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File:RoadToMorocco 1942.jpg
This is the screwiest picture I was ever in.

Bing Crosby and Bob Hope reprise their earlier success with the third in their series of "Road To" pictures. In Road to Morocco, the hapless duo are castaways on a desert shore where they employ snappy dialog, asides to the camera, and a little song and dance as they woo Dorothy Lamour across the dunes, but not before encountering a spitting camel.

Road to Morocco was added to the National Film Registry in 1996.

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In addition to the tropes that are common to the franchise, tropes used in Road to Morocco include:
  • Award Bait Song: "Moonlight Becomes You". It has its own page on The Other Wiki.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Hope's character gets his hands on a magic ring – that acts as a Literal Genie. An imprisoned Jeff and Orville are given a ring which grants wishes, but are told it doesn't work for everyone. They're also given two poison tablets to use in case the ring doesn't work for either of them. When the ring doesn't work for Jeff, Orville begins to swallow a tablet, and then...

Orville: (to the sky) Set the table, Aunt Lucy, there'll be two more for dinner... Boy, I sure wish I had a drink.
(a drink appears in Orville's hand)
Jeff: Junior! Junior, It worked! How about that, the magic ring, it worked on you!
Orville: Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle!
(Orville turns into, well, a monkey)

  • Book Ends: The movie starts and ends with the boys adrift at sea.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Too many to list them all.
    • At one point, they need to disguise themselves as locals, and Hope says something about, "No problem; Special Effects will take care of it." Then he calls out, "Hey, Special Effects!" and their clothing is immediately transformed into local garb.
    • From the song "Road to Morocco":

For any villains we may meet
We haven't any fear
Paramount will protect us 'cause
We're signed for five more years.

    • After Bob's recap exposition:

Bing: "I know all that!"
Bob: "Yeah, but the people who came in the middle of the picture don't."
Bing: "You mean they missed my song?"


"Like Webster's dictionary, we're Morocco bound"


I hear this country's where they do the dance of the seven veils
We'd tell you more, but we would have the censor on our tails
