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Fridge Brilliance[]

  • The whole thing is so fucked up because it is a dream that a sick little kid is having!

Fridge Horror[]

  • There are actually two in this movie. When Edmond and the gang are tied up in the trailer and Hunch breaks in to try to kill them, we see a tiger skin rug. Heck, Hunch even gets bitten by it. Now, a tiger skin rug would be perfectly normal if this wasn't a city inhabited by animals. Think about that for a moment.
  • The second one is about Hunch. Notice his thin, bare, pink neck. He's supposed to be a pygmy owl, right? Pygmy owls - heck, no owl has a thin neck like that. That neck of his most likely used to have feathers covering it. It's made quite obvious that the Duke hates Hunch and abuses him. So, how do you think Hunch lost all those feathers?
    • He shaved?
  • Make that three. When we are first introduced to the Duke's owl henchmen, there are six of them (besides Hunch). These same six owls appear alongside the Duke throughout the movie. Then comes the scene when the Duke turns into a tornado. Here, there are only five owls. You don't think that the Duke and the other owls got a bit too hungry after Edmond and the gang ruined their picnic, do you?
  • I'm probably not the only one who thinks Hunch, from Rock-a-Doodle, barely looks like an owl and that's mainly because he has a thin neck, unlike pygmy owls normally do. One might notice that his neck looks like bare skin or as if he used to have fur or feathers covering it. If you pay attention to the kitchen scene with the whole "adequate pipe" mixup, you'll know that the Duke tends to abuse his nephew. Getting the picture? No? Well, what if I told you that, possibly, Hunch used to look something like this?

Fridge Logic:[]

  • There are quite a few scenes that make zero sense. One of the first comes early on, when Edmond realizes he's naked, covering himself in embarrassment (though he doesn't appear to have anything to cover up). To help cover himself up, he puts on a long-sleeved shirt... which still leaves his lower half completely exposed.
    • The first scene can be explained by pure instinct. He is probably shocked to find himself in a cat's body and naked, and since humans have a naked taboo (and he is in the middle of more than a few strangers), he does what is natural. The later probably comes as the shock wears off and he realizes he isn't exactly as exposed as he thought and there are INFINITELY more pressing issues to deal with.
  • Another instance of this is when the club Chanticleer is playing at bans all cats, mice, dogs and birds. How do Edmond and the gang sneak in? By dressing as penguins...
    • Well, they heard that they were supposed to "bring their penguin suits" (i.e. wear tuxedos)...
      • Ignoring the Blunt Metaphors Trauma, everyone attending the concert must wear a penguin costume. Because...?
      • The Frog Bouncers are pretty dumb. There was a guy selling penguin suits right outside the entrance and they still let everybody in. They got very specific intructions about which types of birds to not let in.
    • And isn't Chanticleer a bird? (Prepare to suffer a Psychic Nosebleed...)
      • Chaunticleer's a VIP. He goes in through the stage door.
  • To say nothing of the glaring question, if Chanticleer is needed to make the sun rise, why did it rise that one time without his help?
    • Unkle Dukey did it, maybe?
      • More practical explanation: Chanticleer's crowing awakens the sun every morning. One morning it accidentally wakes up a little early, then (as shown in the movie) it basically realizes its "alarm clock" (Chanticleer's crowing) hasn't gone off yet and goes back to bed.
      • Chanticleer's crow energizes the sun. There was a little bit of left-over from yesterday's crow so the sun came up a little. Once it ran out of crowing energy, it went back down until Chanticleer's super-crow, which super-energized it, causing it to rise straight to the middle of the sky.
  • When Goldie (a pheasant) loses her shoes, we get a closeup of her (albeit, stockinged) feet, which seem human-like with toes etc. However, doesnt every other birdlike-entity in the movie have talons?
    • All other birds in the movie at least look like birds. Goldie is essencially a human with a fowl head.