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Revenge of the Creature is a Universal Horror film from 1955.
One year after the events of Creature from the Black Lagoon, Captain Lucas (now captaining the Rita II) leads another group of people to the Black Lagoon to catch the Gill-Man. They are successful, and the creature is taken with them to an oceanarium for study. As Gill-Man is subjected to various tests, it develops interest on the ichthyologist Helen Dobson. Sure enough, Gill-Man escapes his containment and later kidnaps Helen in a typical fifties monster movie fashion.
Features the first film appearance by Clint Eastwood, as the lab technician Jennings.
After one more sequel, The Creature Walks Among Us, the franchise came to an end.
For the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version, please go to the episode recap page.
- 3D Movie: The only one of the year 1955.
- The Amazon: In the start of the film.
- Chekhov's Skill: Gill-Man is taught to stop moving on command. It comes handy in the ending.
- Damsel in Distress: Helen.
- Developing Doomed Characters: It takes a significant amount of time for the Gill-Man finally snap and break out the whoop-ass....
- Everything's Better with Monkeys: Neal the chimp in Prof. Ferguson's lab.
- Evil-Detecting Dog: Helen's dog Chris detects Gill-Man's presence before it comes inside her apartment.
- Fish Person:The Creature, obviously.
- Flare Gun: One is fired when Gill-Man and Helen is found.
- Foe-Tossing Charge: At one point he waddles out to sea upending cars about in anger. Literally tossing foes is also a favored tactic of the creature.
- Friendly Playful Dolphin: Featured on the oceanarium where the creature is taken.
- How Did That Get in There?: Said by the lab technician Jennings when he accuses that a cat ate one of the test mice. Then he puts his hand in his pocket and finds the mouse there.
- Revenge of the Sequel
- Screaming Woman
- Sequel Non Entity: Aside from the titular Gill-Man, and an extended cameo by Captain Lucas in the opening, none of the characters from the first film are seen or mentioned.
- Spinning Paper: Shown after Gill-Man escapes.
- Then Let Me Be Evil: The Gill-Man is shown being abused by electric shocks several times For Science! by the "heroes". It's only after this mistreatment that he makes a serious effort to escape and kill whatever humans he runs into on the way.