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The Crowning Moment of Heartwarming page for the films, books and other media based around the legends of Robin Hood.

The Adventures of Robin Hood[]

  • Just about any scene with Much the Miller and Bess in it.
  • When Robin bursts in through the dungeon door after defeating Gisborne and Marian runs into his arms. It's the smile that does it.

BBC's Robin Hood[]

  • Marian's father is killed and Guy chooses a very bad time to make a move on her, so she runs distraught and heart-broken into her bedroom...where Robin is already waiting for her.
  • When Much says of Djaq: "Djaq may be a girl, but she's one of the lads."
  • Allan and Will's handshake just before Prince John's army attacks Nottingham in Walkabout.
  • Many found Will and Djaq's declarations of love in the Barn Scene of Ick to be impossibly cheesy - but just hit the mute button and let the actors' faces do the talking. The way they light up in esctasy when they realize that they love each other is just gorgeous.
  • John (of York) and Beatrice's forest wedding. D'aww.
  • When Djaq tells Allan: "I believe you're a good man," after he clumsily tries to confess to her about the fact that he's been selling outlaw secrets to Guy. Also something of a Tear Jerker considering it's the last time they ever interact on-screen and the end of their quasi-romantic friendship.
  • Robin and Marian's Together in Death scene at the end of season 3. After what is initially a fairly formal reunion in which they reiterate their love for one another, Robin suddenly grabs Marian around the waist and swings her around in a circle, with all the playfulness and joy that's always been the hallmark of their relationship. The last thing we hear is Marian's happy giggling echoing up through the trees.
  • John's been rescued, and Robin gives him back his tags -well, one of them. Where's the other? His son knows: "I shall never forget! My father is a comrade of Robin Hood!"

Robin Hood: Men in Tights[]

  • The song "Marian", it may be a parody but it's still a very adorably song, especially with the soft rock cover version that plays during the end credits.

Robin Hood (2010 film)[]


 Robin: I love you, Marian.

  • When Marion surrenders to her grief and rests against Robin's shoulder as his hand comes up to stroke her hair. Quite possibly the most intimate scene in the whole movie - even more so than their goodbye kiss or kiss in the surf.
  • The fact that Russell Crowe talked Alan Doyle into auditioning for the role of Allan a Dale because he wanted to do a movie with his friend and thought this was a perfect match definitely qualifies.