addition, not everyone becomes a zombie after dying. Kenneth, for one. None of our protagonists. Rebecca doesn't if you let her get killed by a hunter in the Remake.
    • Rebecca doesn't become a zombie in the Remake because the Hunter cuts her head off.
      • That's only in the original. In the REmake, it just cuts her throat. That said, somewhere in the Resident Evil wiki, it mentions that 10% of people don't have any reaction to the T-Virus, but I can't be arsed to look it up just now.
    • Another stroke against this is because many of the protagonists die in much worse ways than zombie bites, while some do regenerate as zombies. Kenneth doesn't get a chance to come back a zombie due to the zombie devouring his neck to the point of a pseudo-decapitation and Enrico gets shot. Likewise, Brad Vickers becomes an unwitting victim to Naughty Tentacles, returning as a zombie, and Forest, while pecked to death by T-Virus infected Crows, comes back as a zombie. Other characters you can find in RE 3 are either dead from other things or their own suicides.

Nicholai is one of two things, "dead" not being one of them...[]

Seeing as no matter which ending you get in 3, the other games hint that he's still out there somewhere without covering up his possible deaths, I've decided that he's probably either:

  • A: A Badass Abnormal. Probably a part-Tyrant like Wesker, which always opens up the possibility of him being a recurring villain after the whole Raccoon City scenario, or at least appearing in one future game. Preferably one that includes Carlos. Though the fact that all serious villains seem to mutate/reveal themselves to be mutants would render that a little of a Wall Banger.
  • B: A descendant of Rasputin... Somehow.
    • Well, he was Russia's greatest love machine.
      • In that case, Sergei could be as well - and so might H.U.N.K., it's not like we know his name or where he's from, and being Made of Iron is his defining trait. Umbrella could have deliberately sought to recruit as many descendants of the Trope Namer for Rasputinian Death and could, at least so it looked, magically relieve hemophilia for U.B.C.S.

The Wesker seen in Resident Evil 5 was a clone[]

Wesker created an experimental clone or heavily modified another individual before the Spencer Mansion incident, in order to fake his death with a body as evidence, and the BSAA as his witness. However, the clone survived, and began to develop its own personality and goals based on Spencer's, to become a god. As RE5 progressed, it began to degenerate as it was torn between its own consciousness and that of Wesker's. Facing off against Chris (who was a major part of Wesker's memories, which may have been implanted into the clone) probably helped with this, as well as the viral overdose. Thus, at the end of Resident Evil 5, the clone's purpose has been accomplished in a roundabout and unwilling fashion, and the broken remnants of the Uroboros project and Tricell Africa can be seized by Wesker.

  • So Wesker was his own Unwitting Pawn? Holy shit, that gives a whole new meaning to My Death Is Only the Beginning.
    • *whimper*
    • That would explain how Wesker was in the cargo hold during the fight with Chris and Sheva, then suddenly shows up from the front of the bomber after it crashes.

Wesker is really Vanilla Ice[]

That stuff about Uroboros and Plagas and Umbrella? It's all part of his comeback.

  • Don't call it a comeback! He's been here for years!
  • Tofu: That is both terrifying and entertaining. More info plz.
  • Would that make Birkin D-Shay and Krauser Earthquake?

The Island in Resident Evil 4 is one of the smaller of the Canary Islands.[]

The Canary Islands may be part of Spain, but they're also off the coast of Africa. If you pay attention to the enemies, particularly J.J., you'll notice that there's a mix of Spanish and African appearances.

    • J.J. reappears again (in duplicate) in RE5, in a ship that just departed from West Africa.

Leon and Ada have been in a relationship between Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 4.[]

When you play as Leon, Ada will occasionally leave letters and notes around for Leon. She seems to have kissed them. Let's Play has a walkthrough that points out that those two only knew each other for a day six years ago... Unless it was during the time-skip. It also would explain how Leon isn't going, "OMG!!!1!1! I THOUGHT YOU DIED!" instead saying how he knew she was working for Wesker.

Wesker had a brother, who later became Gin.[]

Wesker and Gin both have blonde, evil hair; they both love the color black, they're both ruthless, etc. The creative difference between the two is Gin's hat and Wesker's sunglasses.

  • Heck yeah! Bring on the crossovers!

Wesker is suicidal in Resident Evil 5.[]

After years of trying to track down Ozwell Spencer, Wesker couldn't handle the revelation that he was being manipulated all along. So he cracked and, after killing Spencer, could no longer muster the will to live. Unwilling to simply stop taking doses of the virus that keeps him alive and superpowered, he decides to commit suicide by proxy, using the only man in the world he respects: Chris Redfield. He starts by faking the death of Chris's old STARS associate and current partner, Jill Valentine. Then he devises a way to control Jill and use her as a puppet against Chris. Finally, he draws Chris into his trap, with Jill as the bait. The one factor he failed to consider was Sheva, Chris's new partner, who he then tries to kill in order to inspire Chris to finish him. He fails, but still manages to get his grand final showdown with Chris. All that crap about a new world order ushered in by Uroboros was just a cover story to disguise his true intentions.

  • This would mean that Wesker also counted on Irving pulling a Leeroy Jenkins and alerting the BSAA to the dealings in Kijuju in order to lure Chris into this aforementioned trap.

Wesker isn't really Wesker in Resi 5[]

Instead, "Wesker" is simply one of the other Wesker children, brainwashed into believing he's the real deal.

  • Wouldn't all of them be just as dangerous, given their virtually identical upbringings, brainwashings, and superpower infections? Even if it wasn't the initial Wesker (the source materials make it pretty clear that it was in fact Albert), Chris and Sheva still killed one really bad dude.

Leon is the victim of The Dulcinea Effect.[]

That would explain such romantic undertones between Leon and Ada when they honestly (canon-wise; or at least Let's Play-wise) only have seen each other a couple of times in several years.

Wesker is asexual.[]

I must deflate Foe Yay with logic.

  • Or he could just not have time for sex. I mean, think about the females he's had around him: His mortal enemy's little sister, Claire, Ada Wong, who probably keeps knives in her vagina or something, Jill Valentine (who openly hated him when not under his control). (And even if he DID want anything of the sort from her while she was brainwashed, I'm pretty sure being reminded of her shoving him out of a window and to the bottom of a cliff killed his boner.) And then there's Excella. Yeah, sure, she's smart and hot and Italian, but when you take away the shitty ass dress, she's still just a common whore; god knows what's been between HER legs.
  • Given that he was trying to repopulate the world with superior beings (and that he considered himself a superior being), he probably should've made time for it. Then again, knowing Wesker, he probably would've genetically engineered a bunch of test tube kids. When you've got your arch-nemesis chasing your tail, you really don't have the time to chase any tail yourself.

