Revolver is a 2005 psychological thriller by Guy Ritchie. Two years after getting out of prison, Jake Green seeks revenge on the casino boss who put him there. The boss orders his assassination, but Green is saved by two mysterious loan sharks. Massive Mind Screw ensues.
This film provides examples of:[]
- Big Bad: Mister Gold
- Chain Link Fence: The protagonist escapes over a wooden fence and his pursuer tries to follow him with a shotgun in one hand. He drops it. Ouch.
- Dying Moment of Awesome: Sorter
- Enemy Civil War: Avi, Zeke and Jake start one between two gangs.
- Enemy Within
- Hitman with a Heart: Sorter shoots his fellow henchmen rather than watch them hurt a little girl.
- Improbable Aiming Skills: Sorter. In one scene, when he decides that he wants to get rid of the henchmen, he blows a hole through the wall to kill one guy.
- MacGuffin: Macha's drugs.
- Mind Screw
- Meaningful Name: Mr. Green and Mr. Gold are both incredibly rich.
- No One Sees the Boss: "Nobody sees Gold. But Gold sees everything.
- The Plan: Zach and Avi seem pretty good at these
- Porn Stache: Jason Statham's got one.
- Rule of Symbolism: The movie is rife with references to Kabbalic faith. For example Avi, Zach and Jake are named after the three patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) and each character represents one of the three pillars in Kabbalah.
- Shadow Dictator: It's never really stated whether Sam Gold really exists.
- Shout-Out: Shine on you crazy diamond.
- Smart People Play Chess: Jake and Avi
- Steal the Surroundings: Used when Avi, Zeke and Jake steal Macha's safe where the drugs are being kept. The safe is stated to be nigh-impenetrable, so they just rip it right out of the wall and take their sweet time breaking into it later.