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Characters from the Marl Kingdom series of Nippon Ichi Software.
Characters from Rhapsody[]
Cornet Espoir[]

Cornet is the cheerful heroine of the first game. She can sing, play the horn, and even talk to puppets; which most people cannot do. Cornet longs for a passionate relationship and despises toads. She longs for a prince to sweep her off of her feet.
Tropes associated with Cornet:
- Babies Ever After: With Ferdinand
- Cleavage Window: As an adult.
- Hair of Gold: As an adult.
- Goggles Do Nothing
- Green Eyed Red Head: Passionate and sensible.
- Instrument of Murder: Subverted, her trumpet is her weapon.
- Marionette Master
- Prince Of My Dreams
- Plucky Girl
- Raised By Her Grandfather
- Save The Prince
- Sweat Drop: When flabbergasted.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Type 2 with Etoile.
- "V" Sign: Part of her Victory Pose.
- Why Did It Have To Be Toads

She is a puppet and Cornet's best friend. She follows Cornet throughout the game, often making humorous comments on her behavior. She likes cherries, and dislikes anything sour. Unlike other puppets, Kururu can move around on her own without the powers of Cornet's horn, and she can talk to other humans besides Cornet.
Tropes associated with Kururu:
- Catch Phrase: "Girls take initiative".
- Fairy Companion
- Graceful Ladies Like Purple: A clue to her identity.
- Hair of Gold
- Cornet, I am your Mother: is really possessed by the spirit of Cherie; watching over Cornet.
- Nice Hat
- Paper Fan of Doom
- Rapunzel Hair
- Trademark Favorite Food: Cherries.

Cherie is Cornet's mother, whom is said to have been killed in an accident many years prior to the start of the game. She was the princess of the ancient, and has a ability that lets her transform into an angelic form when she releases her power. She is at once mature and charmingly childish.
Tropes associated with Cherie:
- Angelic Beauty: Her angelic form.
- Blue Eyes
- Fallen Princess
- Graceful Ladies Like Purple
- Hair of Gold
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Hime Cut
- Honorary Aunt: To Etoile.
- Mama Bear
- Power Gives You Wings: Gain wings when she releases her power.
- Pregnant Badass: Kicked major ass while she was pragnant with Cornet.
- Rapunzel Hair
- "V" Sign: Part of her Victory Pose.
Ferdinand Marl E.[]

The prince, and soon to be king, of Marl Kingdom. He often sneaks out of the castle to hunt or visit the city. Cornet has dreamed of him her whole life and falls in love with him after a chance meeting in the forest when he saves her from a dragon summoned by Myao. The two later start to fall in love after meeting the 2nd time in the castle. Then Marjoly appears to get back Ferdinand for beating Myao, instantly falls in love with him and tries to teleport him to her castle, but screws up the spell and accidentally turns him to stone, and he's stuck that way till Cornet breaks the spell at the end of the game.
Tropes associated with Ferdinand:
- Badass in Distress: He first appears on screen and single highhandedly kills a dragon in a couple seconds, but can't anything for most of the game on account of being turned to stone.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Dance of Romance: With Cornet at the dance.
- Distressed Dude
- Hair of Gold
- Overprotective Dad: Gets extremely upset when his daughter asks if she can marry the love of her life.
- Prince Charming
- Taken for Granite
- True Love's Kiss: The kiss of a maiden who loves him will free him from the spell of Marjoly.
- Uptown Guy
Etoile Rosenqueen[]

She is Cornet's arrogant rival. Etoile often makes sarcastic remarks about Cornet. She is from a rich background and loves being the center of attention.
Tropes associated with Etoile:
- Child-Hater: It does not stop her from helping children in need though.
- Childhood Friends: To Cornet, though they don't always get along.
- Dark Secret: She is terrified of the day Claire get to know she is not her biological mother.
- Doting Parent: To her daughter.
- The Gunslinger
- Hidden Heart of Gold
- Intrepid Merchant / Fiction 500: How good is her family at selling? They have store branches in hell. All of the Maikai-multiverse Nippon Ichi games have Rosenqueen outlets.
- Lonely Rich Kid
- Mama Bear: If you make her daughter cry Etoile will shoot you dead!
- Noblewoman's Laugh
- Non-Idle Rich: In the first game, she gathers some people, and guns, to help Cornet on her quest.
- Pimped-Out Dress: And brags about how much one cost.
- Pink Means Feminine: Some of her outfits are pink.
- Princess Curls
- Purple Eyes
- Rapunzel Hair: As an adult.
- Rich Bitch: At least she puts on a front of it.
- Royal Brat
- Tsundere: Mean and condescending on the outside, kind and helpful on the inside.