During the Mansion Incident, everyone there was stoned.[]

It explains why Wesker was wearing his sunglasses at night (to hide the effect of the drugs on his eyes; they could've been bloodshot, for all we know). Barry appeared to be obsessed with food (Jill Sandwich). The way Jill reacts to the snake venom looks like she's also high on something (though I don't know if there is a snake venom that makes people act delirious...). Rebecca is obsessed with practicing Moonlight Sonata, though there are freaking zombies everywhere. And Chris confronting Wesker... He's laughing for no reason, like he's on weed. But, as a corollary, Wesker was coming off his high during the game, because he was able to pull off coming Back from the Dead.

  • Yeah, that's what they said in the Caliban Cove novel, and we all know how the rest turns out.

Resident Evil takes place in the same universe as The X-Files.[]

Jill during the Mansion Incident looks like Scully at about that time in the series...

Wesker is one of the Blade Children.[]

Part of a group of children altered by someone with a 'vision for society': Check. Cat-slit eyes: Check. Murderous streak that prevents them from living peacefully: Check.

Sherry gets adopted by a senator...[]

... With her name changed to Ashley and her memories of the disaster erased, her adoptive father gets elected president. She is kidnapped by a Spanish Cult and eventually rescued by the exact same person. She subconsciously realizes that Leon has saved her before, and that is why she is so quick to hit on him at the end of the game.

  • Doesn't explain how they were born in different years. (Sherry is two years younger; Just checked.)
    • President Graham manipulated all information about Ashley, you only *think* they were born in different years.
      • Jossed: Sherry appears as a trained combat agent in the trailers for RE6, different voice actress and all.

The Merchant's torch is a Ganado repellent.[]

He never gets attacked by the things, even though he's just around the corner most of the time. What other reason can there be besides the aforementioned "he's one of them" theory? If you shoot him once, he dies like a human would (with the exception of every important character in RE). That pretty much trashes that theory... However, every time you meet him, he has the blue fire in his torch and you don't see him getting attacked by Ganados (on screen). Sure, he gets displaced in the Castle one time, but he never gets injured by the cultists. Rather, he simply moves upstairs behind a barred door while keeping the fire close to make them squirm. In conclusion, the Merchant has found a plant or chemical that, when burned, makes a smoke that repels the Ganado in the general area.

    • Could be Jossed by Separate Ways, which shows the Merchant doesn't light the torch when he's off duty, yet still hangs around Ganados heavy areas without getting attacked.

Ada in RE4 is a clone[]

Well, think about it. Did you guys see Ada's ending in the earlier games? She seemed very adamant that she was not going to use the name Ada Wong anymore. And yet, she was still Ada Wong when RE4 rolled around. I'm thinking the Ada in RE2, while she did as she needed to, could have been killed by Wesker because she allowed people (Leon, Ada and Sherry) to escape, leaving witnesses who could tell the government what Umbrella was doing. But at the time, he didn't have anyone better, but he didn't have the resources to make the serum that he had in RE5, so he used Ada's DNA to try and create an obedient, willing version of Ada, which is the Ada in RE4. But that Ada was still too much like the original Ada, and as soon as she was off the island and safe from the explosion, she tried to run away with the Plagas sample to stop Wesker from hurting, if anyone, Leon. However, he caught her and killed her quickly, taking the Plagas sample with him, explaining the presence of the Plagas in RE5 and the lack of Ada in the same game.

  • Pretty much debunked in Umbrella Chronicles.
    • But then why isn't she in RE5?
      • She gives Wesker a fake sample at the end of Separate Ways. She probably wouldn't want to be around Wesker after he found out.

Jill has a criminal past[]

In SD Perry's novels, Jill's father is a thief that taught her to be the "Master of Unlocking". It's also canon that Jill was in the military prior to being in STARS, Delta Force to be exact. I theorize that Jill was caught while stealing something and, instead of being sent to prison (or Jouvie), she was enlisted in the military.

Wesker is the One and Ada is Trinity.[]

It would explain Wesker's outfit in 5 and Ada's outfit in 4. And, you know, all of the bullet time with them both. But that would make the series part of The Matrix...

Javier Hidalgo was possibly high[]

Consider the fact that during the final boss battle, Javier is laughing madly and talking of possibly "absorbing" poor Manuela into him so they can be together forever, only to suddenly ask Leon/Krauser to kill him at the end of the battle. He was on drugs up til that point, wherein the relapse occured and he wanted to die now that the high wore off.

  • It is really a bad sign when that makes sense.

Steve Burnside is alive.[]

Let's look at the facts. Steve was infected with the t-Veronica virus. Viruses cannot live and reproduce in dead tissue. The t-Veronica can also only be spread by direct injection. Yet Manuela and some of the other experiments four years later are infected with it. It wasn't Wesker or his men just taking a tissue sample or some blood and leaving his body. They took his body. (After all, the whole place is gonna blow and nobody would want to be there when it does.) They would have a several hour long trip (at least) from Antarctica to wherever their lab is. In that time, the virus would die. This troper's working theory is that Steve was just unconscious, because he's the only Tyrant ever in this series to turn back into his human form upon severe injury. Every other one dies in that form or mutates.

William Birkin is one of the Wesker Children[]

In the newly-released chapter of RE5, one of the files is a list of test subjects. Number Eight on that list is "William". (Warning: tl;dr incoming)

