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"This great, Tommy! Can't wait deactivate on bed like real boy!" |
The titular character, a Robot Kid created by Professor Moshimo with the most advanced fighting capabilities on the planet...and the mentality of an 11-year old Japanese exchange student. To keep certain less savory personalities from using him for the wrong purposes, Moshimo sends him to live with Tommy Turnbull, where he learns to become a real boy.
- An Ice Person: Gets a freeze ray in "The Boy Who Cried Kamikazi!"
- Badass
- Become a Real Boy
- Brainwashed and Crazy: In "Crying Time"
- Cain and Abel: With Protoboy.
- The Cassandra: Tommy wouldn't believe him about Sparky being evil in "Dog-Ra". Oops.
- Cassandra Did It: ...Leading to him being blamed for destroying the house when he was trying to defend himself from Sparky in humongous-robot-form.
- Cheerful Child
- Constantly Curious
- Cute Shotaro Bot
- Flying Brick: Hoooooo boy. If we tried to list all his powers starting from episode one, we'd be here all day and then some. Probability calculator, freeze ray, bullets, kung-fu skills, rocket boosters, laser beam, flamethrower...
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Reactivating Protoboy in "Brother".
- The Noseless
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Robotboy Can Breathe In Space
- Super Strength
- Telescoping Robot: He gets bigger during his super activation.
Tommy Turnbull[]
"Professor Moshimo must be in some kind of trouble! Maybe Robotgirl can help us!" |
The other co-protagonist of the show, a fairly average young boy who was chosen by Moshimo to take care of Robotboy and be his teacher of sorts. He has a very good knowledge of robotics and often plays the Straight Man to Gus.
- Adorkable
- All Love Is Unrequited: His crush on Bambi.
- Alliterative Name
- Arch Enemy: Kurt
- Cute Shotaro Boy
- Deuteragonist
- Distressed Dude: A fair few times.
- Hair of Gold
- Mentor Archetype
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Gus's red.
- Satellite Character: If you think about it. He exists for Lola and Gus to have a third friend, Robotboy to have a best friend, Kurt and Donnie to make fun of, and...that's it.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Gus.
- Wide Eyes and Shrunken Irises: In "Valentine's Day" when he sees Bambi walk by.
"Yo, that's the G-man to you!" |
Another friend of Tommy and Robotboy, and was friends with Tommy and Lola even before Robotboy came along. Much less heroic than his friends, but still a good guy at heart.
- Anti-Hero: Type III/IV
- Big Eater
- Book Dumb
- Brought to You by The Letter "S": The stylized "G" on his shirt.
- Butt Monkey
- Extreme Omnivore
Gus: Haha! I ate all your candy! |
- Jerkass/Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Naked People Are Funny: In "Halloween" and at the end of "Tummy Trouble".
- Only One Name
- His last name, although it's not used often, is Bachman-Turner
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Tommy's blue.
- Shipper on Deck: For Tommy/Lola, although it's more that he likes to tease them about it than anything.
- Temporary Bulk Change: The tapeworm in "Tummy Trouble" makes him thin instead of fat.
- Token Evil Teammate
- Vocal Evolution: In earlier episodes, his voice was lower-pitched.
"Hi, boys. Tea?" |
The fourth and last member of Tommy's Nakama and the only girl, as well as the daughter of a famous ambassador.
- Betty and Veronica: Betty to Bambi's Veronica.
- Blue Eyes
- Closer to Earth
- Distressed Damsel: Near the end of "The Manchurian Robot" and "Valentine's Day".
- Magic Skirt
- Nice Girl
- Positive Discrimination
- Smooch of Victory: Gives one to Tommy at the end of "Valentine's Day"
- Smurfette Principle
- Spoiled Sweet
- Token Minority
- Tsundere: Type B, as she's generally nice but can get violent (particularly with Gus) or cold if pushed.