She is malevolent and very conceited, with lyrics in her song "Evil Queen" describing herself to be "mightier than the god...more beautiful than the goddess". She fell in love with Prince Ferdinand (immediately after seeing him the first time) and meant to teleport him only to turn him into stone.
Tropes associated with Marjoly:
- Absolute Cleavage
- Big Bouncy Breasts: To the extreme!
- Blondes Are Evil
- Dirty Old Woman: She likes young lads way too much.
"Tell me boy, how about spending an unforgettable night with me?" |
- High Collar of Doom
- Hot Witch
- Inept Mage: She is prone to Magic Misfire, aside from the mentioned above of turning Ferdinand, there's also when fighting the ancient weapon where she screws up a spell and literally knocks herself out.
- Although, for all that she is inept at being effective in battle, if she DOES hit you with a spell it will hurt. A lot. Her raw magical power is undeniable.
- Informed Deformity: The other characters insist that she looks really old and that she does not have the body to wear that kind of outfit.
- Her Disgaea cameos also state she wears far too much make-up instead, in addition to calling her old.
- Laughably Evil: she tries to be threatening, but through a combination of her own stupitidy, the fact that her own minions don't take her seriously and mock her at every chance possible (which there are many), make scenes with her the funniest parts of the game.
- Narcissist
- Noble Demon: Neither her or her lackeys are bad people.
- Noblewoman's Laugh
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: 1509 years old.
- Stripperific: Her outfit. Seriously.
- Vain Sorceress
- Villainesses Want Heroes: Her "love" for Ferdinand.

Myao is one of Marjoly's lackeys. She appears to be a child. She often acts childish and selfish, and she can cast powerful magic to summon dragons.
Tropes associated with Myao:
- A-Cup Angst: Is painfully aware of her flat-chest and does not like it.
- Bad Boss: To the Nyankos.
- The Beast Master: She got a bunch of monster pets.
- Breast Expansion: When she gets pills for this purpose from Akujo in the second game.
- Catgirl
- Medium Awareness: As a Cameo in Phantom Brave, she is aware that people in that dimension don't break out into song.
- Nice Hat
- Summon Magic
- Verbal Tic: "nya", she is a cat girl after all.

Crowdia is another of Marjoly's lackeys. She is very beautiful, but very narcissistic. She has large black wings, like a crow, and fights with a sword.
Tropes associated with Crowdia:
- Bishie Sparkle
- Cultured Badass
- Distracted by My Own Sexy: She loves mirrors.
- Does Not Like Men
- Familiar: Her crow.
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Lady of War
- Narcissist
- Something About a Rose: Seen with a rose in her hand regularly, she also got her own rose garden.
- Winged Humanoid

Gao is Marjoly's third lackey. It is said that she has the strength to fight a dragon with her bare hands. Many people mistake her for a man, including Cornet.
Tropes associated with Gao:
- Amazonian Beauty
- Badass Arm-Fold
- Bare Your Midriff
- Boobs of Steel: Out of Marjoly's lackeys she has the biggest bust and is of course the brawler.
- Cute Little Fangs
- Fingerless Gloves
- Hot-Blooded
- Kick Chick: She got really strong arms, but she primarily kicks.
- The Ladette
- Lady Looks Like A Dude: Many people mistake her for a man.
- Little Bit Beastly: Her clan lacks the animal ears though.
- Real Men(?) Eat Meat
- Super Speed
- Our Werewolves Are Different: She is called werewolf several times and does not deny being one, but she is never seen completely transformed. Interestingly in Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten appears a werewolf with the same physical attributes, namely Fenrich.
Mustaki Espoir[]

