The Rick Point Blank series is a web original production by Surly Urchin Pictures. It is the story of a young scientist, Rick Fox, who has developed a serum that has various Healing properties. Unfortunately, it went wrong. The story opens with Rick running from something with a bullet wound in his leg.
Tropes used in Rick Point Blank include:
- Action Survivor: Rick
- Apocalyptic Log: Rick seems to be preparing one of these at one point.
- Blood Splattered Scientist
- Dramatic Deadpan: Immeadiately after Rick shoots Don in the forehead.
Don: Works better than we ever though, huh? |
- Gone Horribly Wrong: Apparently injecting yourself with the serum has unintended consequences.
- Healing Factor: According to Rick the serum will fix any wound in a matter of seconds. Apparently this includes being shot in the head.
- Healing Potion: What the serum basically is.
- Immune to Bullets: One of the nicer side effects of injecting yourself with the serum.
- Made of Iron: Don completely ignores getting shot in the head.
- Major Injury Underreaction
- Stopper Pulling Teeth:
- Pre-Mortem One-Liner: "It wouldn't work in Siberia!"
- Pretty Little Headshots: Though this may be an effect of being injected with the serum.
- Psycho Serum: But only if if you inject yourself.
- Only a Flesh Wound:
- Super Soldier: What Don seems to want to use the serum for.
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: