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Ristorante Paradiso is a josei manga by Natsume Ono (Not Simple, House of Five Leaves) that ran from 2005 to 2006. The continuation, Gente ~The People of Ristorante Paradiso~, started shortly after and is currently ongoing. It also spawned a 12-episode anime series that combined plots from both the first series and Gente.

The story is about Nicoletta, a 21-year-old woman who comes to Rome to confront her mother, Olga, about her parental abandonment. Olga doesn't want her husband, Lorenzo, to know that she has a daughter and was divorced, so she keeps Nicoletta quiet by supplying her with an apartment and a job at Lorenzo's restaurant, Casetta dell'Orso.

During her time at the restaurant, Nicoletta meets and falls in love with Claudio, the head waiter. While she isn't sure about her feelings at first, she eventually decides to go for it. Claudio, on the other hand, is divorced and doesn't know when to let go. The other complication is that Claudio is twice Nicoletta's age.

Both the manga and the anime have been licensed by Viz, with the anime being streamed on Crunchyroll.

Tropes used in Ristorante Paradiso include: