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Adam: I looked at Sarah, aka Stratogale. Stratogale... Gale-force winds... Galeforces. "Would Galeforces sound good?" I asked. |
Violet and Dash Parr, sibling Supers in training, recieve a call from Aperture Science and Technology about an important project downtown. What the find is a discovery that will change their life forever - a cloning facility housing the late Supers from the Golden Era. Narrowly escaping from the lab with their lives, they meet one of the clones, Sarah Squall aka Stratogale, and help her reunite with the rest of her family.
And so starts an adventure of a lifetime. Together, the Parrs and the Squalls, as mutual allies, go through all kinds of good-time heroic action involving ticklish situations, no-holds-barred ass-kicking, and new bonds of friendship. And then, of course, the dinosaurs come in...
The Incredibles: Rise of the Galeforces is an ongoing fanfiction collab by SkarmorySilver, known on Deviant ART as Shadow-Aspect, and his good friend georgemiser. It all started with a comment on one of SS's dA deviations, but what blossomed was a groundbreaking fanfiction that explores the backstories and histories of a majority of the late Supers mentioned during the Incredibles movie far better than anything cranked out by the NSA. As a Massive Multiplayer Crossover, it also showcases characters from numerous other franchises. Of course, although it's a relatively local fanfic, it does do a VERY good job in speculating about what the past Supers' lives may have been like, and it certainly is more comprehensive than all of the NSA files on the bonus DVD put together.
The full story is available for reading here, starting from Chapter 1.
provides examples of:[]
- Action Film Quiet Drama Scene: Several occur throughout all three parts. Most of them expose relationships and past histories of the various characters involved.
- Action Girl: Sarah and Kate are the standard Action Girl and Action Mom, respectively.
- Faux Action Girl: Despite being one of the main characters, Violet doesn't engage in much fighting, and when she does, she mostly plays as the Stone Wall.
- Adorkable: Both Adam and Vi, but Adam especially.
- Androcles Pterosaur
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Dash, and to a lesser extent, Sarah.
- Asshole Victim: It's implied in Dave's flashback that Dean Cartman, aka Phylange, almost became this to Hurricane David. The only reason he lived was that Splashdown gave his life to save him, despite the fact that he'd abused him throughout nearly all of their college days together.
- Back From the Dead
- Badass Adorable: All of the children, but especially the younger 'uns. Vi and Adam seem to lean more towards Badass Adorkable.
- Badass Bookworm: Adam, particularly where dinosaurs are concerned. It leads to a lot of Somewhere a Paleontologist Is Crying jokes whenever he's around.
- Being Watched: Dash gets this feeling in the museum scene. Of course, one has to wonder how skeletons can see you without any eyes...
- Berserk Button: NEVER call Adam a dinosaur.
- In a similar manner, Dash does NOT like being called a morsel. Velociripper calls him that when he's trying to devour him. And gets roasted.
- Beware the Nice Ones: We ARE dealing with superheroes here...
- Blow You Away: Adam, mostly in the Wind from Beneath My Wings fashion.
- Cape Snag: Invoked in Chapter 3. Sarah and David both know that their original decision was a stupid idea, so they decide to exclude it in their new costume design.
- Captain Ersatz/Expy
- Splashdown is Aquaman as voiced by Ashton Kutcher, and Kate is Freefall as played by Katherine Heigl. Both of them also played a married couple in Killers.
- Sarah is Power Girl, though without the Super Toughness.
- Thunderhead is Thor, only dumber. He also smacks of Kronk in that he is not very smart, is well-chested, and is voiced by Patrick Warburton.
- Taking all the above into consideration, this leaves Adam as the only member of the Squall family without a comic book analogue. Instead, his powers and personality are more likely akin to Jacob Black, though with a Ptero-Soarer in place of a Big Badass Wolf.
- On the villain's side, Word of God has stated that Velociripper is Light Yagami, with slight doses of Raptor Attack and High Octane Nightmare Fuel.
- Casual Danger Dialog: Pretty much guaranteed whenever Adam's around.
- The Chew Toy: Whenever Adam is in the vicinity of anything to do with dinosaurs, you know for sure that he'll get the worst of it.
- Clones Are People, Too: Probably the reason why this fanfiction exists.
- Competitive Balance
- Jack of All Stats: Adam and Vi. The former is decently fast, strong enough to carry off his own weight, and able to take a few bullet rounds if need be. The latter is more of a Stone Wall, but can also use the famous IncrediBall tagteam manuver alongside Dash for speed travel. Neither are as good as some of the other family members, though.
- And both of the moms as well.
- Fragile Speedster: Dash, although he becomes a bit of a Glass Cannon later on due to his lightning powers.
- Glass Cannon: Sarah. She'd be a Flying Brick if it weren't for her lack of Super Toughness.
- Lightning Bruiser: Velociripper. Keep in mind that according to Adam, actual deinonychosaurs were more of the Jack of All Stats variety.
- And on the good side, we have Splashdown and Thunderhead.
- Mighty Glacier: Mr. Incredible, although he borderlines on Lightning Bruiser at times.