  • Birkin graduated from school at the age of 15, and in the RE series, ungodly intellect like that has so-far meant that they were "created".
  • He's around the same age as Wesker, and they both began working at Umbrella around the same time. Spencer obviously wouldn't just wait an extraneous amount of time to keep going with this project.
    • Why else would two young, hot-shot geniuses get hired at the same time and put in the same location?
  • Birkin, who's a bit of a puss, stood up to a pair of armed guards fearlessly. Maybe he was figuring he'd start seeing in bullet time all of a sudden, assuming he'd just infected himself, similar to how Wesker infected himself prior to the mansion incident.
    • Because he is a bit of a puss, it's entirely possible that while he was bleeding on the floor, he had a panic attack and decided that for an extra security measure he should inject the G-virus too. An extra bit of proof for this one: In Degeneration, when Curtis first transformed, he actually was significantly larger and a bit less human looking. Perhaps mixing the G-virus with the Wesker-Project-virus made Birkin retain his more human-like appearance for the first few transformations.
  • I've done the math: In RE5, in a file signed by "Alex W.", it's stated that the success of Project W is now down to 18% thanks to Wesker dying in Spencer's Mansion. In the new chapter, it's stated that there were 13 test subjects. 18% of 13 is 2, meaning there were two test subjects still alive. Alex is obviously one of them, the second one is unknown.
    • The Raccoon City outbreak had yet to happen, meaning that Birkin would have still been alive at the time this note was written.
  • There's also a possibility that he had previously been injected considering William was #8, while Wesker was down at #13. Why doesn't he have red eyes, then?
    • You don't get red eyes until you die. Wesker wasn't like that until after he woke up from being stabbed by the Tyrant. After Birkin is shot however, his eyes do turn red. This is an interesting thing to note, because no one else that was infected with the G-virus had their eyes turn red before the G-type either burst from their chest or transformed.
    • Similar to Jill, Birkin's body for whatever reason was immune to the virus and he in fact cannot dodge bullets or cheat death or get red eyes because his immune system manages to repress the virus. Perhaps in the event of something seriously catastrophic, the virus laying dormant in his body plus the adrenaline might let him pull some Matrix hax out of his ass. Probably not dodging bullets or stabbing his hand through anyone's heart, but maybe just being about equal to someone who's athletic.
  • This could explain Birkin's paranoia. Maybe he's not privy to what he is and only has fleeting dreams and memories of being injected with things so he's just convinced that someone out there is trying to get him and he has no idea why.

The Nemesis parasite is related to Las Plagas[]

Fairly simple: both are Combat Tentacles-based parasites capable of making the infectee stronger and more resistant to harm. This also provides a more gradual transition between Resident Evil 3 and 4.

  • Well damn you. I thought I was going to be adding a new WMG to the page, but no. I do have more evidence for it though. Yes, in addition to the tentacles and effects on the host, the NE-alpha was created by Umbrella's European branch, and Resident Evil 4's NotSpain is the only place known to have Las Plagas.

The protagonists (and other survivors) of the T-virus-related games will become virus-zombies when they die[]

Be it from a bullet or just plain old age, eventually these people are all going to die. And when they do, they're bound to turn. The virus is spread from zombie to human through bites, as the creatures feed on a living human, after which the dead human rises as one of the undead. The protagonists, however, take dozens of bites over the course of each game, and never turn. This is because the virus' host must be either dead or near-death for it to take over. Most victims die while under attack, but the protagonists simply recover from their wounds and move on. They are infected, but not dead. The virus will remain dormant in their bodies until they finally kick the bucket. Then, it's zombie time!

  • Or not. It's generally accepted amongst RE fans that unless it's explicitly mentioned in a file or shown in a cutscene, none of the protagonists are injured and infected for the duration of their scenarios. In other words, ingame bites, slashes and whatnot attacks inflicted on the protagonists are non-canon, and are merely part of the game mechanics as opposed to driving the story on.

The emphasis on action in RE4 and RE5 is meant to emphasize the growth of our heroes.[]

As the series goes on, they get more experienced with zombie fighting. So the developers give them more challenging enemies to fight.

The world's nations have all merged.[]

Resident Evil 4 is officially set in "Europe", despite it clearly taking place in Spain. Resident Evil 5 is set in merely "Africa", with no indication of what particular sub-Saharan country it might be (although people more knowledgeable than I may be able to draw some educated conclusions). What does this indicate? That the world's countries have all united by continent: Canada, the United States, and Mexico are no more — they're just "North America". What was once Spain is now part of the same administrative body as the former France and Portugal, in the area known only as "Europe". The same with Asia, South America, and Oceania, and of course "Africa".

Leon's pissy-ness in Degeneration is because...[]

His parasite's removal — In Resident Evil 4, it's stated that the surgery required to get the parasite out can damage the conciousness of the host. Maybe it screwed up his emotional state.

The voice actor, Paul Mercier, was constipated at the time — Proposed by this troper's brother. That would explain why Leon isn't pissy in Darkside Chronicles.

Leon was infected with the Veronica Virus — Javier started releasing spores in Operation: Javier...

He has to face the T and G-viruses again — They caused a lot more trouble than the Las Plagas, and taking down the viruses is his goal.

It's all just a game[]

Even in normal situations, Racoon City would involve a lot of puzzle solving just to get around. The mansion was built like a maze. The police station... just to get to friggin' boiler room, you need four different keys. So after the Racoon City founding fathers had all the fun building games into their buildings, they decided to implement a zombie virus just to see how much more challenging it might be. Hell, this explains the second movie, with the guy monitoring the security cameras.

Movie-Wesker is an Agent.[]

This has to do with him taking away Alice's psychic powers, more than anything else. Because Alice is technically canon (the games are in a different continuum than the movies, or something), he's not allowed to kill her. But he was granted special permission to alter Alice enough to avoid her from rampaging again.

The next Resident Evil game will feature 2-4-5 Trioxin[]

The Trioxin gas will be the cause of the next zombie outbreak.

Chris is infected with some sort of virus in Resident Evil: Revelations.[]

This is heavily implied in the trailer.

The White House is infested with zombies[]

The White House was attacked by zombies prior to Ashley's capture (clearly not Ganados, because Saddler was planning to do something like that on his own), and Ashley thinks they still might be there, which was why she was willing to pay Leon extra to exterminate them. After all, Leon's job at that point is basically running around shooting b.o.w.'s while guarding Ashley; what else would "overtime" mean?

  • *Ahem*

HUNK is not the Australian that's in the chair in Revelations.[]

He's got a Midwestern accent in 2, Umbrella Chronicles, and Darkside Chronicles. Unless he moved to Australia for several years, I doubt his accent would change, unless he's just screwing with Chris and Jill. His hair is also a different color and style, so he either dyed his hair or it isn't HUNK in the chair.

Chris has been enhanced by the B.S.A.A.[]

Think about it. Chris has obviously taken SEVERAL levels in badass since we saw him last in Code: Veronica. Now, if you read some of the flavor files that you unlock as you play through Resident Evil 5, it says that Chris is their top agent, with far more successful missions than any other. The BSAA is funded by the Global Pharmaceutical Consortium, a bunch of companies that are what Umbrella claimed to be: medical researchers and manufacturers. It's not that far fetched to think that they'd have a more stable version of Wesker's Super Serum. It's also not that far fetched to think that Chris may have taken it after Jill's death. This enhancement would explain punching a boulder and moving it, as well as the fact that he can use a full sized rifle-caliber minigun when all the other protagonists could only use 3-barrel baby versions. He still can't quite match Wesker's game breaker powers, but he doesn't have to inject fresh doses constantly and his sanity is intact.

