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File:Rock sugar.jpg

Rock Sugar is a Los Angeles-based band known for their mashups of pop music and Heavy Metal from the 1980s.

The band's fictitious backstory claims the sound was achieved when the metal band was stranded on a desert island in 1989 with a CD player, plenty of batteries and the CD collection of a 13-year-old girl. Upon their rescue in 2009, they went right back to rocking, heavy metal-style... only twenty years of exposure to 80s pop had taken its toll. The result was ... very different.

They released their debut CD, Reimaginator in 2010. It takes 34 classic pop and hard rock classics and fuses them into a baker's dozen surprisingly well done and infectious examples of pop-metal.

Rock Sugar's tour schedule includes rock festivals, once sharing the stage with members of Guns N' Roses. They have also performed for foundations including the Toby Keith Foundation in Oklahoma and Larry the Cable Guy's Git-R-Done Foundation, as well as the Mid-South Rally for the Wounded Warrior Project, Mississippi. They have made a number of television appearances, and shows in Las Vegas, Lake Tahoe, Arkansas, Montana and at the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles.

Their home page can be found here. And more than a few of their songs can be found on YouTube.


  • Jess Harnell (lead singer)
  • Alexander Track (drummer, keyboardist and vocalist)
Track, who is President and CEO of Track Entertainment Studios, also co-produced, recorded, engineered and co-mixed Rock Sugar's debut CD, Reimaginator.
  • Chuck Duran (lead guitarist and vocals)
  • Ken Cain (bassist)
Cain replaced Rock Sugar's original bassist, Johnny Five, who left the band in 2011.
Rock Sugar (band) provides examples of the following tropes:
  • Fake Band: Well, they're a real band, but they have a completely fictional Backstory to excuse their mash-ups.
  • Popholm Syndrome: Well, that's what calls the effect that 20 years of exposure to nothing but 80s pop had on this once-promising metal band.
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