- Stone Wall: Vi, when she's in her force field at least, though she straddles the line between this and Jack of All Stats from time to time.
- Jack of All Stats: Adam and Vi. The former is decently fast, strong enough to carry off his own weight, and able to take a few bullet rounds if need be. The latter is more of a Stone Wall, but can also use the famous IncrediBall tagteam manuver alongside Dash for speed travel. Neither are as good as some of the other family members, though.
- Cowardly Lion: Kate.
"Spiders! Spiders everywhere! AAAAAAAAAAAH! There's one in my hair!!!" |
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Thunderhead. Remember that his name's a Stealth Pun on the word "dunderhead"...
- Cute Bruiser: Sarah, of course.
- Deadpan Snarker: Adam and Vi to a T.
- Eats Babies: Velociripper almost succeeds in killing and devouring Dash during the museum scene, and even calls him a "morsel." He gets roasted, naturally.
- Everything Is...
- ...Better With Dinosaurs - with a bit of Fridge Brilliance on the side, once you notice that the official Incredibles comics featured Tronosaurus, a talking robotic T-rex, whom Vi mentions at one point.
- ...Better With Monkeys: Donkey Kong and friends, naturally.
- ...Worse With Reptiles (And Birds [1]): The dinosaurs zigzag the fine line between reptile and bird. Most of them are scaly, but they have rather bird-like gaits and, in the case with the Turret-Raptors, have feathers on their necks and arms. Ripper, interestingly, is completely covered in feathers, rather like the image of a "giant Thanksgiving turkey" that Sarah uses to describe Deinonychus at one point.
- ...Even Worse With Sharks: Averted. Splashdown gets a group of them to help out during the battle with Devil Dinosaur, and later on against Dynacide. The presence of King Krok also keeps sharks second-fiddle to Aperture/InGen's own personal navy fleet.
- Foot Focus: A lot of the characters take their shoes off from time to time, and much attention is paid to their feet by other characters as well as the narrative. Keep in mind that this fanfic was originally supposed to be part of the tickling fandom, so this is somewhat justified.
- For Science!: The motivation of InGen's geneticists, which plays them directly into Aperture's hands.
- Fossil Revival
- Funny Aneurysm: In-universe example. In Chapter 7, Sarah and Adam go into a detailed discussion about deinonychosaur portrayal, complete with a monologue from Adam taken almost word-for-word from Alan Grant's monologue about raptors near the beginning of the first JP movie. This conversation comes back to haunt Sarah in Chapter 8, when they meet Velociripper for the first time.
- Genetic Memory
- Giant Flyer: Adam's Ptero-Soarer form.
- Giant Swimmer: King Krok, who is also the only non-sentient InGen creation that is explicitly named.
- Gone Horribly Right
- Gravity Master: Kate.
- Half-Human Hybrid: Adam, aka Sarah's Opposite Sex Clone.
- Heroic BSOD: Sarah gets one after finding out that her mom has been possessed by Aperture.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Adam averts this due to his Iron Butt Monkey status. It's almost played straight at the end of Part I though.
- Humanity Ensues: A subtle variation. The memories of the organism whose DNA has been cloned are retained in the next life, so to a non-human creature like Adam it may seem as though he were turned into a human being.
- I Am Not Weasel: Adam normally takes relatively minor offense to being called names, but his Berserk Button is being called a "dinosaur." It gets even more Hilarious in Hindsight when you realize that he was originally intended as an Aperture bioweapon. If the events of the fanfic provide any clues, the aforementioned D-word may also smack of You Have Outlived Your Usefulness.
- Iron Butt Monkey: If you're as unlucky as Adam, a Healing Factor sure comes in handy.
- It Can Think: The raptors in a nutshell. Velociripper, naturally, takes it to its logical conclusion.
- Kill All Humans: Velociripper's solution to his percieved Humans Are Bastards problem.
- Lego Genetics: Aperture's technology is based on this. It's one of the reasons why they can construct Adam, Sarah's Ptero-Soarer Opposite Sex Clone, using Pteranodon DNA.
- Limited Wardrobe: Few of the characters ever change their clothes. They just have one or two choices of civilian outfits, their Super outfits, and that's it.
- Made of Iron: Almost EVERYTHING Adam goes through would have killed a grown man. Justified in that he has a Healing Factor as one of his powers.
- Magnificent Bastard: Velociripper. As Adam so beautifully puts it, "he won't hesistate to kill anyone who stands in his way."
- Make Me Wanna Shout/Gale Force Sound: ANYONE who has sound manipulation as part of their abilities usually uses it to knock mooks away. Most Supers use the Make Me Wanna Shout variety, but Adam can also use the Gale Force Sound version, sometimes combined with Wind from Beneath My Wings in his Ptero-Soarer form.
- Making a Splash: David.
- Mama Bear and Papa Wolf: Both the Parr and Squall families are not going to let anyone hurt or take their kids away.
- Mega Crossover: While this is an Incredibles fanfiction, other franchises to be featured include Portal, Megamind, Jurassic Park, Donkey Kong Country, and many more.
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Velociraptors with GUNS. What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?
