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  • Base Breaker: Of all the updates, the BC-only place option update did this the most.
    • Several other Base Breakers included disallowing free users to get Robux, the update that changed jumping physics, making the 2010 Easter event only fun for Builders' Club, gear, constantly making Robux-only items, and the advent of Turbo and Outrageous Builders' Club.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome/Best Level Ever: Some users have made things that are truly badass. Like:
    • Cruiser: Hyperspace. It can easily be confused for a flash game, and even the creators themselves like it! Probably the best usage of scripts and GUIs in any place.
    • 2D games when there are 3D games? Holy hell, Mr. Miyamoto.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The classic Roblox theme and Telamon's Sword/Wind of Fjords
  • Demonic Spiders: From the 2010 egg hunt, the Radioactive Egg of Undead Apochalypse constantly spawned zombies (until picked up) that were immune to most non-explosives, faster than the average player, and did fatal amounts of damage in a split-second, making visitors to places without weapons officially screwed.
  • Difficult but Awesome: GUIs require a lot more work and coding, but when mastered it makes the best games.
  • Fandom Rivalry: Most players during 07-08 suffered from the illusion that they were at a war with Blockland.
  • It's the Same, Now It Sucks: Obstacle courses (aka Obbies) are one of the worst offenders to this. All of them have things that have been used a million times before. I dare you to find a course without a balance beam, lava jumps (checkerboards are popular in this category), small platforms, invisible walkways, a maze, or a quiz.
  • Memetic Mutation: The team is quite fond of including memes in item descriptions.
    • "Blame John", although that's more of a staff in-joke.
    • The 2011 TV commercial brought up several, like "IT'S FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" and "DESTROY EVERYTHING!!!"
    • "OOF!".
  • Nightmare Fuel: Some of the scary places, especially those with Nightmare Faces that pop out at you, Sometimes taking up the whole screen.
    • In the 2012 egg hunt place, you had better get that server-destroying egg before the place turns into a white icy desolate world and creepy demonic voices come out of nowhere!
  • Ruined FOREVER: Any major update will do this. Especially the HUD update.
    • The BC-only place option update was not accepted by most non-BC members.
      • Basically, they ended up spamming the BC-only places with claims that they're "starting a riot".
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Some players, notably older users, hate change. EVEN IF IT'S GOOD CHANGE.
    • Roblox can release a new feature, but if it's for the Builder's Club and up, the non-Builder's Club members riot. It happens a lot, given how much they get updated.
    • There also exist "Petitions" for this problem, but they mostly exist on comments, meaning they can just manipulate the petition so that more names show up.