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  • Adorkable: ADs Inoue, a.k.a. Inoko MAX, and Urakawa, arguably.
  • Archive Binge: At the time of writing, there's 15 seasons and 131 episodes, roughly an hour each. Have fun. To be fair, the premise of the show has changed little through the years, but following the Assistant Directors that are in or off the team is rather impossible for a newcomer without the aid of an episode guide.
  • Butt Monkey: Nakayama, particularly during the 24-hour live special. Cameraman Abe forcibly stays overnight at his house, then makes him pay for the pricey ingredients for Arino's lunch. On top of that, he is mocked for a minor error during the previous live special.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Cameraman Abe.
  • Ho Yay: some of the clips from 24 hour live Lemmings challenge were chockfull of this. To name: Abe in apron cooking for Arino, Nakayama and Inoko MAX wrestling, and Tanii and Toujima sharing bath and scratching each other's backs.
  • Macekre: YMMV on this one. A large group of fans do not look kindly on Kotaku's incarnation of the show with its awkward narrator and bizarre choices in term translation. The translation staff seems not very familiar with the show or the games that are played on it. Kotaku's Solomon's Key episode in particular has moments of Blind Idiot Translation. The King's and Queen's lines are left untranslated, as with all other onscreen text.
    • And completely misinterpreting the ending of Mystery of Atlantis.
    • Or the fact that they were so cheap that they only sprung for the "US" instead of "International" rights thus locking non-American fans of the show out of this legal version.
      • And they could only afford the US rights for seven months, apparently. Kotaku's dropping the series soon.
    • The Kotaku version cuts out every part of the show that isn't Arino's Challenge, even the opening. This might have been done to avoid having to get music or location permissions.
      • Actually, these are basically the same as the DVD versions. Some of the episodes were even extended with scenes not seen in the broadcast versions (the vs. battles in Battle Golfer Yui come to mind).
  • The Woobie: Inoue (Inoko MAX). Oh god, he's bad at videogames, so awkward, and everyone's so mean and he's so short and... oh, the poor thing. What's that? His mom just texted him in the middle of assisting Arino? Oh lord...