  • I thought that Chris was a badass before that. Why? His inventory was smaller and he was stronger than Jill.
    • Also in previous games, he killed all those zombies and other monstrosities by himself without any last minute additions.
  • I personally think that he, while fighting zombies for a decade, got somehow exposed to a small dose of a virus but, like Jill, appeared to be immune and just assimilated the virus. In Jill's case, it resulted in increased agility and speed; in Chris's, it resulted in rapid muscle devlopement and increased strength. Yeah, "Chriiiiiisss!!" turned into a "TAAAAAAANK!!".

In the next RE game, Tofu will be optional character.[]

The reason why none of main characters became infected (well from RE1 to RE5) is due their (natural?) immunity to virus/es.[]

Think about it, all of them got scratched, bitten, cut, beaten, and taken a walk/swim/run thru infected areas. And although they can get poisoned, they never show any effects of infection. This also could be the reason why plants work this way on them.

  • However, Jill got infected because the Virus was not only directly delivered into her body, but also due to it being mixed with whatever Nemesis was oozing.
    • That could also mean that Tyrants are Immune to virus people, that were kidnapped from Racoon city when their immunity was discovered.
      • Actually, there is a lot of canon info that pretty much says that. Not the kidnapped part, but a VERY small percentage of people even 'can' become Tyrants, and they wouldn't succumb to the virus under regular circumstances. Even a smaller percentage can become a Nemesis.

In Resident Evil: Afterlife,, the Executioner Majini is Movie-Umbrella's Nemesis 2.0[]

The Executioner is never explained in the film, so I came up with this one myself. The Executioner and Nemesis share many characteristics — Giant T-Virus-Infected Implacable Men that don't speak, wield huge weapons, are ignored by Zombies, and were Homegrown by Umbrella. After the Nemesis failed, Umbrella reengineered the Nemesis Project as a Glass Cannon, making it faster at the cost of its endurance.

    • For bonus points, LJ was the one they mutated into the Executioner.

Chris, Claire, and Krauser are all infected with the t-Veronica virus.[]

The games state that the t-Veronica virus is highly infectious. Yet these three should be infected. (Hell, maybe even Leon should be, too.) To elaborate, Chris and Claire (and Wesker) had to deal with Alexia flinging her infected blood, yet they do not end up infected. (Maybe the combusting-on-contact-with-air kills the virus?) Claire could have possibly been poisoned by Nosferatu. Steve was also a bloody mess when he died. If Claire so much as had a papercut... Javier ends up releasing spores, which infect the surrounding environment. Krauser has a Canon open wound. You do the math.

  • Plot Armor?
  • It's pretty obvious that Krauser is infected with something (the mutant razor-arm is a dead giveaway). As for why the other characters never succumb to infection, it's possible Umbrella's viruses aren't nearly as infectious as we've been led to believe. Maybe it doesn't take just one scratch or one bite to get infected. Maybe you need a much bigger dose (i.e. several scratches/bites) for infection to take hold. Alternatively, maybe a person whose immune system is strong enough can fight off the virus naturally and the people/animals who succumb had weaker immune systems. Either or both of these theories could explain why the main characters don't get zombified. (And as a bonus, they would also explain why you can still find random uninfected survivors scattered throughout Raccoon City long after the initial infection takes hold.)
  • Don't think Krauser is infected with it. Because in RE 4 the Plagas remover laser actually can affect him. Unless the T-Virus has traces of Las Plagas in them.

The mansion portion of the Resident Evil: Revelations trailer is a dream.[]

More specifically, Jill's dream. The sequence that involves the mansion ends in Jill and Chris being swept up in water.

Every game is canon. The playable characters are all unreliable narrators[]

In most of the games, characters save their progress at typewriters, and presumably make note of their experiences. On top of retcons/changes from later games (Remake, Chronicles, etc.), some games even give you a choice of your player character offering two sets of contradicting stories. (In RE1, either Chris or Jill is kidnapped by Wesker, and either Barry or Rebecca, despite both canonically surviving the mansion incident, is never seen depending on your choice.) Nothing is truly contradicted or retconned, but instead liberties are taken by the author of whichever character's story you're reading.

  • To use another RE 1 example, Wesker is shown being "killed" by the Tyrant in two different ways. After the first battle with the Tyrant, on Jill's side, Wesker's body is gone. On Chris's, it's still there. Chris only assumed Wesker was dead instead of actually checking (he has less medical experience than Jill and Rebecca, as demonstrated by his inability to make V-JOLT), making Wesker's return in Code Veronica that much more surprising to him. It's also no coincidence the character you're playing as gets to destroy the Tyrant with a rocket launcher while the other one is apparently unconscious. And then previously in RE 0, Rebecca previously had two run-ins with a Tyrant, as well as countless hunters, but in Chris's story, she's relegated to possibly getting killed by a hunter if Chris doesn't save her as she cowers in fear. Now that we know Chris likes being thought of as a badass who saves the day, is it any wonder why he apparently looks like he was ripped out of an action movie in RE5?
    • That also explains why, when playing as Sheva, you realize his AI is stupider during the boss fight with Jill. Make of it what you will. ;)
  • Another example is Darkside Chronicles, seeing as how it's Leon retelling the events of RE2 and RE: CV (which he wasn't present for). That could also explain the completely different architecture in the boss fight with Steve. Claire probably didn't go into very much detail about it, because Steve died, so Leon described it differently, based on what he thought it looked like. That also explains why Steve's heart is exposed, Alexia looks much more like a plant, characters were working together at points in time when they wouldn't, Wesker and Chris didn't fight Alexia while Claire dealt with Steve, etc. He just interpreted based on what he was told by Claire, thus explaining why Chris's portion wasn't touched on while Claire was in Antarctica.
    • It also explains why Alexia is so much more evil: somehow, I doubt Claire was very charitable when it came to describing that witch.
  • Yet another is Umbrella Chronicles' interpretation of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. Wesker is the narrator. He had almost no way of knowing the order of events and what happened, because there's no way that Jill would be on speaking terms with him after what happened in the Arklay mansion and there weren't surveillance systems set up. That explains why the places Jill and Carlos fight the Nemesis are unusual, where his mutations happen are different, Jill is able to access the other side of the police station than in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, Nicholai and Mikhail aren't there, Carlos lost his accent, Jill's kept in roughly the same area throughout the whole thing, the Gravedigger comes up out of the ground in the middle of the city rather than the graveyard, Jill doesn't get infected, etc.