Mustaki is Cornet's grandfather and Cherie's surrogate father. He is a well-known puppet-maker.
Tropes associated with Mustaki:

Polansky is a mage who lives alone in the Tower of Wisdom. He tells Cornet that she must collect the Heart Stones in order to save Ferdinand. He was also friends with Mustaki.
Tropes associated with Polanski:
- The Dumbledore
- Eyes Always Shut
- Friendly Rival: He sees Mustaki as his friend and rival.
- Pointy Ears
- Robe and Wizard Hat
- Wizard Beard: Subverted, it is rather short for a mage.
Minister Golonzo[]

Minister of Marl Castle.
Tropes associated with Golonzo:
- Big Bad: Of the first game. Apparent that he's evil but doesn't do anything till he shows up out of nowhere at Marjoly's castle with a copy of the Ancient Weapon which plans to use to Take Over the World. Majorly nearly curb stomps it, but screws up with one of her spells and K.Os herself.
- Beard of Evil
- Dirty Old Man
- Evil Chancellor
- Evil Eyebrows
- Hades Shaded
- Obviously Evil
- Sinister Schnoz
Characters from Little Princess[]
Princess Kurusale Cherie Marl Q[]

A.k.a. Kururu is the game's protagonist and the daughter of Cornet and Ferdinand. She has a tendency to sneak out of the castle instead of studying, and is identified by the other characters as a tomboy.
Tropes associated with Kururu:
- Blowing a Raspberry: At Cello.
- Blue with Shock: After she get to know how they make the softcream she ate earlier.
- Catch Phrase: "Girls take initiative", now where have we heard that before?
- Cross-Popping Veins
- Cry Into Chest: Kururu cries into Claire's chest after the ordeal at the haunted house is over.
- Dead Guy, Junior: She is named after Cherie and Kururu.
- Expressive Hat
- Father I Want To Marry You: She told her father she wanted to marry him when she was little.
- Genki Girl
- Girls Love Stuffed Animals: She got almost all of her mother's old puppets in her room.
- Growling Gut: Kururu's stomach started to growl while she was thinking about how good softcream must be.
- Hair of Gold
- High-Pressure Emotion: When angered.
- Hime Cut
- Human Hummingbird: During battle she runs with her arms stretched out and her legs are animated with circles that gets smaller and bigger.
- Instrument of Murder: Subverted, her trumpet is her weapon.
- Like Parent, Like Spouse: Kururu wants to marry someone just like her father.
- Love Confession: Eventually to Cello.
- Nice Hat
- Rapunzel Hair
- Red Oni: The red to Claire's blue.
- Skip of Innocence
- Sunny Sunflower Disposition: Kururu holds a bouquet of sunflower on a promotional artwork.
- Sweet Tooth
- This Is Unforgivable!: Kururu will never forgive Burg and the cats for feeding her cat shit.
- Tomboy Princess
- Victory Pose: Thumbs up.
- Who Wears Short Shorts?: Her "pumpkin" pants.
- Why Did It Have To Be Toads: Like her mother.
- Wild Take: When she sees a giant T-REX.
- Wingding Eyes: Her eyes bursts into empty circles then she is shocked and into spirals when she is angry.
Claire Rosenqueen[]

Commonly known as Crea and is Etoile Rosenqueen's adoptive daughter, although at the start of the game she is unaware of her adoption. She has known Kururu since they were children.
Tropes associated with Crea:
- Childhood Friends: To Kururu.
- The Gunslinger
- Happily Adopted: Eventually.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: She and Kururu have promised to always be together.
- Pimped-Out Dress
- Pink Means Feminine: Because she is so graceful and elegant.
- Blue Oni: The blue to Kururu's red.
- Schoolgirl Lesbian: Seems to like Kururu in a more romantic way. She thinks of Kururu as her Prince.
"Teeheehee. A secret just between the two of us. How ro-man-tic Kururu-chan." |
- Spell My Name with an "S": Claire or Createur?
- Spoiled Sweet
- Strong Family Resemblance: With her mother, even though they are not related.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Kururu and her.