Professor Moshimo[]
"How do you like my new house? Undetectable by radar, and safe from Dr. Kamikazi." |
The scientist who invented Robotboy, as well as Robotgirl and Protoboy. He keeps in touch with Tommy, Gus and Lola to send upgrades for Robotboy or help them fix the problem of the day.
- Balding Of Awesome
- Cool Old Guy
- Expy: Of Professor Oak.
- Gadgeteer Genius: And how.
- Mad Scientist
- Nice Guy
- Non-Action Guy
- Positive Discrimination
Dr. Kamikazi[]
"He's not Ro anymore! He's a finely tuned killer robot...who does exactly what I say. And I say...GET HIM!" |
The main antagonist of the show, an evil scientist who wants to steal/kidnap Robotboy and make an army of Robotboy clones to take over the world.
- Animals Hate Him: Every time he gets a pet. Every. Single. Time.
- Bad Boss
- Big Bad: As if we needed to say it.
- Evil Old Folks
- Failure Is the Only Option
- Kick the Dog: Pretty much describes his entire relationship with Constantine.
- Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: In "Teasebots".
- Large Ham
- Mad Scientist: "Frozen sea monkeys, ATTAAAAAAACK!"
- Miniature Senior Citizens
- Pet the Dog: He has attempted this countless times with his various pets. It never works.
"Ah, boss, I'd be happier if you'd have some milk." |
Kamikazi's ever-loyal sidekick.
- Affably Evil
- Anti-Villain
- Butt Monkey: Being abused by Kamikazi in every possible way has got to count for something.
- Camp Straight
- The Dragon
- Pet the Dog: He tried to save Salvatorei the gerbil from being made into Kamikazi's soup in "Teasebots".
- Supreme Chef
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: "Oh, shut your trap, boss! That snake gives me the heebie-jeebies!"
Donnie Turnbull[]
- Annoying Older Sibling: Can be this to Tommy at times.
- Big Brother Bully: To Tommy Turnbull.
- Big Ol' Unibrow
- Butt Monkey: In some episodes.
- Death Glare
- Demoted to Extra: He rarely appears in season 4.
- Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: Foolish silbing, to Tommy's responsible sibling.
- Jerkass
- Laser-Guided Karma/Karma Houdini: In The Donnieantor, Remote Out of Control, Double Tommy, Up a Tree, The Old Switcharabot, Donnie Turnbull's Day Off, and The Revenge of Protoboy. His Parents never ground or punish him for bullying Tommy.
Debbie Turnbull[]
Dwight Turnbull[]
- Bumbling Dad
- Jerkass
- Parental Favoritism: He Prefers Donnie over Tommy.
"Protoboy no so easy to destroy! And now get revenge on brother!" |
Moshimo's first robot and Robotboy's big brother, he was turned evil by Kamikazi, but turned out to be too insane to control and had to be deactivated.
- Ax Crazy: Dear God.
- Big Brother Bully
- Cain and Abel
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: A one-off gag in "The Revenge of Protoboy", when a call from his wife stops him from destroying Robotboy at the last second.
- Evil Counterpart: To Robotboy
- Face Monster Turn
- Gone Horribly Right: Kamikazi intended to make him evil...and overdid it.
- Grand Theft Me: Trades motherboards with a fainted Robotboy in "The Old Switcharobot".
- Jacob Marley Warning: In a sense.
- Psycho Prototype
- The Sociopath
- Would Hit a Girl: "The Return of Robotgirl"
"We have fun. Play now. Yes, please?" |
A female clone of Robotboy created to keep him company at Moshimo's house when Tommy had to leave for a two-week camping trip.
- Badass Adorable / Cute Bruiser: Averted in "Robotgirl" where she doesn't know how to fight, but played straight in "The Return of Robotgirl".
- Break the Cutie: Right before "The Return of Robotgirl".
- Cheerful Child
- Distaff Counterpart
- FemBot
- Genki Girl
- Palette Swap
- Pink Means Feminine: Her bow, gloves, skirt, eyes, boots and "ears".
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Technicolor Eyes: Well, she is a robot...
- Zettai Ryouiki: Grade B/C.