The t-Veronica virus can make you really nearsighted.[]

Steve apparently can't recognize Claire from ten feet away after he mutates, but he can recognize her from three feet away, even when he's going on a rampage. Or, you know, maybe he needed glasses or something before and the virus just aggrivated it.

Claire omitted a bit when she told Leon what happened during the events of Code: Veronica.[]

That explains why Alexia kills Alfred. Alexia's high pitched voice is like nails on a chalkboard. The meeting at the end of Code Veronica X is cut to just them going back to grab Steve's body, only there's a message from Wesker, rather than the cutscene where he taunts them. That explains why the Twincest is lessened. That explains why Steve's not Canadian or annoying anymore. That explains why Claire sounds like she thinks Wesker's going to keep his word, while never actually saying it and Leon stating what Canon says right afterward.

Resident Evil 6 will be a reboot.[]

Because let's face it, beyond only a handful of loose threads (Steve's supposed resurrection, Wesker possibly still being alive, and Ada's final role), there's hardly much to go on. If anything, we should start back from the beginning, but with a more focused storyline and a true return to the horror of the series.

    • The games were slated to change pace from the intro of RE5: When Umbrella fell, their weapons and viruses were sold onto the black market. Future games are likely world travel to stop X virus in Y location. Secondly, Wesker lost his head just after the two RPG missiles hit him in the head before the explosion; as well as Word of God confirming he's gone for good.

The T/G-Virus/Las Plagas/etc zombies are incredibly dense.[]

The zombies and characters from the Resident Evil series all follow the rules of conservation of mass. The virus/disease simply causes them to develop special organs of hyper dense tissue distributed throughout their body. This explains the vast majority of the games previously thought of as illogical. These organs are hyper efficient and versatile, allowing things like:

  • Suddenly experiencing massive growth without any apparent intake of mass from their surroundings - the intake has already taken place off camera, through massive intake of biological materials stored across their body.
  • Regenerators and Iron Maidens regenerate tissues by converting stored matter into new limbs, eventually dying either when their organs are removed from the body or they run out of mass.
  • Seemingly humanoid opponents being able to take massive damage from bullets - their bodies are effectively bullet proofed by layers of this super dense material.
  • Lickers brains are coated by this material, even though they're on the outside, stopping them from being one-shot-wonders.
  • Chris Redfield apparently has a mutated form of the virus, manifesting itself as hyper-dense muscles, as do other protagonists. They heal rapidly because herbs are actually very dense as well - explaining why you can only carry a small number of them.
  • It also explains things like tyrants, and Wesker, being able to catch rockets. Sheer strength alone would not allow that.

Umbrella knew about Las Plagas from the beginning.[]

  • Las Plagas hosts and T Virus infectees are both notably stronger, considerably tougher, more vicious, less hygiene-oriented, and can be controlled by a master organism (in the case of the Code Veronica version). The reason that Las Plagas victims are more cunning and less brain-chomping is that Las Plagas is a purer version of the T-Virus. In fact, the T-virus was Umbrella's attempt to recreate that superhuman effect, using the T-Virus to make Alice-quality super soldiers. (It results in many a One-Winged Angel in the game continuity because Las Plagas doesn't exactly work like Umbrella thinks it does.)
    • If Las Plagas really is a primitive T-Virus, that explains how its fossilized spores can still be alive after hibernating for millions of years.
  • Saddler probably worked for Umbrella, researching the Plagas fossils, but thought that using them practically was a pipe dream... until it wasn't and he figured it out. Saddler went rogue and used his research findings to make his own mind control cult, not being content with simply using bio-organic weaponry to conquer the world. Meanwhile, Wesker was not amused and sent Krauser and Ada to steal his research, seeing as that's the kind of information gold-mine that could put Umbrella (or a similar company) back on top.

During RE 4, the president of the United States is Billy Graham.[]

  • That, or Ashley is just a Captain Ersatz for George Bush's daughter. ("Any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincidental," eh?)

There's something wrong with Wesker's hands.[]

  • Why else would he ALWAYS have gloves on? I'm thinking either A) there was always something wrong, and the T-virus made just that worse or B) The T-virus did something that fucked his hands up, thus the gloves.

Alex Wesker will be the next antagonist.[]

  • Well, think about it, he was told to get an immortality virus for Spencer, but disappeared after making it. He's a Manipulative Bastard, so he'd probably be the next bad guy.

Either Carlos Olivera or Billy Coen will appear in the next CG movie.[]

  • The guy Leon faces is a male, and is holding a machine gun, and seems like he's not afraid of the zombies. They're both male survivors, so they fit the bill.

The true location of RE 4.[]

  • Okay, I for one still believe it's Spain, but here's a little extension. It is either actually in the country of Spain, or on the outskirts. The village functions like an Amish community. They don't believe in using modern technology and still farm for all their needs, like food and such. The reason they use Pesetas for money, since it is no longer the Spanish Currency, is, since they don't want to maintain trade with the outside world, because it's not worth anything to anyone other than them, and after Spain got rid of it, they just decide to use it instead of creating their own currency. This is why the Merchant uses it. He was somehow accepted into their community, maybe as a secretary of the treasury type. With it being the only currency worth something to the community, it's his only option. Also, the villagers refuse to be considered part of Spain or be called Spaniards. All pre-Saddler, of course.

Wesker and Birkin will form a Big Bad Duumvirate in Resident Evil 6.[]

Where's the fun in that? Besides, I wanted these two to be partners again.

Umbrella builds many of its laboratories in the same style.[]

It would explain why Rebecca and Billy can visit an area that looks like the entrance of Birkin's lab in Resident Evil Zero.

    • That is the entrance to Birkin's lab.

Jill's genetic testing (thing) RE5 was turning her into Solid Snake.[]

In Desperate Escape, when you play as Jill, she walks the exact same way Raiden does in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, has the exact same hair colour, the same outfit, just as gender confused... now since Raiden was basically wanting to be Snake, Jill is another Raiden, that is another person who did the same video game testing (which is what Wesker did to her before and during RE5)... It changed her hair colour to make her more like Raiden. Wesker did all of that because if he had Snake on his team, he wouldn't have lost.

