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  • Bright Man has an attack similar to Protectos the Goreroid from Mega Man ZX, where he launches a powerful explosive towards the wall. To avoid the resulting attack, you have to stand in Bright Man's shadow, similar to the way you had to avoid Protectos' nuke.
    • This attack also bears similarity to the attack used by Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright from Kirby's Dream Land 2.
    • Spark. Manbow is Kine's Spark ability from the same game.
  • There is an Homage to the Labyrinth Zone in Toad Man's level.
    • If Toad Man hits Mega Man with Toad Spell, he turns into a frog from For the Frog The Bell Tolls.
      • To further cement in the reference, Toad Man's stage theme is the overworld theme from that game.
    • When Mega Man uses Toad Spell, the stars from the casting animation from the NES version of Final Fantasy III surround him.
    • The Wish Star Adapter is based on Rinoa's Wishing Star Limit Break.
  • The Trio of Ring-Rings in Ring Man's stage have the same AI patterns as Lalala and Lololo.
  • The way to unlock the secret path to Wave Man in Dive Man's stage looks a lot like Samus using the Power Bomb to unlock Maridia.
  • The Cube Rush shows up as the last challenge before the Boss Battle in Dust Man's stage.
    • Using Recycle Inhaler on the purple Up'N'Down enemies causes them to give chase to Mega Man for a while before exploding, in a similar fashion to the Scarfy enemy from the Kirby series.
  • Mothraya, Square Machine and Bubble Devil use the same attack patterns as the X-Hunters.
  • In the second half of Wily Stage 1, Mega Man can hijack a Sniper Armor, an Apache Joe Chopper, Gunner Joe spacecraft, and a Cannon Joe cannon. All of this is based on the Ride Chaser and Ride Armor sequences from Mega Man X.
  • The Auto Scrolling second half of Wily Stage 2 is based on the high speed zones from the Gradius series.
  • Shadow Man as the Bonus Boss of Wily Stage 4 pulls his moves et from the Ninja ability from Kirby Super Star and Phantom from the first Mega Man Zero game.
  • The Auto Scrolling section of Wily's last stage is based off of the Halberd destruction sequence from Revenge of Meta Knight. It even uses the same music.
    • To complete the reference, Mega Man uses Hell Wheel (a decidedly Wheel-esque power) for this section.
  • The section after Wily Capsule Boss Fight is based on the organic final level of Gradius 2.
  • The Wily Buster is basically Samus's Hyper Beam from Super Metroid.
  • The credits have the theme of Fire Emblem. Like in that game's credits, it counts the combined amount of times the unit (or in this case, boss) won and lost a fight.
    • When you do a critical hit with any weapon, the damage is triple the usual amount. In the Fire Emblem series, any attack with a critical hit gets a multiplier of 3.
  • One type of Up'N'Down, according to the credits, is named Dig'N'Dugn.
  • The Mechanical Arena is basically The Arena from Kirby Super Star, with four health pickups in the hub area.