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Rigs of Rods is a free to play vehicle simulation with no actual objectives. The game makes use of "Advanced soft body physics" which means a use of so called beams and nodes to make up a vehicle which can bend, deform and break from collisions. Originally, the game was an offroad truck simulator (hence why that cars and non trucks are still reffered as a "truck" vehicle in the game files) until it hosted regular cars and soon, aircraft and boats. The game can be downloaded here while a repository of usermade vehicles can be found here ----

Rigs of Rods provides:[]

  • Amphibious Automobile: The Mean Machine Monster 200's wheels are large enough that the air in them can keep it afloat, so it's more close to Amphibious Monster Truck
  • Cool Car: The Gavril cars by Gabester
  • Driving Stick: Can be simulated if a Logitech G25/27 is properly hooked up, the clutch pedal can also be simulated using the shift key by default (as well as the clutch pedal on the afformentioned G25/27).
  • Every Car Is Rear Wheel Drive: Averted, some are front-wheel and some are all-wheel.
  • Expy: The Gavril Bandit is blatantly like a 70's muscle car
  • Guide Dang It: There is no built in configurator, all keymapping has to be done by editing the config file.
    • However there are premade keymaps for controllers that you simply copy and paste into the file, such as the Xbox 360 controller, and various Logitech wheels... Good luck getting your Driving Force GT and other wheels to work as easily though...
      • Actually, if a wheel doesn't do anything when turned, a good idea is to exit the game, unplug any other controllers then start the game since the only supports one joystick (and thus, only one wheel) at a time.
      • And rather than messing with setting up the buttons in the .map file, another good idea is to use the logitech profiler to set buttons to whatever keys that serve the desired function.
  • Had the Silly Thing In Reverse: This can happen, since there is no reverse key, the game requires you to switch between reverse and drive (and if set, first and so-forth)
  • In Vehicle Invulnerability: Exaggerated with the crash proof variety, a car can be flattened and you can get out perfectly fine.
  • No One Could Survive That: The very severe crashes. As in: The ones where you tossed your vehicle off of a cliff-face and watched it tumble downwards, being reduced to a pile of scrap that resembled the car in question.
  • Ragdoll Physics: Not the people, the cars have this
  • Ramp Jump: Taking these usually results in a heap of metal that was once your car or truck, unless you're in one of the tough crawlers or the Meanmachine vehicles (and even then, smacking the wheels against the ground too hard can break them).
  • The Alleged Car: Sometimes a car can survive a minor crash and keep going (albeit with affected steering).
    • These crashes sometimes even force your wheel to turn in a certain direction, affecting the steering even more.
  • Universal Driver's License: It's easy use any other car or truck, despite that they may have different pedal positions, transmission speed, or possibly being a paddle shifter (Such as the Gavril MZ 2, MV 4 or GR) since commands are always in the same spot on your keyboard, wheel, or gamepad.
  • Wreaking Havok: This game is this trope, there are loads of cars that can break, trailers that can break, containers that you can drop on cars to break using cranes (Which those can break too)...