    • Next step is becoming a mutant ninja cyborg!

Johnny Bravo is a clone of Wesker[]

A failed clone at that, as this one was more interested in picking up chicks.

    • No... Wesker's a clone of Johnny Bravo, with a bit of Duke Nukem for good measure.

The G-Virus is shaped by emotions the same way the T-Virus was.[]

Wesker said in UC that "the host's mindset influences the virus". Now, this flies in the face of all real world biology, but so does everything else in the franchise. With that out of the way, let's begin.

I've been playing Darkside Chronicles recently, and fighting G when I noticed something. Birkin's initial transformation was a shambling, assymetrical abomination. However, he was still conscious in there. Remember the "SHEERRRRYYY!"? He's actively searching for his daughter, but he's completely mad by this point. I have more proof, but I'll get to that in a moment. Birkin had never been sane to begin with, but after the G-Virus injection he went nuts.

Anywho, Birkin's crazy, but he still believes the G-Virus to be the perfect weapon and the pinnacle of his work with Umbrella. Logically, we can infer that he believed anything created from it would be perfect as well. With this in mind, let's take a look at each stage.

G1 was his initial transformation, and like I said before, it was a mess. He could barely walk, his body was obviously wracked with pain, and he didn't even have any natural weapons — the intial claws he developed either degenerated or were unsatisfactory for his use. Instead, Birkin was smart enough to use that pipe, but he could still only move quite slowly towards his prey. Obviously, this is a far cry from the perfect creature Birkin envisioned. Now, applying Wesker's theory, if Birkin wanted to be a perfect creature, obviously something needed to change. This is where G2 came in.

G2 was an even more grotesque stage than G1, and also raises a couple of interesting questions. First, though, this form is far more deadly than before. It can leap great distances and finally has some natural weapons: those swordlike claws on his mutated arm. On top of this, Birkin is faster now and sneakier too. He deliberately sets up an ambush on multiple occasions in this stage and the later ones too (the cable car, the elevator, the train, and in DC, that big hub room where you fight him three times in a row) and uses his newfound leaping ability to his advantage on that elevator fight too. However he still lost, and obviously this form's assymetrical body was still incomplete and imperfect. More changes were needed.

G3 was the next stage and arguably the perfect superhuman creature Birkin hoped for. Look at it: The musculature is pristine, it's developed armor over its vulnerable midsection (something that gives it an advantage over most Tyrants), and it just looks like a finished product. Moreover, it's fully mobile now; look at the acrobatics it displays in DC! Even in the original RE2, this form moved quickly. In stage 2, we saw Birkin's head get shoved into his chest cavity in favor of a new, mutated skull. However, he's far from stupid in G3. He's feral, but clever: he shields himself with his arms, he displays a bizarre roundhouse kick, and employs sneak attacks and various unique acrobatic movements that seem out of place on something that fiights on instinct. Also, G2 recognized Annette and didn't even attack her until she pulled a gun on him (again, DC only). This implies that Birkin's memories and intelligence were retained in the new head, which leads my to thinking that his brain was still there or that information was "copied over" so to speak. This also explains how he knew which areas to avoid when rampaging through the underground lab. Notice you don't see him in any of the poisoned rooms or the smelting areas where he could fall in and get nearly roasted alive.

Now, astute readers that have come this far through this wall of text may wonder if this convoluted theory applies to the last two stages. Many people say that G4 was a great big step backwards... but I'm not so sure about that. Birkin's become an even greater killing machine than before. His attacks can kill Leon and Claire in about two or three bites, and in DC he's fixed another flaw as well. He's developed a new long range attack: that acidic vomit akin to the G-Creatures he later spawned. Birkin even set up an ambush in this stage too. Okay, he was in stage 3.5 (notice the expanded rib cage and new head), but it still counts.

Now, for G5 and how it fits in with the "Birkin's mad idea of a perfect creature shaped this form". Actually, I think this was another intermediate stage, like that 2.5 version we saw in the cutscenes of RE2 and the 3.5 form we fight briefly before he became G4. Birkin has been eating everything he can find; zombies, lickers, lurkers, and possibly other survivors. As result, he's evovled into a giant blob.... or a cocoon. This is pure fanwank, but he might have been trying to develop into something possibly even more powerful than before, only he got sidetracked by that explosion. He's still in there, as my signature (and more importantly the cutscenes in DC) prove; Birkin's crying out for his daughter even after becoming this abomination.

In conclusion, right up until G5, Birkin had been steadily evolving into a perfect killing machine. He's still intelligent, but he's so insane after the transformation that he's lashing out at or impregnating anything that moves. However, with each transformation, he becomes more efficient, more deadly, and more of the perfect creation Birkin may have envisioned. Wesker's theory may have some credit after all.

The merchant in RE 4 is Renon.[]

He's that demon from the early Castlevania games or at least a cheap knock off of him. He's a money demon that sells much needed supplies to hereos in conquest. Similar to Renon in [Castlevania castlevania] he seems to be of foriegn english descent,I don't know what Renon's voice sounds like but if they sound the same or at least similar that merchant is Renon. He has the ability to transport himself to any location just like Renon and he chooses places with no monsters in them just like Renon. Renon being a demon despite being a salesmen, might very like have demon eyes evidenced by him always wearing shades just like Wesker, so we never get to see what his eyes look like in there human form, but the merchants sinisterly glowing beading eyes might be what they look like. He's not wearing shades so you know this time he doesn't have normal human eyes.

The herbs in the Resident Evil video games are really medical marijuana.[]

I knew this when I first played the game, how else would they use them, eat them very unlikely. I thought that only trained professionale could use them until I played "outbreak" and RE 4. I don't think you make medicine out of them, and I don't think an ordinary person with no skills or training could either. In all the Resident Evil games except RE 4 when you mix herbs why are they in something that looks like marijuana paraphanilia, so you can roll it up and smoke it that's why. When you get deep in the game and see blue herbs that cure poison, you'll also wonder what kind of plant that is too. It's some super medical marijuana that cures sicknesses.

    • *sigh* You're a little late to th- no, you're a lot late to the party with the weed jokes. Besides, mixing herbs on sheets of paper is how traditional medicines are prepared in Japan, and take a wild guess which country the Resident Evil series was developed in.
  • Didn't know medicines were prepared that way. But if you didn't know that how would you think their "herbs" were used.
  • Before RE5 showed the spray bottles, I assumed they were used as a poultice. Forgive me if I sounded a bit douchey earlier, but us RE veterans have been hearing the pot jokes since 1996, and they haven't aged well at all.

