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  • Nightmare Fuel: When you kill a "person" unit with a flamethrower or Flaming Arrow, he/she catches fire, screams, and begins running away. Soon the run turns into a stagger, then the poor guy falls to his/her knees, rolls on the ground–still trying to put out the fire–and finally dies. It's almost a relief to see the muscles in their body relax and the corpse lie peacefully on the ground.
  • Crazy Awesome: One of the Japanese unique units is, of course, the Samurai, replacing pikemen. What do they evolve into during the Industrial Age? Gun Samurai.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Even the tracks that play at peacetime are pretty damn cool.
  • Game Breaker:
    • The B-2 Stealth Bomber. It bypasses ground-based air defenses and can only be countered by Jet Fighters in staggering numbers. The only sure-fire way to really stop them is by razing their airfield and hope that the enemy doesn't build a new one in time. The catch? That airfield can be anywhere on the map.
    • Which can be solved by yet another Game Breaker, The Space Program (a Saturn V launch stand), which gives full sight of the entire map. Games can become races for this wonder and become battles to defend them against the Stealth Bomber.
    • Probably the least variable mileage entry, the Terra Cotta Army. Free basic infantry every few seconds. Forever.
  • Needs More Love: Rise of Legends received the "The Best Game No One Else Liked" from Voodoo Extreme.