Base Breaker: Unbounded. One half of the Fandom believes that Bug Bear's interpretation of Ridge Racer has basically killed the series as a whole, with Unbounded being decried by most of its critics as a mash-up of several other arcade racers (the destruction of Split Second, the combativeness of Burnout, an art style similar to Blur) without having any of the series' traditional aspects (save for the drifting, but even the weighty-ness of it is different from the older games) that made the series popular. On the other hand, most of the Fandom believe Unbounded as a breath of fresh air for the series (except for the recent portable releases, the last console game was Ridge Racer 7; a launch title for the PlayStation 3), with some really solid racing mechanics (least they ripped off the best arcade racers) and a good track creator, among other good things people have to say for Unbounded.
Crowning Moment of Awesome: The final races of Ridge Racer Type 4 sees your team's Hood Ornament Hottie replaced by Reiko. The last race? A high speed oval, taking place at 11:45 on December 31st 1999. The fireworks to being in the new millennium start at the beginning of the final lap.
Memetic Mutation: Kaz Hirai's impassioned plea to get gamers to care about the PlayStation Network rerelease of the PS1 port of Ridge Racer. Which, amusingly, hasn't happened yet.