The games are just a really big film series.[]

Although the production history is hard to figure out...

Las plagas posses a super high body temperature.[]

Why else are they the same color as fire and other super heat sources on the infrarred scope(thermal imaging scope).

Resident Evil Afterlife is a giant rip off from the Resident evil 5 video game.[]

It really didn't bring anything new to the table if you think about it. The new plaga mouths on the dogs, Wesker's plaga mouth that he ate Bennett with as well as the giant axe wielding majini, and that mind control device that goes on women's chest was definetely taken from RE5.

    • On the bright side, it means someone involved in that movie's production had actually played a Resident Evil game, which is a damn sight more than you can say for the other three.

The only gun that's cannon in the video game series is the standard handgun.[]

You'll notice in the cutscenes especially in RE 4 and RE5 you'll have a bunch of monster weapons but your character only uses the standard magazine pistol. Even in RE 4 when Salazar tried to kill Leon with that trap door, after he counters he symbollicly retallitates by shooting that sound horn with his STANDARD handgun, even if you have the red9 or something that doesn't look like the standard handgun Leon will still have it. Ada isn't really much of a main character and the scene where it shows her watching Leon shooting those Zealot ganados with the TMP is only filler.She's just an Unreliable Narrator unaccurately telling the player how Leon's making it through his mission .

    • I thought the only gun that was cannon was the Hand Cannon.
    • I hope you are just joking when you are possibly trying to insinuate that you don't know what canon means, but incase you don't cannon means it applies to the story line and isn't random filler like extra violence in video games or hypothetical scenarios.
    • Hey, what's that thing going your over head there? It looks like a joke, Ace; note the blueshifted text. Oh, and there's only one N in canon.

Wesker is the Resident Evil version of the antichrist.[]

Super human abilities, the ability to manipulate people in the snap of a finger, extreme selfishness, his interest in politics, demonic slaves and more importantly the will to take over the world and engulf it in darkness,also that "gloabal saturaton"(engulf the world in darkness) nonsense seemed to be a plain give away. Does that not sound like the anti christ to any of you?

The Merchant is The Atoner.[]

Like Luis, he was once a scientist who helped Saddler in his experiments with the Plaga. Upon seeing his experiments in action, he was horrified, and decided to take matters into his own hands: by amassing a small army's worth of guns and equipment. Though he was infected with the parasite in time, he managed to suppress it, nullifying its personality-changing effects (and, incidentally, Saddler's control over him).

Who knows, he's probably engaging in a one-man guerilla war against Saddler when you're not buying things from him. If it wasn't for his efforts you'd be drowning in Ganados.

In the sequel to Resident Evil Afterlife which will most likely exist in the future anyway, Wesker will suffer severly for cannibalising Bennett.[]

Wesker said he needed human DNA to keep the virus in check am I right? Bennett was showing signs of infections other besides not having any zombie bite marks or scratches, this wasn't coincidental and was made apparent by Alice saying "Bennnet you don't look so good" meaning Bennett's DNA was being overshadowed by the zombie virus making him more or less not 100% human. Besides let's face it Wesker did live, I mean what else could of parachuted out of an exploding plane with no one else but Wesker in it? The tooth fairy very unlikely. Wesker will make a final return in the next or last resident evil movie sequel, this is too good to just pass up, so why not. Everyone even says that Bennett showed signs of being infected with the zombie virus so everyone knows his DNA was messed up with something freaky, and I don't mean the T-virus. That would serve Wesker right for doing something like that to his life saving comrade making it an ultimate karmic payback or even karmic death. Wesker consumed a considerable amount of zombie DNA when he killed Bennett, damn he's just as good as dead now. I don't think Wesker blew up in the plane or was affected by the explosion but he might as well had. I don't think Bennett showing signs of infection and better yet Alice commenting on it was just to prolong the movie for five seconds, I think it was a karmic trap for Wesker. Think of what Wesker did being similar to you eating infected meat.

    • But then, we can't survive getting half our face blown off, being riddled with bullets after that, and then blown up by a small nuke. If Wesker can, do you honestly think a little tummy trouble is going to bring him down?
    • So what you're saying is Wesker can also consume zombie flesh. I think the creators were trying to provide some foreshadowing by giving Bennett(the only human Wesker ate) symptoms of infection, I'm sure they didn't make Bennett Sinclair look all half zombie so he'll be pretty did they? What ever was in Bennett's system whether it was the zombie virus or God knows what(not trying to blast the good lord) is going to have some sort of significant impact on Wesker's body in the sequel.
    • I wouldn't expect that much continuity from a series that dried up all the water in the world and then forgot they did it within the same movie. And again, this is Albert Motherfucking Wesker we're talking about; he could just work up a good belch and get over it.
  • Then answer this question? Do you think Wesker has the ability to consume zombie DNA, to stabilize his virus. A single or a bunch of bullet can't kill an elephant but a bad enough sickness the size of an atom can so why can't a something organic also kill Wesker. He couldn't take full control of the T-virus but Alice could, so Wesker isn't as invincible as you think. The Resident evil sequel might not be made years from near but as popular as Resident evil is, it will be created sometime in the late future. Not to get off the subject but do you know how long it took for the sequel to jeepers creepers 1. It's been years since Jeepers creeper 2 has came out, but guess what they are making a sequel to that too, believe it or not as we speak. The point is The new resident evil sequel might not be make a few seconds from now but that doesn't mean it won't be made at all. Do you know how long it takes to make any kind of movie? That ending to RE Afterlife seemed like a sucky way to end the movie series so it would be a waste of a good plot to do that. You can eat something the size of a pebble, and if it's truly nasty enough it will kill you.
    • Okay, answer ahoy: It's a movie written, produced, and directed by total idiots who, even if they had intended to introduce such a plot point, will just forget about it by the next movie anyway to make room for more In Name Only cameos and shameless ripoffs of The Matrix. My hat's off to you, though; you've already put more thought into your theory than those kung-fuing, canon-defiling morons put into a series four movies long and counting.
  • Hey I'd thought I'd remind you, that this is another kind of wikipedia and not a chatroom, you should only put opinions or better yet facts(like I did) on here. By the way when the new RE movie comes out people will say that Alice commenting on Bennet's health was really foreshadowing which it was, instead of just some theory, because it's true.
    • Only opinions or facts? Is there some third kind of statement? But sure, dude; it's true. Whatever you say. No doubt that global drought from the beginning of Extinction will come up in the fifth movie, too.
  • Well guess what there's a Resident Evil movie coming out in 2012(Resident evil Retribution) and guess what else it will have Albert Wesker in it(no DUHH, please) so we will let that be the determinator of truth. Other besides the fact that it's most likely going to have Alice get back at something most likely the umbrella corporation, wonder why the name of this new movie is RETRIBUTION for. One more thing you were wrong about there being no sequel so you are not as right as you THINK you are. The creator's couldn't help but to make another sequel. Why other besides to bring a whole entire RE experience? To rake in the dough that's why.
    • So, should we assume you're having someone else's conversation now? Because that didn't logically follow anything previously written.
  • No, but we can confirm that you were wrong about there ever being no sequel. For now, that is.
    • Since I never said that, I'm going to just go with my assumption that you're arguing with someone else whose stuff I can't see posted; it's the only thing that makes sense.
  • Then what the hell does "I wouldn't expect that much continuity from a series that dried up all the water in the world and then forgot they did it within the same movie" mean hmmm? Or you didn't write this either?

