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Roadkill 8801

  Flesh, to bone, when The Rot begins to play. Bone, to dust, and your life is blown away." - The Fuzz Brothers


Not to be confused with the Bruce McDonald film of the same name, Roadkill is a Vehicular Combat game developed and published by Midway Games in 2003 for the X Box, Play Station 2 and Game Cube. It combined Twisted Metal -style combat with a Grand Theft Auto- like free-roaming mission structure. It featured a rockin' soundtrack of both real and written-for-the game songs, and four-player split-screen multiplayer. The game was only mildly hyped prior to release and thought it met with good reviews, it is to this day relatively obscure, like many Vehicular Combat games that aren't Twisted Metal.

In the 1980s, a deadly plague known as The Rot struck the world, killing untold millions and bringing society to its knees. An unspecified time later, the world is divided up into isolated pockets of "civilization" separated by vast wasteland. The game focuses on three small cities located relatively close to one another: Lava Falls, Blister Canyon and Paradise City. You play the role of Mason Strong, professional tough guy. Some years prior, he helped a man named Axl and his gang, the Sentinels, take control of Paradise City and drag it screaming out of tribalism into something resembling a functioning society. They had a falling out, and Mason was Left for Dead. Now he's back for revenge.

He can't just go straight for Axl, though. There's a whole bunch of unruly street gangs between him and Paradise City, and he's gotta get through them first.

Roadkill exhibits the following tropes:[]


  Sentinel: "That's illegal!"


 "Is your name Mason?"

"Yeah, last time I checked."


  "Put me in, coach. I'm ready to play."

  • Refuge in Audacity: Often.
  • The Remnant: The Section 8s gang of Blister Canyon appear to be the vestiges of the US military. However, they soon appear to be a bit... well, flowery.
  • Sequel Hook: In the ending, Mason receives a radio transmission from a settlement somewhere out in the wastes that is under attack. He decides to go help, saying something like "Here we go again."
  • Sidekick: A Daredevils guy (who happens to not be a clown or English-sounding) joins Mason at the beginning of the game, manning the turret gun of his cars, ostensibly to keep an eye on him for the Daredevils boss. By the end of the game, the two are Fire-Forged Friends.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: Regularly.
  • Wanted Meter: If Mason starts causing a lot of havoc, the letters R, I, O, T will appear on your HUD. Get a full "Riot" and the Sentinels will come gunning for him.
  • Weaponized Car: Yup.
  • Wide Open Sandbox: Sort of. You're free to drive around the cities in-between story missions, but there's not much to do besides races, search for parts to make new cars, and cause random havoc.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Axl, though this might be pushing it. He's a total Jerkass.
  • Witty Banter: Aside from the main characters themselves, the radio show personalities are really funny to listen to, especially the two hosts of WYLD 66.6 interviewing The Fuzz Brothers, The gravely-voiced Thunder Bob, host of the classic rock station, and the two midwestern-sounding guys who host a talk show about cars and weapons.
  • Wretched Hive: All three cities. Lava Falls and Blister Canyon are pretty overt about it, whereas Paradise City has a thin veil of order maintained by the Sentinels' Police Brutality. The people there do have a somewhat better standard of living then the other areas. Regardless, it's largely Played for Laughs.
  • Vehicular Combat: And nothing but. What, do you really want to get out of your car in a world like this?
  • Visionary Villain: Axl again.
  • The Virus: The Rot. It's mostly a Backstory point, though. By the time the game takes place it's already run it's course.
  • X Meets Y: Twisted Metal meets Grand Theft Auto.