- Non-Malicious Monster: Save for the raptors of course, the dinos aren't usually dangerous except hungry, territorial... or under Aperture's control.
- Noodle Incident: At the very beginning of the story, Dash narrates that he discovered his static-charge powers when he accidentally set the Parrs' lawn on fire.
- Oh Crap: "I saw the yellow eyes with their reptilian slits for pupils, and felt a chill of horror running down my spine."
- In general, any Eldritch Abomination that turns up to fight the heroes is BOUND to elicit this reaction from everyone in the immediate vicinity, Dynacide being a recurring example.
- When Apogee first appears, she's already been possessed by Aperture (and it takes a little while for the Parrs to restore her back to normal). Naturally, this causes Colonel Pluck to respond with an understandably frightened, "Oh, no! It's already started to sink in!"
- One-Winged Angel: Or rather, two winged, in Adam's case. It Makes Sense in Context.
- Opposite Sex Clone: Adam is essentially this to Sarah. In a rare case, he's actually older by a year or two than his genetic sister.
- People Jars
- Red Eyes, Take Warning, with Hellish Pupils for extra measure: Most things under Aperture's care have glowing red eyes, which tend to creep the hell out of most of the characters.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Each of the members from one family is essentially a counterpart to the... counterpart of the other in some way or another. David's down-to-earth, practical attitude contrasts with Bob's outgoing nature and reliance on brute strength. Helen's balanced, composed personality come at odds with Kate's flightiness and tendency to panic at the first sign of danger. Sarah's stubbornness and straightforwardness conflict with Violet's introverted, strategic nature. And Dash's hyperactive, quirky, quick-to-act demeanor is in opposition to Adam's scientific, analyzing state of mind.
- Science Marches On: For the dinos in particular. Keep in mind that this fic is set in 1980, however.
- Shock and Awe: Dash. Well, what did you think he'd do with all that static electricity he would have accumulated through all that running?
- And Thunderhead, naturally.
- Shown Their Work: Word of God is surprisingly up to date with the paleontological evidence of the present day.
- Slasher Smile: Velociripper. Dear lord, VELOCIRIPPER.
- Somewhere a Palaeontologist Is Crying: As in the case of the original JP movies, any and all paleontological errors are justified by InGen's (and later Aperture's meddling with the incomplete dinosaur DNA.
- Ptero-Soarer: Despite being billed as a Pteranodon, Adam's pterosaur form barely even looks like one. However, both he and Word of God clearly Hand Wave this with the perfectly acceptable excuse of being an Aperture bio-weapon.
- Raptor Attack: The Deinonychus are oversized, featherless, and seriously deformed. Velociripper, however, is clearly stated to have bird-like, blood-red plumage, which leads into the Funny Aneurysm moment above.
- Tyrannosaurus Rex: Not too different from the JP movies. Devil Dinosaur has completely red skin, though.
- There is one minor error on Adam's part, though that can be forgiven courtesy of Rule of Drama. Adam implies that Pteranodon lived at the same time as Deinonychus - while in reality, the latter lived 20 million years earlier.
- Stock Dinosaurs: Mostly carnivores, since that's kind of what Aperture wanted. Tyrannosaurus Rex, Deinonychus, and Pteranodon all get their Day in The Limelight throughout the story.
- Techno Babble: When Adam talks about the dinosaurs the families encounter, you know he's going to go into great detail about next to every single anatomical and behavioral aspect that is wrong with them.
- Those Two Guys: Splashdown and Thunderhead. Although they ARE technically among the main cast, their roles are still relatively minor enough to qualify.
- Tickle Torture: Glados loves to use this interrogation method on her test subjects. It helps to know that this fanfiction originally stemmed from the tickling fandom, so it's only natural that there are a few playful tickle scenes as well.
- Took a Level In Badass: Where to START?!
- What Could Have Been: Basically, the authors decided, "What would happen if the various late Supers were resurrected from the dead?" And yes, both hilarity AND reality did indeed ensue.
- What Could Possibly Go Wrong?: Aperture's entire modus operandi runs on this. It doesn't take into account the Supers that escaped its confines, of course...
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: Even Velociripper's gestures are overly dramatic - so much as flipping a light switch requires a very exaggerated flourish and a bit of elaboration of his course of action.
- Wise Beyond Their Years: All of the kids, but Adam in particular. His knowledge of dinosaurs is about neck-and-neck with present day (i.e. the late 2000's) paleontologists, and he knows the behavior of Aperture's bioweapons like the back of his wing - despite this fic being clearly set in 1980!
- The Worf Effect: And HOW.
- The raptors are capable of killing the best of Great White Dinosaur Hunters - but that doesn't stop them being defeated by children. Granted, said children did have superpowers, but still - Raptors with GUNS! Y U NO Kill All Humans?!
- Poor Dynacide gets Worfed by Splashdown and Thunderhead, though with a little help from Donkey Kong and Rambi on the side.
- A Worldwide Punomenon: Nearly all the Super names involve an Incredibly Lame Pun, a Stealth Pun, or some other kind of wordplay.
- ↑ which are also reptiles, in the monophyletic sense