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Rhythm hues studios 2735

Ryhthm & Hues Studios is a North American-based computer animation company that specializes in character animation and visual effects for movies and commercials. The company has facilities in Los Angeles; Mumbai and Hyderabad, India; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and as of January 2012, Vancouver, British Columbia and Taipei, Taiwan.

A little backstory: In 1987, six former employees of Robert Abel and Associates split from the company to form their own. Until the early 1990s, they mainly did commercial work for companies like ABC, Sunbeam, Rayovac and many more. It wasn't until 1990 when they got their first film job (Flight of The Intruder). Since then, they've been responsible for more than 150 films, hundreds of commercials (including the Coca-Cola Polar Bears) and several video games. R&H has received two Academy Awards for Achievement in Visual Effects, (The Golden Compass, 2008, and Babe, 1995), and four Scientific and Technical Awards from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences (AMPAS). R&H was also nominated for an Oscar for its work on The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

In 1999, they bought effects company VIFX[1] from Blue Sky Studio.

Rhythm & Hues' work can be viewed in:[]

Tropes Associated with Rhythm & Hues:[]

  1. who worked on Titanic, Enterprise and Batman Forever