He is Kururu's main love interest, although he is initially not very friendly to her.
Tropes associated with Cello:
- Babies Ever After: With Kururu, and thats how Homard was born.
- Cross Dressing Voice
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Heroes Prefer Swords
- Inter Class Romance: With Kururu.
- The Quiet One
- Opposites Attract: He and Kururu.
- Perpetual Frowner
- When He Smiles: Cherie encouraged Cello to smile more because of this trope.
- Tsundere: Type A towards Kururu.

He is a knight who works at the castle. He became a knight in order to become stronger after the death of his little sister, since he felt guilty over not being able to protect her. He is secretly in love with Sonia.
Tropes associated with Randy:
- Dead Little Sister
- Human Hummingbird: When frightened by Sonia.
Sonia Francis Zeolight[]

She is a female knight and Geo's daughter. She is popular amongst the people of Mothergreen, particularly the women and possesses her own fan club, but shows little interest in romance.
Tropes associated with Sonia:
- Corporal Punishment: Sonia slaps Kururu after she made a mistake and put everyone in danger.
- Even the Girls Want Her
- Important Haircut: Sonia cut her long hair short with a knife and swore she would become a knight.
- Iron Lady

Tropes associated with Geo:

Akujo is one of the main antagonists of the second game. Having just turned 1,000, she is after the Shadow of Beauty to keep herself looking youthful. Akujo and Marjoly have been bitter enemies for years.
Tropes associated with Akujo:
- Big Bad: Of the second game.
- Big Bouncy Breasts
- Cleavage Window
- Hot Witch
- Incurable Cough of Death
- Power Floats
- Qipao
- Rapunzel Hair
- The Rival: To Marjoly.
Nyan Nyan[]

Nyan Nyan is one of Akujo's lackeys.
Tropes associated with Nyan Nyan:
- Bare Your Midriff
- Blinding Bangs
- Catgirl
- Crystal Ball: She uses it for scrying.
- Giggling Villain: "Keesheesheeshee...".
- The Rival: To Myao, they fight alot it seems.
Fon Fon[]

Fon Fon is another of Akujo's lackeys.
Tropes associated with Fon Fon:
- Bare Your Midriff
- Bishie Sparkle
- Eyes Always Shut
- Freaky Friday Flip: With Crowdia, done by Nyan Nyan.
- He-Man Woman Hater
- Macho Camp: He will not deny being gay, but don't call him him flamboyant!
- Narcissist
- Pec Flex
- The Rival: Of Crowdia, they are rivals about beauty.
- Shirtless Scene: He likes to take of his vest when he is showing of.
- Sleeves Are for Wimps
- Winged Humanoid: Yes, believe it or not, you just can't see them because they are very tiny.
Ran Ran[]

Ran Ran is Akujo's third lackey.
Tropes associated with Ran Ran:
- Bare Your Midriff
- Belly Dancer
- Cute Little Fangs
- Fan Girl: About Gao, Ran Ran even own posters of her.
- Kick Chick
- Lipstick Lesbian
- Little Bit Beastly: She is from the same clan as Gao.
- Qipao: Her top is most likely the shortest one in existence.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Rescue Romance: How she fell for Gao hard.
- The Rival: She is very happy about Gao acknowledging her as Gao's rival.
- Sleeves Are for Wimps
- Super Speed
- Underboobs
- Our Werewolves Are Different: Same as Gao.
Characters from Angel's Present[]

Elly (sometimes spelled Eri/Eli) is a little girl that Cornet, Etoile, and Kururu helped in Angel's Present. It is eventually revealed that Elly is an Eringya in a human disguise. Elly has appeared in La Pucelle.
Tropes associated with Elly:
- Curtains Match the Window
- Verbal Tic: In her Eringa form she always ends her sentences with "gya".
- You Gotta Have Pink Hair
Marius Espoir[]

Cherie's husband and Cornet's father. He died during the Minstrel Wars before Cornet was even born.
Tropes associated with Marius:

Cherie's older brother.
Tropes associated with Keeldear:
- Dating Catwoman: Fell in love with Marjoly.
- Incurable Cough of Death
- Love At First Sight: With Marjoly.