The "man in the suit with no tie" from Sheva's dossier was Leon[]

He worked for the U.S. Government and seemed to have a very personal stake in seeing Umbrella brought down. Based on her given age and the RE timeline, Sheva first met the man in 2000, which was after Leon had been recruited. Sure, it's not much to go on, but why would they bother giving the guy any characterization at all if we weren't meant to recognize him? This does beg the question as to why if he served as Sheva's legal guardian, brought her to the U.S. and put her through school, she can't recall his name. But then, that's a good question no matter who the man in suit really was.

Despite Word of God Wesker is still out there.[]

It's canoncially stated in the game that the Wesker Chris & Sheva killed was just a clone. Nobodies perfect not even the creators of a series. They said Wesker's dead yet the so called wesker that died was just a organic drone. Why don't the creators try explaining that. Even though the mercenaries minigame is non-canon it does give you a better perception of the character's abilities. The Wesker in RE 4 punch attack can send an enemy flying through the other side of the game but a punch from that Wesker clone in RE5 only causes an enemy to stumble back a little. Even in the RE afterlife movie Wesker seems like more speed and a little strength where he can move like a champ but his hits like a normal human. It's stated that Wesker can life hundreds and even thousands of pound so he shouldn't have a problem with smashing an enemy's skull in with one punch or kick like in RE 4. In Resident evil code veroncia(RECV) Weskers hits are painful but not deadly to chris, I don't know if he was a clone or he wasn't trying that hard so I can't say if that was the real Wesker. I believe the Wesker in RE 4 was the real one. He out of all the Wesker has real super strength and has only people working for him, even if they are traders. The real Wesker can't afford to be jeapordized in any way and is also more smarter than the clones so he chooses to stay in his own personal HQ instead of where all "the action" is like all the other Weskers. In RE 4 he had had 2 agents working for him, in RE5 he doesn't mention not a thing about las plagas or anything about RE 4, why? Because he didn't know about it, because he wasn't there the real Wesker was.

    • They'll no doubt bring him back if they can't come up with any good ideas for part 6, but, um, how sure are you that you didn't make up that "organic clone" business just now? Because I'm almost positive you made it up.
  • Organic means it has flesh, it's not mechanical because it's not a machine and it bleeds and has DNA so it's organic. By the way it was a clone, it was stated in the game.
    • Nice dodge, but it's the "clone" part that isn't making any sense. When is that canonically stated at any point in any of the three scenarios? Show the source.
  • Dodge?! It was stated that the Wesker we fight was a clone in a flashback in RE5, after Wesker was told he was a clone he killed that man who was trying to become a god. Haven't you played or at least played any attention to RE5
    • The Wesker Children were not genetically related. They were kidnapped, brainwashed, and later administered the Progenitor Virus. Read the files.
  • Clones, "children" whatever. The point is the Wesker that died in RE5 was just a knock off and the real one is still at large.
  • Nobody knows what happened to Alex Wesker. Alex disappeared after an incident in 2005 in the timeline. And Albert was not a knock off or a fake in some way.
  • Just like I said it was a fake.

Some Wild Mass Guessing.[]

In the next game Wesker will be the protagonist or at least one of the good guys some how.

We will finally learn about HUNK.

Jack Krauser will return, he can survive that barrage of bullets from Leon so it's possible from him to recover from his encounter with Ada. We the player aren't 100% sure he died, Ada doesn't know everything, so how is she so sure that he died.

Leon & Chris could team up.

The creator's will try to add a little sexyness to the new game.

Agent Bishop is one of the Wesker children.[]

If you think about it, he has superhuman strength, speed, and being enhanced. However, after being abducted by aliens, it is assumed that he wants nothing to do with Spencer, his creator, and this is why he changed his last name from Wesker to Bishop.

Jill will team up with Josh in Resident Evil 5.[]

If you think about what happened to Jill after being freed from Wesker's control, this could be her story.

  • Confirmed in the Desperate Escape DLC.

Jessica shoots Parker in Revelations.[]

She's in the casino room, holding a smoking gun, breathing heavily. Earlier in the trailer, Jill and Parker are in the same room. And, since Jill lives given the timeline...

  • Actually, in that scene, Jessica shoots Raymond Vester, disguised as the Veltro agent. However, when her true role as Lansdale's agent in the BSAA is revealed, and she tries to shoot Vester again, Parker takes the shot. So confirmed!

Sheva knows Tae Kwon Do or at least some other similar form of martial art.[]

Explaining why just about all of her special moves involve kicking instead of upper body action. Judging by how skilled she is with her knife she could specialize in Escrima.

HUNK is Johan Liebert.[]

It would appear that after leaving the hospital, Johan goes to work as a mercenary for Umbrella. Disillusioned by how they work in the use of viruses, his mind has cracked even more and he begins to wear a gas mask to hide his face and is renamed as HUNK. In that persona, he is calm, but cracked.

Resident Evil: Retribution will reveal Alice as the template[]

The template for what? The t-virus in the film series. In the film series, Alice has been the only one to show a successful adaptation of the T-virus, resulting in those telekinetic abilities and enhanced strength she has displayed. In fact, she was the one who caused the outbreak in the first place, so she could get the T-virus for herself, but an accident led to her losing her memories, and all her prior motivations.